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Ace Attorney - One-Shot Mafia


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Thanks a lot, pal.


E...everyone is stealing my character traaaiiit...



I'll correct that list on the next write-up. Thanks for bringing this up to my attention, Jim.


I... I thought I was on to somethiiiiing...


Broadcast Yourself


Double Post: forgot to remove my vote for Miss von Karma. Forgive meeee. Remove Vote: Sméagol.


Not many seem to be in a rush to ask anything, so I guess I'll have another go...

Sméagol I did something, it just didn't do anything.
Would it be ok to ask for more information on this, sir? The way I interpret it, you successfully reached your target, but nothing happened? Or was your action unsuccessful (meaning you possibly didn't reach your target?)
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Would it be ok to ask for more information on this, sir? The way I interpret it, you successfully reached your target, but nothing happened? Or was your action unsuccessful (meaning you possibly didn't reach your target?)


My action was successful, but nothing occurred as a result of it.

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Right, it's premature, but here's my current, um... what's it called? Lo...gic?


Broadcast Yourself


The game started with 14 players:















The Peeps


This is purely guesswork, but with 14 players, I'd say we'd have, at most, four people colluding as our thieves, pals. It's just a case of figurin' out who they are. The thieves could be anyone, but we can at least try to narrow down who graped Miss Cykes belongings...


We can take Mr-Paul off the list of course. Next up... I'd argue that Mr. Edgeworth (The Peeps) has better things to do than go sneaking around during the breaks, and the thieves would probably use somebody with no break power to do the incriminating (if they have such a member that is). Anyway, the Oldbag (Sheikah) watched him drinkin' tea at the time Miss Cykes got graped, so that counts him out. Oldbag herself couldn't do it either, as she was too busy watching DuD.


I didn't do anything as I was too busy trying on jackets, but I was targeted by the thieves if the note I got is to be believed. MadDog claims he targeted Sheikah, revealing some info (that Sheikah hasn't clarified). Diageo got roleblocked by somebody who hasn't come forward.











Currently, that leaves 8 potential suspects for the incrimination of Mr-Paul (the roleblocker who got Diageo is also likely amongst these suspects). All Dannyboy-the-Dane has done is ask a question. The same goes for jayseven, and neither have responded to those who answered them. Both Rummy and jayseven may have something on Dedede. Dedede has nothing to report. Both Cube and Marcamillian claim they successfully reached their target (Cube elaborating that nothing happened as a result of his successful target). Sméagol claims his break was uneventful. And finally we have DuD who we know targeted Mr-Paul. As far as I know, nobody so far is able to back up anybody's claims on, well, anything!


...It's all still pretty vague so far, pals (feel free to correct me on anything).It may only be the second session, but that shouldn't stop people from talking/asking questions and being more forthcoming with the info they have if they have any. A game of silence is never a good one for the side of the innocent, pals!

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Yeah I was just calling on someone I thought might be a quiet player, but as I've not been around for a while I don't really know who is active/inactive these days!


Dedede asked me about my beak. I don't know what this beak is but if he meant 'break' then I can answer! My break was good. There ya go.

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I do find your note strange, pal.
(Just ignore the pal infringement, Gumshoe, they're all just kickin' you whilst you're down!)


I revealed the note in the hopes that others may have received something similar, sir, but not many people have spoken up since. I see no reason why an innocent person would write this note, but the thought of a thief sending this... it just seems stupid!


...But I think I've figured it out. The thieves could have sent a note to anyone, but they chose to send it to me specifically. Why? Because of the last trial, pals... They probably wanted me to investigate somebody and find this note, leading me to accusing somebody as the thief, and when they were revealed innocent after being voted on, leave my reputation as an investigator in question (note that I'm not claiming I'm an investigator (I'll never say no to protection though, haha), this is just me thinking what the thieves assume I am based on the last trial). Unfortunately for the thieves, I never sent in a target last break, so this plan of theirs fell apart. I can make a lousy reputation for myself without anybody's help!


In conclusion... this note is probably a forgery, pals. The thieves can likely forge evidence, just like they could in the last trial. Whether it's something all of the thieves can do or just one is something we don't yet know. Though this doesn't necessarily bring us closer to implicating anyone, I think it's safe to assume that a thief targeted me last break!

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@Sprout I didn't feel any bad effects or notice someone trying to make me 'mad'.


Is there a reason why you didn't get anything other than a note last night? Did you set out to target someone?


I don't understand what you're saying about people investigating to 'find' a note. I thought it was given to you?

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Hey, I don't even know what this previous trial you're on about it, so I hate being accused when I'm the victim. If you really want to know, I targeted @Dannyboy\-the\-Dane. I'm fairly sure nothing bad happened to Mr. Wright.



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Sprout I didn't feel any bad effects or notice someone trying to make me 'mad'.


