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I find it gobsmacking people think a blurry player is important.... It really isn't. How people use DVD drives from the last gen is just ridiculous, the market for DVD's was phenomenally huge. The market now for physical media is a fraction and shrinking ever single year.


I personally love blurays, but I couldn't care less if the NX had one in or not.


Can't wait to find out more, what the hell will this thing be, how many lessons have they learned, what happens to all our wii u games and digital libraries.


I still think it will be a hybrid as it makes most Nintendo sense. But I hope it's separate devices tat work together like iphone/ipad; but this strategy, surely only one of them would be out next year? Likely handheld. As for lessons, hopefully lots - a big big launch, games which show off the 'gimmick' (this time games that work portable and home (so Animal crossing, monster hunter and pokemon), online, cross play etc. And I have a feeling all Wii U games will work on nx and all our digital purchases will work too, and we won't have to pay to upgrade :)

You guys that are hilariously trashing Blu Rays all know Blu Ray drives are to play games with too, right? Games with several GB on a disc.


Floppy disk?


No really, whut?

There were reports that they will use cartridge, or something simmilar, as it is much cheaper now compared to 15 years ago, so they would not need a blu ray reader/player.

I find it gobsmacking people think a blurry player is important.... It really isn't.


Oh sorry. Didn't realise we were wrong. Thanks for the correction.

Oh sorry. Didn't realise we were wrong. Thanks for the correction.


What kind of comment is that? So it's okay for you and others to say it is important, but if anyone says it isn't then it's some kind of offensive retort? You don't have to get defensive because I don't agree with you.


Add a optional subscription model for VC; monthly fee and you can play all VC games. Full library on launch. For every 10 VC games you already own/bought you get one month subscription for free to accommodate fans who've already spent a lot of money on Wii/Wii U VC.

Add GC and speed up the release of N64 games. Get third parties to add more classic games to it.

If you own an amiibo, you get the game its from for free. Get DLC characters/levels/etc in Smash/Kart/etc for FREE if you own the amiibo. Just give more cross-selling incentives and be generous with the freebees. Fans will love it and get introduces to more franchises.

Market and promote it like crazy!


If the VC (and maybe even the Indies/eShop) is buzzing and alive, droughts are an issue of the past and bigger retail games will follow.


I think ;)

Posted (edited)
There were reports that they will use cartridge, or something simmilar, as it is much cheaper now compared to 15 years ago, so they would not need a blu ray reader/player.

They filed a patent for something without an optical drive, but companies file patents all the time. It was never said to be cartridge-based anyhow, just that it had a memory card slot and no optical drive.


Cartridges that support massive games would most likely still be expensive, and online-only would lock out certain customers (and given Nintendo's attitude to online, seems pretty unlikely for them).


So yeah, I'd argue having Blu Ray is pretty important, because it can play inexpensive discs with a lot of data them. Remember how cartridges burnt Nintendo before? It surprises me that people have completely glossed over the other function of Blu Ray when arguing it isn't important - it's not just movies, it's games too! :heh:

Edited by Sheikah
I understood Nintendo worked with Panasonic using a variant of blu ray technology. Blu ray isn't the only possible solution for high capacity storage.


But why do that when you can offer people something already very useful beyond games too? They'd be going Gamecube again.


Generally speaking on the topic, I think Nintendo were right to some degree in distancing itself from Microsoft and Sony. If Nintendo's strategy was to basically do what Sony and Microsoft do, they would have probably done a Sega by now. I think fans should keep this in mind.


Sony and Microsoft have the in-house teams to foster numerous tech in their consoles, Nintendo will always need to outsource and that is costly.


Im not trying to defend Nintendo but yeah, we can't always have it our way/expect a Nintendo system to be a multimedia suite.


All Im after are solid AAA games with a good console infrastructure. Back to basics - revive: 1080, Waverace, Excitebike, even Nintendoland - as online Nintendo staples for this new infrastructure. Fix Zelda, truly cinematic, true HD, with a sequel in the same generation. A Mario 64 successor. More Pokemon on the home console (Pokemon Snap 2 is a no-brainer), release the X/Blue and Y/Red on handheld and the Z/Yellow on the home console. VC available from launch with GC games possibly with a HD boost like REmake Remastered on PC. Use a renown marketing agency to get the word across. THEN when things are looking good two years in, throw in your gimmicky, wacky creations.



