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Mario kart 8 looks infinitely more impressive than uncharted 2...


I'm with Ashley, VR will run alongside traditional gaming brilliantly. I'm excited.



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You can push boundaries with each console without being obsessed with power. The PS4 Pro is a typical example of horsepower being the driving force of the industry, and the reaction has been mostly negative, calling it pointless. As @King_V says better graphics are all well and good but if all each iteration of a previous title in a franchise has is better graphics with no new ideas and games are the same thing over and over then surely that's not healthy. At least PSVR and VR in general is giving us new ways to play and fresh ideas, which the industry seems to badly need IMO.


The PS4 Pro is for people with 4K TVs who want to play their games with improved visuals. It has nothing to do with any choice by a company to favour graphics over gameplay. It's kind of odd that you talk about graphics just getting better with this console when on the whole, that's what the Wii U has offered over the Wii.


You don't seem to realise that making a powerful console attracts the third parties, which attracts customers, which in turn results in more games from more developers and therefore a bigger variety of games, including more new and original games. Witcher 3 is a good example of power allowing them to create a fully realised world to their specification; to say that power is stunting imagination or making gameplay take a back seat is really missing the point.


Complaining about graphics being the reason behind a console upgrade is really strange as well, since that is basically the main reason for getting a new console, and always has been. Given the ability to patch the OS easily now there's no reason why new peripherals can't be supported via updates too, so the main purpose of a console upgrade is going to be the graphics.

Edited by Sheikah

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I'm sick of hearing the words 'novelty' and 'gimmick' used to describe things in gaming that deviate from anything 'traditional'.


Virtual Reality is the latest in a long line of attempts to bring something new to the table and while I haven't been keeping a close eye on it, we're already being hit with the typical complaints and derision. Virtual Reality, like 3D and motion control, could be amazing and provide incredible experiences that we could only ever have dreamed of when we were kids but nobody ever gives anything a chance..


It's so frustrating :nono:

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You can push boundaries with each console without being obsessed with power. The PS4 Pro is a typical example of horsepower being the driving force of the industry, and the reaction has been mostly negative, calling it pointless. As @King_V says better graphics are all well and good but if all each iteration of a previous title in a franchise has is better graphics with no new ideas and games are the same thing over and over then surely that's not healthy. At least PSVR and VR in general is giving us new ways to play and fresh ideas, which the industry seems to badly need IMO.


It doesen't have to be one over the other.

Bottom line is: if you're a console manufacturer, you have to make your console as compelling as possible in every single aspect. Even if your console isn't designed to be a graphical beast, it is important to make the games look good.

Bottom line is however that the software lineup for the Wii U wouldn't have compelled a very large portion of the consumers even if they would've had cutting edge visuals.


You can't exactly claim that New Mario Bros U was very innovative in any way, shape or form. I'd be surprised if a single person on earth saw that game or read about it and said "YES! I am going to dish out over 4000 SEK just to play that". Same goes for Nintendoland. Pikmin 3 might have lured some people who skipped the Wii, just because Gamecube kids have such fond memories of that game. But not many. Ten thousand maybe?

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Most likely fake I imagine, but still, better than silence...



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Meh, all these fakes are crazy


Ah well. Before the week is over, all shall be clear

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Meh, all these fakes are crazy


Ah well. Before the week is over, all shall be clear


Wait, am I missing something? Is something due to happen this week? We've still got 2 weeks until the financial briefing

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Wait, am I missing something? Is something due to happen this week? We've still got 2 weeks until the financial briefing


Loads of people are speculating that something is dropping this week. Of course, many said the same thing last week...and the week before that and so and and so forth. You call these people out and all you get from them is " Plans change" as if they had any idea when the lid was going to be lifted on the NX in the first place.


I text lostmario a fair weeks ago now saying that nothing would be said about NX until Paper Mario was out of the door. Now that's over and done with i'm hoping something happens soon.

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Wait, am I missing something? Is something due to happen this week? We've still got 2 weeks until the financial briefing


You'll see :)

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Interestingly, I was considering predicting the name Dual/Duo or even Duel for NX a few weeks ago but I personally find it a little difficult to say :red:

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...Before the week is over, all shall be clear


When you say all, do you mean a full reveal?

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Loads of people are speculating that something is dropping this week. Of course, many said the same thing last week...and the week before that and so and and so forth. You call these people out and all you get from them is " Plans change" as if they had any idea when the lid was going to be lifted on the NX in the first place.



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I'd just settle for confirmation of the reveal date if nothing else. But realistically it needs to be imminent if a March release is still the plan. Surely the games developers must want to start revealing their games, so you would imagine they must be putting pressure on Nintendo to lift the lid/embargo.

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You just know at this point some of these fake reveals/rumours are going to be better than the real thing.

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Absolutely no way it's going to be called Duo after Google just released a facetime rival with the same name. As fake as fake can be.

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You just know at this point some of these fake reveals/rumours are going to be better than the real thing.




I'm going to make it happen.


Assuming it is announced this week, it'll be Friday at the latest. Assuming they announce it on Friday if they don't say they're going to do that today then we'll have had less notice that they're going to announce their new console than we did they were going to announce new Pokémon games (for all of 5 minutes).


Unless what we get this week is confirmation of when rather than the actual announcement.

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Do you actually know something or are you just guessing?


That would be telling

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Unless what we get this week is confirmation of when rather than the actual announcement.


Perhaps they will go as far as to announce the annoucement of the annoucement of the NX... :heh:

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That would be telling


Excellent demonstration of knowing what "telling" means.

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