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Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!


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After the 3DS direct, I'm starting to think they are not going to mention NX until after Christmas, They'll probably want to cash in on one last payday for 3DS and Wii U and then announce NX mid Jan.

I'm sure their money men are concerned that a reveal prior to Christmas will damage sales as people will wait until March, especially if as expected it's basically a Wii U and 3DS rolled into one.



That would be insane. Would be far too late for a March release. It's coming soon. This leaks are not by coincidence and I fully expect something this month.


After Xmas wouldn't leave enough time to market the product. It's imperative Nintendo get this is in the mind of consumers over the holiday season. They might not be able to purchase it but people must know it's coming and they can market for pre orders.


Not convinced Nintendo are banking on holiday season for the 3DS and Wii u. 3DS is 6 years old and can't really expect to squeeze much juice from it now.


Nintendo have totally dropped the wii u and rightly so. I don't think for one minute they care one iota about wii u holiday season sales and no point throwing good money after bad.

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I'd argue the damage was already done.


Had they enough time they would have dropped the Kinect aspect of the thing altogether, something which they have done now. It took ages for them to distance themselves from the device and clear all the bundles that had it. You're probably looking at a year after the launch for them to start getting everything right, both in bundles and messaging.


I forgot about them backtracking away from Kinnect. I was actually thinking more about their flip flop around trading used games, and the whole 'entertainment hub' aspect of the console, at the expense of the gaming itself. Both of which were corrected pretty quickly, especially the former :laughing:

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I forgot about them backtracking away from Kinnect. I was actually thinking more about their flip flop around trading used games, and the whole 'entertainment hub' aspect of the console, at the expense of the gaming itself. Both of which were corrected pretty quickly, especially the former :laughing:


Yeah, both of those were quickly sorted due to it just being a messaging issue. The best part was when Major Nelson said they couldn't just flip a switch and have things changed, like the trading in games policy, yet sure enough that's pretty much what happened. :D


The Kinect was the real anchor weighing the thing down though, what with it driving the price up and still giving off the entertainment hub vibe.


It's crazy just how much MS got wrong going into this generation. Saying that, the warning lights were going off late in the last generation when they started betting heavily on motion gaming, not expanding their IP and forcing the entertainment box message on gamers.

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I don't see any logic in doing a 3DS direct and then following it up with the NX reveal. I think NX is going to be revealed after Christmas and will be released at Easter at the earliest as it's the next holiday season. (I'm hoping Nintendo are going to make me look a schmuck and do a surprise reveal in the coming days)


With regards to XB1 I don't think it did recover did it? I can only think of two people who own one and hasn't PS4 knocked it out the park?

Edited by Clownferret
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With regards to XB1 I don't think it did recover did it? I can only think of two people who own one and hasn't PS4 knocked it out the park?


It depends how you look at it. In comparison to the PS4 it's getting battered but in terms of how its doing compared to the 360 at the same point in their lifespans, it's doing rather well.

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With regards to XB1 I don't think it did recover did it? I can only think of two people who own one and hasn't PS4 knocked it out the park?


I'm of the opinion they really shot themselves in the foot with it all, and Sony swooped in(alongside their own USPs and functionality) - I guess though as H-o-T says if they're doing better than 360 was that's something to take merit in(though again, I insist that much PS3/360 work went on to sell XBones/PS4s). Nintendo are going to be suffering somewhat off of that themselves depending on the Wii/U/3DS markets and what's left of them.

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I think another problem Microsoft faced is they shot themselves in the foot and the consoles released within weeks of each other. I suspect a lot of people thought "well screw this, I'm going to get a PS4" and now have no reason/desire to get the One. If there had been six months between the One launching and the PS4 they might have been able to "keep" a few more people.


But yeah, it's doing well in many regards.

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Not convinced Nintendo are banking on holiday season for the 3DS and Wii u. 3DS is 6 years old and can't really expect to squeeze much juice from it now.


I think Pokémon Sun and Moon can and will do that regardless of the 3DS' age, especially off of the momentum of Go.


But I don't really see how an NX reveal this side of the year will affect the 3DS sales anyway. Gamers generally won't starve themselves of games during the winter just because a new console will release in the spring.

Edited by King_V
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I think Pokémon Sun and Moon can and will do that regardless of the 3DS' age, especially off of the momentum of Go.


But I don't really see how an NX reveal this side of the year will affect the 3DS sales anyway. Gamers don't generally won't starve themselves of games during the winter just because a new console will release in the spring.