They filed a patent for something without an optical drive, but companies file patents all the time. It was never said to be cartridge-based anyhow, just that it had a memory card slot and no optical drive.


Cartridges that support massive games would most likely still be expensive, and online-only would lock out certain customers (and given Nintendo's attitude to online, seems pretty unlikely for them).


So yeah, I'd argue having Blu Ray is pretty important, because it can play inexpensive discs with a lot of data them. Remember how cartridges burnt Nintendo before? It surprises me that people have completely glossed over the other function of Blu Ray when arguing it isn't important - it's not just movies, it's games too! :heh:


There was an article about it saying that prices now are much cheaper, compared to the time of N64.


Also, because you can put more space on a cartridge, over 100gb and more (I mean, that kind of memory) it would give developers more freedom and make it easier to make games) and if I have understood it corectly even if the console isn't powerfull enough for some game ideas, they can increase the power via the cartridge (building some chips in, or increasing RAM). They would probably have to help financing some of the games to decrease the cost of the cartridge, but if not using the BR would significantly decrease the price of the console and so increase the sales it would probably be worthwile.


On the other side for smaller games they would use cartridges with less memory which would be cheaper, plus apparently it would give them edge when it comes to put indie games in retail.


I think these are the most important things mentioned in the article.


Also, if they want the games to be played on both consoles it just can't be a BR as it is to big for a portable device.

Posted (edited)
I disagree with this.

I recall that Yamauchi used to make quite frequent appearances. Iwata was a trail blazer by doing it much more than was commonplace, yes, but what he did has become the norm. Nowadays we expect to see Phil Spencer and Kazuo Hirai at different events.

He shouldn't necesserilly lead Directs but at this day and age, but it's strange that we haven't heard a word from him since he was appointed. Even if he wouldn't lead the Directs, I think that it's quite vital we hear SOMETHING from him in the next Direct.





Sony already had Playstation Home and it was a disaster.

The Amiibo and Wuhu island are an embodyment of why Nintendo are in this mess to begin with. Nintendo need to show loud and clear that the NX has NOTHING to do with the Wii brand or the Wii line of thinking. That means dropping the Amiibos, updated or not.


You realize they can still use the idea without Miis, right? They are unlikely to drop avatars totally. The Wu Hu Island hub is not just some PS Home thing. I doubt me and Nando have the time to post a full list/ideas what it's about. The idea is VERY Nintendo. It can even be left mainly as a game (or even JUST a game, an online focused game), it can essentially be used to test/tweak Nintendo's ideas for online, too.


I think you're confused as to what was meant by "hub." Not some sort of hub you need to access to play games/go online or anything, but basically a separate Mii/Avatar world. With "stuff" and interaction, adventures, exploration/ secrets, mini games, special Nintendo alerts/announcements, visiting Nintendo mascots, decorative homebases, Miis and interaction with the other online Mii/Avatar community. Basically Tomodachi meets Animal Crossing meets Nintendo Land meets Miiverse meets open-world adventure game meets massve online interaction/coop/versus. You could use transports like bikes, copters, boats etc. from Wuhu to get around, with medal system you get for various milestones like finding landmarks, treasure etc. Play various games with others online around the island (or just explore alone, though ultimately it's about interaction with others). There'd be daily, monthly, yearly and seasonal/holiday events with the island chages such as weather/decoration. You'd have access to some currency (or just win stuff). You'd have your own avatar/mii homebase you'd decorate, change clothes and keep pets. Go on competitive treasure hunts, race challenges etc. All with being the ultimate Mii hub for our and others to interact with in mind (or whatever new avatar they go with). I've explained it better before in other posts.


EDIT: Sorry didn't notice your post, Nando!

Edited by Mr_Master_X2

Personally I don't mind if the medium happens to be Blu-Ray...


