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Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival


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We all knew that amiibo were coming in the bundle, but now a second look at E3 assets reveal that both Isabelle and Digby amiibo are the ones that'll make the cut. I'm sure that Isabelle inclusion will sweeten the deal for a lot of people.



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I thought this interview with developer Aya Kyogoku on USgamer about Animal Crossing was quite interesting reading. I think most of it covers things we already knew, but there's a few insights into the thinking behind the two games currently awaiting release and also some hints about where the series is heading.


I love the honesty in this answer.

USG: Was the original concept behind Amiibo Festival to create an Animal Crossing Game that involved Amiibos? Or did the idea come along first and then the Amiibo integration was something that added in later in the Development Cycle?


AK: Initially when the Amiibo was announced, there was nothing really said about Animal Crossing Amiibos or any plans for that matter. But as the Animal Crossing team, we were confident that if there was one, it would be really cute... honestly, we just wanted Animal Crossing Amiibo. We wanted the company to make Animal Crossing Amiibo, so that's why we made a game that works with them.

I guess you could read that as cashing in, but they were right about them making great amiibos... I'll be buying them anyway. :D


Also a bit more info on card integration.

USG: Are the Amiibo cards also going to be able to work with Amiibo Festival as well as Happy Home Designer?


AK: Yes, Amiibo Festival will be including other games that you can play specifically with Amiibo cards. Actually, in the board game itself, you'll see houses of specific animals. Using an Amiibo card, you can actually get your favorite animals to live on that board with you. So beyond just having your favorite animal live there, if you have had a chance to design a home for them in Happy Home Designer, that home that you designed, the way it looks will actually be built in the board game.

They also talk about wanting to use the cards and amiibo for future games in the series.

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Reviews are starting to come in and it's not looking good, as expected. Shamelessly stolen these from Gaf.


Nintendo World Report 4.5/10


Witty writing and overall charm can only carry a game so far. Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival has those two things in spades, but a barren wasteland of interesting gameplay makes it a party game that falls short of even the earlier 2015 disappointment Mario Party 10. Outside of Desert Escape, nothing else in this package is worth your time unless you are the hardest of the hardcore Animal Crossing fan.


Venture Beat 33/100

All along, the developers said Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival existed just to justify cute AC Amiibo, and it really shows. It’s almost like Nintendo wouldn’t let the development team release Amiibo without some game attached to them, so they threw together something quickly to justify the figures’ release. It’s easily one of the worst Nintendo titles I’ve played and as a “game” is devoid of merit and doesn’t otherwise justify its existence.


It’s a blatant attempt to get you to buy more Amiibo, and it’s not even a good one at that.


Nintendo Enthusiast 25/100


Overall, Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival is an embarrassment of a game. I was already disappointed with Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer, the other AC spin-off title that released this fall, but Amiibo Festival far overshoots its predecessor in terrible design and gameplay. The only reason to even look at this game on a store shelf would be for the amiibo inside. But then, I would implore you to import the amiibo rather than give Nintendo money for this terribly made title. Nintendo fans need to speak with their wallet, and I beg of them to make a statement that terrible cash-ins, such as Amiibo Festival, will not be tolerated.


It will be interesting to see what the high profile sites say about the game.

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I think it's pretty disgusting that two of nintendo big autumn releases are so painfully fucking lazy and cheap like this and Mario tennis. It's pretty disgusting to be honest. Can't quite believe Nintendo are doing it and not being completely lambasted for it.

Blame the delay of Starfox and Zelda :( That really seemed to knock their plans considerably.


But then, they were delayed for a reason. Better than 4 dodgy games...

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IGN review.



Bear in mind that this is reviewed by Kallie. If you listen to NVC, and you should, you know that she's a HUGE fan of the series. To see it get a low score from her says it all really.

Basically, the presentation is awesome and charming, but the gameplay is meh.

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I do have concerns over the sleepy pace of the game, but these types of party games never really review well anyway.


What the hell was the NWR guy's problem with Mario Party 10 though? I really liked that one! There's a solid amount of content, the minigames and boards are great and most importantly, it got back the series meanstreak that MP9 took away! It encourages players to get nasty and that's great! :D


About the only problems I really had with it were the budget looking menus, the lack of a proper title screen/intro, the inability to set different game lengths in badminton (which was a brilliant little sub game BTW!) and the announcer being missing. The game itself was great though!

Edited by Dcubed
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These reviews are doing nothing to lower my hype for the game. Then again, I suppose I figured from the start that this was a game that would appeal to me and basically nobody else. :heh:


Really excited for Friday!


Didn't Famitsu give it all 8s? That's a good score. The problem with these types of games is...when you let people review them who don't like these types of games. They're made for very specific fans.

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Didn't Famitsu give it all 8s? That's a good score. The problem with these types of games is...when you let people review them who don't like these types of games. They're made for very specific fans.


the mistake you are making is using famitsu as a benchmark.


this game sucks, reviews speak for themselves. another lazy filler title by nintendo before the launch of NX.

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I'd rather they release two dodgy filler titles and start their new console strongly than put more resources on a dead machine. Zelda U will be amazing, Twilight Princess will be a good port and I'm sure Xenoblade and Star Fox will be great fun. Otherwise it's all NX...

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This was always going to review appallingly. The Wii U gamepad presented a good opportunity for the series. A full online mode, with chat built into the pad, and the pad screen being used as an inventory with which items could be traded from in the online world would have work superbly well. Almost as if the gamepad was your satchel that you carried into the online world and contained your items.


Instead we got a board game. Which was just what the Wii U needed, I mean Mario Party and Wii U Party just weren't enough!

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