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I'll be buying day 1, not shadow of a doubt. I never once had a period of time where I didn't have anything to play on the wii u. I fact, not enough time to play all the games I wanted (including VC); and I aint that bothered about online gaming and voice chat; so the big problems never really affected me.


What would be nice though is that it get all 3rd parties so I can bin off the ps4 (Unless they announce some excsluive I can't live without).


I'm pretty confident however that it will fix all the problems people have with Nintendo.

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I'm pretty confident however that it will fix all the problems people have with Nintendo.


That's a bold claim given the potential variety of reasons.


Guess we'll see what E3 brings :)


Currently I'm in the mindset that I'll get it day 1. Obviously this could change when Nintendo has officially unveiled it.


The rumours that at least one of the three products AMD were talking about today is a Nintendo product has put me in a much better mood as that'd confirm it'd be an x86.

Who'll be day one-ing this?


Or who'll be day one-ing this if it launches with Zelda U?


I think a Zelda launch title will be such a powerful driving force, the world is thirsting for it.


The launch lineup would have to be phenomenal for me to buy it day one.


If they announce NX ports of Splatoon, Mario Maker & Smash Bros 4 at launch, that'll do nothing for me at all.


Right now, it'll be a minimum 12 months after launch before I think about buying one. I'll want to see a good steady release schedule of games I actually want to play and a solid online setup (party chat, online notifications for messaging and game invites).


I aint having another Wii U on my hands, that thing has barely been switched on over the last 18 months.


I'm more likely to buy the PSVR than the NX this year.


I told myself after the wii u debacle that no more day 1 purchases for nintendo console for me but I'm excited about the NX. Zelda day 1 is enough for me to buy a console but I need to hear from Nintendo that the NX UI will be fast and snappy on day 1. I don't want to be installing patches for weeks just to get the UI working up to scratch.


Secondly the Eshop has to be live day 1. I expect am Eshop and VC ready to go.


Thirdly the networking and how one communicates with friends needs to be like the PS4 and Xbox. Notifications guaranteed.


I guess most important is the first 3-6 months of software releases. I'm expecting this period to be stacked. If it isn't then they really haven't learnt from the 3DS and Wii U launch problems.


There's almost no way I'll buy it Day 1, if at all. After such a short life cycle for the Wii U I think they'll have a tough time convincing people to get this off the bat.


The Wii U also launched really expensive and the OS was a mess, so I'll give it time before I think about getting it.


I'll probably pick up day one. The Wii has has been the only Nintendo console I have not purchased day one (apart from the NES but I was about 11 when that came out) and I regretted that as I couldn't get one for months after that.

I was pretty pissed off when Nintendo lost all the 3rd party support, but now I've got a PS4 it's not a deal breaker if they don't have the likes of EA on board. However, I'm still very happy with the Wii U and I'm not sure why I'd buy an NX day one if Wii U is also getting Zelda.

The online on Wii U suits me fine, my experiences online with PS4 is 98% a bunch of morons calling each other cnuts all day long. Even the Mario Kart league is fairly chaotic with 12 people all talking at the same time. Voice chat has yet to convince me it's all it's cracked up to be.

I sold my 3DS a while back so if NX does have a gamepad that can be used as a portable system then that will swing it.

Definitely want some bloody info on the thing.

As for pricing... if people think £300 for a console with two games, a tablet controller, a standard controller and free online is expensive then we might as well call it a day right now.

Funnily enough, it's not actually bait. That is absolutely my stance. I don't play on my WiiU for this very reason... if we had it I'd play MK8, Smash and Splatoon all the time! That's the gods honest truth! :(


I'll back Kav here, his been consistent with this demand and can't see why this is so difficult to implement in 2016. And it will only enhance the online experience for all of us.


As for pricing... if people think £300 for a console with two games, a tablet controller, a standard controller and free online is expensive then we might as well call it a day right now.


I agree... This is pretty much the standard price for a high-tech gaming device. People happily fork out £££ on things like Apple products, where in many cases the main or only update is just a sleeker design.


I loved the cheapness of the Gamecube, but I could imagine in the face of the Xbox and PS2 pricing some people thought it was less premium or lacking something (DVD player) to be so cheap.


