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N-E Café Podcast


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I’m listening to the latest episode on my iPhone and it seems like the dialogue volume has been set really low. I’ve got my device on max volume and can barely hear it where usually I’ve had no problem. I’ve just upgraded to iOS14 so thought it might have been that, but other podcasts seem to be fine - not sure if there is anything you can do on that front but thought I’d mention it.

Other than that, still really enjoying the show. I’m slow to listen to it so haven’t commented much, but keep up the good work!

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It could be a combination of factors, I can't imagine what the Podcast is like to listen to volume wise on a phone, it sounds fine on a PC but I know Podcasts are typically more something which is probably better/easier to listen to on the go.

I will note that on my end, it had been a while since I last helped out on any episodes of the Podcast, I noticed at the time that Skype had messed about with the volume levels on what is a good quality mic, ever since then I've had to manually adjust it in the main settings just so it's usable, so there's that.

Also, I know @Londragon put together the Podcast this week and I know that @Nicktendo usually puts it together but we're all standing in this week. Besides, I don't even know how much of a difference that makes, so I wouldn't like to say, I'm just listing the variables, things which were different this time, Lee, Nick and Greg know a lot more about editing than I do.

I'm inclined to think that it may well be Skype causing the initial low volume on my mic, which might have had a knock on effect on everything else, I think I know how to fix that now, so it shouldn't be a problem if I'm required for any future episodes of the Podcast.

TL;DR - technology :p

I'm really glad that everyone is still enjoying the Podcast though and it was great fun to be a part of it this week :) listening back to my parts though, there are a few areas which I could improve upon, I'll work on that for another time as I think I could do with speaking in a clear and concise tone, I'm aware that I try to read out certain words a bit too quickly, also I become aware of any pauses or repetition, try to recover then carry on, I think that takes its toll a bit as well.

There was some great conversation in there though, especially from Greg and Lee, plus I did like how the Sea of Thieves bit went as I think that's a game which I have enjoyed, so it was great to get to talk about a recent rare game on a Nintendo podcast, especially as it's not on a Nintendo system. :peace: (I would love a Switch port though of it or Rare Replay)

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1 hour ago, will' said:

I’m listening to the latest episode on my iPhone and it seems like the dialogue volume has been set really low. I’ve got my device on max volume and can barely hear it where usually I’ve had no problem. I’ve just upgraded to iOS14 so thought it might have been that, but other podcasts seem to be fine - not sure if there is anything you can do on that front but thought I’d mention it.

Other than that, still really enjoying the show. I’m slow to listen to it so haven’t commented much, but keep up the good work!

The main issue is that Audacity (what we use to record our audio independently) and Skype absolutely hate each other. There are various settings in both programmes that need to be adjusted so they don't mess with each other. With Sam being called upon at late notice, we probably didn't think of correcting everything before recording started and once it's done, you're basically screwed. 

Sam's audio is famously low volume, but again, that's all down to settings and interference from other programs. You can set it up perfect when you start recording and in the background it will change unnoticed. To be fair, I only think about this stuff in editing, so probably wouldn't have mentioned anything to Sam until it would've been too late. Basically, it's a bitch to get everything to work right, even if you think you're ready to go when you start recording.

Even now after 30+ episodes we have fluctuating levels every week, nothing is ever consistent. Sometimes Lee is loud, sometimes noticeably quieter, sometimes a little too quiet. It's a lottery. Greg's audio often peaks when he laughs (these aren't complaints by the way lads :laughing:). My mic constantly picks up tiny little knocks as huge thuds. Annoying. But anyway, we all have different set-ups and different quality mics, so that's a huge factor too.

I've put about 20 hours into YouTube tutorials with Audacity, and obviously have over 100 hours experience using it now, so I can deal with most problems that come up. I can balance everything pretty perfectly now and can remove 99% of background noise (fireworks not included). It takes bloody ages to prepare everything and lay the groundwork so to speak before I actually start editing the audio and putting the transition tunes, ending music, podcast extras etc into it, but I've slowly been getting it down to a fine art. One episode takes around two hours now, whereas before it was closer to four. It's funny going back and listening to the first 1-5 episodes because the editing and the levels are appalling compared to now. Think I do a pretty decent job where we are now and it definitely sounds just as good as other (non-professional) gaming podcasts. 

