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IGN review for Dead Cells redacted due to plagiarism

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21 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:

I'm still a believer that a person should finish a game before giving their final thoughts. In the example that Jeff gives ( Crew 2 ) I can see where he is coming from but I think a reviewer should stipulate that they didn't actually finish the game. I know one or two reviews I've read in the past tend to say how many hours that the reviewer put into the game and it's something that I appreciate.

I think it should be taken on case-by-case, because ultimately it boils down to the type of game, the person reviewing the game, when they actually receive the game (for example, Ben Moore mentioned in the latest Huber Syndrome that they only got Octopath a few hours before its release), and a number of other factors. 

If it’s a game which is driven by a narrative, then I have to agree. In narrative driven games, the end of the game is typically tied to some massive event that the game has been leading up to, and is often a grand showcase of both storytelling and game mechanics that a reviewer really needs to experience to speak about the nature of a game. If, however, a game is driven by mechanics (such as a racing game, or many platformers), I really don’t think that you have to stick around until the end to appreciate what the game does well and what it doesn’t, and I don’t think that the ending of such a game necessarily puts  the reviewer in a better position than is they hadn’t forced themselves to play through to the ending. And then there are some extremes, like games that are over a hundred hours long — if the reviewer isn’t enjoying it, are we really going to demand that they waste time so arbitrarily? 

If a game is driven by a narrative, then I already think that it is something of an industry standard that a reviewer plays the game until the end. However, for games driven by a focus on mechanics, I suppose that letting people know that you haven’t finished the game can’t do much harm — perhaps some onus should be put on the game’s studio to share whether or not they think that the reviewer needs to play the entire game with said reviewer. 

As for playtime, I think that it’s something that they should mention too, and I really appreciate when they manage to fit that in. Where a game has a substantial post-game, too, I think it’s great for them to just give it a mention, so that players know beforehand that there is more to the game than what they might have seen or heard, or will gather from the (main) game length quoted in such a review. 

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Not an easy watch.

Have to say I loved him calling out Kotaku and that weasel Jason Schreier. Him feeding on Filip's misery for a few extra clicks was despicable, but not unexpected.

Also agree about the lynch mob that's become all too prevalent in the age of social media. One of the (sadly) many times I've been embarrassed to be part of the gamer community, who take every single fault in the industry, be it miniscule or big, as a personal attack against them, and react as such. Pathetic, particularly the part where they went after Filip's family.

36 minutes ago, Goron_3 said:

Wow this guy is a fucking prick. The only part I'm willing to believe was that he unintentionally got caught.

A "fucking prick" ? That's your response to the above, clearly very emotional, video statement of his?

He stole quotes from another review and passed them off as his own, yes it was stupid, terrible thing to do and his reputation is now ruined if not forever for a very long time. I know gamers/the internet/society in general loves to overreact about everything, but come on.

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I have no sympathy for the guy losing a job he never should have had in the first place but like Ronnie said the lynch mob mentality the gaming community defaults to the second anything negative arises is pretty inexcusable. Though I do agree with Goron that he is a fucking prick and I reserve the right to call him one if I choose to but threats to his person and his family are obviously not on.

There's just something about him that I've never liked though - he has a smug, self-satisfied air to him whilst somehow always portraying that he's completely out of his depth, when he got the gig on NVC I assumed that he was a Nintendo fan who had worked at IGN for a while already but @Hero of Time pointed out when the Dead Cells review was removed that he had just been a moderately successful YouTuber in the months prior to the Switch launch who lucked into a job at IGN when Jose left. IGN should shoulder some of the blame for employing someone who so clearly wasn't cut out for writing reviews when there are plenty of people who write eloquently about games without being paid for it who would likely jump at the chance to work for a company like IGN.  

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I have zero sympathy for him. He claims it was unintentional yet the FIFA example shows that there was a pattern forming. He's only truly sorry because he has been caught in the act and, quite rightfully so, will never work in the industry again.

I'm disgusted that he has tried to drag Jason through the mud with this. He's a journalist (one of the better ones left in the industry ) who was only doing his job in presenting his findings. It's what a journalist does in these cases, whatever kind of industry they are in. The fact that he was willing to do some investigative journalism and dig a little deeper into the situation shows that he better than most when it comes to doing his job.

