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Horizon: Zero Dawn


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I'm happy to see the game doing so well, it deserves it! :)


I played quite a bit of it during the weekend, probably clocked in about 12 hours or so. I'm slowly progressing with the story though; it seems every time I try to get to a main story mission, I get distracted by side quests or finding vessels etc. :P


I actually have all the vessels and Banuk figures now. Still missing about 3 vantage points and 4 flowers I think, so not too many left!


Just on my way to do another Cauldron (done two so far), hope I can override some of the big machines after this one! Though I have to say I don't use the override too much, I usually seem to stick to using corruption arrows and watch the machines (or humans) fight among themselves! :D


Looking forward to playing more this week, and I do urge people to pick it up at some point if they haven't yet, it's really a lovely game. And so beautiful.

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I've been slowly plugging away at this for a couple of weeks now, taking my time with it so as to not get burned out with it (as seems to be the case with some of the games I've played in the aftermath of spending 70 hours with Mass Effect Andromeda). I'm loving every second of it and really enjoying strategizing for taking down big groups of machines with minimal effort from me (so lots of shock and blast tripwires and then kiting enemies through them :laughing:).


Last night, though, I experienced my first fight with a Thunderjaw. I was going after metal flowers and came across a basin area with 2 of them tucked in it. Immediate thoughts of "Oh shit" came to mind but I settled in and kited one away from the other and slowly but methodically spent the next 20 odd minutes tearing off armour and weapons from the thing before it finally went down. Was a slog going at it that way so when I turned to see the other Thunderjaw in the area I needed to head for the metal flower, I picked up the detached Disc Launchers and made my way over and annihilated the other in about 2 minutes from unloading 2 disc launchers at it. There was a moment were I charged me while I was grabbing the second launcher and I had to quickly ropecast it and tie it down before finishing the job, which did feel a bit like shooting a man with his pants down but a win is a win :D


Taking both of those down got me so pumped that I wanted more to tackle but sadly had to call it a night there. Never been so sad to come off of a game as I was then. That adrenaline rush man, probably my favourite gaming moment this year so far doing that.


The game is just fantastic for giving moments like that and I've still so much more to play as I'm only at around the 20 hour mark and haven't even been to Meridian for the first time yet. I've been getting side tracked by all the other quests and stuff.


Guerrilla Games really have outdone themselves with this thing as it's all just so deeply engrossing and well made and mechanically, it's pretty much faultless. I didn't think anything would top The Witcher 3 for me this gen but this is really giving that game a run for its money. Can't wait to be finished up with the bits of work I've got to finish and get back to it.

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So I finally finished this today. And got the platinum at the same time. What a wonderful game! I did every sidequest, found every relic/flower/vessel/vantage point and even did all the hunter's trials (even though some of those did piss me off a bit haha). Didn't really want the game to end, so I'm a bit sad that it's over!


Fighting the machines is just very fun, trying to find the best way to tackle a certain type. Though near the end I had customised my blast sling with so many damage coils that the thing was just super lethal haha. Loved using that sling. :D


Had a great time with the game and would definitely recommend it for people who haven't played it yet. :)

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  • 5 weeks later...

Found and defeated my first



Deathbringer last night. Was a bit disappointed. During one of the story missions, they said that they'd unearthed this enormous machine with terrifying weaponry, and after seeing Thunderjaws for the first time, I was expecting something bigger and more impressive than that.


It turned out to be some hunk of junk that looked like an Ikea table with guns attached. They could have gone with something much cooler.


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Found and defeated my first


Deathbringer last night. Was a bit disappointed. During one of the story missions, they said that they'd unearthed this enormous machine with terrifying weaponry, and after seeing Thunderjaws for the first time, I was expecting something bigger and more impressive than that.


It turned out to be some hunk of junk that looked like an Ikea table with guns attached. They could have gone with something much cooler.


