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Seriously messed up dream, does it mean something?

Guest Jordan

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My dream happend last night, this is a log after i just got up when i talked to Steve (Roadkill).


[06:34] Jordan: :-/

[06:34] Jordan: dude.

[06:34] Steve: what's up

[06:34] Jordan: seriously fucked up dream

[06:34] Jordan: :S

[06:34] Jordan: like... really messed up

[06:34] Steve: wow what happened

[06:34] Jordan: it was, weird.

[06:35] Jordan: i'd be typing faster but my catis forcing me to stroke her

[06:35] Jordan: basically:

[06:35] Jordan: this is the jist

[06:35] Jordan: the dream was 1st person, but i couldn't talk to anyone.. like i was just observing it

[06:36] Jordan: i was in this tunnel system, and there was this woman. She controlled all these kids.

[06:36] Jordan: however, she left the dead ones with the live ones.

[06:37] Jordan: there were a few conversations... then i somehow got out or i just moved out of the tunnel

[06:37] Jordan: only to find my own mother, with a noose in her hand saying "now i have no one left.."

[06:37] Jordan: fucked up.

[06:37] Jordan: really, fucked up

[06:38] Steve: wow

[06:38] Steve: fuck that is fucked up

[06:38] Jordan: i haven't seen or watched anything that could have influenced this

[06:38] Jordan: i'm gunna look into it, but not tell her about it. Sometimes dreams can mean things.

[06:39] Jordan: i'm a little worried, i never dream unless it means something

[06:39] Steve: :-/


Seriously guys, i'm a little worried. Only thing currently re assuring me is my cat.. who's clawing my face so i stroke her >_>. But yeah, any help into what it could mean, that be great. Thanks.


EDIT: I just remembered some other stuff. The tunnels weren't "tunnels" they were short and not very wide, only big enough for a small child to move around on their knees.


Also, i remember that the noose was covered in blood and looked kinda fraid...

shit this is beginning to sound abit messed up. By the way, if anyone thought i was kidding, i really aren't. I am quite shaken by all this, my mother is probably the most important person to me in my life, so... this is kinda important.

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Well let's see.. the fact that you couldn't speak is a sign of forbidden thoughts. Being in the tunnel means that you're distressed. Geting out of the tunnel points to rebirth. The woman and the children may mean a lot of things, but none of those is negative.


Mom is symbol of safety, warmth and love . It also might refer to lack of intependence. I'm not sure what a noose is, but guessing that it's the rope that is used to hang people. It's also a sign of distress.


The blood is the symbol of vigour of body and mind


Sounds like you have something on your mind that is bothering you.


Got this from a dreambook that I have at home.

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Dreams are just the minds way of processing, filing and storing information, you probably have some concerns at the moment and they are coming out in this way - seriously try not to worry about the implications of the dream itself, it was just your brain messing with you.

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My dream happend last night, this is a log after i just got up when i talked to Steve (Roadkill).


[06:34] Jordan: :-/

[06:34] Jordan: dude.

[06:34] Steve: what's up

[06:34] Jordan: seriously fucked up dream

[06:34] Jordan: :S

[06:34] Jordan: like... really messed up

[06:34] Steve: wow what happened

[06:34] Jordan: it was, weird.

[06:35] Jordan: i'd be typing faster but my catis forcing me to stroke her

[06:35] Jordan: basically:

[06:35] Jordan: this is the jist

[06:35] Jordan: the dream was 1st person, but i couldn't talk to anyone.. like i was just observing it

[06:36] Jordan: i was in this tunnel system, and there was this woman. She controlled all these kids.

[06:36] Jordan: however, she left the dead ones with the live ones.

[06:37] Jordan: there were a few conversations... then i somehow got out or i just moved out of the tunnel

[06:37] Jordan: only to find my own mother, with a noose in her hand saying "now i have no one left.."

[06:37] Jordan: fucked up.

[06:37] Jordan: really, fucked up

[06:38] Steve: wow

[06:38] Steve: fuck that is fucked up

[06:38] Jordan: i haven't seen or watched anything that could have influenced this

[06:38] Jordan: i'm gunna look into it, but not tell her about it. Sometimes dreams can mean things.

[06:39] Jordan: i'm a little worried, i never dream unless it means something

[06:39] Steve: :-/


Seriously guys, i'm a little worried. Only thing currently re assuring me is my cat.. who's clawing my face so i stroke her >_>. But yeah, any help into what it could mean, that be great. Thanks.


EDIT: I just remembered some other stuff. The tunnels weren't "tunnels" they were short and not very wide, only big enough for a small child to move around on their knees.


Also, i remember that the noose was covered in blood and looked kinda fraid...

shit this is beginning to sound abit messed up. By the way, if anyone thought i was kidding, i really aren't. I am quite shaken by all this, my mother is probably the most important person to me in my life, so... this is kinda important.


Kinda sounds like a plot outlile for a sequel to killer 7, wierd, twisted and fucked up :D, quick patent it and send it to capcom.

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I wouldn't worry too much about the dream, dreams are just random thoughts that are being sorted in your mind... or something... anything in dreams is only gonna be symbolic anyway. If anything were to happen to your mum or anyone then it would most likely be symbolised by a pink fluffy rabbit or something. Dreams are silly.


Has anyone ever experienced a dream only to have a few sentences from it re-enacted like 2 weeks later or something?

Don't say it's just de ja vous (sp?) because it isnt :P one time I dreamt a 5 minute convo with someone and then I had that same convo with them the next week.. Although I could have just sent us down that path after hearing a similar sentence from them to what I had heard in my dream :P but whatever

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I drempt that I was on a boat (like an old wooden one I imagine slaves were transported on) and I was sawing off my cousins head, like really holding her down and sawing at the spinal cord, it too ages to get through it and I was really tired out - but I kept going.


Now I really like my cousin, I had not had a fight with her, nor was a angry, and most importantly nothing happened to either of us over the following weeks and months - it was just my brain being really freaky. It was very vivid though. That was years ago, but it stayed with me because something like that is hard to forget.

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Thanks for the responce guys, my mind really has been in the shits this week.

With getting my 360 (not that major), my january exams have finished, watching alot of 24 and having been turned down by a girl i really like. I suppose it just took the most of me.


I told my mum and she was just laughing her head off and i couldn't help but join in! :) If I have another tonight, i'll post about it... but i doubt I will.

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I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal." I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slaveowners will be able to sit down together at a table of brotherhood. I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a desert state, sweltering with the heat of injustice and oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice. I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I have a dream today.


I have a dream that one day the state of Alabama, whose governor's lips are presently dripping with the words of interposition and nullification, will be transformed into a situation where little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls and walk together as sisters and brothers. I have a dream today. I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight, and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together. This is our hope. This is the faith with which I return to the South. With this faith we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope. With this faith we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood. With this faith we will be able to work together, to pray together, to struggle together, to go to jail together, to stand up for freedom together, knowing that we will be free one day.




real fucked up shit

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