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Full interview with Epic for context:

The absolutely required viewing Digital Foundry breakdown is up:

It's kind of crazy that, at least from what I've seen everywhere, this tech demo has a much better reception than Xbox's game reveals last week.

Sony are absolutely in control of their messaging at this point, and are nailing it - what could you give more confidence than having the creator of the Unreal Engine, Tim Sweeney, say that "Sony's PS5 storage system is absolute world class. Best on any platform. Better than any high-end PC. It's a dream come true"? It inspires a sort of confidence in what Mark Cerny was talking about a couple of months ago being the right direction for platform architecture going into this next gen. 

Imagine that once the Ghost of Tsushima State of Play is out of the way tomorrow, we're going to finally see some more about PS5 and it's games in the next two or three weeks. Very excited. 

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1 hour ago, Cookyman said:


That was a solid PS5 tech demo, my level of interest in the console has definitely increased. :)

Visually, it looks like we can expect much of what we've already seen on the PS4... but just more stable and of course... more triangles. :p

What they're doing with the sound is interesting, I was listening to it in surround, not even in the best sound mode and what I heard seemed comparable to something straight out of an Uncharted game, if not ever so slightly better perhaps? Which is high praise, as I remember all of the Uncharted games sounding incredible.

As for the actual game demo itself, I would be very surprised if they don't turn that into some kind of working title, or if indeed it already is a working title which might be ready for launch; because if that really is purely all made for this demo then... well played indeed. :peace:

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43 minutes ago, Julius said:

Sony's PS5 storage system is absolute world class. Best on any platform. Better than any high-end PC.

Sounds like a Trump-quote :D

Anyways, I'm impressed.

Sony knows exactly what they're doing with all these bits and bytes of information they've been throwing out there. They don't need to show much and the entire gaming world is glued to the screen.

High level competition going on between Microsoft and Sony right now. Can only be good for the next generation of gaming :peace:

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I definitely think Sony will show off at least one game that shows off the speed of their SSD. Spiderman 2 or Horizon 2 seem likely. If I recall, the latter was originally intended to have a flying mechanic but was scrapped.

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28 minutes ago, Ronnie said:

Hopefully games games games! A big launch title and actual first party support in its first year please.

Will be interesting to see, that's for sure. Out of interest, supposing they do have some game reveals (and games that are out before long), would you say it paid off for them to hold back announcing anything that last few years? I know you were excited when Paper Mario got announced the other day with only a short time until release.

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8 minutes ago, Sheikah said:

Will be interesting to see, that's for sure. Out of interest, supposing they do have some game reveals (and games that are out before long), would you say it paid off for them to hold back announcing anything that last few years? I know you were excited when Paper Mario got announced the other day with only a short time until release.

I don't think it'd made much of a difference. PS4 has had big first party games since 2017, every 6 months or so there's a big release, which is good. I just don't like how they announce things years in advance and then have nothing to reveal for the last three years of a console's life. It seems weird to me. Maybe it helped sell more consoles in the long run but in terms of engaging your fanbase it just seems a bit lacklustre. 

I much prefer Nintendo's short reveal > release window, with a few big tentpole title reveals sprinkled in that are far off like Zelda or MP4.

They'll (surely) have tons to announce now after three years of radio silence which should be exciting. Obviously third person action games are their thing, and I'm kind of craving one of those right now. 

Edited by Ronnie
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24 minutes ago, Ronnie said:

Hopefully games games games! A big launch title and actual first party support in its first year please.

Man, I really hope so!

Definitely have the feeling that the focus during their touted event is going to be entirely on games and not necessarily on the system itself. Wouldn't surprise me at all if the console, launch date, and price were revealed in the week or so leading up to that event to allow for that, or if they instead just got that out of the way in the first 5-10 minutes. Feel like it would be overshadowed a bit if they went with the latter option, though. 