It hasn't gone unnoticed either, I told my boss about the N-E Cafe and she got me to do a podcast for her company (education website). Best part is that I actually get paid for that one :grin: Not as fun as talking about games though... but my editing exploits bore some fruit I guess. That's why I was absent from the latest episode, by the way. My boss went on holiday this week and we recorded 4 podcasts to cover that time on Friday and Saturday. Guess who had to edit them all? Couldn't cope with a fifth, especially on a Sunday :indeed: One week hiatus. 

I'm proper grateful that Lee stepped in this week to edit. It's been ages since he had to edit a podcast and I think he did a great job at such short notice. 

Edit: oh and I had no idea what the Transition Tunes were this week, Lee. Wanted to say Animal Crossing but I knew it wasn't. Tricky.

Edited by Nicktendo
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Thanks for clearing up the audio stuff Nick, you've explained it a lot better than I could have. :)

I think you all do a fantastic job with the podcast, personally I've never had a problem listening to the podcast during any week, I think that's down to good editing and this week was no exception but I'm definitely more critical when it comes to the audio on my side because I could tell that it was coming through a lot quieter, I can sort it out now via the mic settings but I'm willing to learn more about how those settings interact, as it sounds like a nightmare, but it would be a good thing if I could improve the audio on my side for the possibility of standing in again, if required. :peace:

It sounds like you've had a heck of a lot to do, I was unaware that you've been editing other podcasts as well, but that's excellent, I'm glad to hear that the skills you've built up are coming in useful, the same goes for Lee and Greg as well, as I know you have your own channels which you work on which is great. :D

Maybe we can start highlighting videos from all of your channels and maybe some other independent channels given to us through recommendations on the forums? So long as they are videogame related and link back to Nintendo or retro games in general, just a thought, it might be good to get a bit of cross-promotion going. :smile:

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Yeah, @will' Sam's audio was coming in low, so turned it up when editing to as high as I could without comprising the quality.  But, when I played it back on my iPad it all sounded fine.  A tiny bit quieter than usual, but no great difference.  That's strange?

But, as Nick said, Audacity and Skype are not bed fellows, and with them both updating their programs periodically (Skype mostly), it throws a spanner in the works often, in terms of recording and editing.

Not to mention, the 'deliberate' 'mistake' at the end of last week's podcast, truely showing how long ago I last edited a podcast.  I'll be apologising during the opening for my brazen, misplaced advertising. :laughing:

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I think you guys that do the editing do a fantastic job.  I haven’t noticed any audio issues.  I tend to listen to it through the Podcasts app on iPhone, although usually through headphones and I adjust the volume at the beginning for anything I listen to regardless.

Well done @S.C.G for stepping in last week.  I thought you sounded more passionate as it went along, which I thought was good.  

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N-E Café [036] Overstepping The Mark is now available at all good podcast providers, and some not so good ones, too.  We're literally everywhere.

Episode 36 of the N-E Café has regular hosts Lee Davies, Gregory Moffett and returning Mars conqueror, Nick Lone.  They discuss the latest Nintendo News; games they’ve been playing, featuring Doom (2016), Kotodama: The Seven Mysteries of Fujisawa and Flingsmash (Wii); and this week we have a Listener Question from Daniel Wu relating to copyright laws.

This is episode 36 of the N-E Café Podcast, an N-Europe Podcast. Enjoy!

⦁ Intro Music: ARMS Main theme (Super Smash Bros. Ultimate remix)

⦁ Introductions: 0:00:25

⦁ Nintendo News: 0:03:14

⦁ PodPals Voting: 0:37:03

⦁ Download Delights: 0:41:03

⦁ Doom (2016): 0:48:55

⦁ Kotodama: The Seven Mysteries of Fujisawa: 0:53:51

⦁ Flingsmash (Wii): 1:02:22

⦁ Listener Question: Copyrights: 1:12:39

⦁ Closing: 1:29:15

⦁ Podcast Extras: 1:30:57

Can you guess what game the Transition Tunes come from?  If they ring a bell, get in touch with us, or if you have a Listener's Question you’d like to discuss, contact us right here.


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I found it funny that you went on a small rant about Mario games rarely having new characters & villains... because of a game that indeed introduces a new villain :heh: Just saying, from what I've seen, Origami King might not be a good example of that setting stagnation you were talking about (and I do agree it's there, I alluded to it in my recent Super Mario Land 2 post)

Didn't know Rock of Ages 3 was to come out! Didn't even play the second one.

That Kotodama game... second time a game you talked about in a podcast reminds me of Huniepop. This one seems to have a mystery/occult aspect to it, though.

