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Monster Hunter Generations


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It was just myself and lostmario last night but we still had a laugh.


We started by clearing a bunch of garbage quests that we hate doing. Stuff like killing 5000000 vespoids and gathering 2000 herbs. We then moved on to farming hyper Glav to build up our armour sets. We both got a fair bit of stuff that we needed, with one quest netting me 2 gems.


Before coming to work this morning I managed to get some of hunts in. I helped a few people do their 7 star urgent quests. This netted me a bunch of heavy armour spheres, which were the final items needed to fully max out my armour. I helped people and got something in return! Twas a good hunting session. :)


The final level of the armour took 5 Glav gems. One gem per piece of armour. Yup, the leveling up system isn't as rosy as some may think. This knocked my defense up to 641. This will do me nicely for when I start farming the special permit Rathlos. This thing has the end game armour i'm after due to the insane skill set it has.

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Righto, Mario Kart all done. Time for some hunting for 2 hours!




The hub ID is 58-0551-4815-0724, passcode is 4444.




Gonna shout out to @S\.C\.G, @Vileplume2000 and @Deathjam




I have terrible luck. Power cut on Wednesday and then was out for bowling on Thursday. I will try make it online today if there is room but am still only HR1. Trying to learn charge blade. Haven't quite figured out how to get yellow and red shield exactly grrr.

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I cracked on with the single player stuff after work and seen the credits of the game. The ending/credits sum up everything wrong with what Monster Hunter has become. What was once a quite dark and hardcore series has now been filled to the brim with silliness and constant pandering to the casuals. Very sad and disappointing. :(


I would put good money on certain people on here actually enjoying the ending and thinking it was great. Lostmario knows who I called out. Lets see if i'm right when the time comes.... :D


Just saw it myself.

Without going into too much detail, it was a very sudden tone shift. From epic to that in less than 10 seconds was quite jarring. It felt more like a hidden bonus cutscene than an actual ending. Really anticlimactic too. Was expecting another massive monstrosity to show up after that fight as a "Actually, this is the final boss" moment.


On the other hand, I feel like you need to lighten up a tad. It's not as dreadful as you make it out. It's silly, yes. But there's nothing inherently wrong with that. Some of my favourite MonHun moments are the really silly ones. (Phantom Uragaan from Tri, anyone?) I did crack a smile at the mass prancing bit though.

Timing of the cutscene aside, it's perfectly OK.

On a side note, I'd love to see you play Tokyo Mirage Sessions. If you thought this was silly, you might burst a vessel playing that.


And I still wouldn't call this a casual game. The learning curve is still very high. Have you considered that part of the reason you're finding it easy is because you're getting better? It's certainly possible, you smashed through the game at a ridiculous speed.

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Just a heads-up, it's Friday which means I won't be on in time to hunt this evening but I do hope that whoever is hunting this evening and whatever Monsters you're hunting for, that you all have fun. :)


Probably not Saturday either, but back to normal from Sunday onwards! Just those two days every week which I work long hours.

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Some of my favourite MonHun moments are the really silly ones.
What, like trying to kill a Royal Ludroth during a slay 10 Ludroth quest, only to accidentally kill the 10th Ludroth before the Royal Ludroth carks it and slowly wanders off to another area? :wink:

"Tail consolation prize!" :laughing:


Yeah, they're my fave moments too. icon14.gif


Also, we need to activate the Meownzer tank simultaneously sometime. :grin: Actually, 4 Meownzer tanks at once would be truly spectacular. That's my ultimate goal in this game now.

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On the other hand, I feel like you need to lighten up a tad. It's not as dreadful as you make it out. It's silly, yes. But there's nothing inherently wrong with that. Some of my favourite MonHun moments are the really silly ones. (Phantom Uragaan from Tri, anyone?) I did crack a smile at the mass prancing bit though.

Timing of the cutscene aside, it's perfectly OK.