Is there a reason why you didn't get anything other than a note last night? Did you set out to target someone?


I don't understand what you're saying about people investigating to 'find' a note. I thought it was given to you?

Uhhh, I guess I'll explain it again, pal.


I didn't target anybody last break. I got a PM with a note (to be more specific, I found it in my pocket). This means that somebody targeted me and gave me that note. The note said that it was written by the thieves and that they needed court records from the last trial (I'm assuming "the last trial" means Ace Attorney: The Turnabout Mafia).


I really doubt that an innocent person would write a note like this, so unless there's a neutral causing mischief, why would the thief send a note, pal? And why would a thief send a note to me specifically? My theory is that the thieves think I'm an investigator, and would target somebody to find out their alignment. As such, they gave me this note with the intention that I would assume that this note was written by whoever I targeted, leading me to accuse them of being a thief. Unfortunately for the thieves, I failed to send a target in the last break, so now it just looks like someone simply put a note into my pocket instead of implicating anybody.


Is that easier to understand? If you have any idea why someone would send me a note though, I'm all ears, pal.

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If his character was an investigator in the last game then in my eyes that makes it about as unlikely as possible that he'd have the same role again. Unless Jonnas put literally no effort into writing the roles this time round. I find it very weird that someone woukd try to make a point with reasoning like that.


It's also clearly stated in the first post that the canon guilty characters in game does not mean guilty here, which obviously works vice versa (meaning non guilty characters in the game could well be guilty here, and therefore not investigators).

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I still don't follow. How can you send records to the Mafia if you don't know who they are? And why would they assume you are an investigator? You're making a lot of leaps that make no sense whatsoever.
Well, they could assume I'm an investigator because:


  1. I'm Detective Dick Gumshoe
  2. I was an investigator in the last Ace Attorney game
    (and, uh, I was kinda pretty good, pal. I got no increase in salary for my efforts, though...)

I think both are pretty good reasons why they would assume that.


I admit that my theory about the note being some elaborate ploy to implicate someone that failed isn't concrete, but seriously, if you have any idea why somebody would give me this note, then I am open to ideas. What reason would a thief have to send me a note demanding me to give them some court records that I don't have. Even if I did, it is as you say - I would have no idea who to give them to, because the note has nothing to say about how to hand them over! It makes no sense, so I've been trying to figure out why anybody would send me such a note.


I mean, another theory I guess is that perhaps there is someone in the game who is trying to find somebody who does have those documents. But the note says it's written by the thieves... urgh, my head hurts, pal.

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Well, they could assume I'm an investigator because:


  1. I'm Detective Dick Gumshoe
  2. I was an investigator in the last Ace Attorney game
    (and, uh, I was kinda pretty good, pal. I got no increase in salary for my efforts, though...)

I think both are pretty good reasons why they would assume that.


And like I just said....those reasons make it as unlikely as can be that Gumshoe would be a cop again, in my eyes. If Gumshoe was one before then I don't see why he'd be one again (on account of lazy role writing), and I don't think the Mafia would assume that either. And like you said, you're not one. So that pretty much proves my point. In a game where everyone knows who everyone else is, you can't assume or make links like that; if the 'good' guys were all the good guys in the game then we may as well just wrap up now and call it a day.


I admit that my theory about the note being some elaborate ploy to implicate someone that failed isn't concrete, but seriously, if you have any idea why somebody would give me this note, then I am open to ideas. What reason would a thief have to send me a note demanding me to give them some court records that I don't have. Even if I did, it is as you say - I would have no idea who to give them to, because the note has nothing to say about how to hand them over! It makes no sense, so I've been trying to figure out why anybody would send me such a note.


I mean, another theory I guess is that perhaps there is someone in the game who is trying to find somebody who does have those documents. But the note says it's written by the thieves... urgh, my head hurts, pal.


If the note is real it sounds to me like a demand for information, but you didn't have it. Whether that's for a good or bad cause I have no idea.

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Times may change but people sadly do not. However on this occasion i do believe the meta you propose is irrelevant: i don't think we're able to make any assumption based on previous cases.. Therefore the likelyhood someone is or isn't a certain role (with no info to say otherwise) is 50/50.



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And like I just said....those reasons make it as unlikely as can be that Gumshoe would be a cop again, in my eyes. If Gumshoe was one before then I don't see why he'd be one again (on account of lazy role writing), and I don't think the Mafia would assume that either. And like you said, you're not one. So that pretty much proves my point. In a game where everyone knows who everyone else is, you can't assume or make links like that; if the 'good' guys were all the good guys in the game then we may as well just wrap up now and call it a day.
Well, yeah, of course it's going to be different from the last game, pal. If all the characters were exactly the same as before, alignments an' all, then the only innocent ones would be new characters, and that'd just leave Cube and Rummy at this point! With that said, we barely know the abilities of any players at this moment. Just as it would be unwise to assume that certain characters have the exact same ability, we also can't just assume that all characters from the previous have completely new abilities. It's a blank slate, anybody could have any ability at this point. That said, however unlikely or lazy you may think it is, you can't deny the possibility that some characters may have at least some of their abilities intact from the previous game (and I don't think you should accuse Jonnas of lazy writing if this ends up being the case, that guy puts a lot of effort in these games regardless). And if this possibility exists, the possibility for people to assume that some players may think that this is the case also exists.