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Not an easy watch.

Have to say I loved him calling out Kotaku and that weasel Jason Schreier. Him feeding on Filip's misery for a few extra clicks was despicable, but not unexpected.

Also agree about the lynch mob that's become all too prevalent in the age of social media. One of the (sadly) many times I've been embarrassed to be part of the gamer community, who take every single fault in the industry, be it miniscule or big, as a personal attack against them, and react as such. Pathetic, particularly the part where they went after Filip's family.

A "fucking prick" ? That's your response to the above, clearly very emotional, video statement of his?

He stole quotes from another review and passed them off as his own, yes it was stupid, terrible thing to do and his reputation is now ruined if not forever for a very long time. I know gamers/the internet/society in general loves to overreact about everything, but come on.


No, I’m with Goron and killthenet here, the guy comes across a massive prick. It’s pretty obvious from his video that the only thing he’s sorry about is that he got caught.


Throughout that video I noticed that he never actually admitted to ‘plagiarising’; he in fact goes as far to suggest his methods are similar to that of other professionals in the industry.


His attack on Jason Schreier was desperate and only made him look more of a jackass.


It goes without saying that the usual troll harassers are bad and nobody deserves that. But those mobs also have the unintended consequence of changing the conversation to one of sympathy, which he doesn’t deserve. This guy has only himself to blame.



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5 minutes ago, Ronnie said:

Burn him!!

Where would we be without Schreier's noble, important, journalism looking into a broken man's past trying to dig up more skeletons. A true hero that man.

Did Jason steal your toys as a child or something? You've got some kind of weird hate for the guy.

You must hate most types of journalism if you have a problem with them digging up people's past when a scandal hits. It's their job and what they are paid to do.

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For anyone who was like me and didn't want to give his video hits. Here's the transcript stolen from Era.


"I'm not really sure where to start, because there is a lot that I need to say, but if you're watching this video then you've probably already heard about the plagiarism allegations. And now you're waiting for my side of the story."

"So, here it is."

"I take complete ownership of what happened with the Dead Cells review. There were a lot of circumstances surrounding it, but at the end of the day I was the editorial lead on it, so if anything, that makes it my responsibility."

"My review process isn't really that different from other reviewers that I've met while working as a professional in the games media industry, and the formula stays the same for whatever product I'm reviewing. I do as much research as I can about it, wether it's a game, a product, or an eventm I try to look at all resources that I have available to me before I start formulating my own critical opinions, so that I can offer the most cohesive possible review."

"The bottom line is that, what happened with the Dead Cells review was not at all intentional."

"So, with that said, I just wanna apologize to everybody at IGN for all of the undeserved criticisms and doubt that may have been sparked in their credibility as a respected source for games media. I mean, I made a lot of great friends over there, and the last thing that I ever wanted to do, is to dissappoint any of them or put any of them in a bad place. There are so many very talented, hardworking, and creative people at IGN, and each and everyone of them deserves praise for the great content they put out every single day. I have nothing but the utmost love and respect for everyone there, so just please, don't swarm them with any mean and undeserved negative attention."

"I'd also like to apologize to MotionTwin, the developer of Dead Cells. It sucks so that their game got caught in the middle of this controversy, because it really is a great game and a lot of people worked very hard on it for a long time, so I hope that it gets the recognition that it deserves for the right reasons."

"As for Boomstick, I have nothing but the best wishes for him, and I hope that his wave of success lasts a long time. A lot of you watching this video might not know my story, but I also started out as a youtuber, so I completely understand what it's like being a small youtuber, trying to make a name for yourself, I mean, Boomstick, just keep doing what you're doing man, it looks like you have a great thing going, and I've got nothing but respect for you."

"I was lucky enough to get noticed on IGN on my youtube channel, which if in case you're wondering, is in fact, all of my own original work. So you kan keep looking Kotaku, and please let me know if you find anything, which by the way, their news editor Jason Schreier tried to imply that my Fifa 18 review was also inauthentic by claiming that I copied it from NintendoLife, and that's, that's just so not the case. I mean, maybe he was implying that if you have similarly opinionated reviews, then you're just plagiarizing, or maybe he's just trying to get as many clicks off of my name right now as possible, or maybe he just likes kicking people when they're down. I don't know, I mean, check it out for yourselves and you be the judge."