On a side note, I'd love to see you play Tokyo Mirage Sessions. If you thought this was silly, you might burst a vessel playing that.


And I still wouldn't call this a casual game. The learning curve is still very high. Have you considered that part of the reason you're finding it easy is because you're getting better? It's certainly possible, you smashed through the game at a ridiculous speed.


I've played a bit of it ( other games stopped me from playing it ) and I didn't mind it due to me not really having any strong feelings with the franchises it uses. With MH though it's a different story. I've been playing from the beginning of the series and I really feel its losing something that made it special in the first place.


I will say that I have nothing against silly moments in MH. Some of my best memories from the series is when stupid stuff happens. The standout moment being when one of my mates got killed off a Mosswine in the original game, despite rocking high end gear. A more recent moment is when lostmario misread a quest and thought it said we had to hunt down Postman Pat! :D


These moments are created by the players themselves though and not by the game trying to shove it in your face, acting silly or trying too hard to be funny. The funny moments occur naturally and these are the ones that stick, rather than the ones the game tries ( and fails ) to provide.


I still think it's stupidly easy. I don't think it's me getting any better at the game, just that the game lacks any real challenge now. Many in the thread on Gaf made the same point, same for people over on G-Faqs and Nintendolife. Now, i'm all for a game trying to reach out to the masses but not at the expense of what made the game great in the first place.


An extreme example for you would be if they took the battle system in Pokemon Go and then used it in the mainline series because that's what the masses playing the mobile game wanted. Such actions would disregard the feelings of those who stuck with the series all of those years, just so the company in question could make a quick buck.

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Some interesting points you bought up. I hope you don't mind, but I'm gonna go through some points one at a time. So expect multi quotes.

Also, I got into Monster Hunter with Tri, so if I'm missing something about the earlier Playstation games, sorry about that.


With MH though it's a different story. I've been playing from the beginning of the series and I really feel its losing something that made it special in the first place.


I understand if you find it difficult to explain, but could you elaborate a bit on the bolded. Like, what exactly do you think is missing?


These moments are created by the players themselves though and not by the game trying to shove it in your face, acting silly or trying too hard to be funny. The funny moments occur naturally and these are the ones that stick, rather than the ones the game tries ( and fails ) to provide.


Obviously, humour is subjective. I for one enjoy the little pop culture references that have been in the three games I've played. I realise I have no experience with the Playstation MonHun games, but it does sound awfully dreary and uninteresting without those silly little shoutouts to other franchises. Half the reason I go around talking to NPC's is to see what nonsense they spout out. Sure, I've had more than a few moments when I groaned at a blatant pun or something similar, but it's a nice little intermission between single player quests that I really like.


I still think it's stupidly easy. I don't think it's me getting any better at the game, just that the game lacks any real challenge now.


Stop exaggerating. I guarantee anyone new to this series will have the same degree of difficulty that I did when I started Monster Hunter Tri. It is not an easy game to master.

I got completely stuck on Quropeco for quite a while there, but if I was in the same situation, with the same armour setup today. I'd walk it. Does this mean MH Tri has lost all of it's "real challenge"?

Now I'm not disputing that Generations is as difficult as Tri. It probably is a bit easier than previous games thanks to the Hunter Styles and Hunter Arts.

But you could argue the same thing about mounting monsters in 4 Ultimate.

Or how about gems in Monster Hunter 2? (Yeah, I did some research) Does that take away the challenge that Monster Hunter 1 had?

I see it as a way to help customise the player experience to suit their playstyle. If things stayed the same to maintain some kind of perceived challenge that must be maintained, the series would grow stagnant.


Many in the thread on Gaf made the same point, same for people over on G-Faqs and Nintendolife. Now, i'm all for a game trying to reach out to the masses but not at the expense of what made the game great in the first place.


I know this is besides the point, but I can't help but feel you're shooting yourself in the foot by saying people on GameFAQS agree with you.

