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NINTENDO @ E3: Let the Hype juices flow

Fused King

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The problem with keeping Zelda on Wii U means that the entire Zelda cycle is out of sync (again). Zelda is a system seller and it needs to come out right in the middle of the console cycle (or earlier if possible) to encourage people to go out and buy the system. With the Gamecube and N64, we got the first Zelda game at the right time but man, what on Earth happened after that? The Wii launches with a Gamecube port(!) and by the time an actual Zelda is released (2011), it's missed the entire generation and Nintendo are focused on the Wii U. The same thing is going to happen this time round too.

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2013: Mario 3D World, Mario Kart 8, Smash Bros, Donkey Kong, Pokemon, Link Between Worlds, X, Bayonetta 2, Wind Waker HD

2014: Yoshi, Kirby, Splatoon, Mario Maker, Zelda U, Captain Toad, Hyrule Warriors


2015: Unpolished mulitplayer garbage of Zelda and Metroid, a terrible looking Starfox, a party game Animal Crossing


F-in dire.

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What a load of cobblers!


OK, I did laugh at the puppets and I can see a lot of GIFs being made out of them. Like the Robot Chicken thing last year, Nintendo hires some decent talent in terms of presentation.


Star Fox looked quite good. Unimpressive graphics, yes, but we've known the Wii U was underpowered since before it was out (and lots of extremely heated arguments with some insisting it wasn't). But this was like E3 2012 where the known game was shown first (Pikmin 3) and turned out to be the only decent thing!


Oh man, I can't even remember what happened next. Nintendo's games are all merging one, where you can scan amiibos into them all and play as all characters in every one!


Animal Crossing as an amiibo board game. :shakehead:cry::laughing:


Constant, endless re-emphasis of what Super Mario Maker is.


I'm not bothered by the graphics of the Metroid Prime game, and would be quite interested if it was a single player adventure, but the multiplayer emphasis puts me off. Same goes for Zelda.


I give up with Nintendo for now. I'll be back when they actually get that (Wii U?) Zelda out, but for now they can forget it.


So, so bad it was almost entertaining!


I feel your pain buddy..


I think part of the problem might be lack of fresh blood within the Nintendo system..? I think the old boys (Iwata, Miyamoto and Reggie) are getting out of touch and need to pass the baton on - The truth is, Nintendo has been fairly disappointing for years now (obviously my opinion..!). Most of us have been running on mere hope and possibility.


Perhaps its blasphemy, but I kind of feel Nintendo don't deserve to be succeeding at this current point in time (if they are).


Says who? There has been nothing to support that statement.


...You're right in a sense.... They have showed nothing, which supports my statement!

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Holy fuck! FF7 remake!? Now thats an E3!!! I had no ambition to buy a PS4 but now I will.


Man, Nintendo basically has the potential to generate this emotion tenfold - maybe this sort of announcement will help them.


(sorry to post about the PS4 - but that was just out of this world - I obviously found out late).

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2013: Mario 3D World, Mario Kart 8, Smash Bros, Donkey Kong, Pokemon, Link Between Worlds, X, Bayonetta 2, Wind Waker HD

2014: Yoshi, Kirby, Splatoon, Mario Maker, Zelda U, Captain Toad, Hyrule Warriors


2015: Unpolished mulitplayer garbage of Zelda and Metroid, a terrible looking Starfox, a party game Animal Crossing


F-in dire.

The come down off of that incredible World Championships is unreal. That was such a great night.


What we thought was 'getting all the smaller announcements out of the way early' and the Championships made it feel like they were building to something great.


... They basically showed us last years Direct again, but man, StarFox was no substitute for Splatoon.

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It's so hilarious how quickly I changed my mind about that. After the conference, it just came across like they were withdrawing from the system.


Hate to be a twat and bring it up but.... Yeah, Nintendo seemed to have lost faith in the system already and prior to E3 so to me it didn't make sense for them to all of sudden restore some life in it - Besides Zelda, nothing else can really convince people to buy a Wii U now imo.

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Way to completely dismiss everyone else's opinion there Jonnas, top job.


Do you honestly not see where people are coming from here?


If that's the impression I gave, I apologize.


I didn't mean to say Gaggle was the only one who was right: I meant to say he was the only one who posted calmly. I personally thought this direct was worthy of apathy at best, not worth getting worked up over.


As great as you are Jonnas, I feel everyone should express their opinion as brutally honest as possible... Whether negative or positive.


Once again, sorry if you felt I was dismissing your viewpoint. Not at all.


While I agree that this direct will go unremembered, I do disagree about the whole of E3. Nintendo had a good weekend, and I'll be surprised if they don't repeat the championship in the near future.