"But one thing that I do know, is that it's not very fun being the target of a gigantic lynch mob, who wants nothing more than to feed into your destruction. The amount of hate and threats that I've been receiving on social media has been pretty staggering, and I get it, people are mad and rightfully so, but it's one thing to go and harass me, berate me with hateful words and threats and it's a whole other thing to look up my family members and spread hateful comments on their social media accounts. That's just, that's just not okay, I mean, not on any level. They have nothing to do with this, so, so please just leave them out of it."

"There have been so many of you that has also reached out to me with kindness and words of support, and honestly I can't, I can't thank you enough for that, because it's probably been the only thing that's been keeping my head straight throught this whole nightmare, and it gives me hope for the future, because honestly, I love what I do and I want to keep doing it. I don't want to stop making videos, I want to prove you that I can be better, better than I ever was before, like I said I take full responsibility for what happened with the Dead Cells review and I know that I'm gonna have to do a lot of work to earn your trust back, but that's okay, because I'm gonna do everything that I can to make that happen."

"The truth is I didn't get into this industry to make money, or to get famous, I started this whole journey, because I love videogames and even more so because I love making content about them, I mean, I wanted to share my passion for entertainment with you and maybe inspire others to go out and chase their dreams as well."

"So that's everything I have to say. Thank you so much for your time and thank you for everyone who's been so incredibly supportive throughout this entire living nightmare, and I hope, I really hope I get to see you guys again soon."


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"Not wanting to give his video clicks" - sigh. He hasn't killed anyone, or robbed a bank, or stole candy from a baby. I'm sure ResetEra is in full lynch mob mode.

15 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

Did Jason steal your toys as a child or something? You've got some kind of weird hate for the guy.

You must hate most types of journalism if you have a problem with them digging up people's past when a scandal hits. It's their job and what they are paid to do.

I just dislike him, ever since his appearance on Kinda Funny. To be honest it was his twisting the knife into Filip that tipped me over the edge with him. I know he does good investigative work usually but I personally don't believe this is one of those times. It reeks of tabloid journalism.

Edited by Ronnie
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On 08/08/2018 at 5:00 PM, Fierce_LiNk said:

Just out of curiosity, what other issues are IGN facing due to plagiarism?

Thanks for your post, I agree very much with what you're saying in it, especially your paragraph about plagiarism having no place in journalism. When thinking about this today, I thought about all of the options that were available to IGN. They could have suspended the guy, for example, instead of firing him. It's never nice to see somebody lose their job. But, in this instance, I think there's a strong argument to say that the right outcome has been reached. Aside from writing an article that's based on false information, there's nothing worse that a journalist could do than to plagiarise somebody else's work. I hope that lessons are learned from this and that it warns others off doing the same thing in future. 

Also, I think it's universally agreed that the YouTube comments sections are, for the most part, filled with absolute nonsense and horrible comments made by many people. It's the equivalent of Mos Eisley's spaceport/cantina. Occasionally, you'll come across a funny comment here and there, but there's also a lot of trash, too. It's similar to the comments you find in chatboxes on live streams, just terrible, really. I guess it's that old saying of giving "normal" people anonymity and an audience, and you get people who behave like absolute tools.


I meant to reply to this but have had a few off days and it slipped my mind. It's not really IGN that have other issues with plagiarism per se, I think it's the wider industry as I've noticed a few people have, in light of these events, vocalised that they themselves have been plagiarized (some of it was in the replies to the initial tweet from IGN after this came about, some have appeared in comments sections around the web and Jim Sterling of the Jimquisition said as much in his recent video on the subject) but no names of outlets and what not have been given, though I think they should have named not to shame but to make a point that if plagiarism is happening then that it should be taken seriously and acted on.

I think that's the big thing that's come out of it, that IGN have acted on and investigated the claims and taken a stance that it's not on. The whole incident may have soured relations with those who read or watch their gaming media (hell, you only really need to read comments on any of their stuff or around the net at the moment to see the effect of it, as hilariously over the top as most of the comments are) but I think what IGN have done is commendable and re-reviewing the game just reinforces that they do take their work seriously. That's not to say that Filip didn't, but his procedure for going about writing his review in this instance wasn't right.