...Equally I don't mind if it happens to be proprietary discs. :p


There's a lot to be said in favour of both, obviously with Blu-Ray you have the ability to play films as well which while useless for me - as I already own three devices with such a capability - could be beneficial to anyone who soley buys Nintendo consoles and no other technology ever... :blank: I think even then that would be a small minority.


Of course there is always the issue of who manufactures the Blu-Ray discs? Because if it's Sony then... :indeed:


Well put it this way, if there was ever a shortage on discs for whatever reason, who do you think would get priority if there were big game releases on all three competing consoles using the same media? My money would be on the one who's financially backing the format.


If Nintendo choose to go with a proprietary format then it will make things easier to control, plus if the price difference is negligible then you could hardly blame them for wanting to do so.


Anyway, I really don't mind either way but it will be interesting to see what they decide on. : peace:


The nostalgic part of me would love to see the good old cartridge return though... :awesome:



All Im after are solid AAA games with a good console infrastructure. Back to basics - revive: 1080, Waverace, Excitebike, even Nintendoland - as online Nintendo staples for this new infrastructure. Fix Zelda, truly cinematic, true HD, with a sequel in the same generation. A Mario 64 successor. More Pokemon on the home console (Pokemon Snap 2 is a no-brainer), release the X/Blue and Y/Red on handheld and the Z/Yellow on the home console. VC available from launch with GC games possibly with a HD boost like REmake Remastered on PC. Use a renown marketing agency to get the word across. THEN when things are looking good two years in, throw in your gimmicky, wacky creations.




I honestly think that they should try to make more IP's in the RPG and first person shooter department and that's why they should have made a better job with Devil's Third to try to make a franchise (a good job like they did with Splatoon - how is Devil's Third doing, is the multiplayer good)?


The reason is that I think that they will always slower sell third party games than the competition, because when people buy IP's the first look at Nintendo IP's and then to other games. Yeah, people want the other games also, but you have just a certain amount of money. Of course if the releases are at the same time with PS and XBOX for games like Fallout, GTA, COD and Battlefield, plus the sports games they would probably sell very well (even still I think that Nintendo would have to time their own releases properly), but the other third party games would struggle I think at least with the numbers the developers expect (yes, I know if it is easier to port than it would be a much smaller risk for the developers)..



At this point blurays are becoming inferior. Cost: drive itself, expensive fan, license to use bluray...space the gear takes up in console, more bigger plastic shell, console more likely break down/overheat, slow crap loading... Imagine all that extra cost to the console just so Nintendo can use bluray. Is it REALLY worth it...? Considering the pros and massive improvements that are happening with cards?

At this point blurays are becoming inferior. Cost: drive itself, expensive fan, license to use bluray...space the gear takes up in console, more bigger plastic shell, console more likely break down/overheat, slow crap loading... Imagine all that extra cost to the console just so Nintendo can use bluray. Is it REALLY worth it...? Considering the pros and massive improvements that are happening with cards?


That's how I have understood if the cartridge isn't much more expensive than the BR, otherwise you would save on consoles, but would have to accept to make less on games, but that could be the ide anyway.



Personally I don't mind if the medium happens to be Blu-Ray...


I don't think that anyone really cares, but if it's going to give a cheaper console, or allow them to make a more powerfull console for the same price, then....


The nostalgic part of me would love to see the good old cartridge return though... :awesome:


Now, this is the reason I also would like the cartridge to come back, but I hope that they keep the qualities of the boxes like they are now.


The main plus of solid state media for me is load times. GC kept load times down with tiny discs (there were advantages) but obviously that left less room for actual storage.

Plus yes, prices are dropping, but a 32Gb sd card for example is about £8, a 64Gb card is about twice that. not a huge amount, but compared to a 50Gb disc that is available for 40p... (I realise companies producing on mass scale have discounts, but just as an example)


So a £20 game would easily become £25 for the consumer, if not £35. A £40 game up to £45-£55, £50 £55-£65. It may seem a small price, but it's between 1 cheap game and 1/3 an expansive one. Having a reasonable capacity for the internal storage and d/l only titles would be more do-able in my mind, average attach ratio for games consoles is about 10, I would say a 1Tb internal hard drive would be reasonable, maybe with a 500Gb entry level diskless version.

