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So it is feeling a bit like Nintendo don't do directs any more.


When it comes to the announcement of the NX at E3, do people therefore want an awkwardly worded press release and a single tweet or a press conference?

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So it is feeling a bit like Nintendo don't do directs any more.


Well Kimishima did say that the Directs would see a change in format. It may be taking a while to get things sorted.


I mentioned in the Bravely Second thread at the end of January that I thought it would be a while before we got another Direct. We had far too much information about a number of games that was released via press releases. Most of that kind of stuff would have been handled in a Direct in the past.


I just don't think Nintendo have much to talk about. The vast majority of their focus is on NX and they're unlikely to spill the beans there in a Direct. Otherwise we have Zelda (which is likely an E3 thing) and Starfox. Maybe another unannounced Wii U game and some 3DS stuff but otherwise I think it's all NX atm.


So, the developer of Unravel had some interesting things to say about the NX.


Coldwood's Martin Sahlin replied in the affirmative, stating that the larger the audience, the better. However, he says that the stumbling block is that he and his studio know literally nothing about NX, despite having talks with Nintendo itself:


I wish I knew more about it, but they're really secretive about it. I actually had a really fun discussion with a person from Nintendo a while back. It was basically 'I'll show you mine, if you show me yours' (laughs). So he wanted me to pitch something for the NX, and then he could tell me more about what it was. But basically, it's kind of hard to pitch something when you don't even know what it is! So if you manage to guess it right, we'll tell you what it is. So, I don't know. But I am just as curious as everybody else to see what they've been making.


This seems like a bizarre way to go around getting people on board for your console. Surely it's best to get someone to sign a NDA, show someone what you've got, and then let them come up with idea for the console. Keeping developers out of the loop, no matter how small, is baffling.

I just don't think Nintendo have much to talk about. The vast majority of their focus is on NX and they're unlikely to spill the beans there in a Direct. Otherwise we have Zelda (which is likely an E3 thing) and Starfox. Maybe another unannounced Wii U game and some 3DS stuff but otherwise I think it's all NX atm.


I hope this is the case. I remember thinking the exact same thing at the end of the Wii lifecycle. They must be working all guns blazing on the Wii U as there is so little happening on the Wii front.


Then E3 happened and we got part of Nintendo Land and New Super Mario Bros Wii U. Don't get me wrong, those were good games, but it made me wonder what they had been doing.

I hope this is the case. I remember thinking the exact same thing at the end of the Wii lifecycle. They must be working all guns blazing on the Wii U as there is so little happening on the Wii front.


Then E3 happened and we got part of Nintendo Land and New Super Mario Bros Wii U. Don't get me wrong, those were good games, but it made me wonder what they had been doing.


This is also a big worry of mine.


Zelda is looking more and more likely to launch with the thing, so there's at least that. Of course if the Wii U version arrives before the NX comes out then i'm not sure it would be worth double dipping if the release between the two is very close.


I'm still hoping that Monster Hunter X shows up on the NX as a launch game for the west. They could just launch with that game and it would keep me busy for months. :D


Maybe it's just these small independent studios that are out of the loop, still not great, but the more people know, the more it gets out, NDA or not. The EA news shows companies are getting involved early. Just staggering it I presume, when Nintendo blow it out I'm sure they'll give everyone what the need.


I'm getting more excited for it. Can't wait to see what it is and if it's something to be excited about.


I'm still hoping that Monster Hunter X shows up on the NX as a launch game for the west. They could just launch with that game and it would keep me busy for months. :D


What's the difference between X, Story and the mainline series?


I think Monster Hunter (and Pokemon and Animal Crossing) is the perfect showcase for a hybrid console. Take it with you, on the big screen, same game. People in England playing on their huge teles alongside Japanese gamers in cafes on their portable.

Posted (edited)
Maybe it's just these small independent studios that are out of the loop, still not great, but the more people know, the more it gets out, NDA or not.


I think there needs to be a balance struck between keeping things secret and letting developers know what's going on. If the secrecy is making so that developers aren't able to create games for the thing, then perhaps it's time for Nintendo to show their hand.


