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PS4 Pro


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That guy seems to talk a lot based on assumptions. He clearly knows nothing about game development but claims games will need patching to make them work (nonsense) or will take significantly more effort to make work on two graphical tiers (also nonsense). Does he think that PC developers have to develop the game for every monitor resolution and every configuration of memory in existence? Of course not, the engine manages that. PCs are more difficult because you have to worry about two architectures, two brands of CPU and two brands of GPU. This is one system, scaled up.


I hope some of the people that write into that show put him in his place.


I'm inclined to agree that 2 states would not be perceived as so disruptive when PCs have much more variety. This guy seems to be going over the top over it.


Maybe because you expressed it in a juvenile way that was bound to ignite such response.


Yeah, it's just not a good way to go about posting your points if you want to be taken seriously.

Edited by Sheikah
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Are Sony supposed to wait another 7 years to take advantage of 4K TV's?.


No, they can wait another 2 years and release the PS5.


It'll be brilliant watching them try and demo games side by side on PS4 and PS4K. Here's the amazing PS4K version, oh and here's the shitty version for the 40 million of you out there that haven't upgraded. They can't demo one without the other I wouldn't have thought.


Yeah, it's just not a good way to go about posting your points if you want to be taken seriously.


Coming from the paragon of posting etiquette and respectability.

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No, they can wait another 2 years and release the PS5.
Oh so you're ok with everyone having to spend another £350 in 2 years to play PS5 games and bringing this console generation to a close significantly early.




Btw 2 years into the Wii and everyone would have bought a Wii HD in a heartbeat.


The demo'ing situation is going to be weird. We'll have to see how they go about that. But then PC games are demoed all the time.

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It'll be brilliant watching them try and demo games side by side on PS4 and PS4K. Here's the amazing PS4K version, oh and here's the shitty version for the 40 million of you out there that haven't upgraded. They can't demo one without the other I wouldn't have thought.


Why is it suddenly games that two months ago we would have said had good graphics are going to become "shitty"? Do we say Monsters Inc looks shitty because Monsters University looks better? It's upgraded tech. It's still going to look good, but the PS4K version will be better.

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Can we stop assuming that PS4 games are suddenly going to look shitty?


For all we know, it's literally just some extra power so it can be shown/upscaled in 4K on those with 4K TVs. They really aren't going to fuck over everyone who already has a PS4. The games are going to be made for PS4. But if you stick it in a PS4K, you can have it in a higher resolution. Does it really matter? You don't have to buy it!

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Oh so you're ok with everyone having to spend another £350 in 2 years to play PS5 games and bringing this console generation to a close significantly early.




Err, yes I am ok with that. Why wouldn't I be? That's how traditional console generations work, 5+ years.


Instead we have Playstation basically sticking a middle finger up at all the people who bought the PS4 hardware, two years and a half years after release. PS4 games won't look shitty on the big screen demo, but they'll look worse than the PS4K, enough for them to actually stick the two up for comparison. What a mess.


Moriarty's right, this is a PR disaster waiting to happen. They'll have to message this very carefully.

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Yes, because no one's ever said such SHOCKING statements as "thanks a lot Nintendo" or "f you Nintendo" before. Ever. And certainly no worse. Unbelievable double standards on here. As per usual, one rule when you want to complain about Nintendo, another for when you dare to complain about Playstation.


Let's have a look shall we.


In the Nintendo forums examples of the following phrases from 2013 onwards:


"fuck Nintendo"

"Fuck Nintendo my Vita just arrived" - not used in an insulting manner, rather "I've got other things to do!"


"Fuck Nintendo, seriously. Not supporting the circle pad pro, a fucking first party accessory, when there's no excuse not to is pure bullshit."


"Again...I can't believe we didn't get one [F-Zero] for the DS OR the Wii...what the fuck, Nintendo?


"screw Nintendo"

"That's how EA managed to screw Nintendo out of getting Fifa games on Wii U" - complaining about EA not Nintendo


"Screw Nintendo Land, this [MK8] is a system seller"


"EA are literally the worst publisher in the industry and they're obviously trying to screw Nintendo and the Wii U." - again complaining about EA not Nintendo


"f you Nintendo"

"but oh no.. red shell.. green shell.. and to round it off blue shell even though i was in third position at the time.. f*** you nintendo.. F*** you very much" - blue shell rage, we've all been there (actually from 2008 and the only time that phrase has been used)


"fuck you Nintendo"

"Fuck you, Nintendo. It took me an age to even get onto the eShop today, and that's counting the amount of times I was kicked out with some sort of error code."

