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Star Wars Battlefront 2 (all eras)


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Live Gameplay to be shown on the 10th June.




Been talking to a lot of fellow SW fans on other forums and a prequel era battle being the centrepiece of Battlefront II's EA Play coverage was considered a necessity after how little was shown regarding the prequel era at SWCO nearly two months ago.


On a side note, I'm still unhappy that Amazon UK hasn't got pre-orders up for this game's Deluxe Edition on console :/

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Been talking to a lot of fellow SW fans on other forums and a prequel era battle being the centrepiece of Battlefront II's EA Play coverage was considered a necessity after how little was shown regarding the prequel era at SWCO nearly two months ago.


On a side note, I'm still unhappy that Amazon UK hasn't got pre-orders up for this game's Deluxe Edition on console :/


I'm well looking forward to it. Last years live showing of Battlefield 1 was absolutely hilarious. Snoop Dogg smoking weed while playing the game and Terry Crews enjoying the game were highlights for me from last years E3. :D

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I'm well looking forward to it. Last years live showing of Battlefield 1 was absolutely hilarious. Snoop Dogg smoking weed while playing the game and Terry Crews enjoying the game were highlights for me from last years E3. :D


Wow, I remember that; hard to believe that was a year ago! Now I sort of want to see some SW fans like Carboni from the Star Wars Show (a big gaming fan who's turned up on Kinda Funny iirc) show up.


One week tomorrow and we shall know more :D


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  • 2 weeks later...

Really excited for this. Glad to see that there's loads of free content coming, too.


Just a bit of random musing: wouldn't it be nice if they made all of the maps from Battlefront 1 available in BF2? There are loads of maps and modes that I enjoy from that which I'd like to carry on playing in BF2, but I know the playerbase in BF won't be there anymore when it comes out.

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What did she mean about the free content though? I'm not sure if I understood her correctly. The first Battlefront had free content too, which was two maps very early on and then Season Pass only. I'm excited for the game, the post launch game content not so much.

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Really excited for this. Glad to see that there's loads of free content coming, too.


Just a bit of random musing: wouldn't it be nice if they made all of the maps from Battlefront 1 available in BF2? There are loads of maps and modes that I enjoy from that which I'd like to carry on playing in BF2, but I know the playerbase in BF won't be there anymore when it comes out.


I feel like BF1 was used by EA simply to gauge the market, and more as a marketing tool than a game (this coming from someone who logged 100+ hours on said game). They knew well before BF1 was even teased that a single player campaign, all eras, etc., was craved by fans everywhere. By not putting that all in the first game (which was certainly rushed out to make TFA), which has probably sold 15+ million units by now, they get to put a very smart PR spin on this: we listened to what you, the fans, wanted, and we've gone ahead and included it. Same goes for the free seasonal content.


It's a genius long-term play by EA, and this game will likely sell somewhere between 20 and 30 million units when all is said and done. Hoping that means that BF3 on PS5 and Xbox Two will have true air-to-ground battles... :D


As for your musings, this could be a smart move. I don't think you'd see them at launch, mind, but perhaps trickled out in between their planned seasonal content. Heck, if they want to take the we listened to YOU marketing further, why not simply run polls on Twitter/the EA website and let fans vote for maps they want to see from the first game come to the second, with the additional content of all eras, etc.?


What did she mean about the free content though? I'm not sure if I understood her correctly. The first Battlefront had free content too, which was two maps very early on and then Season Pass only. I'm excited for the game, the post launch game content not so much.


The free content is, from how I understood it, practically a free Season Pass available to all players (and saved them from segmenting the player base), and seeing as we're getting Finn and Phasma early on, and with the promise of a lot more maps, I could see it enlarging the game - in terms of maps and heroes/villains - to four times larger than the original (as opposed to the three currently being cited for launch content).



JackFrags has just uploaded his gameplay video from the event (including the use of Rey's ability);



IGN have also uploaded the full multiplayer demo sourced from the livestream (for those who don't want to dig into the stream only to skip ahead);



Having watched some of the livestream back, a smart gameplay-corresponding sound effect has been added: a high-pitched chime, seemingly to notify the player that they have successfully defeated/assisted(?) an opposing player. Very smart move, considering that a niggling problem I had with BF1 was that I would hesitate after a kill/thinking I had a kill to check text appearing on the screen to confirm my kill; whilst such text still seems to appear, this high-pitched chime seems to be a smart gameplay move which should allow for more fluid and competitive gameplay.

Edited by Julius Caesar
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  • 4 weeks later...

