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Super Smash Brothers Switch (speculation)


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So just been seeing Smash on Switch come up in a couple threads I was browsing recent and thought; hey! Why the hell not make a thread about one of the most beloved Nintendo franchises of all time!

So, what do you think or hope we'll see with Smash Switch? Any concerns or worries? Good character ideas to have in the game? What about new items and assist trophies etc? Ideal stages you'd like to see? Any other things I've not even thought of you thinking about??


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A DX version should indeed come out asap, and I’d like it to just combine rosters/stages/modes from the 3DS and Wii U versions. May sound weird but I hope they don’t put too many extra effort in it.

I’d rather they keep fresh and new ideas for a totally new version after this one. Maybe announce both at the same time and promise a discount on the new installment for people who both DX.

For me, Smash 4 wasn’t the best Smash in it’s core. A new installment should add a more compelling Single Player mode. Decisions on what characters should be included should be based on unique fighting styles instead of 12 different Fire Emblem characters just because the franchise is so popular. I’d also prefer they don’t split Zelda/Sheik and Samus/ZS Samus.

Ice Climbers was only out because of 3DS tech limits so that’s a given. Splatoon and ARMS representatives are no-brainers. 

I’d love to see King Hippo, Samurai Goroh, Eggplant Wizard, King Wart, Balloon Fighter, maybe the Champions from Zelda BotW, Tingle and Ridley or Kraid.

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Smash 4 is such a wonderful, crazy, jam-packed game, I would be chuffed to bits with a MK8 DX style port.

Inklings and Ice Climbers are probably shoo-ins. Due to the massive success of Splatoon and Ice Climbers being pretty much developed already until the 3DS issues arose. Following that logic, I can see an ARMS rep getting in. But I wouldn't say it was a sure thing. Deffo Assist Trophy, possible character. ARMS didn't really set the world alight enough for me to say it's a sure thing.

I can also see quite a few of the 3DS stages getting added. Some would probably have to be tweaked (The Pac Man Maze comes to mind). Add a few more stages from the older games, shouldn't be too hard. Oh, and Smash Run, I don't care if each player needs their own Switch, that mode rocks.

This would also be a good opportunity to bring back some cut characters from Brawl. Wolf was the only Star Fox rep I was any good with and he was more distinctive than Falco for sure. Plus, more villains is always nice.

I know the game has a lot of Pokémon already, but Squirtle and Ivysaur were completely unique characters. All they'd have to do is give them a new Down Special each, think of some Final Smashes, touch them up to look pretty in HD and presto! You've made those pesky Genwunners happy.

As for Solid Snake, I'd certainly love to have him back, even if it is advertising for Konami. David Hayter voice only though, accept no imitations! And keep the Codec conversations from Brawl. Those were hilarious. If you can record new ones for the newer characters, even better!

But what's a Smash Bros prediction post without stupid crazy dreams that only I and maybe one other bloke would like?

I'd love to see a sequel to Brawl's Subspace Emissary. A fun diversion for single players (or awesome co-op adventure). They already have loads of enemies from Smash Run they can blantantly nick, as well as a few bosses in the game already, implement them somehow. Mega Man and R.O.B face off against the Yellow Devil, Bayonetta and Palutena get into an argument over who's the better pole dancer, Cloud getting into a turn based battle with Duck Hunt Duo. Fun, silly, fanservicy scenarios like that.

As for characters, a lot of people have been throwing the "Decidueye for Gen 7 Pokémon rep" Which isn't a bad idea. I'd be cool with it. But me? I think Alolan Marowak has more potential for interesting movesets, how many characters in Smash incorporate Hawaiian Fire Dancing into their fighting style? That's right, none! Way cooler than boring old Owl Archer. Plus you could have the Retro Kanto Marowak design as an alternate outfit. Double win! Never gonna happen though.

Also, promote Dillon from Assist Trophy to playable character like Charizard and Little Mac. A slow, heavy hitter that incorporates Sonic style ramming moves that can transition into Claw Slashes with good timing, just like his games. Have some western style specials, chuck some Dynamite around, use Russ's Pedalcopter as a recovery. Or build a mini gun tower that picks off nearby foes who get too close. Arma Mode would make the obvious Final Smash. Dillon is just perfect for this game. He's getting a third 3DS game soon, advertise the crap out of it with that bitching leather Jacket as an alternate costume. I need this in my life!