It's a difficult thing to police going forward for IGN or any site but I don't doubt this has had ramifications beyond simply IGN where some sites are looking at reinforcing their reviewing protocols to ensure this doesn't happen.

Filip's statement didn't exactly instill a sense of genuine sincerity in me when reading it (I read it as opposed to watched it simply because of how slow my internet is at loading up videos on YouTube at the moment, not because I don't have to give him the clicks, though I do find it ridiculous he's monetized the video he's put out, I don't quite think that's right but that's YouTube and being a YouTuber for you). He's taken responsibility for the review but not admitted to the plagiarism, though he does in a roundabout way, but it doesn't come off as overly sorry. Rather, he paints it as an almost industry wide practice but as I said in my earlier post, you may look at what others say about a game when writing a review but that should never become the basis for your own take on a game. I don't doubt other reviewers round the net have done similar things, though obviously not as brazen, but I think he should have at least owned up properly on that front. And attacking someone else for pointing out that it isn't the first instance, I understand that it feels like a kick when you're down so you'll fiercely rebuff it but you have to own up when you've made the mistake so do it (and I day that as someone who's not a massive fan of Schreier and his particular review style).

It's disgusting that his family has been targeted, that's crossing a line, but again, as I said earlier, the industry is a strange beast these days. There's a huge amount of animosity towards anything that goes against the norm or towards the slightest mistake and I find it disheartening especially when I've been playing games for over 20 years and been a reviewer as well. I was speaking to the missus about it and we both agree that it's ridiculous the state people get into for what is a hobby for most. The internet age has given people a perceived soapbox to vocalise opinions from without repercussion and I think it's wrong but it's unlikely to change any time soon.

For all parties, I think they'd like to draw a line under this now but I do hope there are wider discussions happening about review procedures and ethics. Hearing that written reviews are no longer in vogue and that people prefer to simply tweet out thoughts is hugely disheartening and speaks to a different kind of journalism that falls into the soapbox mentality. There'll always be a place for the tried and tested and it's something I love sitting down and reading, even if I don't end up agreeing with the review in the end (more because I know what I like to play these days) but there needs to be some tightening up of how reviews are handled to ensure there is some integrity left.

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Did Jason steal your toys as a child or something? You've got some kind of weird hate for the guy.

Brilliant. [emoji14]

Ronnie have you even looked at the FIFA example Jason dug up? It is more pretty damning evidence that this guy plagiarised. Literally no idea why you have an issue with Jason regarding this.
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11 hours ago, Ronnie said:

Not an easy watch.

Have to say I loved him calling out Kotaku and that weasel Jason Schreier. Him feeding on Filip's misery for a few extra clicks was despicable, but not unexpected.

Also agree about the lynch mob that's become all too prevalent in the age of social media. One of the (sadly) many times I've been embarrassed to be part of the gamer community, who take every single fault in the industry, be it miniscule or big, as a personal attack against them, and react as such. Pathetic, particularly the part where they went after Filip's family.

A "fucking prick" ? That's your response to the above, clearly very emotional, video statement of his?

He stole quotes from another review and passed them off as his own, yes it was stupid, terrible thing to do and his reputation is now ruined if not forever for a very long time. I know gamers/the internet/society in general loves to overreact about everything, but come on.

A few points here:

  • The video being 'emotional' doesn't detract from the content of the video
  • The video is 100% classic deflection. He never admits to copying the content of the OG review; instead he claims it was 'unintentional'. If he just admitted 'Hey, I really fucked up. I stole and plagiarised. I shouldn't have done this. I'll learn from it and won't do it again', the reaction would be different. It's obvious that he's only annoyed he got caught.
  • "I know gamers/the internet/society in general loves to overreact about everything, but come on." I'm not over reacting. Perhaps you're equating me to some other random posters you've seen online but I have nothing to do with them. I'm not part of the lynch mob mentality that you're describing, I'm just my view on this forum.

Honestly, his whole 'apology' is just classic deflection and it's laughable that in this day and age people could fall for it. There's no real apology or acknowledgement of his actions in there; it's just him rambling on, jumping from point A to point Z instead of just saying 'I stole his review'. 