I'm hoping we see a good amount. One or two exclusive titles in that first two or three months that make up the launch window. I imagine there'll potentially be something from Square Enix (FFVII Remake Pt. 2 tease? FFXVI tease?) and Capcom (Resident Evil), and probably some other Japanese third parties who are on great terms with PlayStation that might want to show something off here, even if it's only a tease for their own event. Way too many rumours being thrown around about PlayStation being on friendly terms with Konami lately, don't want to get my hopes up but man, what a dream that outcome would be. 

Games like Spider-Man 2, God of War 2, Horizon 2, etc., are probably like Q4 2021 at the earliest (and that's being optimistic given the current state of affairs), but it wouldn't surprise me if they have showings for some of those games that are obviously a while off, but can demonstrate the PS5's capabilities and serve as a promise of things to come on the system. It lines up pretty well, with Horizon released Q1 2017, GoW Q2 2018, and Spider-Man Q3 2018, so I think demonstrations like the God of War E3 2016 reveal/demo are somewhat realistic. Again, though, wouldn't be surprised if they scrapped any potential release windows for those games and kept it vague, given COVID-19's impact on their development. 

Either way, I'm very excited to see what's in store, as it looks like we all are. Fingers crossed everything goes to plan for them! 

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1 minute ago, Julius said:

Games like Spider-Man 2, God of War 2, Horizon 2, etc., are probably like Q4 2021 at the earliest

Seriously? I think those are much further along, especially Horizon 2, that has to be their launch game surely. 

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3 minutes ago, Ronnie said:

Seriously? I think those are much further along, especially Horizon 2, that has to be their launch game surely. 

I mean, optimistically, sure, I'd hope so. But Guerrilla always gave me the impression that they're very, very driven to push the Decima engine forward in a lot of ways, and I suppose it depends entirely on their ambitions with this game. If they add flying (as @Goron_3 mentioned could be the case) and climbing mechanics, and it takes place in an entirely new area, then I'm not too sure. But hey, I'd love for it to come out at launch, don't get me wrong! :grin:

But I do think they need to space them out, because they don't have the need to burn all of their first party exclusives in that first year - they're still flying high, and I think this could be more of a "you're investing in this console this Christmas for these games, whether they release this year, the next, or after that". 

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51 minutes ago, Ronnie said:

Seriously? I think those are much further along, especially Horizon 2, that has to be their launch game surely. 

I think we've reached a point where AAA titles now taken around 3 years to make, beginning to end, at the bare minimum. That's before you take into account that Horizon 2 will be launching on new hardware.

I guess the new hardware thing could go either way. It could pose additional challenges or it could actually make things easier as they aren't hindered by the consoles limitations as much. I definitely think either Spiderman or Horizon 2 will be coming in year 1, but not both.

Of course, then there's also the covid situation, which will no doubt delay games to an extent.

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I'd just assume that a lot of the hard work has already been done with the systems, world building, storyline etc in place for these sequels so three years sounds about right. Maybe it'll come in March 2021, 4 years after the original but I'd be surprised if they let Halo + Game Pass on Xbox steal the launch spotlight. I think a big chunk of these two console markets, the COD and FIFA type casual gamers, are pretty fickle and have no problem jumping ship at a moment's notice. Especially when something like Game Pass is so much more marketable and attractive than 'fast SSD' to the average consumer.

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10 minutes ago, Ronnie said:

I'd just assume that a lot of the hard work has already been done with the systems, world building, storyline etc in place for these sequels so three years sounds about right. Maybe it'll come in March 2021, 4 years after the original but I'd be surprised if they let Halo + Game Pass on Xbox steal the launch spotlight. I think a big chunk of these two console markets, the COD and FIFA type casual gamers, are pretty fickle and have no problem jumping ship at a moment's notice. Especially when something like Game Pass is so much more marketable and attractive than 'fast SSD' to the average consumer.