Isn't that the gaming equivalent of saying that Daily Mail readers agree with your political views?


Anyway, every single 3DS MH game has sold over 2 million titles (Yes, including Generations, if you take the Japanese version X into account).

So they're clearly doing something right. And as much as some people will hate it, it being mostly on the 3DS is part of the reason. You could argue that Tri/3 Ultimate helped to make the series actually relevant over here.

I mean, when Dcubed told me that I should try it, my first question is "What the hell's Monster Hunter? And why is the name so boring?" And I guarantee I'm not the only one.


It would be very interesting to see where the series would be over here in the west if it was everything you wanted it to be. My guess would be non-existent.


On another note, I firmly believe that no Monster Hunter would ever be as difficult as your first Monster Hunter experience, due to it's steep learning curve.


An extreme example for you would be if they took the battle system in Pokemon Go and then used it in the mainline series because that's what the masses playing the mobile game wanted. Such actions would disregard the feelings of those who stuck with the series all of those years, just so the company in question could make a quick buck.


That is an extreme example. Thanks for providing a look into the utter ruin of my favourite franchise.

It is a very delicate balance though. Obviously, it's great that the game is consistently selling well. But I understand how some longtime fans can be annoyed at all the tweaks to the game's mechanics. But as I already stated, the series needs to develop, otherwise what's the point in making new games?

However, I can't muster up sympathy for people who think that new features shouldn't be in this because it makes the game easier. Because that's exactly how most game series die.

The game at it's core still revolves around learning attack patterns and positioning yourself to be in the most advantageous position possible, and as long as that stays the same, I welcome any little tweaks to keep the game fresh.


Anyway, these last two paragraphs won't have much to do with what you said, but something I noticed with 4 Ultimate (And again with this game) is that I can somehow always tell when a monster I've not fought before is from a Playstation entry. They always just feel not as well designed somehow.

And quite a few of them are very... cheap.


I'm looking at you Yian Garuga, with your BS charge attack that has absolutely no telegraph and hits the exact instant it moves. The first monster where I actually thought "OK, this is just plain unfair". That thing sucks the fun right out of Monster Hunter when it shows up.

Shogun Ceanataur is another one with no telegraph attacks. That fight was not fun. After fighting it, I asked Dcubed and Ugh First Aid if it was from a PSP game, they said yes. I just knew.


What, like trying to kill a Royal Ludroth during a slay 10 Ludroth quest, only to accidentally kill the 10th Ludroth before the Royal Ludroth carks it and slowly wanders off to another area? :wink:

"Tail consolation prize!" :laughing:


I know I said "Sorry, my bad" when I did that, but I think all three of us knew I wasn't actually in the least bit sorry. Too busy laughing my head off to feel remorse.

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Anyway, these last two paragraphs won't have much to do with what you said, but something I noticed with 4 Ultimate (And again with this game) is that I can somehow always tell when a monster I've not fought before is from a Playstation entry. They always just feel not as well designed somehow.

And quite a few of them are very... cheap.


I'm looking at you Yian Garuga, with your BS charge attack that has absolutely no telegraph and hits the exact instant it moves. The first monster where I actually thought "OK, this is just plain unfair". That thing sucks the fun right out of Monster Hunter when it shows up.

Shogun Ceanataur is another one with no telegraph attacks. That fight was not fun. After fighting it, I asked Dcubed and Ugh First Aid if it was from a PSP game, they said yes. I just knew.


This is actually a good point. A lot of the difficulty from the earlier games was kinda artificial (Plesioth, Hip Check, need I say more?).


Tri really stepped up the game hugely. It was so much more polished than the previous games that it wasn't even funny (they mentioned in the Iwata Asks for it how they rebuilt the entire game engine from scratch for Tri; it shows - and they've been building on the Tri engine ever since for a good reason).