Regarding Let's Plays, I know streamer personality is a big part of it. The Game Grumps got super popular mainly because they're funny and chill at the same time, not just because of the games they play. I've also checked a few of Kyle Bosman's streams, since he usually checks out less known gems (and his weird sarcasm and opinions pop up a lot). There's also the satisfaction of seeing someone's raw reaction to something in a videogame (though for those you'll likely skip to the appropriate parts).
But it's true that I cannot, for the life of me, figure out why youngsters like personalities like Pewdiepie, or watching random streams of Fortnite. That's still a mystery to me, much to my chagrin.

Anyway, as for my guess...


I think the game Nick hates is Pilotwings. It's an unconventional genre, and also, it's the only one he got pretty much by accident/happenstance. I suppose it could also be Untitled Goose Game, but he said he'd be willing to buy it, which runs counter to his disdain.


Oh, and the transition tune is Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze, or whatever.


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I don’t understand the sheer popularity of Let’s Play streams either.  Unless the person playing is good at the game (eg., speedrunners) then I struggle to watch & just get frustrated when they (fail to) do something I would’ve done if I was playing.

Streaming the ends of games is a tough one.  I don’t see a problem with it, especially, like you said on the Podcast, for games that are a few years old.  I am heavily against spoilers though without warning (eg., putting a spoiler in the description or thumbnail).  I’m still trying to avoid spoilers for games a few years old (or more) that I intend to play at some point (e.g., Mario Odyssey, Final Fantasy VII, Mass Effect), but you would expect to see the endings for streams playing through a game.


It sounds a similar style to Jonas’ guess, but I don’t think I’ve heard any of those tunes before.  If somehow no-one’s guessed it yet, I’ll go for Flingsmash after it was featured this week.  Never heard or played it though, and after hearing about it this week I don’t think that’s going to change any time soon! 😂


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N-E Café [037] It’s on the Back of the Box Again is now live at all good podcast providers.

Episode 37 of the N-E Café has hosts Lee Davies, Gregory Moffett and Nick Lone discussing the latest Nintendo News; games they’ve been playing, featuring Lonely Mountains: Downhill, Greg’s Wii-naisance and What Remains of Edith Finch; and this week we have a return of the Back of the Box game.

This is episode 37 of the N-E Café Podcast, an N-Europe Podcast. Enjoy!

⦁ Intro Music: Super Mario Galaxy 2 - Throwback Galaxy

⦁ Introductions: 0:00:25

⦁ Nintendo News: 0:02:45

⦁ PodPals Voting: 0:40:46

⦁ Sales Data: 0:41:39

⦁ Download Delights: 0:45:34

⦁ Lonely Mountains: Downhill: 0:52:26

⦁ Greg’s Wii-naisance: 1:04:27

⦁ What Remains of Edith Finch: 1:12:09

⦁ Back of the Box: 1:20:56

⦁ Closing: 1:49:55

Can you guess what game the Transition Tunes come from?  If they ring a bell, get in touch with us, or if you have a Listener's Question you’d like to discuss, contact us right here.


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Have had this on in the background today while working, another great episode I’m enjoying.

The Nintendo employee stats are quite interesting. The exec salaries seem low when in the Western context but those are quite insane salaries for Japan. I don’t think many people realize how flat company structures can be and that there isn’t too much of a difference between a junior member of staff and someone quite senior. Someone with Miyamoto’s background would be earning many multiples more in the West, but also probably wouldn’t have had the early career support like he had at Nintendo.

The length of employment is also a huge difference. Jobs for life are still a thing in Japan. It’s very common for people to spend their whole career in one company without even considering leaving. I was actually surprised the average length of service wasn’t higher, but it’s probably mostly dragged down by new recruits rather than people actually leaving.

Edited by will'
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First things first, those voice impersonations were so much better than I was expecting! Great stuff! 😄

There really does seem to be a common theme of concern as to whether Nintendo do actually any other new games coming this year, which we’re all with you in thinking!

Thanks for the recommendation of Edith Finch. I’ve got it but hadn’t built the motivation to give it a go, but that review has gotten me excited to get around to playing it.

The back of the box game was enjoyable once again!


Surely it’s Billy Hatcher & the Giant Egg.  Just hearing that final tune brought a goofy smile to my face!  Loose controls but a shame it hasn’t yet received a sequel.


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Good to hear your opinions on Edith Finch, as you said, that game is a classy piece of storytelling art.

The only thing I got on this sale was the Castlevania Anniversary Collection. I can control myself with these sales unless a collection is involved, apparently.

