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NINTENDO @ E3: Let the Hype juices flow

Fused King

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They always state these focuses and go beyond them. Don't worry :)


Please don't lie. It's an insiders look for businesses while we're watching the Direct. It says it's an "insiders" look at what's coming out through 2015 and a "sneak preview" at what's coming out in 2016. Does that sound like we the general public are going to see these titles?


So are they going to show another Direct later in E3 and show us what the businesses got to see? Otherwise the "sneak preview" wouldn't really be a "sneak preview", now would it?


And yes Nintendo had the best E3 last years thanks largely to the Treehouse Live and the Smash Tournament. I expect the competition to copy Nintendo this year.

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Please don't lie. It's an insiders look for businesses while we're watching the Direct. It says it's an "insiders" look at what's coming out through 2015 and a "sneak preview" at what's coming out in 2016. Does that sound like we the general public are going to see these titles?


So are they going to show another Direct later in E3 and show us what the businesses got to see? Otherwise the "sneak preview" wouldn't really be a "sneak preview", now would it?


And yes Nintendo had the best E3 last years thanks largely to the Treehouse Live and the Smash Tournament. I expect the competition to copy Nintendo this year.

Fine. Keep believing what you wish to believe, despite all the prior evidence against it, but in 4 and a half weeks we shall see and you'll look silly.

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4. Yes, they always say that their Digital Events and Directs focus on a certain time period but always have content from beyond that period. You should know that by now.


They don't always say that. That's why it was a news story when they said they'd only focus on games in 2015 at E3.


Fine. Keep believing what you wish to believe, despite all the prior evidence against it, but in 4 and a half weeks we shall see and you'll look silly.


I won't look silly. I'll just have repeated what Nintendo said. If Nintendo lie, well then don't be surprised and that won't be my fault.

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They don't always say that. That's why it was a news story when they said they'd only focus on games in 2015 at E3.




I won't look silly. I'll just have repeated what Nintendo said. If Nintendo lie, well then don't be surprised and that won't be my fault.

But they didn't say it'll "only" focus on 2015 games. You're twisting what they said to fit your narrative,

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But they didn't say it'll "only" focus on 2015 games. You're twisting what they said to fit your narrative,


I've twisted it along with all the other sites that reported it.


By the way, I hope they do show 2016 games. The more, the better.

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With the doors closing promptly at 9am, the business presentation is likely just a screening of the Direct, plus maybe a bit more, a Q+A or something, for members of the industry and press, who can then be shown the games directly after and have their thoughts controlled by PR!


Nintendo would be silly to focus on Yoshi. It's released a week after E3. It'll come up briefly but the main focus should be what's coming later in the year and beyond.

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I've twisted it along with all the other sites that reported it.


Here's what Nintendo actually said


Because we’d like to focus on developing the game, we aren’t planning on showing it at this year’s E3, where we will be highlighting games launching in 2015.


Nowhere does it say "just" or "only".


Ergo, when they do show 2016 titles, they are not liars. They're not liars just because various sites, and yourself, have twisted the words to fit a narrative that is contrary to what is said.


It's like the Directs. They say they're focusing on Spring games, and we get titles like SMTxFE. In 2013 they said the same and revealed Sonic Lost World, which was out in November. It's how they do things. Focusing on != exclusively showing.

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A Nintendo of America spokesperson has clarified to IGN that the company is only focussing on showing 2015 titles at E3 this year.


The terms "head", "banging" and "brick wall" come to mind when talking to you.

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And yet Nintendo's own material states contrary to that. Almost as if spokespeople know sod all.


And yet nobody at Nintendo thought to rebuke this story? Probably to busy marketing their games.


Now the spokespeople are clueless. They're often quick to act when misinformation gets out.


I'm sure the spokesperson didn't speak without Nintendo's authorisation.



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Arguing over whether or not they will show 2016 games is pointless because you're both almost guaranteed to be right...


... Because a fair few of the games announced for 2015 will probably end up getting delayed till 2016 anyway ;)

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Arguing over whether or not they will show 2016 games is pointless because you're both almost guaranteed to be right...


... Because a fair few of the games announced for 2015 will probably end up getting delayed till 2016 anyway ;)

I wouldn't expect that at all. It's not something that routinely happens

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Do you guys argue about EVERYTHING? Nintendo will 100% show gsmes for 2016. What's there to debate?


Devils Third, Treasure will undoubtedly make an appearance too.