(similar complaints are levied at Sony for price drops and slow updates)


"Sadly I've decided to give up [on Super Mario 3D World] and move on to Pikmin 3. I've never let a game beat me like this, fuck you Nintendo!"


"GBA games on Virtual Console!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh wait on Wii U. FUCK YOU NINTENDO! Such a kick in the nuts to 3DS owners"


"I look forward to Mario Kart. Every generation we get one. I love it. Apart from Mario, it's probably the only game I've had every generation and literally sunk hours into. And this is what I get? FUCK YOU NINTENDO!!!"


"Fuck you Nintendo, fuck you very much! - reaction to 2DS reveal


"thanks a lot Nintendo"

"Thanks a lot Nintendo. I was going to play this through Christmas but I'll be gaming elsewhere now. Eugh. - annoyance at Smash Bros GameCube controller adaptor shortages


"Well, thanks a lot, GAME! Thanks a lot, Nintendo of Europe! - late delivery of a game so worry that they'll miss the limited period soundtrack (from what I can gather!)



I can find no instances of anyone saying "fuck Nintendo", "screw Nintendo", "f you Nintendo" or "thanks a lot Nintendo" in regards to the fake NX controllers, or even about the NX or Wii U itself. Very few instances in the last three years where it is used to show genuine anger at Nintendo itself (i.e. saying stuff like "EA screws Nintendo" doesn't count).


I'm happy to search for more phrases if you wish to name them, but at present I can't find the vitriol towards Nintendo you have claimed on frequent occasions to witness.

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Let's have a look shall we.


In the Nintendo forums examples of the following phrases from 2013 onwards:


"fuck Nintendo"

"Fuck Nintendo my Vita just arrived" - not used in an insulting manner, rather "I've got other things to do!"


"Fuck Nintendo, seriously. Not supporting the circle pad pro, a fucking first party accessory, when there's no excuse not to is pure bullshit."


"Again...I can't believe we didn't get one [F-Zero] for the DS OR the Wii...what the fuck, Nintendo?


"screw Nintendo"

"That's how EA managed to screw Nintendo out of getting Fifa games on Wii U" - complaining about EA not Nintendo


"Screw Nintendo Land, this [MK8] is a system seller"


"EA are literally the worst publisher in the industry and they're obviously trying to screw Nintendo and the Wii U." - again complaining about EA not Nintendo


"f you Nintendo"

"but oh no.. red shell.. green shell.. and to round it off blue shell even though i was in third position at the time.. f*** you nintendo.. F*** you very much" - blue shell rage, we've all been there (actually from 2008 and the only time that phrase has been used)


"fuck you Nintendo"

"Fuck you, Nintendo. It took me an age to even get onto the eShop today, and that's counting the amount of times I was kicked out with some sort of error code."

(similar complaints are levied at Sony for price drops and slow updates)


"Sadly I've decided to give up [on Super Mario 3D World] and move on to Pikmin 3. I've never let a game beat me like this, fuck you Nintendo!"


"GBA games on Virtual Console!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh wait on Wii U. FUCK YOU NINTENDO! Such a kick in the nuts to 3DS owners"


"I look forward to Mario Kart. Every generation we get one. I love it. Apart from Mario, it's probably the only game I've had every generation and literally sunk hours into. And this is what I get? FUCK YOU NINTENDO!!!"


"Fuck you Nintendo, fuck you very much! - reaction to 2DS reveal


"thanks a lot Nintendo"

"Thanks a lot Nintendo. I was going to play this through Christmas but I'll be gaming elsewhere now. Eugh. - annoyance at Smash Bros GameCube controller adaptor shortages


"Well, thanks a lot, GAME! Thanks a lot, Nintendo of Europe! - late delivery of a game so worry that they'll miss the limited period soundtrack (from what I can gather!)



I can find no instances of anyone saying "fuck Nintendo", "screw Nintendo", "f you Nintendo" or "thanks a lot Nintendo" in regards to the fake NX controllers, or even about the NX or Wii U itself. Very few instances in the last three years where it is used to show genuine anger at Nintendo itself (i.e. saying stuff like "EA screws Nintendo" doesn't count).


I'm happy to search for more phrases if you wish to name them, but at present I can't find the vitriol towards Nintendo you have claimed on frequent occasions to witness.