The main plus of solid state media for me is load times. GC kept load times down with tiny discs (there were advantages) but obviously that left less room for actual storage.

Plus yes, prices are dropping, but a 32Gb sd card for example is about £8, a 64Gb card is about twice that. not a huge amount, but compared to a 50Gb disc that is available for 40p... (I realise companies producing on mass scale have discounts, but just as an example)


So a £20 game would easily become £25 for the consumer, if not £35. A £40 game up to £45-£55, £50 £55-£65. It may seem a small price, but it's between 1 cheap game and 1/3 an expansive one. Having a reasonable capacity for the internal storage and d/l only titles would be more do-able in my mind, average attach ratio for games consoles is about 10, I would say a 1Tb internal hard drive would be reasonable, maybe with a 500Gb entry level diskless version.


I think the prices are inflated in the West. I had a friend who used to go to China and the would get long time ago a 64gb USB for only few euros and that was some 7-8 years ago. So I think that the prices now are really a lot cheaper and the largest storage cards wouldn't cost more than a euro or so for a big order, maybe even less.


Look at these pricese and they are a lot cheaper if you go to the source, so imagine how much they would cost if they would order millions of them:




If they only go for download games, who is going to sell the consoles? They would only have them and amiibos to offer to retailers.

But why do that when you can offer people something already very useful beyond games too? They'd be going Gamecube again.


You said blu ray has gaming applications, those are fully realised in the Wii U with their blu ray (less branding) panasonic discs.

I can also watch films on my Wii U, right?


So what you are proposing is that I should have paid extra for my Wii U so I would be able to buy a more expensive version of a DVD to put into my Wii U to do something I can already do on the current Wii U (ie watch a film)? Why do that?


I think the prices are inflated in the West. I had a friend who used to go to China and the would get long time ago a 64gb USB for only few euros and that was some 7-8 years ago. So I think that the prices now are really a lot cheaper and the largest storage cards wouldn't cost more than a euro or so for a big order, maybe even less.


Look at these pricese and they are a lot cheaper if you go to the source, so imagine how much they would cost if they would order millions of them:




If they only go for download games, who is going to sell the consoles? They would only have them and amiibos to offer to retailers.


Discs are also a lot cheaper in the same way.


Also you can buy download cards in GAME etc. d/l only doesn't mean you are restricted to the e-Shop, they just have rrp on e-shop and allow retailers a bit more flexibility with pricing. In fact download codes don't need to take up shelf space at all which allows shops to offer a wider range of products without having to pay huge rent prices for a mega sized store.

That's how I have understood if the cartridge isn't much more expensive than the BR, otherwise you would save on consoles, but would have to accept to make less on games, but that could be the ide anyway.


Cartridges or flash memory are still a lot more expensive than a single Blu Ray. I'm not sure where people are getting this information.


Go google a 64GB flash card (akin to a 3DS game cartridge, but a size that might be able to accommodate 'next gen' games); you're looking at around 15 quid. Obviously this is the price for us to buy it and it would be cheaper for them, but it's still expensive. Blu Ray discs on the other hand are very cheap, costing pence. Some of the Blu Ray loading time is also offset by hard drive installations and people get a Blu Ray player out of it, so it's not so bad. Mind you, Blu Ray drives aren't as costly as they used to be so it's not too expensive as a one off cost for manufacturers to include.


Sure, it's going the way of cheap and high volume flash storage, but we're not quite there yet.


Discs are also a lot cheaper in the same way.


Of course, the discs are almost free, while cards would probably cost a euro, or 2 more, so not really a big difference and probably not a huge loss for nintendo to pay for that OK, I am guessing here using the experience my friend had in china.


Also you can buy download cards in GAME etc. d/l only doesn't mean you are restricted to the e-Shop, they just have rrp on e-shop and allow retailers a bit more flexibility with pricing. In fact download codes don't need to take up shelf space at all which allows shops to offer a wider range of products without having to pay huge rent prices for a mega sized store.


OK, that's true actually didn't think of that :) .

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