I'm kind of thinking the Wii u is being phased out too. Still think we'll see a good 5 or 6 bigger titles before its done, but primarily smaller titles and DLC for their big ones to keep people happy. They have to make sure they launch the NX well, can't make the same mistakes over and over again. Shame we won't get a sneaky peak this e3 though.... And it could launch xmas '16 I reckon... Next e3 will be great!

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Hmmm...like to see...


Super Mario U(niverse) Galaxy/3D hybrid with "parallel universe" physics.


Metroid X2. 3DS 2D and Wii U 3D. Stories synch up, plus a co-op Hunters online/offline hunting the galaxy's worst scum. Extra DLC Hunter packs to come.


Pokemon Z. Region to east of Kalos, Kalos as post-game. ALL starter Megas. Some new Mon.


Eshop Battle Frontier. Mon can transfer from Pokemon Bank(ORAS/XY/Z compatibe). Expnded Frontier bosses/challenges etc.Has PWT, too. Special trainer card to collect ALL badges from past gym leaders after defeating at PWT, then at a hidden base style mini gym mod.


Nintendo/Squaresoft partnership to fast track all those DQ games that are likely NEVER coming to the west.


Animal Crossing U. Expanded EVERYTHING. Online tower flat mode separate to your town included with your own big single room apartment. It's online only with the object being other player interaction on a massive scale, with zillions of tiny interactions/scenes to witness with your neighbours. Each town is assigned one of four seasonal islands, others you visit other towns for.


Kid Icarus U. I'm sure the 3DS one was being ported years ago. The heck happened?


Freemium Nintendo Land Challenge. 3DS. NES/SNES/GB etc. various bite size NEW levels/challenges from Nintendo games. Like a Mario level where you have to find as many hidden 1up block mussrooms as possible, or a Zelda digging game for hearts, Mario Kart where you have to run over all the goombas in a time limit etc. Lives/money represented by various Nintendo currencies.

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Um, Smash and MK8 have been critically acclaimed success stories. What's your point here?




No they haven't. The endless DLC and long list of releases this year (as well as many unannounced games) put that lie to rest.


They have sold well considering they're on Wii U but they've done sweet FA to push more consoles. As far as I know, the Wii U STILL hasn't broke the 10 million mark.


Don't get me wrong, the attatch rate for Mario Kart is incredible, especially as I'm not aware of any console bundles with the game, but it's still miles away from what has been achieved with Mario Kart DS and Wii and no doubt cost a lot more to make than those titles. I think the hope was that Mario Kart would really push the console, but it was generally only people that already owned a Wii U that bought it.


And long list of releases? You must be joking. What have we had so far this year? Kirby and Captain Toad. Thank god Yoshi and Splatoon will FINALLY be released soon. Some of your points are valid, but I feel as though you defend Nintendo blindly. The release lists and DLC as of late are what put doubt in my mind as to how long the Wii U has left more than anything else.

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And long list of releases? You must be joking. What have we had so far this year? Kirby and Captain Toad. Thank god Yoshi and Splatoon will FINALLY be released soon. Some of your points are valid, but I feel as though you defend Nintendo blindly. The release lists and DLC as of late are what put doubt in my mind as to how long the Wii U has left more than anything else.


Captain Toad, Splatoon, Kirby, Yoshi, Mario Maker, Xenoblade, Starfox, Mario Party 10, MK8 DLC and 2 or 3 more E3 reveals. A pretty decent year. You're right Mario Kart didn't push systems though, probably because it doesn't have a great gimmick like the Wii did, nor is it casually marketed.

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Captain Toad, Splatoon, Kirby, Yoshi, Mario Maker, Xenoblade, Starfox, Mario Party 10, MK8 DLC and 2 or 3 more E3 reveals. A pretty decent year. You're right Mario Kart didn't push systems though, probably because it doesn't have a great gimmick like the Wii did, nor is it casually marketed.


It'd be a decent list if the console had OK third party support.

However then that's about half the stuff that will be released for that console, period, that's a problem.

Without trying to be a troll or a douche, I must say that Nintendo made their bed and atless they plan to go 100% mobile, they must sleep in it. They alone must make sure that their console receives enough games of sufficiently high quality of different genres that cater to as many demographics as possible.


Nintendo talking about 2015 alone does seem promising. Atless they're complete loons, that means that there's a whole bunch of games we haven't heard of that are coming out in a very short time span (they usually don't release anything after late November).

But... yeah, you know my buts.

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