What's the difference between X, Story and the mainline series?


I think Monster Hunter (and Pokemon and Animal Crossing) is the perfect showcase for a hybrid console. Take it with you, on the big screen, same game. People in England playing on their huge teles alongside Japanese gamers in cafes on their portable.


X is a more action orientated take on the series. It's still very much part of the games, though.


Stories is a spinoff and looks more to be more of a JRPG than a proper MH game. I think wouldn't be surprised if this was shifted to the NX portable. We've seen a few trailers but nothing about what the game is really all about or how it plays.

Edited by Hero-of-Time
Automerged Doublepost

X is a more action orientated take on the series.


Is that possible?! :)


Yeah, seems to make sense, but you'd think for japan, Monster Hunter 5 on NX seems like a reasonable thing to happen, but if west is always behind then I guess it won't be such an issue.

The EA news shows companies are getting involved early.
I wouldn't say early, unless they got their dev kits 6months ago and news is just starting to trickle through.


It takes 2 years to make a game for these current consoles, ones that are designed for the console at least and not ports, which is exactly what Nintendo no not need showcase their console with.


Given how much stuff leaks these days, I'm not sure it's a bad thing that Nintendo is keeping their cards close to their chest with some developers. NDAs don't seem to mean much these days.


But if you invite them to come and pitch at you, you should at least give them details about what they can be pitching for!


It's like being invited to a job interview but not being told what the job is.

But if you invite them to come and pitch at you, you should at least give them details about what they can be pitching for!


It's like being invited to a job interview but not being told what the job is.


It's a games console. So no, it's not like being invited to a job interview but not being told what the job is.

It's a games console. So no, it's not like being invited to a job interview but not being told what the job is.


Give us your best pitch for an NX game, then.

Give us your best pitch for an NX game, then.


Hope you don't mind me jumping in on this (sounds like a fun thing to put forward).


We've seen Zelda Wii U (IT BETTER BE RELEASED THIS YEAR) and what it's capable of, and with the NX reportedly being open to use of the Unity and Unreal 4 engines, an open world RPG Pokémon game would sell like nuts. Seriously, if there's one thing that's certain to shift units, it's Pokémon (look at the DS and 3DS for example). Not to mention that with Pokémon Bank, we could easily transfer Pokémon to and from other compatible games.


Though I don't at all see this happening. What I see happening is Zelda, Metroid and Mario at launch.


On a somewhat related note, a lot of "rumours" from "inside sources" on the NX and its launch titles, as well as the remaining first party titles for the 3DS and Wii U, coming in in the last 24 hours or so.


Surely Nintendo don't plan on waiting it out until E3 at this point?

It's a games console. So no, it's not like being invited to a job interview but not being told what the job is.


This is the greatest post in N-E history. I'm literally in hysterics.

It's a games console. So no, it's not like being invited to a job interview but not being told what the job is.


What Rummy said.


Pitching a game is asking Nintendo to allow you to work on something for their console.


You know, like how in a job interview you're asking the employer to let you work for them?


Does the analogy make more sense now?

What Rummy said.


Pitching a game is asking Nintendo to allow you to work on something for their console.


You know, like how in a job interview you're asking the employer to let you work for them?


Does the analogy make more sense now?


Technically it's not really an analogy because making games IS actually their job, so what you're saying is actually literally happening in this case here ;)

Posted (edited)
Hope you don't mind me jumping in on this (sounds like a fun thing to put forward).


We've seen Zelda Wii U (IT BETTER BE RELEASED THIS YEAR) and what it's capable of, and with the NX reportedly being open to use of the Unity and Unreal 4 engines, an open world RPG Pokémon game would sell like nuts. Seriously, if there's one thing that's certain to shift units, it's Pokémon (look at the DS and 3DS for example). Not to mention that with Pokémon Bank, we could easily transfer Pokémon to and from other compatible games.


Though I don't at all see this happening. What I see happening is Zelda, Metroid and Mario at launch.


On a somewhat related note, a lot of "rumours" from "inside sources" on the NX and its launch titles, as well as the remaining first party titles for the 3DS and Wii U, coming in in the last 24 hours or so.