Though that being said, the difficulty of 3 Ultimate was indeed brought down a bit from Tri. Deviljho for example didn't do nearly as much damage to you as he did in Tri (Savage Deviljho is a different matter of course though).


But a lot of it also comes down to experience. We're obviously much better at the games now than we were back then, so that probably comes into play a bit as well. The addition of things like the Target Cam also help make things more manageable as well, even though it doesn't make the game easier in of itself.


The newer games are probably easier for newcomers than Tri was (I'd say that Tri is the hardest in the series as far as pure difficulty is concerned, ignoring the jankiness of MH Gen 1 and 2), but probably not to as huge an extent as you might think. Experience counts for a lot.

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I understand if you find it difficult to explain, but could you elaborate a bit on the bolded. Like, what exactly do you think is missing?


Difficulty and the sense of reward.


Stuff like the fact that i'm not even 100 hours into the game and have got a full set of high end armour says it all. Myself and 2 others took on what is essentially the final boss and beat him first time. Certain monsters have seem to have been nerfed in recent entries, Fatalis being a big example of this.


In the original game (also the PSP games to a certain extent) he was an event, something to be feared, something that hit stupidly hard and had to be tackled in a certain way ( everyone switched to gunner class and made use of the lady selling claws when she popped up ) otherwise you would be dead meat.


Obviously, humour is subjective. I for one enjoy the little pop culture references that have been in the three games I've played. I realise I have no experience with the Playstation MonHun games, but it does sound awfully dreary and uninteresting without those silly little shoutouts to other franchises. Half the reason I go around talking to NPC's is to see what nonsense they spout out. Sure, I've had more than a few moments when I groaned at a blatant pun or something similar, but it's a nice little intermission between single player quests that I really like.


The original game and early PSP entries were pretty bland and dark, which I didn't mind.


As you said, humour is very subjective and I don't really care for references or silly stuff that NPCs say. A lot of the time I just find stuff like that far too cringe worthy. The same as when people try too hard to be funny. It just comes off as embarrassing.



Stop exaggerating. I guarantee anyone new to this series will have the same degree of difficulty that I did when I started Monster Hunter Tri. It is not an easy game to master.


This is a point we are just going to have to agree to disagree to as I think this is far easier to get to grips with and more forgiving than other MH games.



I know this is besides the point, but I can't help but feel you're shooting yourself in the foot by saying people on GameFAQS agree with you.

Isn't that the gaming equivalent of saying that Daily Mail readers agree with your political views?


I have no idea what you're getting at with that Daily Mail reference but I feel my point still stands. There are people out there who are finding the game far easier than previous MH games. What forum they are on shouldn't make a difference, especially when they are echoing what others are feeling/saying.


Anyway, every single 3DS MH game has sold over 2 million titles (Yes, including Generations, if you take the Japanese version X into account).

So they're clearly doing something right.


Indeed they are. By making it a handheld only game and then dumbing it down for more people to enjoy they have the Japanese market eating out of their hands. It's probably the best move that Capcom have made in a long time and one that has helped them stay afloat. Doesn't mean to say I have to like their approach though.


It would be very interesting to see where the series would be over here in the west if it was everything you wanted it to be. My guess would be non-existent.


If it had remained a challenging game, been on a console that had strong 3rd party support and a good online setup, then I have no doubt it would do just fine. Just look at the likes of Dark Souls. It's a console game that is very dark, challenging series that has for the most part remained true to what it is and the sales have climbed with each sequel.


The newer games are probably easier for newcomers than Tri was (I'd say that Tri is the hardest in the series as far as pure difficulty is concerned, ignoring the jankiness of MH Gen 1 and 2), but probably not to as huge an extent as you might think. Experience counts for a lot.


In terms of difficulty in single player mode, I still class MH the most difficult of the games. You didn't have the luxury of have helpers by your side, so when you took on a beast it was literally you vs whatever you were fighting. You didn't have the cushion of having someone else distracting the monster.