You go fire up a VW bug that's been buried for a few decades and all you did was change the spark plugs.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I just got a Tearblaster (?) weapon. The one that shoots waves of sounds like a shotgun. It's awesome! Absolutely wrecks machines! Used it a few times on a Thunderjaw and all its armour and weapons just fell off! Took down two Bellowbacks and a Sawtooth in one go with it, and killed a Snapper without taking any damage at all. My new favourite weapon.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/22/2017 at 4:54 AM, bob said:

I just got a Tearblaster (?) weapon. The one that shoots waves of sounds like a shotgun. It's awesome! Absolutely wrecks machines! Used it a few times on a Thunderjaw and all its armour and weapons just fell off! Took down two Bellowbacks and a Sawtooth in one go with it, and killed a Snapper without taking any damage at all. My new favourite weapon.


5 hours ago, bob said:

Never mind.


Having not seen the previous reply, this new one reads like you changing your mind about the tearblaster. 

Which frankly is absurd because it is fantastic.

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Having not seen the previous reply, this new one reads like you changing your mind about the tearblaster. 
Which frankly is absurd because it is fantastic.

Nah, I actually wrote this long rant about what I thought was a misable glitchy side quest, but then managed to solve the problem an hour later.

I couldn't work out how to delete posts after that.

Tearblaster still the best weapon in the game, shortly followed by the tear blasting arrows.
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2 hours ago, bob said:

Nah, I actually wrote this long rant about what I thought was a misable glitchy side quest, but then managed to solve the problem an hour later.

I couldn't work out how to delete posts after that.

Tearblaster still the best weapon in the game, shortly followed by the tear blasting arrows.

Abuse them like crazy. They will carry you to end game.

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I think the inventory management is my least favorite thing about this game. Past a certain point, my inventory has been near-full at all times, so I keep having to fast-travel to merchants every twenty minutes and then spend way too much time in my inventory trying to find things I'm willing to part with.

I don't even know why I bother, since I have over 40,000 shards and absolutely nothing to spend them on... I've bought one outfit and I've never seen a need to buy any more, and I bought a few weapons thirty hours ago, but there's never anything new to buy, so it's all really pointless.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the game turns into Fable 3 in the last act.

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16 minutes ago, Magnus said:


I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the game turns into Fable 3 in the last act.

It does not. Your money is objectively useless outside the odd purchase. The items you pick up, also useless outside of crafting/purchases

I ran into the same issue of just always being flush with random useless bullshit. 90% I could've sold but never did. 

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So I finally completed the main story of this last week. Took me long enough - stats page says i've done around 50 hours, which i guess is around average? It's a huge game. I've still got a few collectables to pick up, and all of the hunting trails (I dislike any kind of timed challenge - so i doubt i'll end up getting the platinum by doing all the blazing sun trails), but I suppose i'm pretty much done with it.

The story ended up being pretty good - no complaints here. I have to admit that by the end of the game, I could no longer be bothered to listen to all the guff on all the audio tapes. I'm sure it adds to the 'lore' but having to hang around in a dark cave waiting to listen to them get dull really fast. I doubt i missed out on too much. I enjoyed the final battle (those Carja cannon though, where the hell were they the rest of the game?)

The one thing I was a bit disappointed about was the variety in machines. I had basically not read any reviews or watched any videos before I played the game, as I didn't want to spoil any of the machines later in the game. I obviously knew about the Thunderjaw, and was really excited to see what else they had in store -  Once they'd all been revealed however, it was a bit of a let-down. Everything else seemed a bit piddly compared to the T-rex, and some of them were very underused. Shell-walkers seemed like an afterthought for example...Also there was a lot of overlap between the types. Sawtooth and Ravagers were basically the same, as were Glinkhawks and Stormbirds. I'm still not sure which was which between Chargers, Striders, Grazers and Tramplers. 

I think i just let my imagination run away with itself though, imagining battles against screen-filling beasts. Hopefully they've held some ideas back for the inevitable sequel.

I really liked the way you get progressively more powerful as the game goes on.  I remember at the beginning being really cautious and finding that taking on one Sawtooth quite tough, and by the end I would just saunter into a pack of them and ruin their day. Similarly, the first Thunderjaw you come across seems terrifying - but by then end you can toy with it, picking off parts of it while dodging its attacks. 

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1 hour ago, bob said:

So I finally completed the main story of this last week.

Just in time for the New Game+ they added today! It comes with two more trooophies... (I know you like those!)

I'm kind of over audio logs in general...

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