The Deluxe Edition finally came to Amazon UK, so I pre-ordered that :)

Also, some interesting news on Star Cards and Crates.


In Star Wars™ Battlefront™ II, your hero's journey will be a more personalized experience that allows you to build careers for different trooper classes, heroes and more. There's plenty of depth to join the breadth of new content, especially when it comes to customization with Star Cards, earned via unlockable Crates.

A version of this is live now in the Closed Alpha, but we’re still hard at work optimizing and improving the mechanics.


Using Star Cards, you'll be able to modify your favorite heroes and troopers to your specifications, creating ever-more powerful and flexible combinations. Hero- and trooper-specific Star Cards can be applied across a players' ability slots in a dizzying array of possible configurations.

Take Darth Maul's spin attack for example. This powerful maneuver might be modified by specific Star Cards to travel further or move faster. Boba Fett players might employ a Star Card that extends his For the Hunt ability to reveal enemies not just in his own scanner, but to nearby allies as well.

Classes can be outfitted with different Star Cards as well, and different combinations of Star Cards will reward the players with vastly different experiences. One Specialist might excel in trap-laying, while another might concentrate on becoming the ultimate stealthy sniper.


You'll also have the freedom to switch out cards on the fly, customizing your loadout during respawns to fit changing tactical conditions. And Star Cards don't stop with troopers and heroes. Hero ships and starfighters will also have libraries of Star Cards available.

You'll get Star Cards by completing in-game challenges and quests, as well as though Crates, rewarded for gameplay progress in Star Wars Battlefront II. Cards come in a variety of rarities, with each tier reflecting a corresponding adjustment in power level. You'll earn new cards as you play, opening new creative options for configuring your favorite classes and characters.

Something that's been splitting the fan base, though, is the news that crates will be available via micro transactions, and many are pointing to this making the game "pay-to-win", and whilst I disagree that it ensures a win, it certainly increases the likelihood of victory. 

Edited by Julius Caesar
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EA has promised more news on the game come Gamescom this August, and they've also dropped some news regarding the beta. From the game's official site:


The Beta is coming

Players and fans who pre-order will be able to play the Star Wars Battlefront II Beta early, starting on October 4.* Open to the public two days later on October 6, and running through October 9.

Ground and space: the battle begins

Join Republic clone troopers and Separatist battle droids in a wild melee at the royal palace on Naboo, where you'll take control of some of your favorite heroes. Then switch over and pilot iconic Star Wars ships in a multiplayer Starfighter Assault.


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The four young officers obeyed and turned to look at Admiral Versio expectantly. He had offered them no refreshment, and indeed Iden knew the members of the little gathering could count themselves for­tunate they had been invited—or, rather, ordered—to sit.

Versio’s dark eyes roamed over each of the faces turned toward him, settling on his daughter’s. The stern visage gentled, ever so slightly.

“Lieutenant Versio,” he said, “I’m glad you could join us.”

Iden felt a quick flush of warmth. Gideon had been right. Her fa­ther was glad to see her.

“Thank you, sir,” she said.

That was, apparently, enough sentimentality for the admiral. He turned to again address the entire gathering. “I direct your attention to the holoprojector in the center of the table.”

Iden went rigid.

She suspected what they were about to see. And she realized it had been she who was responsible for it being here.

Iden watched along with the others, stone-still. The only part of her that moved was the quick pulse of the vein in her slender throat. She saw the battle unfold, again, heard the sound of orders being is­sued. The countdown. The flash of light, the chaotic careening of her ship.

She forced herself not to look away, but out of the corner of her eye she registered the reactions of her fellows. Meeko’s face displayed shock. Marana’s eyes were wide and her lips parted slightly. Even Gideon had turned a shade paler, and she could tell he was forcing himself not to glance over at her, to illogically confirm with his own eyes yet again if she was all right.

Her father, mercifully, ignored her completely.

“I believe we all know what this is,” Versio said, pausing and then deactivating the hologram. “This recording is currently being ana­lyzed and evaluated as one of a handful recovered from ships that were out of the direct blast area.”

Iden was grateful he didn’t single her out, but from the sidelong glances of Meeko and Marana, she suspected they knew anyway.

“This was a dark day for our Empire. A very dark day. But, as you can imagine, and perhaps already know, we are working on plans for retaliation against the Rebel Alliance on every level open to us. We have plans from the very grand to the very intimate. And the latter is where the four of you come in. There’s a particular front in this battle that I have suggested be addressed, and I have been given authorization to proceed.”