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In terms of difficulty in single player mode, I still class MH the most difficult of the games. You didn't have the luxury of have helpers by your side, so when you took on a beast it was literally you vs whatever you were fighting. You didn't have the cushion of having someone else distracting the monster.
You can still create that exact setup in this version too though, what with the helpers (debatable at times :heh:) being completely optional.


The way I see it, difficulty in MH (but this version in particular) can be very much determined by the player. If you already have a lot of experience with the series, and then on top of that do the online stuff first (meaning you have lots of high rank weapons/armour) and make use of Palicoes, Hunter Arts etc... then yeah, the single player will blatantly be easier.

But playing through the village quests using only the basic starting gear/low rank stuff, and forgoing any of the assist features, would definitely make for a more challenging experience.

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Well, yeah, you could easily artificially make the game more challenging. Hell, you could attempt all quests in your pants if you wanted to but that's not the point.


Anyway, I think I'll leave this conversation at that. I think the series has become easier, others either aren't bothered or don't agree. Not much more to say about it really.

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Well, yeah, you could easily artificially make the game more challenging. Hell, you could attempt all quests in your pants if you wanted to but that's not the point.


Anyway, I think I'll leave this conversation at that. I think the series has become easier, others either aren't bothered or don't agree. Not much more to say about it really.


For what it's worth, my gut feeling is that on some level Monster Hunter Generations is easier to a degree and that's just from me having not even played fifteen hours of it, so I do understand where you're coming from. :)


To me, it's still challenging though and enjoyable but even at this point I've started to feel the grind and not in a good way when it comes to the single player. :hmm:


Multiplayer though? Still good, great, fantastic as ever! This is what saves the game as it's just so damn enjoyable, you are right, it's the players and the experiences which make Monster Hunter special; I can honestly say that I've had some really special memories thanks to the series, right from MH3U in which it was an honour to fight alongside you Hero and everyone else who I got to hunt with as well... those high level Alatreon battles were intense! :D


MH4U though... still very good, I could feel the series evolving while at the same time becoming more familiar in places, still great though plus it introduced many genuinely brilliant features such as the enhanced climbing which feels more natural.


MHG feels like a culmination of it all, expanding the series further with added elements while celebrating the series from the PS2 era which I missed out on, right up to present day and it's glorious in its own way. :grin:


But there is certainly an element of, this is my third Monster Hunter game now, so some of it is due to having the previous experience but even then I can't deny that it feels easier in places, I'm kind of OK with this for the moment as I am enjoying the game so I don't know what else to say. ::shrug:


If the series was to return to home console or become a game which gets released on both though and with a heavier focus on more challenging quests in its next entry, I certainly would be all for that. :D


For now though, at least we are all enjoying the game on some level, so I think that's something we can all agree on. : peace:

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For now though, at least we are all enjoying the game on some level, so I think that's something we can all agree on. : peace:


And with that, I'll be playing this afternoon from around 5pm if anyone would like to join in. I know Ugh First Aid won't be able to play until later on in the night, so there's a very real chance that it would just be me people are joining. (Depends on if @Dcubed is free)


Gonna give shoutouts to @RedShell, @Deathjam and @Vileplume2000 seeing as S.C.G said he won't be available on Saturdays.


On a side note, one of the single player quests I have to do involves hunting 2 Shogun Ceanataurs. Gave it a go. The quest kinda went something like this...



And yes, I do look that pretty. Thanks for asking.


I think I need some better armour...

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So I've hung up my trusty Lance after glorious success in 3 and 4, and am now rocking the charge blade for Generations, any other charge blade users have any tips to get the most out of it in the early stages? Still confused as to what I'm doing with it in all honesty :p


I'd love to join in some hunts as well at some point, though I am HR1 so unless you have a burning desire to dredge through those quests again I'll try and get myself up to an acceptable level before I join in the fun! :)

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So I've hung up my trusty Lance after glorious success in 3 and 4, and am now rocking the charge blade for Generations, any other charge blade users have any tips to get the most out of it in the early stages? Still confused as to what I'm doing with it in all honesty :p


I'd love to join in some hunts as well at some point, though I am HR1 so unless you have a burning desire to dredge through those quests again I'll try and get myself up to an acceptable level before I join in the fun! :)


I don't mind one bit, gotta help each other out and all that.

