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MadDog Marathon [£1750+ raised!!]


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I'd been hoping I'd manage to make it down to help out with and support this, but it seems I've just left it all too late to get myself properly organised in addition to some other stuff happening on the same weekend. Honestly wish you guys all the best with it - if there's anything I can do from tinternets or to support otherwise I'm still very happy to try! Seen Ashley's just shared the JustGiving page; I'll share it in a day or two on the facebooks myself.

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I have now setup a RedBubble page for people to buy a shirt to support us. Currently 25% of every sale goes to the Teenage Cancer Trust. It'll be collected by me each month and put into the Just Giving page.


RedBubble Page




Nice work there Luke. : peace:


I was thinking... I'm not really that great on the streaming but, I've noticed that my next week off work actually coincides with the same weekend this is taking place on, so perhaps I could buy a shirt, wear it, take a pic with the shirt on and just play some VC/Nintendo games for most of the weekend while posting updates on Miiverse which I can then post here and reference that it's for MadDog Marathon in the updates which might help drum up some more donations and support. ::shrug:


Just a vague idea anyway, if it'll help though I'll buy a shirt now and start thinking about what games I could line up for this in the spirit of the event. :smile:

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Nice work there Luke. : peace:


I was thinking... I'm not really that great on the streaming but, I've noticed that my next week off work actually coincides with the same weekend this is taking place on, so perhaps I could buy a shirt, wear it, take a pic with the shirt on and just play some VC/Nintendo games for most of the weekend while posting updates on Miiverse which I can then post here and reference that it's for MadDog Marathon in the updates which might help drum up some more donations and support. ::shrug:


Just a vague idea anyway, if it'll help though I'll buy a shirt now and start thinking about what games I could line up for this in the spirit of the event. :smile:


Any help/promotion is always appreciated, so go for it!


Same goes for anyone else. If you can think of a way to help promote the event, please do. We're halfway to our target and although we're hoping to raise plenty on the day, I'd love it if we hit that target before the event.

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Any help/promotion is always appreciated, so go for it!


Same goes for anyone else. If you can think of a way to help promote the event, please do. We're halfway to our target and although we're hoping to raise plenty on the day, I'd love it if we hit that target before the event.


Well, I've signed up to Red Bubble and have purchased a T-Shirt, so it's a start. :)


I'll have a think on what games I could play on the day, see if I can set myself a challenge, something which will hopefully drum up interest via miiverse, I'm sure I can come up with something hopefully. : peace:

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Damn, you've gone and done it now Goafer...


I had to order another T-Shirt AND a mug, I was completely powerless. :blush:


Read as - I have no willpower and that design is excellent. :D


Ah well, now I can have a different shirt for both days of the event and I can enjoy a nice cuppa - or ten- in that lovely mug. : peace:

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I did feel a bit bad that you'd already ordered a shirt without being able to see the new design first, but the idea only came to me today.


If not helps, I don't think I'll be adding any new designs (unless someone requests something).


And thanks again for supporting us! I think Redbubble pay out mid month, so I'll put the proceeds into the just giving page when it comes through.

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Don't feel too bad, they're both genuinely excellent designs, also that's how it often goes with ideas, I'm just glad that you came up with it. :)


It probably helps that you're probably not adding any more designs but don't let that stop you, if there's a request or a sudden burst of inspiration then by all means add more! :smile:


However I'm not responsible for my wreckless expenditure... :wink:


...well, I am but it's all for a good cause so you're most welcome. : peace:

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Yesterday we passed the £500 target we set ourselves and we still have a week to go before the event itself starts and this is a fantastic way to go into the final week.


Thank you to all of you for your support and generous donations. Let's make Scott proud :)

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I'm really glad to hear that the £500 target has been met, hopefully we can raise even more over the weekend. :)


On my end though I've been thinking about what I could play and then it hit me, the NES Classic Mini is coming out on the Friday, I have it on order from two places so it will almost certainly arrive on time so I could play through as many NES games as possible on the Friday and Saturday. :D


I think each of the titles already has a miiverse community so on each one I could just post that I'm playing the game for MadDog Marathon but on the NES mini Classic, write a brief thought about the title before playing the game and then take screenshots of the end when I finish each game. : peace:


Should I post "#MadDogMarathon" as part of the posts? Will that work? I don't know about posting a full link as I don't want my posts deleted if it comes to that - it'll probably be fine but I'm just covering all eventualities - but let me know either way and I'll do my best. :smile:

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Yeah that hashtag should be fine. We'll use it on Twitter and if they google it we're the majority of the results on the first page (not the top one, but people should be able to tell from context hopefully!) Although that is without any spaces, with them we're still on the front page but a bit less obvious.


Could mention Twitter, Twitch or Facebook to make it a bit clearer.

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We've now hit just over £600.


Got most of the raffle stuff sorted, other than some stuff that should (hopefully!) arrive tomorrow.


We've got our t-shirts in and I think I'm as ready as I'm going to be for the stream. The stream will be taking place on https://www.twitch.tv/maddogmarathon (although @flameboy will be hosting his own so I'll leave him to add a link and I'll update the first post and the marathon website).

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Best of luck to everyone participating at the Arcade Club or who's participating in the streams today.



I've been sorting things out here over the past couple of days ready for the NES mini MadDog Marathon as it were. :p


This won't be streamed, as I said before it's mainly to raise awareness for the main events as I play some games on the Nintendo Classic mini NES while using the miiverse communities for the titles seperately to spread the word.





Some pictures of the Nintendo Classic mini, a blurred shot of some guy looking confused holding the machine :blush:

and a sort-of picture of that excellent T-Shirt designed by Goafer.



As I was scribbling down a mini flyer to keep track of what games I'd be playing though, I had a thought.


Because I'll be playing games across two days as well - though not 24 hours consecutively - why not have the second day for Sega 3D Classics?


Firstly because it mixes it up a bit and secondly as I can post a few more updates directly with screenshots.


So that's what I'll be doing. :smile:




Day 1 will be all about Nintendo while Day 2 will be Sega.

Ultimately though it's about MadDog Marathon and raising awareness/funds. :heart:



Which NES games will be played? That'd be telling... ;)


A couple of forum members know two of the titles as they kind of helped me pick but there will be four in total as I figured instead of unrealistically trying to complete the entire 30 games...


...it would be good to go for four challenging/interesting runs of games which I may stand a chance of completing in a short space of time.


I'll reveal what these games are just as soon as I can get everything sorted which will likely be in an hour or so...ish.


Let's play some games, raise some money for the Teenage Cancer Trust in Scott's good name. : peace:

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