Do he and his family deserve personal attacks and threats? No, but keep in mind that comes from 1% of the entire community. Equating the actions of a few to represent tens of millions is pointless and unfortunately creates even more of this 'us' and 'them' attitude with continues to divide modern society.

Edit. Just seen the reaction from the guy who he stole his FIFA 18 review from. Says it all really.

Edited by Goron_3
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59 minutes ago, Goron_3 said:

A few points here:

  • The video being 'emotional' doesn't detract from the content of the video
  • The video is 100% classic deflection. He never admits to copying the content of the OG review; instead he claims it was 'unintentional'. If he just admitted 'Hey, I really fucked up. I stole and plagiarised. I shouldn't have done this. I'll learn from it and won't do it again', the reaction would be different. It's obvious that he's only annoyed he got caught.
  • "I know gamers/the internet/society in general loves to overreact about everything, but come on." I'm not over reacting. Perhaps you're equating me to some other random posters you've seen online but I have nothing to do with them. I'm not part of the lynch mob mentality that you're describing, I'm just my view on this forum.

Honestly, his whole 'apology' is just classic deflection and it's laughable that in this day and age people could fall for it. There's no real apology or acknowledgement of his actions in there; it's just him rambling on, jumping from point A to point Z instead of just saying 'I stole his review'. 

Do he and his family deserve personal attacks and threats? No, but keep in mind that comes from 1% of the entire community. Equating the actions of a few to represent tens of millions is pointless and unfortunately creates even more of this 'us' and 'them' attitude with continues to divide modern society.

Edit. Just seen the reaction from the guy who he stole his FIFA 18 review from. Says it all really.

I agree with a lot of what you say and I'm in no way saying he comes across great in that video. He absolutely should have CLEARLY owned up and admitted his mistake. He didn't. 

I do have some compassion though, I can't imagine what it would be like to be the subject of OTT hatred and ridicule online, nor have my family harassed by those same idiots (whether it's 1% or 99% it makes no difference). 

He made a mistake(s). We all make mistakes. All of us. Like I said he should have owned up to it properly, but to play devil's advocate he's obviously in a bit of a fucked up place right now and probably isn't thinking straight. 

As for him monetising that video. Yes it's a little weird but to me, if it's ok for Kotaku to make money off another man's misery, then I think it's ok to have a newly (and suddenly) unemployed person  living in SF to make a few quid of his own content. Not saying you brought that up, I was speaking generally in reply to other comments above. 

Look I don't have any great like of Filip. Most of my posts on here talk about how I think he does a terrible job, I just hate the way the internet turns on people in this way. More than I hate people who plagiarise a product review. 

Edited by Ronnie
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You really love to shit stir. Someone has a jab at someone and you stoke the fires by patting him on the back ? Wtf? Not the first time you've done that either. 
Nah, he just said what we were all thinking. You are being oddly defensive of this guy in this topic, it's weird.
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Agree with @Ganepark32, @Hero-of-Time, @Goron_3, @Fierce_LiNk, and @Sheikah here with regards to how Filip was stupid to do this in the first place (and evidently not for the first time), and that he should be named and shamed accordingly. Beyond that, I of course agree with @Ronnie that going after the man’s family and kicking him down, and especially threatening physical harm and imposing emotional abuse, is wrong — I think we can all agree on that. 

Also, the guy really doesn’t know how to apologise: a simple “this is my fault, I plagiarised this review”, etc., would have been more than enough. A few minutes of waffle and deflecting not only fails to convey a message well, if he’s trying to get us back on his side...he’s failing. Epically. For me, his “apology” here shares some similar shades with [EA CEO] Andrew Wilson’s “apology” at E3 about microtransactions in Battlefront II: minutes of build-up (Wilson was effectively saying: we’re going to change, but not confessing to wrongdoing, etc.) before a huge deflection (“...but we can all come together and help charity!”) and ultimately not truthfully apologising and accepting wrongdoing. I think Filip saying that “hey, you shouldn’t believe that Jason guy, because he’s wrong — but check out my video and make up your own mind on the matter!” is disgusting, and he’s trying to take advantage of the situation as much as anyone else. 