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2013: Mario 3D World, Mario Kart 8, Smash Bros, Donkey Kong, Pokemon, Link Between Worlds, X, Bayonetta 2, Wind Waker HD

2014: Yoshi, Kirby, Splatoon, Mario Maker, Zelda U, Captain Toad, Hyrule Warriors


2015: Unpolished mulitplayer garbage of Zelda and Metroid, a terrible looking Starfox, a party game Animal Crossing


F-in dire.

Good fucking Christ. You're turning into Wii. You're dismissing genuine titles and putting insulting and inflammatory prefixes in to a few of them.

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Good fucking Christ. You're turning into Wii. You're dismissing genuine titles and putting insulting and inflammatory prefixes in to a few of them.


But unlike when he does it to genuine quality games like Captain Toad and 3D World, Zelda, AC and especially Metroid actually deserve the bashing, at least based on their reveal.


Starfox I'm sure will be fun, the visuals are so bad it's actually pretty shocking, especially given how good Nintendo usually are at art style.

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But unlike when he does it to genuine quality games like Captain Toad and 3D World, Zelda, AC and especially Metroid actually deserve the bashing, at least based on their reveal.


Starfox I'm sure will be fun, the visuals are so bad it's actually pretty shocking, especially given how good Nintendo usually are at art style.

I think the art style works. Especially after how Miyamoto described it being akin to Thunderbirds.

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Join the Dark Side @Ronnie.


I wish I loved Nintendo still but they've completely gone and lost me now. I hope the NX is a handheld and that they don't make anymore home consoles.


I'd love to see Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Mario Kart and Smash in a Sony or Microsoft E3 Conference (Sony would be my preference)!

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Once again, sorry if you felt I was dismissing your viewpoint. Not at all.


While I agree that this direct will go unremembered, I do disagree about the whole of E3. Nintendo had a good weekend, and I'll be surprised if they don't repeat the championship in the near future.


Nah mate! No need to apologise - Im not offended. I just find it entertaining when everyone unleashes their emotions on the internet - the last few pages are golden! Pure Darkside of the force, Sith shit. :laughing:

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But hey... Isn't @Ronnie supposed to be the fanboy?


...It was that bad. lol.




I think the art style works. Especially after how Miyamoto described it being akin to Thunderbirds.


Then look at a game like Cuphead and go and do something stunningly creative and replicate the Thunderbirds look properly. Not an art style that would have been at home on the N64.


Join the Dark Side @Ronnie.


I wish I loved Nintendo still but they've completely gone and lost me now. I hope the NX is a handheld and that they don't make anymore home consoles.


I'd love to see Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Mario Kart and Smash in a Sony or Microsoft E3 Conference (Sony would be my preference)!


Personally give me Nintendo games over anything else, that won't ever change, but that embarrassing presentation has convinced me they really need to wake up, and fast.

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Starfox Assault, a 10 year old game on a console two gens old looks better, with more flavour, than "Zero" does (great title guys). We can only hope the visuals get a serious upgrade in the next few months.


Tbh, I don't really associate Platinum with nice looking visuals. They always seem to look a little rough and dated.

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If that's the impression I gave, I apologize.


I didn't mean to say Gaggle was the only one who was right: I meant to say he was the only one who posted calmly. I personally thought this direct was worthy of apathy at best, not worth getting worked up over.




Once again, sorry if you felt I was dismissing your viewpoint. Not at all.


While I agree that this direct will go unremembered, I do disagree about the whole of E3. Nintendo had a good weekend, and I'll be surprised if they don't repeat the championship in the near future.


I should clarify that the issue for me was how much of it just wasn't really anything new. YWW, XCX, SMT X FE, SMMaker, YW - we've seen all those before. Zelda could be cool, but I'm unsure. Paper Jam will probs be good too - but it's a bit more of the same. Starfox, whilst new, looks old - and gameplaywise I dunno how much it's going to do that's all that great/new(whilst I loved Lylat Wars of what I played - it didn't recapture me with the recent remake as I thought it might).

I've had the treehouse footage on mostly in the background since - it's nice to see gameplay of these newer titles but still it isn't blowing my mind like MM did last year, or some of the new footage we received last year. YWW definitely didn't need so much focus given it's large part last year. The Metroid stuff didn't appeal to me much either, plus it was already half revealed from the Championships.


I dunno. There was stuff there, but at the same time it just felt like a lot of nothing too.

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One bad event and you're ready to jump ship, ignoring the countless fantastic Directs they've had.


Is your memory so fickle? Yes, people like me, @Hero\-of\-Time etc. are a bit disappointed with this, but we're not jumping to hyperbole (correct me if I'm wrong guys). Was it disappointing? Yes. Is it indicative of anything bad? No, I honestly don't think so. I think they misread things here, and I know certain things for Wii U that exist that I was honestly expecting here, but I guess will be in an upcoming Direct.


One bad showing does not suddenly mean doom. Relax.

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