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I cracked on with the single player stuff after work and seen the credits of the game. The ending/credits sum up everything wrong with what Monster Hunter has become. What was once a quite dark and hardcore series has now been filled to the brim with silliness and constant pandering to the casuals. Very sad and disappointing. :(


I would put good money on certain people on here actually enjoying the ending and thinking it was great. Lostmario knows who I called out. Lets see if i'm right when the time comes.... :D


Another good night of hunting for us. We got my nephew and Lostmarios 7 star urgent quest done. They have now passed the HR limit and are free to hunt whatever they want.


We destroyed the last boss 3 times in a row. We were like a well oiled machine. Having fought the boss a fair few times already I was able to dish out orders and calls for certain attacks. We smashed the thing to pieces, getting a lot of rare items in the process.


We also helped a random player with his urgent. He popped into town and was looking for help. He was a little reluctant to do my nephews quest first as he said he had been screwed over in the past. We gave him a hand through and he was very grateful.


We went on to do some more special permit stuff, which we also brushed aside easily. I'm still missing one of the special permit quests, though. I will have to take a look and see how to nab that. It probably has something to do with the single player stuff.

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Right, I'm available for hunting this afternoon (Probably around 5pm).

And I'm pretty sure @Ugh first aid will be hunting with me this time. Her friend just got Generations, so the chances are that there'll be one space available. So I'm just gonna go ahead and mention, @RedShell, @Deathjam and @Vileplume2000


I will be around at 7 (so that is 6 London time if I'm not mistaken). Will gladly join!

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Right, I'm available for hunting this afternoon (Probably around 5pm).

And I'm pretty sure @Ugh first aid will be hunting with me this time. Her friend just got Generations, so the chances are that there'll be one space available. So I'm just gonna go ahead and mention, @RedShell, @Deathjam and @Vileplume2000


I will be around at 7 (so that is 6 London time if I'm not mistaken). Will gladly join!
And I'll join between 5 and 6, if Deathjam isn't about. :)
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*joins the queue* ;)


If anyone is still playing this tonight at say... 8:30pm and if there is a space available then I may well join as I haven't played online yet. :)


For reference, I've completed most of the 2* quests... I'm coping alright as well, I haven't upgraded my armour at all and I've only upgraded my dual blades once. :P


I've got that Tetsucabra urgent quest still to play as well, I was planning on farming that so I could make some armour out of it, yeah I know that I could have made an armour set by now out of Jaggi or whatever but I couldn't be bothered, so I just decided to chance it... I only fainted once and that was the other night when it was too hot, I wasn't really concentrating/barely playing at all... aside from that I have an unblemished record so far. :D


Anyway, I'll likely be ready to play in an hour or so, I just have a review to finish/post and then I'll be there hopefully. : peace:

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Just letting @S\.C\.G and @Deathjam know that there's space for 2 in our group now.


Thanks :) what time are you going to be playing until by the way?


I had hoped to be ready to play by now but will probably be more like just after 9PM now... just adding the finishing bits to a review before I put it up on site.


Still keen to hunt though if you're on for a little bit yet. : peace:

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Thanks :) what time are you going to be playing until by the way?


I had hoped to be ready to play by now but will probably be more like just after 9PM now... just adding the finishing bits to a review before I put it up on site.


Still keen to hunt though if you're on for a little bit yet. : peace:


I'll be on until 11pm.

We'll just do some Arena Quests while we wait.

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I'll be on until 11pm.

We'll just do some Arena Quests while we wait.


OK, I've reached a point where I can get online now.


Will be on in five minutes, just going to grab a Cool Drink as my room is like the desert area at the moment and my stamina/HP just won't last otherwise. ;)

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Thanks for the hunts, guys!

Lots of great moments were had. From trying to kick the @S\.C\.G quickly getting his defense into triple digits, knocking @Dcubed back into "Worst defensive N-Europe member" again.

Right where he belongs.


Ugh First Aid and I will be available after Mario Kart tomorrow, so around 9pm.

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Thank you to everyone I hunted with this evening. :)


@Glen\-i & @Dcubed


It was really fun hunting alongside you all and I now have my Tetsucabra armour, so thanks for going giant red toad slaying with me. :D


Also that bonus Lagombi run was fun and afterwards when it was just Dcubed and I, we hunted a Royal Ludroth with a great deal of success... oh and that Desert Plesioth... like thing, which I forget the name of but yeah, that one! :p


Also, Palico... Palico everywhere! :grin:


I hope to hunt with you all again soon! : peace:

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Another fantastic night of hunting.


