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What does Deluxe mean for Mario Kart 9?


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I'm sure many of us are enjoying the new and improved Mario Kart 8 on Switch and rightly so.. it's an amazing game :yay:


Mario Kart has seen an entry on every Nintendo console since the SNES, not including the Virtual Boy, but Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is the first time we've ever seen an enhanced re-release of a previous title in the series.


For me, the latest game in the franchise is undoubtedly the best we've ever seen and probably one of my favourite games of all time :hehe:Deluxe, unlike it's pedecessor on Wii U, does not give the impression of a game awaiting further expansion by DLC over the coming months and years. As much as I would love more tracks, more modes and more characters, Deluxe feels likely to exist as the definitive version of Mario Kart 8 and probably nothing more.


With that in mind, what do Nintendo do with Mario Kart 9?


When we first heard of an enhanced version of Mario Kart 8 for Nintendo's latest console, I considered it to be something of a stopgap while a proper sequel is developed for Switch to be released further down the line. While that may very well be the case, does the Switch need another Mario Kart when this version is so good? If so, how do Nintendo differentiate it?


Personally, I feel like I wouldn't mind if the Mario Kart team were left to create a different game, perhaps given the opportunity to revive Wave Race or F-Zero :hehe:


If the next Mario Kart is to be on Switch, however, there's an opportunity to experiment with the formula rather than tweak what's already there. Could this be the time for a new Double Dash? :smile:


While I'd certainly be interested in that, my preference would perhaps be to create a new Mario Kart that introduces more modes of transport. Obviously we have seen that sort of thing in Diddy Kong Racing on N64 and DS but since games like 1080 Snowboarding and Wave Race don't appear to be on the horizon, I'd love to see these franchises incorporated into Nintendo's most beloved racing series.




I think a Mario Kart that has carts, bikes, snowboards, jet-skis and planes could be incredible and shake up the gameplay possibilities once again.. but what do you guys think? :hehe:


What is your vision or expectation for Mario Kart 9?

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I don't think there will be a MK9 on Switch. No new MK game until the Switch's successor (or more powerful version or whatever).


As far as it stands with going forward with the series, the one big thing I'd like to see is a more fleshed out single player mode; more along the lines of Diddy Kong Racing. They sort of got halfway there with MKDS' Mission Mode, but I'd love to see them go hog-wild with it!


Otherwise, new vehicles and more courses that involve non-traditional transportation methods (like more courses that rely on gliding) would be great too.

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Aren't the Mario Kart team the ones working on Arms? If so then they have already branched out a bit.


I would like to see Nintendo expand upon what they started with the DLC on Mario Kart 8 and that is more Nintendo characters and tracks. I would love them to go all Smash Bros and deliver a racer that celebrates not only the Mario franchise but all of the IP that Nintendo have under their belt.


I would also like them to take a page out of the book of Diddy Kong Racing and deliver different vehicles and a more robust single player campaign.


Finally, allow me to turn of the rubber banding AI. Sonic Racing Transformed gave players this option and I loved it. Rubber banding AI in racers is no fun or clever, it just cheapens the experience.

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As others have said, we'll either get a MK9 towards the end of the console's life or we'll get one of two things; Nintendo Kart that will introduce their whole roster (Kirby to make @Daft happy, 4506 Fire Emblem characters to make Nintendo happy) or a more broad racer that is more than just karting.


I think MK9 in 3 years is the most likely though.

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I'd say that MK9 will be shown off next year.

Let's face it, Mario Kart is one of Nintendo's best known franchises. MK8D came out first of all because the Wii U was an abysmal failure, so unless the Switch bombs just as badly, there's lots of potential customers who solely didn't get the game because of the format it was on. Second is that MK8D was an easy way for Nintendo to patch a hole in the lineup for the console's first few months.


Nintendo would however be flat out stupid to not release a new Mario Kart at all this generation. We'll see it, because Nintendo like money, and because people know that MK8 isn't new and expect a new Mario Kart.


In terms of what it'll be, I think that Nintendo will change things up, like they did with Breath of the Wild. My hopes are that they'll introduce a deeper single player component. Whether this will mean a more Diddy Kong Racing-esque adventure mode or the plethora of different cups and challenges that you see in games like Gran Turismo is of course up for debate.

Nintendo might copy a thing or two from Splatoon, Gran Turismo 6 or Payday and launch additional content free of charge as the game sells more. Since Mario Kart DS, remakes of old tracks has been ever more popular, so perhaps eventually we'll get complete cups from other games.

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I'd say that MK9 will be shown off next year.

Let's face it, Mario Kart is one of Nintendo's best known franchises. MK8D came out first of all because the Wii U was an abysmal failure, so unless the Switch bombs just as badly, there's lots of potential customers who solely didn't get the game because of the format it was on. Second is that MK8D was an easy way for Nintendo to patch a hole in the lineup for the console's first few months.


Nintendo would however be flat out stupid to not release a new Mario Kart at all this generation. We'll see it, because Nintendo like money, and because people know that MK8 isn't new and expect a new Mario Kart.


In terms of what it'll be, I think that Nintendo will change things up, like they did with Breath of the Wild. My hopes are that they'll introduce a deeper single player component. Whether this will mean a more Diddy Kong Racing-esque adventure mode or the plethora of different cups and challenges that you see in games like Gran Turismo is of course up for debate.

Nintendo might copy a thing or two from Splatoon, Gran Turismo 6 or Payday and launch additional content free of charge as the game sells more. Since Mario Kart DS, remakes of old tracks has been ever more popular, so perhaps eventually we'll get complete cups from other games.


Next year? Way too soon.


Remember MK8 Deluxe is like a new game to many. They never played the wii u version. Next year would be franchise overkill.

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Next year? Way too soon.


Remember MK8 Deluxe is like a new game to many. They never played the wii u version. Next year would be franchise overkill.


I wrote shown off, not released ;)

MK8D is an april release this year. Unveiling of the sequel during E3 or an autumn Nintendo Direct, followed by a release by christmas 2019.

MK8D is something to hold us over, like Wind Waker HD was while we awaited Breath of the Wild.

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MK8 is the only MK-game on Switch. They will release DLC for it instead during the Switch's life. There is no reason to do it otherwise. It's cheaper for Nintendo, MK8 is already there and is selling bucketloads and they would need to implement something new in order to warrant an upgrade to MK9. So I don't think we'll see any new MK on Switch - just new stages and characters.

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