@Ronnie, I don’t think that Jason Schreier is going after Filip more than his job allows him to do so. Being a video games journalist for another large gaming journalism outlet, I genuinely think that informing us all — people that watch/read these reviews, the general public, and most importantly, Filip’s next employers — of any prior wrongdoing by Filip, which shares similarities with his most recent, is his fiduciary duty. If facts about Filip doing something, which we can all agree is wrong, fuels the mob, then I think he’s just got to ride it out — the blame is on him and his past self. 

Jason went as far back as he could to see if something like this had happened before, and, rather unsurprisingly, it’s not the first time that Filip has done this. Would we rather learn this from a neutral video games journalist shortly after the time of Filip’s most recent mess-up, or from some random guy on 4Chan or ResetEra in the coming weeks or months? 

But to come back around to the threatening behaviour by many on the Internet: whilst it is agreeably out of place and unacceptable, surely, if you’re putting both your name and face out there — in this day and age, when the mob mentality runs amok every single time that something can be pinned on a particular someone! — you would be aware, to some degree, that any poor choices you make when carrying out your work could come back to effect not only you, but those around you? Just a thought; I’m not at all saying that this behaviour is justifiable, but at the same time, I don’t think that we can let him pull a victim card when this is very clearly what would happen if he got caught, just given the extreme opinions and the do-or-die, short term benefit attitude adopted by many these days. 

Edited by Julius Caesar
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3 hours ago, Sheikah said:
4 hours ago, Ronnie said:
You really love to shit stir. Someone has a jab at someone and you stoke the fires by patting him on the back ? Wtf? Not the first time you've done that either. 

Nah, he just said what we were all thinking. You are being oddly defensive of this guy in this topic, it's weird.

Good of you to speak for everyone without actually asking opinions. 

Another typical Sheikah post, tinged with aggression and hostility below the surface. Piping up just to shit stir. Standard. 

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Good of you to speak for everyone without actually asking opinions. 

Another typical Sheikah post, tinged with aggression and hostility below the surface. Piping up just to shit stir. Standard. 

Chill out man. This forum isn't worth getting riled up over.


It's admirable that you're standing up against the troll brigade against this guy, but I think for him to get any real sympathy from anyone he should at least properly own up to up to what he did.


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2 hours ago, Julius Caesar said:

But to come back around to the threatening behaviour by many on the Internet: whilst it is agreeably out of place and unacceptable, surely, if you’re putting both your name and face out there — in this day and age, when the mob mentality runs amok every single time that something can be pinned on a particular someone! — you would be aware, to some degree, that any poor choices you make when carrying out your work could come back to effect not only you, but those around you? Just a thought; I’m not at all saying that this behaviour is justifiable, but at the same time, I don’t think that we can let him pull a victim card when this is very clearly what would happen if he got caught, just given the extreme opinions and the do-or-die, short term benefit attitude adopted by many these days. 

Again I agree with much of your post. I think he did apologise to the guy he copied off of, unless I'm mistaken, and that's the only person he owes an "apology" to. The rest is just owning up to his mistake, which as we can all agree he didn't really. 

Re the above quote. Yep you're right he should have realised the consequences of his actions. It points to a lack of intelligence I've brought up a few times when discussing him. Here's my point of view, what's worse, a guy who plagiarises a review or people who abuse him and his family directly on social media. I think we can all agree it's the latter. THAT, mob mentality, is what should be vilified when talking about this issue. Not brushing it under the rug and saying "well he should have known" it would happen. Not saying you were I'm just talking generally. 

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4 minutes ago, Sheikah said:

Chill out man. This forum isn't worth getting riled up over.

It's hard to take that comment seriously coming from the man who told me that no one on here wants me around. We're not 12 years old (I assume), no need to cheer H-O-T on when he gives me a (rare) jab like we're in the school playground. Anyway...

6 minutes ago, Sheikah said:

 I think for him to get any real sympathy from anyone he should at least properly own up to up to what he did.

I completely agree

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22 minutes ago, Ronnie said:

It's hard to take that comment seriously coming from the man who told me that no one on here wants me around. We're not 12 years old (I assume), no need to cheer H-O-T on when he gives me a (rare) jab like we're in the school playground. Anyway...

I completely agree

Not a jab, mate. Just wondered why you have such a hatred towards the guy. It seemed you had a personal vendetta against him so I thought I'd ask you about it in a funny way. Apologies if you got offended.

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