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Guesswork more like.


So basically, Mass Effect Andromeda, Witcher 3, The Division, Horizon Zero Dawn, The Last Guardian, Mirror's Edge Catalyst, Uncharted 4, No Man's Sky, Arkham Knight, Evolve, all being delayed is absolutely fine, but a Nintendo game being delayed is definitely not and a total shambles. This place.


Sometimes I wonder if you read. I explained why people might be upset about this compared to others because they view the reason as different. I'm not saying I believe it too, but just trying to help engage you in the conversation by explaining the reason behind it.


And to make it perfectly clear as you made a snipe about me on the last page. My reaction to the Zelda delay is the same as mine to any other game I'm not getting. Indifference.

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As should every major game, but that wasn't my point.


The circumstances, to the best of our knowledge, are different. A number of those games you listed were delayed for touch-ups, a server fix, or some other technical reasoning. The only reason currently implied as to why Zelda Wii U/NX is being delayed is simply for the release of the NX.


That's a pretty big difference, despite a similar outcome, and 1-2 quarters is exceptionally long for touch-ups. No, they aren't going to sit on their hands, and I wouldn't dare suggest that would be the case; rather, they would have been working for a late Q3/Q4 2016 release and just been given an additional 3-6 months for touch-ups.


So now our expectations should be through the roof for Zelda NX/Wii U.


I suspect if NX wasn't coming out in March Zelda would still have been delayed. They've never once said it was a launch game for NX, just that it was releasing on both. For all we know Zelda could be coming out in June, in which case the delay would clearly not have been because of the NX


Sometimes I wonder if you read. I explained why people might be upset about this compared to others because they view the reason as different. I'm not saying I believe it too, but just trying to help engage you in the conversation by explaining the reason behind it.


And to make it perfectly clear as you made a snipe about me on the last page. My reaction to the Zelda delay is the same as mine to any other game I'm not getting. Indifference.


I realised what you were doing thanks, explaining why people are treating Nintendo with disdain in this case. Just for once it would be nice to see you argue pro-Nintendo but that's just a personal wish.

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I suspect if NX wasn't coming out in March Zelda would still have been delayed. They've never once said it was a launch game for NX, just that it was releasing on both. For all we know Zelda could be coming out in June, in which case the delay would clearly not have been because of the NX


In the latter case, clearly.


Heck, Zelda as an NX launch title would be a long term delay as it is; there would be riots in the event that it didn't launch by the start of the NX's lifetime, and we all know that. Every action Nintendo has taken, to this point, supports the game being an MX launch title, so what are your suspicions about Zelda being delayed regardless of the NX launching in March based on?

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I think this argument has run its course to be honest, it's really not that important. Zelda has been pushed back 3 months or so, it's not a big deal, just like it was no big deal that No Man's Sky was delayed 7 weeks. Almost every big game gets delayed, for whatever reason, and so we should be used to it by now. I'm sure the finished product will be incredible and worth the wait.

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What if the NX was pushed back for Zelda? they have the wii U version running well enough, but they are really trying to push the NX hard so the NX version doesn't look like Zelda Wii U +0.1 but more like Zelda Wii U +1?

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Comparing Zelda and No Man's Sky is a bit much surely?


NMS has been made by 12-14 people and is the biggest game ever made.


Zelda is being made by God knows how many people and was originally slated for a 2015 release. It's now June 2016 and we still have no release date.


Personally, at this point I'm not even that bothered about Zelda. Witcher 3 satiated my desire for fantasy, open-world exploration. And I wouldn't want to play it on WiiU as I hate the Gamepad, and knowing nothing about the NX I don't even know if I want one yet.

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I'm not comparing Zelda to No Man's Sky ffs.


I'm saying that the vast majority of big tentpole releases are delayed, it's nothing new. Except of course, in this case it's Nintendo, so they suck, whereas the other games were just delayed for understandable reasons, so they're ok. :indeed:

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Big game in "gets delayed" shocker. Happens everywhere, on all platforms, with pretty much every big tentpole game.


Difference being that other consoles aren't soley relying on one title. What do we get to compensate it? Colour Splash if we're lucky.

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I'm not comparing Zelda to No Man's Sky ffs.


Zelda has been pushed back 3 months or so, it's not a big deal, just like it was no big deal that No Man's Sky was delayed 7 weeks.


Your sarcasm knows no bounds.

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That isn't comparing them




There are no words.


(I'd also like to point out that Zelda was actually a 2015 title).


Agreed on the notion that games get delayed. No need to make sly comments when they do...I'm talking to you, @Ronnie ;)

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I'm saying that the vast majority of big tentpole releases are delayed, it's nothing new. Except of course, in this case it's Nintendo, so they suck, whereas the other games were just delayed for understandable reasons, so they're ok.