The launch games will have to be amazing for me to buy this at launch, as Nintendo royally screwed up the Wii U and 3DS launch. At least with the 3DS they got things back on track, but I feel pretty burned on the Wii U as we're still without Zelda, didn't get a proper Mario platformer and they killed the console off early.


Not only that but I've been holding off getting a PS4, so I have a bunch of games to get when I've got back off my holiday and get one.

I told myself after the wii u debacle that no more day 1 purchases for nintendo console for me but I'm excited about the NX


That's pretty much my stance. I can only imagine things will go upward with Nintendo from the lows of the Wii U - From things like giving Zelda a new lease of life, to even Miitomo; seeing the Mii updates etc.


Game-wise, I think the Wii U has an above average first party offering - all they need to do is bring a few missing IPs to life and balance the platformer ratio, and I'm not expecting an amazing third party support, but for me a deal with EA, Square-Enix and Capcom is enough for me - and anything else is a bonus.


A nice new Nintendo console with a brand new Zelda for Christmas will get my money. :santa:

I'll back Kav here, his been consistent with this demand and can't see why this is so difficult to implement in 2016. And it will only enhance the online experience for all of us.




I agree... This is pretty much the standard price for a high-tech gaming device. People happily fork out £££ on things like Apple products, where in many cases the main or only update is just a sleeker design.


I loved the cheapness of the Gamecube, but I could imagine in the face of the Xbox and PS2 pricing some people thought it was less premium or lacking something (DVD player) to be so cheap.



Wasn't the Wii U overpriced considering it was not to different from the old PS3 and 360.


The gamepad caused such this price considering the PS4 launched at £349


I would happily pay £299 - £349 for a NX which has powerful specs and is a well built machine.


I don't need another gaming machine, so there's none of that "I Must Have Eeet" with the NX. With the Wii, it was the right time for a new console and I had that craving. The GameCube was a great machine, but I had exhausted it and was ready for the next one.


With the NX, I'm already getting my fix elsewhere. In reality, this will probably be an 18 months after launch deal, if I were to get it...unless there's a really fucking great reason to get one immediately. A brand new F Zero (it won't happen, but fuck it, I wanna dream) with ALL of the things we've been talking about for years, new exclusive software, etc.


As I'm not made of money it'd be a toss up between the NX and PSVR. I've been waiting for VR since I was a kid and the WiiU burnt me pretty badly. Haven't really enjoyed a game on it since Mario Kart.


So no I would almost certainly not be purchasing on day one. But then again, we know next to nothing about it.. never say never.


Surprised no ones mentioned the rumours of NX news dropping this week, supposedly and NDA ends on Wednesday due to the investors meeting that's happening.


Either way we're learn "something" from it.

Surprised no ones mentioned the rumours of NX news dropping this week, supposedly and NDA ends on Wednesday due to the investors meeting that's happening.


Either way we're learn "something" from it.


Hopefully. I really want substantial info before E3 so E3 can be used just to show games.


If this is correct, we won't hear a huge amount. It'll surely be the stuff investors will be told, ‘we aim to launch new devices in this financial year, our target is x units within this year etc’. This is, no doubt, stuff that Nintendo would share - with NDAs - with third parties.


I'm not getting my hopes to too much for concrete details on what NX is.


What I imagine will be discussed:


Confirmation Nintendo intend to release the NX in this financial year


What might be discussed:


When they'll announce more details

A rough idea of what software they're working on

Zelda NX port confirmed

Some mention of how they're carrying on Iwata's plans


I'm really not expecting much more than that.


They must have come from when Wii Fit U was being considered for release.


Never really understood why they did not capitalise more on Wii Sports and Wii Fit for the Wii U.


It's a weird design, considering the Wiimote and Nunchuk seem more a more advanced solution. Although if they needed temperature/pressure sensors in there, they'd have needed to release upgrades of them.


Despite it's lack of buttons, I still love the Wiimote-Nunchuck combo as a controller.


I was thinking they might be actual exercise equipment. So there would be resistance if you squeezed them together.


I agree about the wiimote and nunchuk. :)

They must have come from when Wii Fit U was being considered for release.


Never really understood why they did not capitalise more on Wii Sports and Wii Fit for the Wii U.


That audience moved on.


One of the reasons must have been that the Wii U did not offer them the right software though.


Those two games when they did come out had weird releases and were not exactly promoted.

They should have been launch games (and had more dev effort).

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