Have no idea how to Charge Blade though. Too slow for my liking.

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I'd love to join in some hunts as well at some point, though I am HR1 so unless you have a burning desire to dredge through those quests again I'll try and get myself up to an acceptable level before I join in the fun! :)


I don't mind one bit, gotta help each other out and all that.

Have no idea how to Charge Blade though. Too slow for my liking.

I don't mind helping out either. :)

If you don't mind the odd accidental bash over the head with a gigantic hammer. Or some crazy red cat running around all over the place. :laughing:


Think most of us are still only HR2 anyway, so you're not far behind at all.

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So I've hung up my trusty Lance after glorious success in 3 and 4, and am now rocking the charge blade for Generations, any other charge blade users have any tips to get the most out of it in the early stages? Still confused as to what I'm doing with it in all honesty :p


I'd love to join in some hunts as well at some point, though I am HR1 so unless you have a burning desire to dredge through those quests again I'll try and get myself up to an acceptable level before I join in the fun! :)


Oh, I sometimes use Charge Blade. Gaijin hunter has a good tutorial vid for MHG with it...



It's kinda hard to get to grips with, but it's a really versatile weapon :)

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Anyone online right now? Otherwise I will open up a room!


And I'm also HR1 still, so no biggie KG!


Edit: hub is 41-2231-7163-5471. Password is 4444

I don't know how long I will be online but we'll see how it goes!

Edited by Vileplume2000
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Anyone online right now? Otherwise I will open up a room!


And I'm also HR1 still, so no biggie KG!


Edit: hub is 41-2231-7163-5471. Password is 4444

I don't know how long I will be online but we'll see how it goes!


Me and Glen-i are joining you! Hold tight!

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Taking a bit of a break, but Princess Creepy and her subjects will be back online around 8pm.


Ugh First Aid should be available around that time.


Thanks to @Vileplume2000 and @RedShell for some quality hunting. The moment we get around 200 defense, we're rematching with that Arzuros.


And I like to think RedShell, DCubed and I proved without a shadow of a doubt that we're the best monster capturers ever!

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A good afternoon of hunting with lostmario today. We've pretty much cleared all the lower quests now. Man, some of them are tedious and boring. I was literally falling asleep during one of them. Luckily we both had The Goldbergs on to keep us amused. :D


We also got some of his gear fully upgraded and I'm well on my way to making the Dreadking Rathlos set. :yay:

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Taking a bit of a break, but Princess Creepy and her subjects will be back online around 8pm.


Ugh First Aid should be available around that time.


Thanks to @Vileplume2000 and @RedShell for some quality hunting. The moment we get around 200 defense, we're rematching with that Arzuros.


And I like to think RedShell, DCubed and I proved without a shadow of a doubt that we're the best monster capturers ever!

Hehehe! We were so stitched up on that first attempt though, I mean it was inside the damn trap and full of tranqs when it died! :o


Anyway, cracking session. I loved the x4 cat quests we did, and that gather 20 fur fail was something else. :laughing:


Definitely up for a rematch against that weird Arzuros too. We were destroying it at one point (like when he was KO'd in the pitfall) but he could pretty much one hit kill me, and well, poor Dcubed didn't stand a chance. :D


May pop on for a few more tonight, but if not I'll catch you all again very soon!

: peace:

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If anyone is playing this tonight and wants to hunt, let me know. :)


I'm still only HR1 though mind. :wink:


In any case I'll be questing solo until then, still got loads to do, especially as I haven't played since Thursday night! : peace:

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