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Sea of Thieves (XBO/PC) - New Rare game


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On 09/05/2018 at 11:12 AM, Hero-of-Time said:

I don't think the size and position of the Xbox market has much to do with the drop off. The game had a very strong start both in retail and digitally but a lot of players left not long after it launched. The reason for this is the game just lacks content, which is baffling considering how long it was in development for. Having it on other consoles wouldn't have helped as you would have just had more people left disappointed.

There is also the problem of it lacking a real single player component. Sure, you can play on your own but no doubt you will get hunted down by a group of people who are playing together. I've read a fair few stories on Era about how people got sick of losing their loot due to being attacked by a random group of players. This is fine if its an even battle but if you are off about doing your own thing by yourself, exploring and getting treasure, only for it to be nicked away from you after putting a couple of hours into getting it, it's not hard to see why people got fed up.

The GaaS model is a tricky one and you need to have a plenty of things to do for the player that keep them engaged otherwise it's going to tank. Ubisoft seems to really have cracked the code with some of their games. Just look at how well Rainbow Six, The Division and even For Honor are doing. All 3 of them had bumpy starts but Ubisoft engaged with their user base, listened to the feedback and reacted quickly in order to deliver games that are now very successful.


Thanks for the insight! Tbh my experience is severely limited in not being a PC gamer(or even much of a user these days) and mostly going by seeing my mates having a good time and chatting about it etc. tho still none of them did buy it after the trial. I didn't realise it was feeling bare to folks, but I again must profess my ignorance. I wonder if it's something, or even the attitude, or releasing something that isn't neccessarily end market but tailoring more real time to users etc? The world of day 1 patches constant updates/changes and content etc is certainly upon is.

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  • 2 years later...
1 hour ago, Kaepora_Gaebora said:

Cheeky thread bump! 

With some chat about this game in the Xbox Game Pass thread, I wondered if we could gather an NE rabble together at some point to sail the seas and cause havoc, mayhem and sing sea shanties while we do it! 

I've been playing Sea of Thieves every Friday for a while as part of a group of three, if there isn't anyone else interested, then you could join us on Fridays at 9pm, if you're available?

If not, or if there are other N-E members who would also like to play, then we could organise a dedicated N-E crew perhaps, on another day?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Started playing this with @Goafer last night and while I think we both like what the game is, we did start to find the multiplayer aspect very annoying almost immediately. Three times we attempted to do the first quest where you go dig up a treasure chest on a starting island to learn what to do and three times we were killed and our boat sank because some idiots just seemed to want to camp at those beginning areas.

I just can't believe that Rare didn't design the game better so you can get to know what you are doing first before all the troll tossers come out and start ruining it. If we couldn't even complete the first quest then something is wrong.

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23 hours ago, Happenstance said:

Started playing this with @Goafer last night and while I think we both like what the game is, we did start to find the multiplayer aspect very annoying almost immediately. Three times we attempted to do the first quest where you go dig up a treasure chest on a starting island to learn what to do and three times we were killed and our boat sank because some idiots just seemed to want to camp at those beginning areas.

I just can't believe that Rare didn't design the game better so you can get to know what you are doing first before all the troll tossers come out and start ruining it. If we couldn't even complete the first quest then something is wrong.

What size ship were they compared to you? 

You don't really know if anyone is a newbie or not, so they might have thought you kept on coming back to try and take them down for revenge or some such.

I've come across a few nice pirates, one group of which we ended up on voice chat with and completing the Fort of the Damned with, but by and large the place is hostile with people after your swag! 

Saying that, I find PvP interaction fairly rare in all honesty, it's more of a suprise to find another genuine ship on your server rather than a computer one. Unfortunately I'm absolutely rubbish at the combat against people, so invariably get a good kicking if it comes to that!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Pirate Legend status has become mine! ☠️

I remember when I played this on launch day some 2 and a bit years ago, how much I enjoyed the game but thought me on my own would never, ever get to pirate legend level. However since she picked up an Xbox, my girlfriend and me have been chipping away and another friend picked it up as well and the three of us have been sailing the seas, taking down forts, ghost ships, vaults of gold and making friends and enemies along the way. I've still done some solo as well and, some how and some way, I've managed to get to level 50 for the three main trading companies.