Where did anyone actually say this?

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I think there's either too much sarcasm, or not enough, and too many people mistaking sarcasm for seriousness, and seriousness for sarcasm in this thread.


I don't know who is who or what is what anymore.

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I realised what you were doing thanks, explaining why people are treating Nintendo with disdain in this case. Just for once it would be nice to see you argue pro-Nintendo but that's just a personal wish.


You seem to mistake not glowing "OMG THEY'RE SO MAGICAL" kind of comments, or comments that don't actively attack rivals as being critical of Nintendo.


When Nintendo do well I will complement them in a befitting way. I think their approach lately has been questionable and thus I am questioning them. As the old saying goes - the opposite of love isn't hate, it's indifference. I'm not here suggesting ways Nintendo could do better because I hate them, it's because I want them to do better. I think just putting glowing praise on everything and anything they do, or to just try and point at someone else and say "but them too", is more damaging. Constructive criticism is a better approach than blanket praise as the latter achieves nothing.

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I never suggested you hated Nintendo. I'm not asking you to share blanket praise on everything they do. It would just be nice to see you argue their corner for once or say ANYTHING positive about any of their games this past decade, without the whole damning with faint praise thing. As I said that's just a personal wish, do what you like of course.


I find plenty of things Sony do questionable, but you get an earful here for that kind of complaining.

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I never suggested you hated Nintendo. I'm not asking you to share blanket praise on everything they do. It would just be nice to see you argue their corner for once or say ANYTHING positive about any of their games this past decade, without the whole damning with faint praise thing. As I said that's just a personal wish, do what you like of course.


I find plenty of things Sony do questionable, but you get an earful here for that kind of complaining.


I have played and enjoyed some of Nintendo's games in the last decade. Does that help?


It's not like I gave a positive hands on impression of Mario Kart 8 followed by a positive review (written by Daft and myself) and then a positive follow up review of the first DLC.


And hey, seems I enjoyed Pokémon Black & White 2 and X & Y too. And it's not just the mainline games, I also enjoyed aspects of Conquest and Typing as well. Who knew?


Oh and let's not forget Wind Waker HD, Ocarina of Time 3D and Skyward Sword.


And I know what you're thinking "ah but not any recent games!" Yes, the last review I did was Smash Bros (also enjoyed it), but in general my contributions towards the site has shifted from hands-on to overseeing things as I am busy with my other commitments and I felt like I was taking away opportunities from the staff. And yes, this is all site-based stuff but you know what? I come here to discuss and as I previously explained there's not much personal interest in me just saying "this is good".


I love how Nintendo try different art styles and approaches with stuff like Yoshi and Toad and I may not get the games (for a variety of reasons, including budget, time constraints and sometimes a lack of interest in the actual mechanics) so that's probably why you don't see me posting much about them. They continue to show they know how to make a great game and I have been positive about aspects of Super Mario 3D World, Mario Kart and others because they showcase their raw talent. And while I have criticised them for generally playing it safe lately, I am thankful they do still try with stuff like Splatoon and Super Mario Maker and I hope they continue to invest in their younger game makers (much like I hope they expand outside of their Japan-focused mindset at times) so that Nintendo's future is a good balance between playing it safe and trying new things - a position Pixar also finds themselves in and another I love but their recent output has had less of an appeal to me. And yeah as actual products I don't care about amiibos because I'm not really one for knick-knacks, but from a business POV I completely understand it - it's earning them a lot of money for relatively little R&D (compared to a game) and it's great that they're expanding out their IP to other avenues (such as Vans) - which again I don't personally want because it's not the kind of thing I'd wear so I won't post about it. I don't feel the need to say "I think this is good, but not something I want" because, in part, I suspect you'll then come in moaning about how I'm not positive enough.


I'm not sure why you're so determined to see me praising something, other than your consistent desire to control how people discuss things. You've made numerous posts telling people that they should be angry about the Neo, at least when I'm annoyed with something Nintendo does I don't tell people they should feel the same. And let's not forget you were temp banned from the Splatoon thread for a while because you got so agitated people were talking about voice chat when you thought they should stop.


And you still don't seem to get that people don't care you question what Sony do, they are annoyed with how you do it; your inconsistent approach as to what they can do compared to Nintendo (Zelda delayed: "it happens, let's chill", Uncharted delayed gets a snarky response), you making asinine and unsupported statements just to criticise (Tequila Works reacquiring the rights to Rime from Sony because Sony "let Teraway die") and the fact you yourself have boasted about trying to bait others.


So maybe I'm just here to provide an alternative perspective. A yin to your yang. But I'm sick of you trying to tell me how I feel about things and if you really need to see me post some praise to make yourself feel better perhaps you should ask yourself why. Why do you need that echo chamber?

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