Iden’s father was using that voice. That voice meant something very big, very significant, and very personal to him was going on. That he was including her in it made Iden feel proud—but it also put her on high alert. She sat erect in her chair, her eyes on her father, her breath­ing slow, and listened.

“Our glorious Death Star was destroyed by something very small indeed—a tiny flaw, implanted by one man who single-mindedly be­trayed the Empire over the course of years. One person, in an X-wing fighter, hit a target only two meters wide.”

He squared his shoulders. “We were arrogant,” he said, and only Iden—and, perhaps, Gideon—knew what that admission cost him. “We paid a terrible price for that. And we will not make that mistake again.

“The contribution that one small team can make when it com­prises the best of the best is, I believe, both overlooked and invalu­able. The distillation of individual accomplishments and skills into a smoothly functioning unit will be something the enemies of the Em­pire will not be prepared to guard against.

“After careful evaluation, I have decided that the four of you repre­sent the finest the Empire can field.”

It was quite a statement, and they all knew it. Versio clasped his hands behind his back and walked in a predatory circle around the rapt group as he regarded each of them in turn, his eyes searching, laserlike, and piercing, as if trying to plumb their very souls. Gideon and Iden were used to that level of scrutiny, but familiarity made it no less intimidating.

The admiral’s gaze settled on the tall man. “Del Meeko. You worked your way up through the ranks, first as a stormtrooper, then a shoretrooper, then a TIE pilot. You have received several commendations for courage under fire. Your commanders have made notations that you excel at whatever you turn your hand to, but you seem to be par­ticularly gifted with repairing everything—from armor to droids to engines.” Versio smiled thinly. “Your captain did not part with you with good grace.”

Meeko was smart enough not to break eye contact with the admi­ral, but the mechanically inclined TIE pilot did fidget slightly in his seat as he inclined his head in appreciation of the words.

“Seyn Marana,” Versio continued, turning to the petite young woman. “You possess the gift of eidetic memory, which has served you well throughout your career. You graduated top of your class at the Imperial Academy of Uyter a full year early—and with honors. You speak . . . twenty-seven languages, is that correct?”

He paused to let her answer. In that sweet voice, the very young lieutenant replied, “Twenty-nine, sir.”

Versio’s eyebrows rose. “Twenty-nine,” he said, his voice a gravelly purr. “I stand corrected. You can read and write seven more—it is seven, yes? I’d hate to be mistaken a second time.”

The girl—Iden couldn’t help but think of her that way; clearly Seyn was barely into her twenties at best—seemed to be seriously recon­sidering her earlier quick correction of Versio, but she replied,

“Yes, seven, sir.”

“Seven. You are also a master cryptologist. And a superior shot who can take out a foe at over five kilometers.”

Iden regarded the “girl” with considerably more respect.

Now Versio turned to Gideon. Iden, who knew him so well, saw her father’s expression soften with pride. “Gideon Hask. First in his class at Coruscant Imperial University. Served with valor aboard the Mandate, receiving a battlefield promotion and the Crimson Star for exceptional performance against the enemy.

“And finally, Iden Versio. Graduated top of her class at Coruscant Imperial University, with honors. One of a handful of survivors of the Death Star, where she had held the record for most verified kills in battle—and has the melancholy honor of never losing that title.

“Your mission will be to recover information, artifacts, or indi­viduals that could prove harmful to the Empire if they fall into the wrong hands—or if, perchance, such information has already fallen into the wrong hands. You’ll be cleaning things up, as it were. We’ve just borne witness to the level of damage that can be inflicted upon our Empire when such pivotal information is used against us. We cannot, must not, shall not allow this to happen ever again. Is this understood?”

Everyone replied quickly in the affirmative. The admiral nodded.

“You will do as you are instructed. No questions. We need to re­cover anything and everything, anyone and everyone, who might pose the slightest threat to the Empire. You are all accustomed to being part of something larger than yourselves. To being a part of a vast machine. But this unit will be a microcosm of only four. You’ll be performing the majority of your duties without direction from me—in fact, there may be lengthy periods of time when you will not be in contact with me at all. It is imperative that you learn very quickly how to work together smoothly and efficiently. You’ll find that a great deal of weight will be resting on your shoulders.”

Iden’s heart began to slam slowly against her chest, but she gave no sign of it. It wouldn’t do to register how thrilled these words made her feel. Responsibility was exactly what she wanted. The team as a whole, it seemed, would be given a great deal of it—but she wanted more.

The girl smiled, and for a moment Seyn looked so young that Iden wanted to protect her more than she wanted to fight alongside her. She dismissed the thought. Seyn’s youth surely belied a lot of strength. Garrick Versio would never want anyone on “his team” who wasn’t strong. After all, they were the best of the best.