And there's still so much to do and see as well! Honestly they've made this game into a great experience, no additional paid content save for cosmetics (yes I bought some Banjo themed ship parts...) 

A great achievement by Rare to keep this game going, expanding it and making it so enjoyable!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks for the game @Kaepora_Gaebora :D that was a great session of saling on the high seas.

For a moment there, I thought that we might lose that hoard of treasure that we'd worked so diligently to acquire, but we got it all back to the outpost in the end. :smile:

That was great, I've never raided a fort before, and I've learned a few new things about the game, plus I shared a bit of knowledge about trading in stuff at the Reaper as well; and I think that's what's so great about this game, once you get into it, you end up just figuring stuff out as you go along.

Although the game can have its frustrating moments, it's still a fun Pirate game at its core, and one which I can see myself coming back to. :peace:

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25 minutes ago, S.C.G said:

Thanks for the game @Kaepora_Gaebora :D that was a great session of saling on the high seas.

For a moment there, I thought that we might lose that hoard of treasure that we'd worked so diligently to acquire, but we got it all back to the outpost in the end. :smile:

That was great, I've never raided a fort before, and I've learned a few new things about the game, plus I shared a bit of knowledge about trading in stuff at the Reaper as well; and I think that's what's so great about this game, once you get into it, you end up just figuring stuff out as you go along.

Although the game can have its frustrating moments, it's still a fun Pirate game at its core, and one which I can see myself coming back to. :peace:

Haha the stunned silence on the end of my microphone when you traded in a skull at the Reapers hideout...mind blown! 

What a fun night on the seas that was, I feared the worst when that ship turned up and started canon balling ours...I'm incredibly glad I managed to pull off the ol' sneak on to theirs with a gunpowder barrel and blow their ship to hell routine 😉 a great haul in the end even if we did miss a few things, and a memorable end to our quest ☠️☠️

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@S.C.G if you fancy playing again tonight feel free to join, happy to do any quests you want to after I hogged being captain last time! I'll stay on for another 15 mins or so if you can make it on, no worries if not! ☺️

P.s @RedShell or any other Pirate's if you fancy making an NE crew this evening I'd be up for it, my Xbox tag is Stankind if you don't have me already 👍

Edited by Kaepora_Gaebora
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11 hours ago, Kaepora_Gaebora said:

P.s @RedShell or any other Pirate's if you fancy making an NE crew this evening I'd be up for it, my Xbox tag is Stankind if you don't have me already 👍

Thanks for the invite, but I’m not actually subscribed to Game Pass at the moment so don’t have access to the game.

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@Kaepora_Gaebora Another successful voyage last night, even though, there were a few close calls. :D 

We did really well, got some good hauls from the vaults, gave as good as we got from the Ghost Ships, and we must have gotten through many barrels of wood and canonballs.

Many highlights including being under attack from enemy ships... "I've just fixed all the 'oles in the ship" *Crash* "Apart from that one" *Crash* "And that one"

Then, in the middle of a storm, while under attack, you asked me how the hull was looking... "It's alright, just four 'oles and a bit of water, apart from that, it's fine"

Taking down that Megalodon was a close one, it got taken out on or in our ship, then it glitched the explosive barrel... that's never happened before. :grin:

And to round off the night, that friendly bunch of Pirates, let us share in their spoils, and even stayed to lark around for a bit, great times. :peace:

You never know what's going to happen, when you venture into the Sea of Thieves.

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4 hours ago, S.C.G said:

@Kaepora_Gaebora Another successful voyage last night, even though, there were a few close calls. :D 

We did really well, got some good hauls from the vaults, gave as good as we got from the Ghost Ships, and we must have gotten through many barrels of wood and canonballs.

