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NINTENDO @ E3: Let the Hype juices flow

Fused King

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Sheikh's absolutely loving this isn't he, constant dig dig dig dig. Bet he's posting more on the nintendo board than the sony one...


It's a shame that rather than challenge criticisms and try to see why people are annoyed, yet again you go for "this guy has a problem, it must just be him." Like here, claiming I'm loving it; really? Why would I be loving it? You think I'm happy that Nintendo have screwed over a number of their good franchises? An Animal Crossing board game? And Metroid! Hell no! It's a shame that you're so bitter about it and see negativity towards inanimate games as some kind of slight (and before you start: you do).



This e3 won't mean anything in a months time. All that matters is the games we'll be playing,. Like I've mentioned, nintendo will probably release another console before we get to play final fantasy and Kingdom hearts 3 and maybe even uncharted and last guardian.


"This E3 won't mean anything in a month's time." Take a moment to digest this, to consider what you really said. Because I'm sure as shit you just made that comment without thinking about it.


Future bro: "Hey, you know Final Fantasy VII/Shenmue/TLG that was announced a month ago? Those games that are fucking awesome and everybody wants. Well I was really gearing to buy a PS4 rather than an X1 because I'd eventually like to buy those games, and can only afford one console, but hey guys a month has passed so none of that matters now; X1 here I come!"


Not to mention, this E3 sets the tone for the next; it's not just a 1 month buzz! As we've seen these games in development now, the next E3 will be a similar affair; the games will obviously still be in development, but because we're talking about motherfucking Shenmue 3, motherfucking FFVII and motherfucking TLG, people will be absolutely anticipating and subsequently lapping up their coverage at the next E3. And so there'll be more hype, and more swaying people to the PS4. To say it has just a one month effect is so incredibly, ridiculously naive.


As for the second part...If Nintendo do release their next console before any of those games release then they'll have no hope. That would mean that the turnaround of the Wii U will have been so short that nobody will have any faith in the next one! People have so little faith in the Wii U anyway, and I think if the Nx came out in exactly a year (ie. before TLG) then that would not instill confidence in potential buyers. The only way I see Nintendo pulling themselves out of this one if they were to release another console that quickly is another Wii-like miracle.


haha, I've just checked Sheikhs last 50 posts, and yes, most on nintendo board. Weird, because he loves sony so much and they have had an amazing e3 I thought he'd want to be constantly talking about it... no!? If people can't see how much this how much of a troll he is nothing will.


Absolutely pathetic.


Do you realise that I make a lot of posts here because of bullshit like the above? The funny thing is - you are the problem, actively creating the problem, and then musing upon why the problem exists. It's like a really shit Inception.


I've actually reported this post because it's pure and utter flamebait. It's not even an opinion about a game, an E3, or anything like it. It's just a snide and petty dig at somebody because you hold grudges against people who feel differently about things. It's just a bit sad, really.

Edited by Sheikah
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As for the second part...If Nintendo do release their next console before any of those games release then they'll have no hope. That would mean that the turnaround of the Wii U will have been so short that nobody will have any faith in the next one! People have so little faith in the Wii U anyway, and I think if the Nx came out in exactly a year (ie. before TLG) then that would not instill confidence in potential buyers. The only way I see Nintendo pulling themselves out of this one if they were to release another console that quickly is another Wii-like miracle.


If they release few more good games for the Wii U and they will, I don't think it will be a problem at all, they only have to fix 3rd party support problem, that's it (this is a must).


Why I think so?


Now, most of people who complain about Nintendo say that it's because they've grown up with the company and want it to do better.


So if they release a new, good looking Zelda game, Metroid, one of the racers (FAST, F-Zero), Mario Kart, their always popular 2d platformers Mario and Donkey Kong (later they would probably release other 2d platformers), 3D platfomer in Mario, now they have Splatoon which is very popular,....., so how many of us will not want to play the new Zelda game, the new Metroid game, while the other games I have mentioned will be a plus? Mario and Zelda are the games which will always make me buy a Nintendo console, while lot of games which you can't find on Nintendo you can find on PC (but they have to fix that problem with 3rd paties as I have said).