That logical conclusion meant that the quiet Del Meeko also had something special to offer. And of course, Iden knew Gideon well enough to know how much he brought to the table.

“Any other questions?” There were none. Versio nodded. “Dis­missed.”

The four got to their feet, saluted, and turned to go. At the door, though, Gideon hung back, considering, then asked his new com­manding officer, “Sir? Does this unit have a name yet?

The faintest of smiles quirked Versio’s lips. “It does,” he replied. “It’s a promise to the rebels.

“It’s called Inferno Squad.”


A prequel to the highly-anticipated videogame Star Wars Battlefront II and set immediately after the events of Rogue One and A New Hope, the book follows the Empire’s response to the destruction of their vaunted battle station. Determined to thwart all threats, Inferno Squad, featuring some of the best Imperial soldiers, goes on a mission to infiltrate and eliminate the Partisans — the rebel faction once led by the legendary Saw Gerrera.

The novel is set for release July 27th.

Edited by Julius Caesar
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  • 4 weeks later...

Man, the beta is drawing closer and closer, I can't wait! My end-of-year Star Wars excitement bout is beginning to kick off :D

Anyways, there are some rumours going around that a trailer will be shown next week at TGS next weekend. 

A few days ago, a supposed leak also revealed that the beta will be roughly 14GB - 16GB in size, with the Clone Wars-era Assault on Theed battle shown at E3 being available, as well as the Civil War-era space battle over Fondor shown off last month at Gamescom. A new game mode, Strike, will be available on Takodana, whilst a Skirmish mode will also reportedly be available.

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A MASSIVE Reddit leak, which by all means seems legitimate, has dropped plenty of information, and seemingly the entire roster of Heroes, Villains, vehicles and infantry expected to be found in the game, as well as the supposed locations - and possibly even order of these locations - to be found in the campaign. Note that these should still be taken with the slightest grain of salt, and that whilst this is expected to outline everything we will see in the game at launch*, it does not go beyond this, and could by all means be subject to some change.

Many spoiler tags ahead. Illegible grammar will be edited, but most information will be sourced directly from the Reddit post.

*With the knowledge that Finn and Phasma will be dropping as our first DLC - which appears to be a tie-in to The Last Jedi - it's safe to assume that also included in this DLC, as listed below, is a space battle over D'Qar and a ground battle on Crait (as seen in the teaser trailer for the film).

Heroes & Villains


Heroes: Han, Luke, Leia, Chewie, Lando, Finn, Rey, Yoda

Villains: Vader, Palpatine, Boba, Bossk, Iden Versio, Phasma, Maul, Kylo Ren

Multiplayer ground & space locations


Ground: Hoth, Yavin, Mos Eisley, Bespin, Death Star, Endor, Takodana, Jakku, Crait, Star Killer Base, Kamino, Naboo, Kashyyyk

Space: Fondor, Death star debris, Resurgent-Class Star Destroyer, Starkiller Base, D'Qar, Ryloth, Kamino

Game modes


Heroes Vs Villains, Galactic Assault, Starfighter Assault, Strike, Blast.

Vehicles (including Hero & Villain vehicles)


"Light Side" air vehicles: OT X-Wing, A-wing, Y-wing, T47, ST X-wing, V-wing, N1 starfighter, LAAT, Wookiee catamaran

"Light Side" ground vehicles: X34 landspeeder, Rebel ATRT, 74-Z speeder bike, Republic ATRT

Hero vehicles: Millennium Falcon (Han Solo), Red five, Black one, Millennium Falcon (Rey), Yoda's starfighter

"Dark Side" air vehicles: Tie fighter, Tie Interceptor, Tie bomber, FO Tie fighter, Vulture droid, Tri-fighter, Hyena bomber

"Dark Side" ground vehicles: ATST, ATAT, FO landspeeder, AAT, MTT

Villain vehicles: Slave 1 (Boba), Tie Advanced, Tie Silencer, Scimitar, Slave 1 (Jango)

 Special units


"Light Side": Rebel Jumptrooper, Resistance Jumptrooper, Clone Jumptrooper, ARC troopers, Wookiee warriors

"Dark Side": Death Troopers, Imperial Super Commandos, FO jumptrooper, FO flame trooper, B2 super battle droid, B2 Rocket Droid

Campaign locations (supposedly in order)


Endor, Fondor, Pilio, Vardos, Takodana, Kashyyk, Bespin, Jakku, Pilio, Athulla, star destroyer


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