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MadDog Marathon [£1750+ raised!!]


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@Goafer and I are just back from the club.


We put up the big banners you can see above in the main entrance of the building (it's a mixed usage building) and two in the club itself. The owner is going to put up the longer ones outside but the landlord is being pernickedy about the advertising space at the moment apparently.


The club really is great. If anyone is in/near the area its worth checking out. Goafer shot a video that we'll be posting soon and I feature in it so it's worth a watch.


We've both got some things to sort out in the coming days to 'officially' launch this so stay tuned for that.


In the mean time, any suggestions on how people would like to get involved would be greatly appreciated. If anyone wants to join in for the 24 hour thing, in the club or elsewhere, that'd be great. If you can't dedicate all that time we'd still love some people to be spare hands in the venue. We want to try and get as many visitors involved, either with jumping in to compete or to do mini challenges (with prizes!) on one of the many machines and I am just one person so if anyone else can join in we'd really appreciate it. We're doing midday Friday to midday Saturday and if you want to come along to just some of that to help out that would be cool. It's open until the midnight on Friday/Saturday then opens up again at 11am for the public so Friday 12-12 would be great if people can drop along, even if its just for a few hours. Of course if you want to stay overnight too you're more than welcome to and there's even a shower! And if you want to join us for the last hour on the Saturday you can, but we might be a bit dead :heh: But as I said the club is great so you could stick around and play all sorts of old and new games there!


If you think of other ways to join in, participate etc even off-site let us know. We're obviously keen to raise as much money as we can so if you want to set some challenge for yourself, have friends round to yours for a gaming session in the proviso they all donate a few quid (we'll be setting up a donation page soon) etc let us know! Anything you can do to help would be greatly appreciated.

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Photos of the banners in situ:




As Ashley said, we really could do with people's help on this. Even people who aren't sure what they can offer the event. We need people with skills that may not be immediately obvious. People who are good at talking to commentate on the events, people to run raffles, people to jump in on multiplayer games when there's no members of the public who want to join in, people to run the stream. We need everything. All efforts big and small are appreciated.

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Probably of no use to you guys but I am a pro video editor, would be happy to make something if you get any footage of the actual event.


We'll be streaming the whole thing, so if we can save the footage, we'll see what we can do.


This is the sort of thing we want more of. Even if people don't think their skills will be particularly useful, it's worth posting in case we can think of something.




In other news, the Just Giving page is now up: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/maddogmarathon

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@Goafer and I are just back from the club.


We put up the big banners you can see above in the main entrance of the building (it's a mixed usage building) and two in the club itself. The owner is going to put up the longer ones outside but the landlord is being pernickedy about the advertising space at the moment apparently.


The club really is great. If anyone is in/near the area its worth checking out. Goafer shot a video that we'll be posting soon and I feature in it so it's worth a watch.


We've both got some things to sort out in the coming days to 'officially' launch this so stay tuned for that.


In the mean time, any suggestions on how people would like to get involved would be greatly appreciated. If anyone wants to join in for the 24 hour thing, in the club or elsewhere, that'd be great. If you can't dedicate all that time we'd still love some people to be spare hands in the venue. We want to try and get as many visitors involved, either with jumping in to compete or to do mini challenges (with prizes!) on one of the many machines and I am just one person so if anyone else can join in we'd really appreciate it. We're doing midday Friday to midday Saturday and if you want to come along to just some of that to help out that would be cool. It's open until the midnight on Friday/Saturday then opens up again at 11am for the public so Friday 12-12 would be great if people can drop along, even if its just for a few hours. Of course if you want to stay overnight too you're more than welcome to and there's even a shower! And if you want to join us for the last hour on the Saturday you can, but we might be a bit dead :heh: But as I said the club is great so you could stick around and play all sorts of old and new games there!


If you think of other ways to join in, participate etc even off-site let us know. We're obviously keen to raise as much money as we can so if you want to set some challenge for yourself, have friends round to yours for a gaming session in the provison they all donate a few quid (we'll be setting up a donation page soon) etc let us know! Anything you can do to help would be greatly appreciated.


Just to let you know a few things I can look into;


Donation Tracker - have a guy who will make one for the stream.


Firming up more speed runners to do some streaming during the event. Currently have a guy who will be doing an Ocarina of Time run during some point and speaking to the world record older of another game hoping he will join in.


Hosting a Mario Kart Tournament for people who can't make the event. (maybe requires a seperate thread in the regular boards)


Not sure how much of this planning you want to be out here in public or if you want to send me a PM? Also will discuss timing with you, however I think we might stream early AM Saturday - Sunday so because of time difference our timings won't clash effectively giving us an entire weekend of streaming/events.

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I've just read about MadDog and I'm gutted - what an awful thing to find out about someone you never met but interacted with so much. Rather than bump the obituary thread, I'll put it here - YNWA mate.


If there's any way to help out I'd be more than welcome. I'll try and check back here but most of you have me on Facebook. I'll be donating too, but unfortunately it will be after payday. This whole event looks incredible guys - can't wait to check out the stream. :smile:

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Potentially Chelsea (my partner) is offering to help out at the event. She said it just before bed last night so I don't know to what extent and for how long so I would have to speak to her more but might be another pair of hands. :)


Feel like with her event planning knowledge she could be invaluable likely think of things none of us will!

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Potentially Chelsea (my partner) is offering to help out at the event. She said it just before bed last night so I don't know to what extent and for how long so I would have to speak to her more but might be another pair of hands. :)


This would be fantastic!


Although with a Chelsea and an Ashley it might sound like an American high school drama...


With recent news about the Mario Kart tournament, what about a Rocket League Tournament?


1v1 in private matches. PC-PS4 cross-play is possible.


There's already a Mario Kart league in place which is why we're using that, but it there's something similar for Rocket League or you're willing to set it up that'd be great.

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What about Team Arcade (consisting of players at the event) vs Team Online (consisting of NE-Members not at the event)?


This doesn't need to be a tournament. We could just have a few matches. Maybe if Team Arcade wins against Team Online they get a small prize.


Of course you could also do some split-screen action right at the arcade.



Speaking of prizes: I'm probably at my mom's place in two weeks and all my PS3 games are there. If I find the time I'd like to donate some of them for prizes during the event.

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Team Rocket League would be good. The people at arcade club vs the Canadian players. Or arcade club vs another team.


What about Team Arcade (consisting of players at the event) vs Team Online (consisting of NE-Members not at the event)?


This doesn't need to be a tournament. We could just have a few matches. Maybe if Team Arcade wins against Team Online they get a small prize.


Of course you could also do some split-screen action right at the arcade.



Speaking of prizes: I'm probably at my mom's place in two weeks and all my PS3 games are there. If I find the time I'd like to donate some of them for prizes during the event.


Both sound like good ideas! I'm up for some kind of Rocket League - perhaps not a full blown tournament but just a VS best of however many.

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Just noticed we're on £215 now in just a week. That is amazing guys. Thanks to all those that have donated so far. You're all wonderful people.


I intend to ramp up my efforts and the planning when I'm back in the country next week but just wanted to say thank you to everyone!


I'm going to write to his family when I'm back with solid details about what is happening and it will be great to be able to say we've already hit so much.

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Some friends of mine have decided to come along on the Friday (and possibly Saturday as they have a hotel booked for the weekend) and have shown interest in helping out for the hours that the venue is open. Just light stuff, such as bucket shaking etc, but it's something. I mentioned about inviting the rest of our friendship group, so there may be a few more coming too.

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