The 3 of us ( myself, lostmario and my nephew ) have started tackling all the hyper monster quests. We done one quest that had us fighting a hyper Brachy, Duramboros, Glav and Uragaan. My nephew died early on and we thought it may have been a fruitless quest but 20 minutes later we emerged victories and I nabbed 3 rare gems in the process. :bouncy:


We then took on a bunch of other hyper quests, as well as multiple monster quests. Even in a team of 3 we are still bringing stuff down pretty quickly.


I upgraded my weapon to max, last night. It think it does around 220 base damage and has the highest sharpness you can get. I also have sharpness+2 and destroyer in my armour. This keeps my weapon sharpness at the highest level for a very long time and allows me to break parts off the beasties more easily.


After lostmario and my nephew went offline I just potted about the servers on my own. I took down a few Jho to level up my attack and defense charms, defeated a hyper Glav to upgrade a bit of my armour ( sitting on around 5 fiddy defense now ), helped a few randoms out with their urgent quests and when I looked it was around half 11 at night! :D

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Yes, was good to hunt with you guys! Thanks @Glen\-i and @Ugh first aid!


I needed to catch up since all were HR2 and I was still lingering at HR1 online. Luckily the good folks mentioned above helped me out tackling a number of quests. We did the prowler ones, and took down a R. Ludroth, Tetsu, Gypceros and Kut-Ku. The last one got slaughtered pretty badly, with all of us unleashing some rad Hunter Arts while Ku was toppled. Insta-death for the poor fellow.


Can't wait to get to the higher online quests for a bit more challenge, those hyper quests sound intriguing.

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I would put good money on certain people on here actually enjoying the ending and thinking it was great. Lostmario knows who I called out. Lets see if i'm right when the time comes.... :D


Genuinely don't understand this, you're pre mocking someone who might like the ending/game? Suprised at that comment, it's fair enough that you might not have enjoyed the game, but so what if someone else does? Frankly it's great to see MH taking off in the west and if that means they change things up a bit, well good for them.


Should be picking this up today hopefully, I'm going to have minimal time with it and will be a case of squeezing in a few hours when I can, but it's Monster Hunter, I can't not :)

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Genuinely don't understand this, you're pre mocking someone who might like the ending/game? Suprised at that comment, it's fair enough that you might not have enjoyed the game, but so what if someone else does? Frankly it's great to see MH taking off in the west and if that means they change things up a bit, well good for them.


Should be picking this up today hopefully, I'm going to have minimal time with it and will be a case of squeezing in a few hours when I can, but it's Monster Hunter, I can't not :)


How in the hell am I mocking someone? All i'm saying is that I think I know people on here who will enjoy the ending due to their liking of quirky stuff. Geez.

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How in the hell am I mocking someone? All i'm saying is that I think I know people on here who will enjoy the ending due to their liking of quirky stuff. Geez.


That's cool as I said I genuinely didn't understand, I obviously misinterpreted it as you went from saying how the ending sums up everything wrong with the series now to then saying that you know some people will enjoy it (as in that's a slight against them) as I say obviously just read with a different intention than you meant! :)

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Good hunting last night everyone! icon14.gif

I really love being a cat in a group of 3 hunters, makes me feel a bit more useful. :hehe:

Being able to instantly locate the target monster for the rest of the team is cool, and that new support move I used yesterday is pretty sweet too (the horn which makes all of the annoying smaller monsters in the area bugger off! :D)


Been doing quite a bit of offline hunting as well, and found a great use for the burrow ability in Prowler Mode (other than regenerating red health and sneaking around).

Yeah, took on a Najarala in one of the village quests, and whenever he surrounded me I just dug into the ground! His paralysis and constriction moves became completely useless! Then it's simply a case of moving underground a bit and popping out again on the other side. :laughing:


Anyway, up to 5* village quests now, and have taken on Rathalos. That unlocked the Rath-of-Meow skill which enables use of the Meownzer tank!

You get to control it for a reasonably long time and it's a lot of fun to use, but unfortunately it requires 5 points of the support gauge, which takes ages to build up. :hmm:


Have to say though, this is probably my favourite Monster Hunter game so far. While the silly/quirky stuff clearly isn't to everyone's taste, I personally can't get enough of it. :grin:

And to be honest I think the developers have done a pretty good job of introducing this kind of stuff to the series, without necessarily forcing it on players that prefer the more traditional aspects of MH.


Ugh First Aid and I will be available after Mario Kart tomorrow, so around 9pm.
I'll be online for an hour or so after MK too! :bouncy:
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