I'm not really sure what your point is as I find it hard to believe you're backing me up, but that's what your post seems to do?


NX controllers don't screw people out of spending more money so anyone having that reaction to the NX or Wii U needs a word with themselves.

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I'm not really sure what your point is as I find it hard to believe you're backing me up, but that's what your post seems to do?


NX controllers don't screw people out of spending more money so anyone having that reaction to the NX or Wii U needs a word with themselves.


My point is in the last two days you've said nearly as many hateful things about Sony as all people on this forum have said about Nintendo in three years but you claim there's a double standard where hatred towards Nintendo (which I can find very little of) is allowed but any hatred towards Sony is belittled or rejected.


Just trying to see if the facts match up with your repeated statements and I wouldn't say they do.

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I should point out that it's pretty likely that we'll see Nintendo do something similar with the NX. The whole 'brothers in the same system' philosophy that we'll see with the console and handheld means that we're likely to see more form factors, not less, over time. It's similar to how a new iPad air will come out 12 months after the previous model but the previous model still sits on the market for 3-4 years.

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And there was me thinking you were proving someone else wrong. Such as...


I don't remember anyone ever telling Nintendo to fuck off.


Obviously not.


My point is in the last two days you've said nearly as many hateful things about Sony as all people on this forum have said about Nintendo in three years


So you're equating...


thanks a lot Playstation.


they can GTFO


PlayStation can f off


this middle finger from Playstation




Fuck Nintendo, seriously. Not supporting the circle pad pro, a fucking first party accessory, when there's no excuse not to is pure bullshit.


f*** you nintendo.. F*** you very much


Fuck you, Nintendo. It took me an age to even get onto the eShop today


fuck you Nintendo!


FUCK YOU NINTENDO! Such a kick in the nuts to 3DS owners


And this is what I get? FUCK YOU NINTENDO!!!


Fuck you Nintendo, fuck you very much!


Thanks a lot Nintendo. I was going to play this through Christmas but I'll be gaming elsewhere now.




but you claim there's a double standard where hatred towards Nintendo (which I can find very little of) is allowed but any hatred towards Sony is belittled or rejected.


There is a double standard. Nothing could be more obvious. Say the slightest negative thing about Nintendo and no one else bats an eyelid, have a look at the entire Wii U thread to see a prime example. The second anyone says something negative about the mighty Playstation, all hell breaks loose. Now people are giving me endless grief because I dared say things like "thanks a lot Playstation, GTFO" and because I'm venting about this pointless and money grabbing (IMO) PS4 upgrade. Come on!

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You're intentionally taking those quotes out of context, which I went through the effort of including. Please have the respect to not try and undo the work I have done. Acting like this is helpful to nobody and damages any point you are trying to make.


One of the quotes you've taken out of context is someone saying "fuck you Nintendo" because they got blue shelled. I do not believe they genuinely hated Nintendo, they were just annoyed in that moment (about Nintendo as software developers rather than hardware developers).

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The Nintendo as software developers quote is just as applicable as the rest. I didn't take anything out of context, I only included the ones related to this discussion. If you didn't want me picking and choosing then you shouldn't have bothered including the ones that had no relevance to the topic. The rest of my point stands about the obvious double standards.

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But Ronnie, you were the one saying it was happening all over the place, not specifically related to the NX and PS4K. Ashley has proved it really isn't, and you say he's bringing up irrelevant stuff? Go on then, prove there's a lot of Nintendo hate for us. I'm not seeing it. I see a lot disappointment, but is that a surprise with the state of Nintendo and the Wii U right now?


People are allowed to be disappointed in Nintendo. People are allowed to be disappointed with Sony. But is there the need for so much hyperbole? There really isn't a double standard.

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But Ronnie, you were the one saying it was happening all over the place, not specifically related to the NX and PS4K. Ashley has proved it really isn't, and you say he's bringing up irrelevant stuff? Go on then, prove there's a lot of Nintendo hate for us. I'm not seeing it. I see a lot disappointment, but is that a surprise with the state of Nintendo and the Wii U right now?


I never said anything about Nintendo "hate", just negativitiy. The entire Wii U thread is an example of this.


People are allowed to be disappointed in Nintendo.




People are allowed to be disappointed with Sony.


It seems not. This thread is a prime example. You get accused of having an "agenda" or shot down for being mad they're making a 3 year old successful console obsolete.


On another note...


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I never said anything about Nintendo "hate", just negativitiy. The entire Wii U thread is an example of this.


