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Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!


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Again, please refer to the reasons why I said a home console Pokémon wouldn't happen.


As Switch is a hybrid, those reasons are moot.


Tell that to Nintendo: "Nintendo Switch is a home gaming system first and foremost"


But I was mostly just ribbing. I legit don't care :heh:

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Here's what one of the Digital Foundry team have said on the supposed FIFA 18 footage:






Great news. Either way it'll be amazing to have a portable football game, but if it can replace the ps4 version that'd be nice too. Wouldn't take much to replace it to be honest; it's not like the game has changed much over the years.


I'm skeptical it's Fifa 18. Just not convinced EA will show anything prior to E3


Yeah, it won't be Fifa 18at all, but I presume they chose a specific version to show off that is more representational. Maybe.

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As long as FIFA 18 on Switch has solid gameplay and modes comparible to other versions then it could certainly fill that particular void. The last good football game on a Nintendo console was PES 2013 on Wii :heh:


Anyway, I'm still very much on board the hype train today and feeling excited for the games that are coming this year. They're more numerous than I had originally envisaged after the weak presentation!


I obviously want, and have preordered, Breath of the Wild but I'm pumped for Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Splatoon 2, Super Mario Odyssey and even ARMS, a game I dismissed a little upon reveal :hehe:


This is just the start! Get strapped in, guys :yay:

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You spell EVERYTHING wrong :heh: I'm looking forward to that too, though, and can get my wife involved!


My iPad does!! :D


Is it officially called Fifa 18 or is it still EA Fifa? Either way it has to have Ultimate Team right. Where is the logic in omitting a mode that generates revenue.


I couldn't give two shits about ultimate team; but yeah, doesn't it make more money than the game itself? It'll be in there.


For me I just want the controls to be as complex and online to be there. Not too fussed about the journey and such. Online leaderboards for all the mini games too.


What would be nice which EA have gimped the past few years, is straight up friendlies rather than the mini leagues. And also friendlies against randoms. I never play Fifa online other than mates because you can't use legacy defending while playing randoms online, which is preposterous!!


This will be my next game purchase for Switch after Zelda.


Whenever that is... I think they're trying for launch but we'll see, looks amazing either way!

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Not too fussed about the journey and such.


Having beat The Journey earlier this week, I wouldn't miss it either unless it's massively improved. I liked the feeling of being on trial at the very beginning but everything felt quite repetitive and inconsequential afterwards :hmm:


Football games have largely been about local multiplayer but those opportunities are fading as we grow older! I'm mainly hoping for games against some of you guys online and perhaps the online divisions mode that I enjoyed working my way up through on PS3 a couple of seasons ago :hehe:

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Having beat The Journey earlier this week, I wouldn't miss it either unless it's massively improved. I liked the feeling of being on trial at the very beginning but everything felt quite repetitive and inconsequential afterwards :hmm:


Football games have largely been about local multiplayer but those opportunities are fading as we grow older! I'm mainly hoping for games against some of you guys online and perhaps the online divisions mode that I enjoyed working my way up through on PS3 a couple of seasons ago :hehe:


Yeah same, when it started I really liked it, but then it got dull incredibly quickly...


Getting some online games on here would be good, I love FIFA, always up for PS4 matches if you have that, I played @Clownferret but destroyed him and think he ran scared after that....

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Having beat The Journey earlier this week, I wouldn't miss it either unless it's massively improved. I liked the feeling of being on trial at the very beginning but everything felt quite repetitive and inconsequential afterwards :hmm:


Football games have largely been about local multiplayer but those opportunities are fading as we grow older! I'm mainly hoping for games against some of you guys online and perhaps the online divisions mode that I enjoyed working my way up through on PS3 a couple of seasons ago :hehe:



Although the journey may be repetitive it's still a bad look if the switch version doesn't have it.


The headlines will be that the switch version is missing key features.


Another Nintendo port treated as the illegitimate child. Wii U had plenty.

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Yeah same, when it started I really liked it, but then it got dull incredibly quickly...


Getting some online games on here would be good, I love FIFA, always up for PS4 matches if you have that, I played @Clownferret but destroyed him and think he ran scared after that....


Outrageous! What mode do you play if you don't like Ultimate Team?

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Although the journey may be repetitive it's still a bad look if the switch version doesn't have it.


The headlines will be that the switch version is missing key features.


Another Nintendo port treated as the illegitimate child. Wii U had plenty.


While I agree, is there even any indication FIFA 18 will have a similar mode on any format this year? I'm sure they'll create something but the story will have to be different.


Whatever the case, isn't FIFA 17 something like 44GB on PS4? The Switch version will presumably have to have some sacrifices in addition to the graphical downgrade to make it more manageable, especially when there's only 32GB available out of the box..

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While I agree, is there even any indication FIFA 18 will have a similar mode on any format this year? I'm sure they'll create something but the story will have to be different.


Whatever the case, isn't FIFA 17 something like 44GB on PS4? The Switch version will presumably have to have some sacrifices in addition to the graphical downgrade to make it more manageable, especially when there's only 32GB available out of the box..


EA definitely confirmed that The Journey will return in some form in FIFA 18, don't think there was any mention if it would be about Alex Hunter though.


And in terms of file size I feel like developers don't even bother with compression any more because of the prevalence of downloads and the size of hard drives in modern consoles, so I'm sure with a bit of work they could reduce the size and be able to fit it on a 32GB cartridge. Hopefully Nintendo & NVIDIA provide deep and easy to handle compression tools alongside the dev kits.

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EA definitely confirmed that The Journey will return in some form in FIFA 18, don't think there was any mention if it would be about Alex Hunter though.


And in terms of file size I feel like developers don't even bother with compression any more because of the prevalence of downloads and the size of hard drives in modern consoles, so I'm sure with a bit of work they could reduce the size and be able to fit it on a 32GB cartridge. Hopefully Nintendo & NVIDIA provide deep and easy to handle compression tools alongside the dev kits.


A bigger issue with compression is that it requires decompression and that comes at a cost. Something somewhere has to run slower. When a game is capable of running at say 70fps 1080p, it's not a huge problem if it takes a 8-11fps hit, people generally won't notice a difference (so long as the 11fps dips are rare and not sustained). If the game is pushing the hardware though, and only manages 60fps at 1080p, an 8-11fps dip would be noticeable.


All these numbers are totally arbitrary, but just to demonstrate a point that fixing a flaw with one technique tends to shift the burden to a different piece of the hardware.


Better to make a 64Gb card available really. Or perhaps Nintendo have incorporated some compression/decompression directly into the hardware already.

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Unreal Engine 4.15 update adds support for Nintendo Switch, improves load times




How many % of the X1/PS4/PC games use this engine?


Most big studios make their own engines, but smaller ones tend to use this or Unity if they're not creating their own.


This might be of interest: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Unreal_Engine_games

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