Especially when the point of entry for 2DS/3DS is so cheap, I don't think many people buying a handheld for Pokemon this year will be too worried about wasting money. The Wii U on the other hand is a different beast altogether and I would definitely be worried about the NX reveal damaging Wii U sales if the Wii U had any games coming out. As it is though with only Paper Mario on the way Nintendo really don't have to worry about denting potential Wii U sales with NX news.

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Especially when the point of entry for 2DS/3DS is so cheap, I don't think many people buying a handheld for Pokemon this year will be too worried about wasting money. The Wii U on the other hand is a different beast altogether and I would definitely be worried about the NX reveal damaging Wii U sales if the Wii U had any games coming out. As it is though with only Paper Mario on the way Nintendo really don't have to worry about denting potential Wii U sales with NX news.


Yeah, Wii U console prices are still pretty high - did they ever do an official price cut? They should really be by the £99 mark about now.

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I think this has been a major problem for Nintendo for a few generations now, with people left wanting until their next console arrives. I imagine that this also has a lot to do with the ever declining user base. People get sick of waiting for stuff to play, pick up another console to fill the void and then get hooked on the new consoles ecosystem, game experiences and then don't return to Nintendo.


With the GC I loved it so much, with monkey ball, f-zero, metroid, burnout, smash bros etc.... I pre-ordered the Wii without hesitation. But the wii just didn't give me the games I wanted.. and about halfway through, although I still owned a wii, I stopped considering it as a thing when I considered things to buy. I stopped coming on here at all, missed out ona few games that apparently were really good, even the wii u launch, a friend mentioned it to me and from what he told me was "huh?" and meh, I stopped caring about Nintendo with the wii.


It's only a good deal on amazon (and crappy life situation at the time that necessitated some form of distraction!) that caused me to buy the Wii U.

Gotta say, I loved lego city and mario kart/splatoon make the console worth having on their own.


Recently getting burnt with mario maker, the drought and general life circumstances do leave me wondering if I will just leave gaming this gen and focus in on some of my other hobbies instead.


But yeah, who knows, maybe NX really will be something a bit special!

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Well that's nonsense. They didn't turn it around, the damage was already done. They gave Sony the lead in one sitting and they have never managed to reserve that lead.


You're just prodding Ronnie trying to get a reaction. Microsoft did turn things around somewhat in terms of consumer perception, obviously they're not close to beating Sony but they're still doing very well this generation and better than they would have done if they'd done nothing and stuck with their decisions.

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You're just prodding Ronnie trying to get a reaction. Microsoft did turn things around somewhat in terms of consumer perception, obviously they're not close to beating Sony but they're still doing very well this generation and better than they would have done if they'd done nothing and stuck with their decisions.

Oh no, that's the thing about Ronnie, no prodding is required.


I don't see how anyone can say they turned it around when they are being outsold more than 2:1.


Ok, so they managed to remove anti-consumer features and add other cool features like 360 BC. If anything this proves my point - they now have a console with features their competition doesn't have and they are still outsold 2:1. Ergo nothing they are doing can turn around what happened that day, at least with the base X1.


So to sum up - Nintendo need to be careful because if they fuck it up, just like with Microsoft, there's a good chance they won't be able to turn it around.

Edited by Sheikah
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What if the NEO is the NX and we get a full blow out tomorrow :blank:


I joked about that the other day. Would be glorious if it happened.


Sony end the conference by saying they have a special guest to show off before they leave. Miyamoto walks on stage and says that Nintendo will make console games for the Neo in an effort to revitalize the console market in Japan. Neo will work with the NX, which is a handheld machine/controller that has been rumored.


*HoT wakes up disappointed*

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Oh no, that's the thing about Ronnie, no prodding is required.


I don't see how anyone can say they turned it around when they are being outsold more than 2:1.


Ok, so they managed to remove anti-consumer features and add other cool features like 360 BC. If anything this proves my point - they now have a console with features their competition doesn't have and they are still outsold 2:1. Ergo nothing they are doing can turn around what happened that day, at least with the base X1.


So to sum up - Nintendo need to be careful because if they fuck it up, just like with Microsoft, there's a good chance they won't be able to turn it around.


Unfortunately I'm also on the side saying that they did turn it around. 2:1 in sales against a console like the PS4 is still good. I'm sure someone posted the other day that the Xbox One's sales are still above the 360s at its point in the cycle.


Also the perception of the Xbox One when it was first announced and then launched was so low compared to now. It can easily be seen as turning things around.


I may not like the Xbox One but I definitely think they've sorted things out.

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