Now, how many people have lost faith in Nintendo? I am quite sure most of people who got Nintendo in last year, year and a half didn't. We didn't experience the drought of games and will not till the end of the consoles lifespan. As I've said before, there are about 15 games (without the games which are just announced and I didn't check the library properly) I plan to get and that's also without indie games. So for us the console will be quite good, especially as all of us agree that the quality of games they have is not a problem at all.


On the other side we have people who haven't bought the console, so they couldn't loose the faith anyway, as they never gave the chance to it. In this case marketing is important as that's how they will make their decision (my nephews had Wii, XBOX and XBOX 360 and now they've bought PS4 and only because friend of theirs said he prefers PS4 to XBONE (he has both consoles). So market it good, show good games and people who hadn't decided yet will buy it (not all of them, of course).


And the last group is the one who is going to buy their first consoles and again good marketing will do wonders, especially if they market a lot their IP's like Mario&Co as parrents with smaller children will prefer games like that.


They just have to make a good product with easier access from 3rd parties and market it well (marketing and good game in Splatoon managed to increase their sales, after a long time and that after all the criticism the console has got).

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Funny because in the two weeks you weren't here, there were barely any arguments ;)


I very much doubt that. Since I've been back I've observed many from a distance, with you at the heart of many of them.

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Ouch, I looked at the full list, best of for the consoles:

16 games for the PS4

16 games for the XB1

3 games for Wii U.

2 for both the vita and 3ds.


I will say this is a pretty crap year for Wii U, fortunately it also corresponds to a year I'll have to take a step back anyway.. but I feel for the early adopters right now!!

I guess Nintendo have 5 altogether... and Sony 18 :D

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There's 16 categories they qualified for, taking away the console specific categories and they only got nominated in 3. And the competition have 10+ entries in the best game and best trailer sections. Awful stuff. Xenoblade Chronicles X does that not deserve some love? Or has the hype died after being around for the past 2 and a half years?

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Na don't worry, I won't take his bait :)


But you already did with your previous reply. You realise that's how things like this all start right?


How many different people does he argue with, about similar things; just a very negative, vitriolic, argumentative little piece on these boards.


Ha, read the rest of the responses... I'm sure Nintendo is at the core of a lot of members of this forum... people justifying his childish little responses by that?! Fuck me.


Like many people who have deserted this place, and like a mod told me recently that people are leaving and this place isn't as busy as it used to be and its trying to be rectified... I think it's time to jump off the ship... The trolls keep winning, keep getting justified and this place is a just far too negative for me and people seem to be relishing in it, encouraging it.


Hope to still play online with a few of you on here though!


I'm going to address this too. You're being the worse offender in this situation dazzy - and I hope the fact that enough other people had to call you out on it helps you realise that. I don't know why you think these other people are 'justifying his childish little responses' as if they're part of some secret Sheikah illuminati and I'll point out that you first started by reducing it to a petty level of counting posts and attacking him, rather than the points and arguments being made. THAT is the sort of thing that leads to these little bickering arguments and brings down the atmosphere and makes people want to not bother coming here(it really doesn't seem to happen anywhere but these Nintendo boards).


You told me yourself you realise you bite when you shouldn't - when it happens just take a break(I realise you're considering that here). It isn't the content of posts and negative or positive views expressed that affects this atmosphere, it's when people start to get like that and feel the need to have petty arguments to defend perceived slights on personal honour and dignity.


I'm addressing it also because I presume I'm the mod in question - a point I'm not sure why you felt salient to slyly hint at as if it gives you more weight. It's no secret that some have left and what you'll also recall me saying is I don't want to simply eliminate every single little offender from the dwindling community with bans because we all make it up and there IS guilt on all sides. It's a shame if you feel it's a community you don't want to stay and post in given your posts are often valued, but the choice is yours.


