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Horizon: Zero Dawn


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I think I've just had a bad week at work and I'm tired and just couldn't settle down to enjoy the game. After my moan yesterday, I enjoyed the rest of my session, cleared that area, ended up playing til late and overslept for work this morning!


I love the game, again.

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I know there was a problem with the tutorials not registering unless the quest was active, maybe it's similar to that and may be worth having the Valleymeet quest active whilst doing it.

It might be worth checking each trial whilst speaking to the keeper, if all the marks are lit up then you have the blazing sun, also check the world map to see if it says completed when you hover over Valleymeet.


Apologies for not getting back to you sooner, I've not had much time to play this recently, things have been pretty busy! Thanks for the ideas, but sadly none of them worked. :( I've got to Meridian now, and I've talked to the woman at the shop to activate the main quest, so maybe that will fix it? I'll keep you posted. Thanks again anyway though! :)


Speaking on Meridian, it's such an amazing location, I love how diverse the game is in terms of environments. I'm just over 30 hours in now, and I still feel like I have tons to do! This game really just keeps on giving!

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I noticed that the music changes in your last save state.


The music in Meridian for example. I could load an older save but right now am just focused on getting good purple drops for bonuses. Its nice coming across some of these music tracks again in Spotify.

Edited by Choze
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Awesome, awesome moment just now.


I found a whole herd of Tramplers and they were accompanied by one or two Longlegs. I thought I'd try and take them on, so I laid out a whole load of shockwires and blastwires. I managed to take out the Longlegs, but the Tramplers were fucking hard. I found a stream nearby and noticed how the Tramplers wouldn't get me if I crossed. So, I made a plan of laying out Tripwires, hitting a few of them with Tearblast arrows and then kept running in for critical hits before retreating. Without exaggeration, I must have been going for close to 40 minutes before one of them managed to hit me from behind and kill me.


It was an intense fight. God, those tramplers are difficult!

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I've started playing this as well a few days ago! Basically I get to play during the week when Jim is too tired from work, then Jim will get to play during the weekends or something. Should've bought it digitally I guess, but oh well, we will manage somehow. :P


Really enjoying the game and it looks absolutely beautiful. It's like every sunrise and sunset in this game is epic haha.

Only got to about level 18 or something, but I have mainly been doing sidequests/errands with a bit of the main questline put in between.


Haven't really left the main area yet, so I am interested to see the other regions (though I've caught glimpses of Jim playing and it looks really lovely). And to see more of the machines of course!


The battles are quite cool and you do have to figure out certain strategies depending on how many and which machines you are fighting. You can't just go running in cause you'll probably get killed. I do need to get some upgraded weapons though, only have some of the Carja ones right now.


Looking forward to playing more of this. :)

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Victory! The annoying Hunting Trials bug has been resolved! As I ended up expecting, I had to go to the main lodge, get the main quest there, activate that quest as I did the trials, and now I finally have all the Blazing Suns for the hunting grounds I was having the issue with. Cheers again for the tip @Map it was great help! :)


36 hours in now, and I've only just climbed all the Tallnecks and have done all the Cauldrons. Only got a few collectibles left before I have the lot too. Progression seems to be going quite quickly now! Still, I can't believe how massive this game is, I reckon I could easily take at least another 10 hours on it.

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Awesome, awesome moment just now.


I found a whole herd of Tramplers and they were accompanied by one or two Longlegs. I thought I'd try and take them on, so I laid out a whole load of shockwires and blastwires. I managed to take out the Longlegs, but the Tramplers were fucking hard. I found a stream nearby and noticed how the Tramplers wouldn't get me if I crossed. So, I made a plan of laying out Tripwires, hitting a few of them with Tearblast arrows and then kept running in for critical hits before retreating. Without exaggeration, I must have been going for close to 40 minutes before one of them managed to hit me from behind and kill me.


It was an intense fight. God, those tramplers are difficult!

I managed to take out a Trampler really easily the first time I saw one. I was standing on an outcrop, and decided to just take pot shots at it from afar. It couldn't attack me from below, so I just kept going until it died.


Felt really smug until a flock of Glinthawks descended and fucked my shit up badly.

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And that is Horizon: Zero Dawn complete


What can i say, what a game. Excellent story, great characters. I echo Hero of Time, this is a game that reminds me why i play video games. It's got great game-play mechanics, great graphics and to top it a great soundtrack.


Learning about the FARO project and what Elizabet was attempting to do to stop it from taking over the world (reminds me of Skynet). Once they realised that the FARO machines were harvesting the world, they created a facility that would take the existing DNA of the world, let the FARO machines take over then at the right time, terminate them and build friendlier robots to revive the worlds plant and animal life. So, you learn how the world came to be and why the old world came to an end.


The final battles vs the hordes of Deathbringers was challenging, yet enjoyable. The final one before Hades was more of a challenge as it came with corrupt machines. And the Thunderjaws were easy once you got the big guns off and used to their advantage



Apart from that, this is heading to be a candidate for Game of the Year. Might even be Game of the Generation, i don't know yet. Cannot wait to see what DLC Guerrilla come up with. I'm very happy this game was made, i cannot believe this is made by the same people whom bought out that mediocre Killzone: Shadow Fall and then bring out this absolute beast of a game.