I think Paper Mario would be a fun addition too, floatier and lighter than Mario, but with a moveset inspired by the spin-off series. Hammer being his main way of dishing out papery pain. There's plenty of inspiration for movesets from the 5 games. Maybe you could have each Special correspond to a different partner from the first two games. Chuck Kooper as a projectile, or have Flurrie blow enemies away to create some breathing room. Don't wanna make all those models? That's cool, good ol' PM can fold himself into a Plane to recover, you could even have him perform a sidestep dodge by simply turning sideways. (Dcubed gets the credit for that idea) And have the Giant Fan from the latest games serve as his Final Smash! Awesome!

One last character wish from me would be Ninty to throw a bone for some of the awesome indie games over the past few years. Shovel Knight is an obvious choice. I wouldn't mind Quote from awesome indie game Cave Story as well. And let's face it, Yooka and Laylee are the closest we're getting to Banjo and Kazooie in Smash. Plus, my Chameleon bias would pretty much guarantee I'd have to main them.

Oh, and please put some Pokémon Mystery Dungeon music in the game. You're sitting on a gold mine of awesome music and it needs to be heard. An actual stage would be even better!

6 hours ago, markderoos said:

Decisions on what characters should be included should be based on unique fighting styles instead of 12 different Fire Emblem characters just because the franchise is so popular.

I totally get your point about the FE characters, but a lot of the Smash 4 newcomers had some cool gimmicks. Rosalina's Luma, Little Mac's K.O. Meter, Shulk's Monado Arts, Cloud's Limit Breaks, Ryu's Street Fighter inputs and Bayo's combo orientated style and Witch Time Counter. Hell, even Robin stood out because he had limited use, but strong magic, just like the Fire Emblem games.

Apart from Lucina, all the FE characters are unique. Even Roy, who went from the cloniest Melee character to my favourite FE Smasher ever.

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If it is a DX version with 3DS content I hope they make some changes to the 'rage mechanic' remove or rework. The way it is now it favors some characters A LOT more than others like the heavies and characters with kill set ups. Most light characters don't even get the full effect as they die too early for it to even make a difference. One more change would be to give us the option to toggle stage hazards off, don't get me wrong they are fun when playing with a group of friends but too disruptive in 1 v 1. FD variants don't feel the same.

If it does turn out to be Smash Switch I'd like the changes above and updated move sets for some of the characters. Smash 4 roster was solid but now there's no excuse not to have Ice Climbers back heck even Wolf should be thrown in, I don't know why he was cut. For newcomers I'm still hoping for my boy Lloyd Irving!!

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yeah, all 3ds and wii u content, lose the board game mode, have smash run as an online mode; add in a single player mode.

Splatoon, Arms Labo to have character or /adn stages. Labo stage, but maybe even the robot form it would be awesome, then classics like Ice Climbers.

I actually think a great thing they could do, is maybe don't have extra characters and stages at launch, but then every month for a year, they release a new character and stage; really keep momentum up, keep people paying for online etc. 

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A Smash Brothers WiiU port is not what I truly want, but it's what I fully expect. For this year. I'm willing to bet.

I'm getting it regardless. I own all the other Smash Bros games, the WiiU version is the only one missing (and the 3DS version, but I consider them to be practically the same game).

I fully expect an E3 reveal, and as others have speculated, the now confirmed lauchdate of the online service would be the perfect time to release it.

I expect overall the same game, with some balance updates, and a few new additions, but not too many.

New challenger: Rex from Xenoblade Chronicles 2.
Always accompanied by a blade, he can change from Pyra to Mythra (.. and perhaps 1 or 2 other special blades), changing his other special moves, his smash move (Burning sword or Sacred arrow) and perhaps his stats. Recovery move is obviously Anchor shot. If he manages to recover from below the screen, he'll bring up some items (.. and maybe an enemy..).
Stage: Gormott. Ancient Sauros is a stage hazard. Can be high tide or low tide. High tide allows for swimming.

New challenger: (Generic boy / girl) Inkling from Splatoon.
Forward special: Splat bomb
Down special: Curling bomb
Neutral special: Turn into Squid / Kid. Squid let's you move fast through paint. Paint disappears after a while.
Up special: Squid beacon / Super Jump. Only works when a beacon is placed.
Smash: Tenta missiles.
To frustrate Splatoon fans, alternate costumes includes Octolings.
Stage: Shifty station. Moving platforms.

New challenger: Springman from Arms.
Special moves: Not sure, I'd suggest different Arms as special moves.
Smash: Rush attack
Stage: Sky arena

New challenger: whoever is the new protagonist of the new Fire Emblem.

New stage: Snipper clips level.


Mario: FLUDD move replaced for Cappy move.
Miiverse stage: either removed or updated to work with Twitter like Splatoon and/ or displaying default images.