By all means, I'm happy to get tougher on people but you have to realise it will be across the board(nopunlol) and without favouritism. Bear in mind that in this example - you would have come out worse off for your behaviour. So keep calling for it, insist on it, and I'll make it happen - but as I said in the other thread moderation isn't going to happen on some personal level.




Now can we keep it to discussing E3 without getting petty? I'll start deleting shitty posts from here on out.

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All the games we've seen for WiiU are out Q4 2015 or sooner right? do we know of any other games coming in say Q1 2016?


If we don't would it be safe to say the first half of 2016 is the swan song of the WiiU and perhaps the end of 2016 could see an NX launch (even if its just Japan)


Lets try to be less negative and more speculative of a possible future, i think we've all done to death how bad Nintendo have been perceived to handle E3, but perhaps that s because lots of first and third party games are coming for NX and they obviously couldn't announce that.


actually couldn't this thread now be closed and discussion moved to the WiiU and NX threads?

Edited by Agent Gibbs
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All the games we've seen for WiiU are out Q4 2015 or sooner right? do we know of any other games coming in say Q1 2016?


If we don't would it be safe to say the first half of 2016 is the swan song of the WiiU and perhaps the end of 2016 could see an NX launch (even if its just Japan)


Lets try to be less negative and more speculative of a possible future, i think we've all done to death how bad Nintendo have been perceived to handle E3, but perhaps that s because lots of first and third party games are coming for NX and they obviously couldn't announce that.


Shin Megami Tensei x Fire Emblem and Zelda I think are all we know of coming in 2016. I doubt they'll be out in the first half let alone the first quarter.


I said NX was the new console and would be out in 2016. I said over a year ago that there would be a new console by next year. I said before the Wii U launched that it would bomb. And got derided at every turn. Well I wasn't wrong.


The NX will be out next year and worldwide.

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Shin Megami Tensei x Fire Emblem and Zelda I think are all we know of coming in 2016. I doubt they'll be out in the first half let alone the first quarter.


I said NX was the new console and would be out in 2016. I said over a year ago that there would be a new console by next year. I said before the Wii U launched that it would bomb. And got derided at every turn. Well I wasn't wrong.


The NX will be out next year and worldwide.


I said myself that i thought 2016 would be a new console launch, but was told it was unrealistic, but given e3 it has become more realistic


If there is only 2 games, could they both be cross gen launch titles for NX?


the positive spin of the poor e3 is that it almost certain that new third pillar NX is coming sooner rather than later

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I was looking back at the Gamecube and Wii at the same point in their life cycle and the games that were revealed at E3. The Gamecube had Metroid Prime 2, Resident Evil 4 and Twilight Princess. The Wii had New Super Mario Bros., Mario Galaxy 2 and Sin & Punishment 2. There were other titles on the platforms like Wii Fit Plus, Donkey Kong Jungle Beat, Viewtiful Joe 2 and Wii Sports Resort amongst others.

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I was looking back at the Gamecube and Wii at the same point in their life cycle and the games that were revealed at E3. The Gamecube had Metroid Prime 2, Resident Evil 4 and Twilight Princess. The Wii had New Super Mario Bros., Mario Galaxy 2 and Sin & Punishment 2. There were other titles on the platforms like Wii Fit Plus, Donkey Kong Jungle Beat, Viewtiful Joe 2 and Wii Sports Resort amongst others.


Yeah and the Wii U has Mario 3D World, Pikmin 3, Donkey Kong and Splatoon. What's your point.

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I was looking back at the Gamecube and Wii at the same point in their life cycle and the games that were revealed at E3. The Gamecube had Metroid Prime 2, Resident Evil 4 and Twilight Princess. The Wii had New Super Mario Bros., Mario Galaxy 2 and Sin & Punishment 2. There were other titles on the platforms like Wii Fit Plus, Donkey Kong Jungle Beat, Viewtiful Joe 2 and Wii Sports Resort amongst others.


That's a night and day difference that is! Night and day!

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