Surely Nintendo don't plan on waiting it out until E3 at this point?

Thing is, with Game Freak so adamant that Pokémon remain a handheld, Pokémon won't jump to NX until the NX handheld is out. Game Freak insist that portability is a key aspect to Pokémon (and it is).


Besides, we're not done with this generation yet and they won't jump to new hardware before a new Pokémon generation begins


Misread what? I was/still am after a source for your assertions. It's convenient that when you apparently 'misread' or make a mistake you just decide to ignore people who ask for some actual sources. I'd still like one, because you make a number in your original post that I've not come across before. I don't want to have a fight or argument, I'd just like to know what you're basing it on so I can see for myself;


It was poor memory/misreading from this http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2012-02-08-who-killed-rare

Edited by Serebii
Automerged Doublepost
Posted (edited)
Technically it's not really an analogy because making games IS actually their job, so what you're saying is actually literally correct here ;)


Aren't pitches handled by the marketing boffins? Who represent the gaming division of a third party game designer? (This post got more complex than I expected it to)


Thing is, with Game Freak so adamant that Pokémon remain a handheld, Pokémon won't jump to NX until the NX handheld is out. Game Freak insist that portability is a key aspect to Pokémon (and it is).


Besides, we're not done with this generation yet and they won't jump to new hardware before a new Pokémon generation begins [/url]


Oh yeah, I agree wholeheartedly (I even say in my post that "I don't at all see this happening"). If the NX is a home console, by the time it's out with a compatible Pokémon game, I see Gen VI being finished.


I agree that portability is a massive aspect of Pokémon, though this could be amended to some extent (how far an extent I'm not sure) through the use of the new My Nintendo account system and Pokémon Bank (which they clearly seem keen on keeping around for the next few generations, at the very least).


Speaking of, what are your thoughts on the apparent news of Pokémon "Rainbow"? I know we've all been expecting a game, but in every representation of this info it slates it specifically as a "20th Anniversary Pokémon game", something I'm surprised they aren't attaching to the multiple original/re- releases of Pokémon games this year. So yeah, thoughts Mr Serebii?

Edited by Julius Caesar

I'm sure I read recently from the new CEO/President of Nintendo that he never found out what NX stood for... to me it's always been fairly obvious that it's Nintendo 10 as in their 10th console. Am I missing something?

Technically it's not really an analogy because making games IS actually their job, so what you're saying is actually literally happening in this case here ;)


Exactly. Whether it's pitching a game for the Gamecube or the PS4, it's the same process. Obviously consoles like the Wii throw that out of the window because the core concept is so different, but gameplay is gameplay at the end of the day.

Posted (edited)
Aren't pitches handled by the marketing boffins? Who represent the gaming division of a third party game designer? (This post got more complex than I expected it to)


Heh. It can indeed be really complex and messy. With smaller developers like the ones working on Unravel, they often have to wear many hats. Oftentimes you'll find the programmers, artists and even musicians having to do the marketing and the game pitching by themselves :p


Exactly. Whether it's pitching a game for the Gamecube or the PS4, it's the same process. Obviously consoles like the Wii throw that out of the window because the core concept is so different, but gameplay is gameplay at the end of the day.




Besides, for all we know the NX could be a butt scratcher with no screen and with gameplay controls consisting of back and forth motion controls only :p


I'm sure I read recently from the new CEO/President of Nintendo that he never found out what NX stood for... to me it's always been fairly obvious that it's Nintendo 10 as in their 10th console. Am I missing something?


NeXt? Nintendo X? (as in cross - for crossover), Nintendo Xtreeeeeemmmeee, Nintendo Xbox? I can think of a few possibilities :p

Edited by Dcubed
Technically it's not really an analogy because making games IS actually their job, so what you're saying is actually literally happening in this case here ;)


Aren't pitches handled by the marketing boffins? Who represent the gaming division of a third party game designer? (This post got more complex than I expected it to)


But can we all agree its a fair analogy/comparison/simile/whatever to make? :heh:

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