This discussion about the possibility of recurring player abilities and player's assumptions on them doesn't really matter though if it's not giving us anything solid to work with (though I thank you for challenging the theory). Unless somebody knew who gave me the note then there's no way for the note to be linked to anybody. I just wanted to bring the note to light and ask why someone would send it to me. So far, all we have is a collective shrug, pal! =P




I'm not sure there's really anything solid enough at the moment to start casting votes over unfortunately. The "strongest" thing we have so far is arguably the stuff about DuD in the write-up, but as he's declined to comment further than he has (and nobody seems to want to challenge him on this at the moment), we seem to be at a bit of a dead end right now, pals! Unless anybody has anything new to bring to to the discussion, that is. Or just pile the pressure on somebody, heh.

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Vote Standings


Dannyboy-the-Dane (1): Sméagol


Majority is 7


Session 2 has ended




October 17, 19:20 PM

The Portsman Estate

Main Hall


After 10 intense minutes of debate, one particular issue had taken the spotlight.



Broadcast Yourself




"I didn't target anybody last break. I got a PM with a note.


I really doubt that an innocent person would write a note like this, unless there's a neutral causing mischief.




...But I think I've figured it out. The thieves could have sent a note to anyone, but they chose to send it to me specifically.


Why? Because of the last trial, pals...




Unfortunately for the thieves, I never sent in a target last break, so this plan of theirs fell apar-"


"Oh, come on, now! If you were an investigator in the last game then in my eyes that makes it about as unlikely as possible that you'd have the same role again, I find it very weird that someone would try to make a point with reasoning like that, like I just said, those reasons make it as unlikely as can be that this Gumshoe would be a cop again, and if he was one before then I don't see why he'd be one again, and I don't think the thieves would assume that either, and like you said, you're not one, so that pretty much proves my point, you can't assume or make links like that, in my day, detectives had better-"




"Ok, I think it's time for another break, guys."




Remaining Players (13):















@The Peeps


The 2nd break will now begin.


The break may last a bit more than 24 hours. Or less, if you can get your PMs early.

Edited by Jonnas
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Break 2 has now ended

(Sorry for the schedule slip)



October 17, 19:30 PM

The Portsman Estate

Main Hall


"Now that we're all relaxed, I'm sure we can reach a consensus on what's relevant and what isn't."


"Indeed, I will tell you what is relevant!

Broadcast Yourself




I bring with me very important evidence."


"Whoa! What is i-*yaagh*"


"Do not interrupt me when I speak, Jacques Portsman!




What I have here is a glass filled with grape juice, it was switched with the apple juice glass I was drinking from. One could easily pick up the wrong glass if they were not paying attention.




But I do not fall for such foolish tricks. Those fools underestimated the skill of a Von Karma. I noticed the switch at once, and immediately took the partial fingerprints on the gl-."


"Partial fingerprints!? What are we going to compare them to? We can't ask for everybody to show thei-*yaaaagh*"



"That was my final warning, you fool! Do you not see that even with this limited amount of information, we can reach important conclusions, such as hand size and manneri-"


"And how do we know you didn't plant those fingerprints yourse-*yaaaaaaaaaagh*"






"I. Am. Wearing. Gloves. You. Foolish. Incompetent. Self. Centered. Fool! How. Dare. You!


I had a strong suspect regarding this framing attempt, and would no doubt find the remaining guilty party by watching them closely, but your foolishly deplorable attitude has convinced me otherwise!"




"Silence! I will spend the rest of the evening enjoying the party outside of this room. You keep debating and butting heads, like the fools you are!


I will be watching from the sidelines while savouring some of this delicious Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte."


Sméagol has left the game. He was Franziska von Karma, and he was Innocent.




Remaining Players (12):













@The Peeps


Majority is 7


Session 3 will now start

Edited by Jonnas
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I was successful last night. I didn't use the same ability I did yesterday, which is why I don't appear in the writeup this time. I didn't target the dead guy and I don't see the need to reveal what I did at this time (at least, I don't think it's helpful to say, yet).

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Some fool was stepping on my turf, caught me from behind and cuffed me to a railing dawg! Obviously can't handle the OG that is Wocky Kitaki runnning loose, heh.


I was redirected to you, and took some handcuffs off you. Said nothing about you being handcuffed up?

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