I honestly think Microsoft are making a big mistake by making Halo a cross gen game. It should be their system seller that pushes the boundaries of the new console in a way that the older consoles couldn't do. We're getting incredible leaps in CPU and SSD speeds and yet their flagship title is also going to release on Xbox One S :/

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55 minutes ago, Ronnie said:

I'd just assume that a lot of the hard work has already been done with the systems, world building, storyline etc in place for these sequels so three years sounds about right. Maybe it'll come in March 2021, 4 years after the original but I'd be surprised if they let Halo + Game Pass on Xbox steal the launch spotlight. I think a big chunk of these two console markets, the COD and FIFA type casual gamers, are pretty fickle and have no problem jumping ship at a moment's notice. Especially when something like Game Pass is so much more marketable and attractive than 'fast SSD' to the average consumer.

I don't think Halo has anywhere near the pull it once had, so I don't think Sony have much to worry about there.

Also you'd be surprised, Sony has a big following in Europe - we're talking 2:1 and 3:1 PS4 to X1 sales in many territories. I can imagine most European gamers will want to stay with Sony to carry on playing the games they like.

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1 hour ago, Sheikah said:

I don't think Halo has anywhere near the pull it once had, so I don't think Sony have much to worry about there.

Also you'd be surprised, Sony has a big following in Europe - we're talking 2:1 and 3:1 PS4 to X1 sales in many territories. I can imagine most European gamers will want to stay with Sony to carry on playing the games they like.

Pretty much. The most consoles Microsoft ever shifted was with the 360, which despite all the momentum it had over PS3 still finished last in that generation, was outsold every year in terms of WW sales and for the final years of its life needed a gimmick like Kinect to give it some additional momentum.

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Next Level Racing, a professional racing cockpit manufacturer that is an official PlayStation licensee (they make cockpits for better simulation in driving games), has potentially just leaked the existence of Gran Turismo 7, and revealed that it's coming this year. 


Well, there's your graphical showcase to try to match Forza 8. I haven't played a GT in a very long time, so I'd happily take this. 

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Next Level Racing said initially that it was an internal mockup, and then shortly after posted this update on Instagram, stating that it was a mockup found on the internet. 

A mockup that I'm honestly having a hard time locating anywhere on the internet. No "insiders" have commented on this, either, which is very odd. Looks like they're just trying to save face (which lets face it, they would have to do regardless), and are doing a pretty poor job of it. 

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They put it on social media. It was fair that the question was asked if that meant a game was coming. "Misrepresented by the media" is a mendacious response really given they put out a logo for GT7 and people assumed that meant GT7 was a thing knowing the company could feasibly be involved.

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Well I for one am shocked that GT7 exists and could not possibly have predicted that a game that already has 6 main titles in the series would receive a 7th had they not posted that image.

A truly revolutionary leak. I'm taking the rest of the day off to recover.

Edited by Goafer
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2 hours ago, Happenstance said:

Another leak

Looks like the tweet has been taken down in favour of a new one saying Gran Turismo Sport instead, so in case anyone didn't see it:


Very interesting time when PlayStation's silence could very slowly become a problem. Even if there's zero truth to GT7 potentially being leaked by Next Level Racing and PlayStation Brazil, it does feel like expectations are slowly starting to be set for launch which are out of their control/potentially through mistakes. 

It will be interesting to see if there's anything else like this which gets flagged ahead of their rumoured June event. 

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The PS5 website has been updated for the first time in months...


Lightning speed 

Harness the power of a custom CPU, GPU, and SSD with Integrated I/O that rewrite the rules of what a PlayStation console can do. 

Stunning games

Marvel at incredible graphics and experience new PS5™ features. 

Breathtaking immersion 

Discover a deeper gaming experience with support for haptic feedback, adaptive triggers and 3D Audio technology.

That potential June 4th event is looking a little more likely, especially given that IGN's Summer of Gaming is scheduled to kick off on the same day, and...they have absolutely nothing lined up for it? Curious. 



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