Many highlights including being under attack from enemy ships... "I've just fixed all the 'oles in the ship" *Crash* "Apart from that one" *Crash* "And that one"

Then, in the middle of a storm, while under attack, you asked me how the hull was looking... "It's alright, just four 'oles and a bit of water, apart from that, it's fine"

Taking down that Megalodon was a close one, it got taken out on or in our ship, then it glitched the explosive barrel... that's never happened before. :grin:

And to round off the night, that friendly bunch of Pirates, let us share in their spoils, and even stayed to lark around for a bit, great times. :peace:

You never know what's going to happen, when you venture into the Sea of Thieves.

Aye, what a smashing nights sailing that was!

I've never seen that happen with a Meg before, how the moment went from pure joy to absolute chaos in the blink of an eye, an absolute miracle our ship didn't sink after that barrel went off, and after all the abuse we put it through 😂 as you say, you just never know what's going to happen even if you start off with a "plan".

Speaking of which, my first day off to myself in about a month and I spent most of the morning sailing the seas again, this time solo'ing an Athena "Thieves Haven" quest, where you get five chapters one after the other, with every other one taking you back to Thieves Haven to dig up some Athena items. I popped the emissary flag on and set off, taking down any Megs or Ghost Sloop's I came across, and I even made a few alliances with other players too, it was a very busy server but managed to avoid conflict ☺️

I'd been cashing things in along the way, but got to the final chapter with an almost 5 star emmisary flag, and big rewards heading my way 😎 collected the 10 items on the final quest, and managed to snag the Athena Gun Powder barrel from a skeleton too which gets you mega xp and money. As I sailed back to the outpost a ghost galleon started following me without attacking, so I happily ignored it and manoeuvred away from it. As I came into the outpost to hand in my winnings and cash my emissary flag in BOOOOOOMMMMMM! The ghost ship had gently pushed me to sail over some rouge gunpowder barrels in the water, which caused enough damage as it is but set off the Athena barrel too...the ship went down in the blink of an eye, and three hours of doing one quest pretty much went up in smoke 🤦‍♂️


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So I get my Series X tomorrow. This is a game I've never played before but am slightly interested in. 

I know nothing about it, but have read your posts @Kaepora_Gaebora and @S.C.G and you both seem to have an absolute blast with it! 

Is it an online only game then? And is it better in multiplayer with friends? Also, is it hard to get into? I'm sure I read it's a slow butner?

Sorry for all the questions! :p

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@Aneres11 If you're getting your Xbox Series X console tomorrow, then Sea of Thieves is a great game to test out the backwards compatibility with.

The load times will be quicker than on the Xbox One X, and at least equal to the PC version.

As for what to expect from the game, it is essentially an online only game, yes, better with friends. It's not hard to get into, though it will probably take a couple of sessions.

Once you get into the cycle of picking up quests, sailing the seas, fighting off hordes of skeletons and nabbing treasure to cash-in back at the outpost, you'll probably enjoy it.

Let us know how you get on with your new console, all going well, if this is one of the first games you intend to play on it, let's see if we can get a session going, one evening. :smile:

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@Aneres11 if you're getting Game Pass with your new Xbox then I would definitely recommend downloading it and seeing what it's all about!

There's a 'learn the ropes' quest called the Maiden Voyage where you learn the very basics and after that, you're set loose in the Sea of Thieves which can be pretty daunting, there is very limited hand holding and you have to work much of it out for yourself.

I think one of the things I like about it most is that there is no levelling up of weapons, items or ships at all; so if we were to play together or against each other tomorrow, we'd be on the same level, and then it comes down to skill etc (I'm terrible against other humans 🙈) your aim is to level up each alliance in the game, and the higher your level goes the better quests you get in terms of rewards...but also danger increases too. There's also the story mode 'Tall Tales', always a fort/battle and plenty of achievements and in game commendations available to keep you busy, which is a massive improvement from the initial 'theres nothing to do' vibe from a few years ago.

Ultimately, if you like the look of it from that video and enjoy the basics of the game, you'll likely have a blast! And you'll always be 100% welcome to join in with @S.C.G and me or just the two of us, I enjoyed playing solo for so long as I now feel I know everything about the ship and can steer/rigging/cannons and multi task as a team mate. However having started to do multiplayer this year...it's taken it to a completely different level, for me one of the best games of the generation ☠️

Let us know if you decide to have a bash, if you have any questions please ask and if you want to set sail together if I'm free I'll definitely jump aboard!