It seems not. This thread is a prime example. You get accused of having an "agenda" or shot down for being mad they're making a 3 year old successful console obsolete.


One of the problems is you speak in hyperbole. "The entire Wii U thread is an example of this [negativity towards Nintendo]". The thread has 12,177 replies including negativity-filled posts such as @Hero\-of\-Time that you yourself thanked, which I think is worth reviewing given your attitude towards the still unconfirmed details about the PS4K (and once again, yes it seems like the basic information is correct but we know nothing about trade in deals etc until officially unveiled by Sony, much as HoT says we have not heard anything official from Nintendo):


"I have to say, i'm pretty meh about the whole thing. Not just the pad but the situation and apparent leak. It's pointless getting all worked up about something that may not even be real. I'm quite happy to sit back and wait until Nintendo decide to show us the goods. In the meantime I get to watch people freak out and have meltdowns."


So after I have done extensive work to try and help address the concern you have raised with the apparent uneven treatment in the forum I have yet to find anything that causes me any great concern. People are disappointed with Nintendo. People even swear at/about Nintendo. But the same is true of other consoles.


I would welcome any proof you may find, and I mean proof of posts that feature more than just someone swearing at Nintendo (i.e. they are criticising them without justification, provocation or motive) and not just "it happens" kind of statements as a PM as a complaint. Unless you do this you are not in a position to say that this forum has double standards about the treatment of different console manufacturers. You may believe individuals do (I'm not doubting it's possible) but you have passed a point of just expressing concern to actually openly making criticisms about this site and the way we administrate it and as its owner I have tried to see if I can find any evidence of this in the absence of you yourself doing it. I would kindly appreciate it if you stop publicly insulting and criticising this site until you can provide further proof to me and I will gladly investigate and if necessary address the issue as a whole.

Edited by Ashley
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So after I have done extensive work to try and help address the concern you have raised with the apparent uneven treatment in the forum I have yet to find anything that causes me any great concern. People are disappointed with Nintendo. People even swear at/about Nintendo. But the same is true of other consoles.


Ashley, you ledge... I feel like you should create a topic with this information and sticky + lock it, purely for reference purposes when anyone starts complaining about double standards. Nothing like a slice of cold hard metrics to dispel the fog.


I actually quite enjoyed reading though that, and I think you did a good job of viewing each post in context. And not a single one of the swearing at Nintendo posts was mine. :heh:

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I know I've said this before, but is this really happening? Is Sony really gonna go ahead and pull a 32X here!?


I know they're desperate for content to sell their 4K TVs with, but geez! Come on! You're smarter than SEGA Sony!

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I know I've said this before, but is this really happening? Is Sony really gonna go ahead and pull a 32X here!?


I know they're desperate for content to sell their 4K TVs with, but geez! Come on! You're smarter than SEGA Sony!


Did the 32X have games that could only be played on it and not on the Genesis, meaning you had to buy it to play new games? (This is a genuine question by the way).


If that was the case then Sony are definitely not pulling a 32X.


What I don't get is everyone suddenly saying PS4 games will now be shit?! It seems to me that this is just a nice option for people who want games to run a little smoother/upscale nicely to their 4K TV.


Does the whole gaming community kick up a fuss when a better graphics card is released for the PC? No, because you don't NEED to get the new one if your computer can already play the game.

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Did the 32X have games that could only be played on it and not on the Genesis, meaning you had to buy it to play new games? (This is a genuine question by the way).


If that was the case then Sony are definitely not pulling a 32X.


What I don't get is everyone suddenly saying PS4 games will now be shit?! It seems to me that this is just a nice option for people who want games to run a little smoother/upscale nicely to their 4K TV.


Does the whole gaming community kick up a fuss when a better graphics card is released for the PC? No, because you don't NEED to get the new one if your computer can already play the game.


Fine then, SEGA CD is probably a closer comparison. Lots of releases that appeared on both MD and SEGA CD. Point still stands :p


Don't see anyone screaming for it. Consumers aren't gagging for it, devs aren't happy about it and Sony already have the most powerful console, so it's not a tactical advantage on that front.


Way I see it is that the only people who want it are Sony's execs who want 4K content for their TVs...

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I think it depends on price and what happens to the current one. If it's £300-350 then I imagine some new buyers will be willing to spend whatever the extra is to get the 'K'. And some people will want to trade in.


Would be interesting to see Sony's expected sales of this. It might be they don't expect much from it anyway. Kind of like their approach to the Vita!

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