I got very few of the box-back descriptions this time... probably because I didn't know most of those games :heh: I did get the "dead man walking" game within the first 3-4 words (as in, I shouted it while driving. Nailed it).

For further clarification, "Another Code" is for the DS, while "Another Code R" is for the Wii.

Regarding Nintendo being secretive about release dates, I don't think they're dry for the rest of the year, or anything, but with Covid, the cancellation of E3 and all that, I think they're just uncertain of what's going to happen by the end of the year, and they'd rather not promise/announce anything they might need to delay (Nintendo being such a conservative company, we know they're cautious like that, playing their cards close to their chest). Judging from Origami King, it does feel like they're willing to release semi-big games as shortly as one month after announcement, so I'd expect even shorter timespans for any smaller releases for the rest of the year.

Oh, and the Partner Mini-Direct likely came about because they might need to announce certain trailers or release dates at a specific point (or within a certain timeframe).
3rd Party deals/agreements can lead to weirdly specific actions or decisions.

Edited by Jonnas
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N-E Café [038] A Very Challenging 30 Days is now available at all good podcast providers.

Recorded on the 2nd of August, 2020

Episode 38 of the N-E Café has hosts Lee Davies, Gregory Moffett and Nick Lone discussing the latest Nintendo News; games they’ve been playing, featuring Donut County, Donkey Kong Country, GRID: Autosport Online, Fall Guys, F1 2020, Red Dead Redemption 2, and Wii Game Colin McRae’s Dirt 2; and this week we sum up the 30 Day Video Game Challenge that kept us enraptured over the past month.

This is episode 38 of the N-E Café Podcast, an N-Europe Podcast. Enjoy!

⦁ Intro Music: 1080 Snowboarding - Vacant Lives

⦁ Introductions: 0:00:23

⦁ Nintendo News: 0:03:22

⦁ PodPals Winner: 0:26:40

⦁ Download Delights: 0:28:15

⦁ Donut County: 0:38:15

⦁ Fall Guys & GRID: 0:41:07

⦁ Colin McRae Dirt 2: 0:49:17

⦁ F1 2020 & Red Redemption 2: 0:51:54

⦁ Donkey Kong Country: 0:55:50

⦁ Topic of the Week: 30 Day Gaming Challenge: 1:03:57

⦁ Closing: 1:49:10

Can you guess what game the Transition Tunes come from?  If they ring a bell, get in touch with us, or if you have a Listener's Question you’d like to discuss, contact us right here.


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  • Londragon changed the title to N-E Café Podcast

Currently about half an hour into the podcast, but I have to already mention Street Racer, which indeed had a soccer mode:


I had it on the SNES and I loved it. Maybe I even played it more than Mario Kart but that is mainly because we got Mario Kart pretty late in the SNES's lifecycle at our home. It had a colourful cast of characters (allright, quite some racial stereotypes but hey it was the 90s), who all had a different special move. Plus you could whack each other Road Rage style. It also had a pretty cool battle mode. I think this also supported 4 players if you had the thingy which allowed you to plug in 4 controllers:


We never had the Multitap but it was a fun game to play in 2-player mode.

Further, my TT guess is:


Stardew Valley


Edited by Vileplume2000
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4 hours ago, Vileplume2000 said:

Currently about half an hour into the podcast, but I have to already mention Street Racer, which indeed had a soccer mode:


I had it on the SNES and I loved it. Maybe I even played it more than Mario Kart but that is mainly because we got Mario Kart pretty late in the SNES's lifecycle at our home. It had a colourful cast of characters (allright, quite some racial stereotypes but hey it was the 90s), who all had a different special move.

That's the one I was on about! Remember having a lot of fun. Think I must've rented it a couple of times because we definitely didn't own it.

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Okay, so:

  • I was definitely tempted to buy The Messenger and participate on the PodPals, but after giving it some thought, I'm going to have a pretty busy August. I also have other things on my backlog (specifically, Indies on my Switch) I'd like to clear before buying more stuff, too. As such, I'll have to skip PodPals this month, my apologies;
  • That said, Flashback was crazy cheap, like you mentioned. I did get it, but I threw it into the back of the line;
  • Fonts and icons are the sort of thing that, when well made, nobody notices. But when it's garish or otherwise terrible, it feels like a big thorn. It mostly annoys me when a medieval-style RPG has a very computer or typewriter-looking font. Like, gee, guys, thanks for reminding me that ASCII and Pentiums are a thing when I'm trying to immerse myself into a world of swords and horses;
  • Fun fact: if you go to the eShop and search for Resident Evil, you'll see the non-capitalized "resident evil 4"... and also every other available game from the series on the eShop, properly capitalized. It's only RE4 - or rather, re4 - that got the lazy title work;
  • I had already read Nick's DKC impressions in the Gaming Diary thread, and I respect his view (a lot of people do prefer DKC2), but personally, DKC1 is my favourite of the trilogy. Much like in Sonic, there's this steady progression from "Pleasant Nature" to "Hostile Factory" over the game, a subtle bit of escalation that also tells us what the Kremlins are really doing there on the island (as opposed to DKC2, where the order of Swamp, Lava, Hornet, etc. worlds seem arbitrary to me). Feels like more of a lived-in world. I also enjoy the later levels quite a lot (especially the snow levels). I do agree that the bosses are cack, though;
  • Thank you for highlighting one of my posts from the 30 Day Challenge thing! I do love Snipperclips, very whimsical, and does everything I could want out of a puzzle game. I also understand if it happens to appeal to my needs and sensibilities, specifically;
  • Nintendo's kiddy image existed long before Wind Waker was announced. Playstation had Gran Turismo, Final Fantasy, Metal Gear Solid, Tekken, and a slew of other gritty-looking games. Nintendo had Mario & friends as mascots with dozens of games, Pokémon as a major franchise, several franchises with talking animals (I don't care what Starfox's tone is, talking animals always look kid-friendly. Heck, have you tried telling someone that the most notable +18 game on the N64 starred a talking squirrel?), and a fighting game showcasing how colourful their franchises are. Stuff like Metroid and F-Zero was way off the mainstream's radar at the time. Heck, I had friends tell me how stupid Link looked in Soul Calibur when compared to "real" characters like Heihachi and Nightmare. Wind Waker was a pebble on an ocean of preconceptions;
    • All that said, Wind Waker's art style never made me angry, I skipped straight to sadness :heh: What got me annoyed was minor nerdy stuff like Link suddenly having a sister instead of being a Kokiri, or him being on an ocean when Hyrule ak-shua-lly doesn't have a coast! ("These developers know nothing about Zelda! :geek:"). Hopefully I got past that phase!
      Of all things, what convinced me of the game's worth was a feature on the Official Nintendo Website highlight stuff like lighting, torches, and how Link's eyes gravitate towards items you can pick up (like enemy weapons). Made me realise they were aiming for mechanics and environments I never imagined could be important, and that felt like a deserved wake-up smack.

Finally, just to add to that discussion of pseudo-Rocket League games, here is a panel from a Franco-Belgian comic from 1987:


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N-E Café [039] Facing the Competition is now available at all good podcast providers.  While the Greg's away, Lee and Nick do play.

Episode 39 of the N-E Café has hosts Lee Davies and Nick Lone discussing the latest Nintendo News; games they’ve been playing, featuring, Fall Guys and Friday the 13th; and this week our Big Topic, Can Nintendo keep up with the competition?

This is episode 39 of the N-E Café Podcast, an N-Europe Podcast. Enjoy!

⦁ Intro Music: Pikmin 3 - Main Theme

⦁ Introductions: 0:00:23

⦁ Nintendo News: 0:03:11

⦁ PodPals Request: 0:30:56

⦁ Sales Data: 0:32:38

⦁ Download Delights: 0:39:00

⦁ Fall Guys: 0:42:10

⦁ Friday the 13th: 0:50:04

⦁ Topic of the Week: 1:03:11

⦁ Closing: 1:42:03

Can you guess what game the Transition Tunes come from?  If they ring a bell, get in touch with us, or if you have a Listener's Question you’d like to discuss, contact us right here.


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Once again, a lot to talk aboit this week, so for now I'll just take a guess at the Transition Tune


Really annoying, I get the distinct feeling I've heard these tracks before, but I can't place them!

I'll guess Wii Fit because the sound effects are similar. Though I feel I should be able to actually recognise some tracks if that's the case...


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8 hours ago, Jonnas said:

Once again, a lot to talk aboit this week, so for now I'll just take a guess at the Transition Tune

  TT guess (Reveal hidden contents)

Really annoying, I get the distinct feeling I've heard these tracks before, but I can't place them!

I'll guess Wii Fit because the sound effects are similar. Though I feel I should be able to actually recognise some tracks if that's the case...


Right ballpark but it’s not Wii Fit. 

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