Love photo mode, have been sharing some non-spoiler images via Instagram and Twitter.


All i have left is a few collectibles and an errand, may mop them up later.

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Got to Meridian last night. Some awesome views on the road towards it. Also, spotted my first Thunderjaw. Noped out of there as fast as I could. Not sure how you ever get strong enough to defeat one of those. Scrolling down the list of scanned weapons be like whaaaaaaaaaa?!



I am finding the towns and villages to be a bit bare though. I thought Meridian would be different but it's more of the same. You can only speak to a couple of people in each place, and beyond the merchants, there nothing to actually do in town. They don't really feel alive at all.


I remember coming across a small shack on a mountain side and thinking there would be something cool inside, but nope, you couldn't even enter the shack. No scannable objects or anything. It's disappointing because I the wilderness part feels great, it's just the inhabited areas feel like they're a Hollywood style front with extras standing around rather than real towns.

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Got to Meridian last night. Some awesome views on the road towards it. Also, spotted my first Thunderjaw. Noped out of there as fast as I could. Not sure how you ever get strong enough to defeat one of those. Scrolling down the list of scanned weapons be like whaaaaaaaaaa?!



I am finding the towns and villages to be a bit bare though. I thought Meridian would be different but it's more of the same. You can only speak to a couple of people in each place, and beyond the merchants, there nothing to actually do in town. They don't really feel alive at all.


I remember coming across a small shack on a mountain side and thinking there would be something cool inside, but nope, you couldn't even enter the shack. No scannable objects or anything. It's disappointing because I the wilderness part feels great, it's just the inhabited areas feel like they're a Hollywood style front with extras standing around rather than real towns.


Keep playing. Make sure you pop into the Hunter's lodge and explore. Yes I would love them to do more with towns and outposts in the future. They look too good not to! It's mainly unique quests. Or Merchants for Meridian.

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Keep playing. Make sure you pop into the Hunter's lodge and explore. Yes I would love them to do more with towns and outposts in the future. They look too good not to! It's mainly unique quests. Or Merchants for Meridian.

Don't get me wrong I'm still loving it, just always feels empty when I get to a town when it feels like there should be more to do.


The rest of the game is fire tho.

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Got to Meridian last night. Some awesome views on the road towards it. Also, spotted my first Thunderjaw. Noped out of there as fast as I could. Not sure how you ever get strong enough to defeat one of those. Scrolling down the list of scanned weapons be like whaaaaaaaaaa?!



I am finding the towns and villages to be a bit bare though. I thought Meridian would be different but it's more of the same. You can only speak to a couple of people in each place, and beyond the merchants, there nothing to actually do in town. They don't really feel alive at all.


I remember coming across a small shack on a mountain side and thinking there would be something cool inside, but nope, you couldn't even enter the shack. No scannable objects or anything. It's disappointing because I the wilderness part feels great, it's just the inhabited areas feel like they're a Hollywood style front with extras standing around rather than real towns.


I actually tracked down a Thunderjaw yesterday (my first one) as I need Crystal Braiding to buy the Shadow Sling. I was probably very under-leveled as I wasn't supposed to be in that area yet, but I managed to defeat it with the help of a lot of trap wires, tear arrows and fire arrows. And then when his health was really low, I tied him down and gave him a few good hits. Done! Epic fight! :D


But then the fucker didn't give me the item I was looking for. :(


Also, I agree with the towns and villages, they could do with having more going on in them, or just being able to go into houses etc. At the moment it does just feel like the place where you will find a merchant and some side quests. A shame, as the rest of the game is lovely!

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Got to Meridian last night. Some awesome views on the road towards it. Also, spotted my first Thunderjaw. Noped out of there as fast as I could. Not sure how you ever get strong enough to defeat one of those. Scrolling down the list of scanned weapons be like whaaaaaaaaaa?!


If you use the Tear Arrows on the Thunderjaw, you can use it's own weapons to your advantage. I fought that one by Meridian, had the help of 3 Carja's from Meridian but i got it down eventually.


Just wait until you get through one of the Cauldrons (i think it's Zeta), there's a Thunderjaw waiting for you at the end.


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I've pumped around 37 hours into this now. I've spent most of yesterday and today just trying to upgrade my resources, ammo capacity, etc. I've upgraded all my weapons to their Shadow variants, except the Rattler, which I'm still in the process of doing. My carry capacity is maxed out. :D


I'm loving this, especially the combat. I love finding the vantage points and seeing the memories of the old world, including when you come across them in the main quest.

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Just did a nice sidequest:


It's the quest that you find in Brightmarket, about Elida and Atral, with the concerned Father. Quite a Romeo and Juliet-ish quest, but there were a few moments of good story-telling, particularly at its conclusion. I followed her Father from the end of the quest back to Elida and you can hear their little heart-to-heart, which is a nice touch.



The sidequests in this game are a nice little addition and are quite Witcher-inspired. I've enjoyed them, as well as the main quest.

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Thought this was interesting. The sales will be interesting. No one thought it would go well against Zelda, Mass Effect and Ghost Recon. Hoping for a sequel.


I really enjoyed that video. Very informative and it goes a long way to showing how much effort went into this game.


That's a long development cycle, though. Could be that we don't see a sequel for quite some time, then. Although, the framework and mechanics are all there, which should help speed things up.

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