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20 minutes ago, Kaepora_Gaebora said:

@Aneres11 if you're getting Game Pass with your new Xbox then I would definitely recommend downloading it and seeing what it's all about!

There's a 'learn the ropes' quest called the Maiden Voyage where you learn the very basics and after that, you're set loose in the Sea of Thieves which can be pretty daunting, there is very limited hand holding and you have to work much of it out for yourself.

I think one of the things I like about it most is that there is no levelling up of weapons, items or ships at all; so if we were to play together or against each other tomorrow, we'd be on the same level, and then it comes down to skill etc (I'm terrible against other humans 🙈) your aim is to level up each alliance in the game, and the higher your level goes the better quests you get in terms of rewards...but also danger increases too. There's also the story mode 'Tall Tales', always a fort/battle and plenty of achievements and in game commendations available to keep you busy, which is a massive improvement from the initial 'theres nothing to do' vibe from a few years ago.

Ultimately, if you like the look of it from that video and enjoy the basics of the game, you'll likely have a blast! And you'll always be 100% welcome to join in with @S.C.G and me or just the two of us, I enjoyed playing solo for so long as I now feel I know everything about the ship and can steer/rigging/cannons and multi task as a team mate. However having started to do multiplayer this year...it's taken it to a completely different level, for me one of the best games of the generation ☠️

Let us know if you decide to have a bash, if you have any questions please ask and if you want to set sail together if I'm free I'll definitely jump aboard!

Amazing! Thanks both!

Will definitely check it out. There's a lot I want to dive in with when I get my console tomorrow, and as I went with All Access, I have two years Game Pass included so I will look to download Sea of Thieves straight away so it is ready for when I do want to start it up. 

I will let you both know but sure I have you both added as friends already on the console! 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Made the most of the double XP weekend by helping get my friend up to Pirate Legend status last night ☠️

We played last weekend and just as we got our skulls emissary up to level 5 (which unlocks better quests with higher rewards) we got attacked by another human ship who decimated us and we lost everything 🙈 my friend refused to play for the rest of the week 😂 while I very much accept that it is a pirate game and other people are more likely to try and kill you than help you, he absolutely hates that side of it and gets in a right strop. For me I hate it when the game throws too many computer elements at you; for example I've been fighting a ghost ship, had a Megaladon attack me and then volcanoes erupting around me which can sink your ship in one, absolute chaos! 

Hoping to be abit selfish for the next few nights and do some Athena quests (the pirate legend level) to get that up as high as possible, very difficult to level it up so hoping the double XP will help ease it a little.

I've signed up to the Insider programme as well (I've tried to play other games but I definitely feel like I'm not done with this yet and keep going at it) and you get early access/play test new game modes and bits coming out in the future and give feed back on it all. Exciting things coming in the New Year! ☠️

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I'm on a one man mission to keep everyone updated with SoT content 🙈☠️

Seasons are coming to the Seas in January! Not sure how I feel about it in all honesty, I can't imagine it'll stop me from playing but my only main experience of seasons is The Division 2; I recently tried to go back into that and the map was an absolute mess of icons, and I'm not sure the seasons content was particularly exciting or worth it. I'll reserve judgement and I've enjoyed my playing experience so much on SoT I'll definitely give it a chance.

They're releasing a premium option with it too, the "Plunder Pass" which I'll very much assume is like the battle pass from Fortnite which helps you level up your season rep alot quicker and get you to rewards quicker too.

I'll be interested to see how it all works and if it adds anything new to the game, I'm just as excited for a new Merchant Alliance quest style as I am this announcement so we'll see! ☠️

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Currently installing Sea of Thieves. Looking at hopefully playing this weekend (need to work out if I'm free Saturday or Sunday - I think most likely Sunday) if anyone is interested



Edit: it will be during the day Sunday.



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