I'd like a Nindies tribute dlc pack as well, with Dorothy, Jason + Sophia, and Shovel Knight, and stages from other Nindie games.

If the timing is right, then we also need Travis[/i]. Well, even if the timing isn't right, he needs to be included.


Edited by Sméagol
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11 hours ago, markderoos said:

Maybe an indies DLC pack with Shovel Knight, Shantae, Meat Boy, etc :)

That's a pretty cool idea.

10 hours ago, Sméagol said:

Recovery move is obviously Anchor shot. If he manages to recover from below the screen, he'll bring up some items (.. and maybe an enemy..).

So's that, quite inspired.

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I still reckon we'll be getting a "DX" version of Smash Wii U+3DS on Switch, rather than a brand new title. I'd love to play Smash Run again though (especially on TV) as even with the larger 3DS XL screen it was tricky for me to keep track of everything going on in that mode, would also love it if they added online play to it.

Hopefully they give the custom stage creator a substantial overhaul too, as it has always felt like a bit of an afterthought. :hmm:

With a few improvements to the editor and less memory restrictions it could be something very special indeed. If they could massively increase the options available for customising the look of stages that'd also be great. I had loads of fun creating and playing custom stages on the Wii U version. :D


Oh man... Smashketball :laughing:



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I'm also pretty sure that if we see a Smash release this year, it'll be a re-master/re-release of the Wii U/3DS versions. I never owned a Wii U, but have played the 3DS version a little. I only own an original 3DS, and the scrren size made playing it too much not a particularly attractive proposition so I'd welcome the chance to play again on a bigger screen and with all available features and characters there for the unlocking.

I'm wondering if it's a good release to showcase their paid online offering, given that Smash has historically had a large multiplayer base. If the two were released around the same time, I think it could draw a lot of people into their online ecosystem and hopefully lock them in for the full yearly membership.

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  • 3 weeks later...
1 hour ago, markderoos said:

It’s an ok video but a lot of save guesses. Though their so called WTF character is a creative guess, I quite like that one :) 

Still think Chibi Robo and or Box Boy will take that spott.

I would not want to be the guy who has to come up with a moveset for that character.

Anyone who wants No Unlockable Characters is a lazy sod though. That said, I wouldn't be opposed to a temporary "unlock everything" code for competitive tournament use.

I am a bit confused by "Modernise stages" I get character moves, but hasn't Smash been "modernising stages" perfectly fine? There was a Yoshi's Woolly World stage in WiiU and that particular game wasn't even out yet.

Edited by Glen-i
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17 minutes ago, Glen-i said:

I would not want to be the guy who has to come up with a moveset for that character.

Anyone who wants No Unlockable Characters is a lazy sod though. That said, I wouldn't be opposed to a temporary "unlock everything" code for competitive tournament use.

I am a bit confused by "Modernise stages" I get character moves, but hasn't Smash been "modernising stages" perfectly fine? There was a Yoshi's Woolly World stage in WiiU and that particular game wasn't even out yet.

I find a move set for Box Boy is as easy to imagine as one for a Tetris Block really :)

Change shapes and drop/throw blocks at others, call in sidekick blocks.

The last point you make about the Woolly World stage was indeed weak in the video. On the other hands that’s what he said in the video himself as an example. I think he was going on after his Mario moveset point which I also don’t really agree with. I find it nice that some fighters feel instantly recognizable. I prefer the new additions to be in new challengers, items, modes and stages.

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3 minutes ago, markderoos said:

The last point you make about the Woolly World stage was indeed weak in the video. On the other hands that’s what he said in the video himself as an example. I think he was going on after his Mario moveset point which I also don’t really agree with. I find it nice that some fighters feel instantly recognizable. I prefer the new additions to be in new challengers, items, modes and stages.

The whole "Change old character's moves" is an interesting one. Some characters, I can totally understand. I'm actually OK with the idea of taking Ganondorf's moves, giving it to a new F-Zero character like Black Bull and having Ganondorf get a new moveset.

But what if some people like Mario's moves as is? I happen to like Smash 4 Mario. I'm pretty good with him.

"Then have Dr. Mario take over"  It's not a bad suggestion, but make Dr. Mario play like Mario and you upset the people who prefer the heavier playstyle of Doc. (Me)

I agree with you. I think more modern moves should be used for newcomers. Rosalina, for example, represents the Mario Galaxy games very well.

Here's a great idea, leave Link alone (Except maybe a BOTW costume) and make a moveset revolving around the Sheikah Slate for one of the Champions instead. Everybody wins! Well except the nitpicky people who would no doubt cry, "But they can't use the slate".

Charizard can swim, Smash don't care about your stupid inaccuracy points.

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