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Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate Official Thread: A Brotherhood Reunited


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Been reading a couple of posts. 123 hours, @Hero\-of\-Time? What the actual fuck, man? :D


I bought the game a few days ago. And today I completed the first quest by giving that old dude some Well-cooked meat :laughing:


I need more time to play :( Real life sucks.


MH is my jam. I'm at work 10 hours a day but I still manage to get my hunting in. I don't go this insane with just any game. :D


Surely you jest? Going by my experience in 3 and FU, mixed armour is definitely the way to go.


Yup, it's totally the way to go to get the best skills. I'm like Kav though, in that I hate mixing sets.


I've just had an epic night of hunting thanks to @Hero\-of\-Time & his nephew, @kav82 who helped me in getting from HR1 up to HR4 which has really given me a push to keep the momentum going with the game. : peace:


We hunted some old favourites including Rathalos, Rathian, even Tigrex and Kirin who I'd never seen before owing to me only getting into the series with MH3U so I really appreciated the chance to hunt such a diverse selection of monsters with some good company and decent party chat on the headset courtesy of the Playstation network meaning we were able to have a laugh while playing, just how Monster Hunter should be. :D


Some of the new monsters were fun to fight as well, being that I'd only got up to 4* quests on single player these were quite the eye-opener as well, indeed I've never seen Gore Magala get taken down so swiftly before, glorious stuff. I seemed to have my moments too with some of the mounted take-downs which are a lot of fun to perform, but credit to you all as it was brilliant to hunt as part of a unit again, seeing how accomplished you all are with your respective weapons and then there's me rocking up with my 'newb' armour... the same in style but several ranks lower, I seemed to hold my ground though as I didn't faint so that's a plus. :heh:


Anyway I'd just like to say thanks to the N-E Brotherhood as it's always a pleasure to hunt with you all, if you want to carry on with G-Rank quests for a bit then I completely understand but if you can spare an hour or so once or twice a week then I'd love the opportunity to fight alongside you whenever it may arise; then when I get up to G-Rank myself I can of course return the favour if anyone should have need of my help... I will get there, one quest at a time. ;)


It's a nice reminder that we do actually have a brilliant community on this forum when we do manage to get together for a proper session and it's a place I'm proud to be part of, especially when it comes to playing games such as this which really bring out the best of this place rather than the beast quite aptly. :smile:


BAM! Suit up, Huntah! :awesome:


Brilliant night of hunting and really enjoyed the banter. It was like a revolving door of hunters. We started with myself, lostmario and my nephew, then Sam joined us, then after a while lostmario left and Blade joined, then my nephew left and Kav joined. Good times. :)


Before playing with Sam, we managed to get lostmario to HR3. We also fought Fatalis, which was lostmarios first time of fighting him. It was quite the epic fight and even though he was just a + monster, he still packed quite a punch.


I managed to upgrade my para LS a few more stages yesterday. I think I will aim to finish that, my lightning and my water LS tonight.

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Gutted that no one was on this tonight. Tried hooking up with randoms but it was completely pointless. I wanted to get to G Rank 2 aswell :(


I was going to get on again tonight but then remembered I had reviews to catch up with, only just now getting my fix of Monster Hunter before I sleep. :heh:


Should definitely be on tomorrow though from about 8:30pm shall we say? : peace:

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Gutted that no one was on this tonight. Tried hooking up with randoms but it was completely pointless. I wanted to get to G Rank 2 aswell :(


I might be on tonight. We really need to get you to G Rank 2.


I've got really into the single player over the last few nights, I've now unlocked 10 star quests and got the wystones I need for G rank 3 quests.


Woke up early this morning (5.30), not been sleeping that well recently with my dad in and out of hospital at the moment and did a fishing quest, was really relaxing apart from the shark constantly interrupting my fishing, a quick throw of dung in his face soon sorted him out. I went through 7 dung bombs in total...

Edited by lostmario
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Sometimes it can be so hard finding a good group of hunters in this. Only managed around 5 successful hunts last night. Randoms fainting left, right and centre all over the place last night.


I don't think I'll ever find people able to prevent themselves fainting against Akantor. So many failed hunts against him, it was so annoying!

I'm not sure I'll ever get my HR7 Urgent Quest up at this rate.

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Sometimes it can be so hard finding a good group of hunters in this. Only managed around 5 successful hunts last night. Randoms fainting left, right and centre all over the place last night.


I don't think I'll ever find people able to prevent themselves fainting against Akantor. So many failed hunts against him, it was so annoying!

I'm not sure I'll ever get my HR7 Urgent Quest up at this rate.


Yup. I hit a wall a couple of days ago. Every random team I got hooked up with were absolute garbage and were fainting all over the place. It wasn't until I hooked up with my nephew and lostmario that I started to make some progress and have some fun again. Seriously, 2 bad hunters can really drag the team down.


You look at peoples def numbers and you can just instantly tell that they have rushed their way through the ranks and haven't spent the time to learn enemy patterns or farm for new equipment.


Me, my nephew and a random were fighting Chameleos last night and the random died twice within 5 minutes due to being one shotted. We managed to communicate via the pings to just stay the hell out of the area while we took care of it. These are beasties that pushing our def levels, never mind ones that are around the 300-400 range.


I've said it before and i'll say it again, the community in this MH is by far the worst ( in terms of ability to play and manners ) that i've seen in any MH game.

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You've got that right @Hero\-of\-Time!


The amount of times I've been in a room only for a random to enter, not say a word and immediately run to the counter and chuck a quest on the board. No "hello", no "do you mind if...", there's no etiquette at all. I just boot these fuckers when it's my room.

If they ask I tell them we're all taking turns.


I was looking to slay Akantor and 2 of the hunters in the room had low rank armour... at HR7... how've you still got low rank at that HR! As soon as I get to G Rank I'll farm out a monster to get an armour set and then take to the hunt properly from there.


On a positive note though, the new (to me) monsters in this game are AMAZING!

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I wouldn't dream of entering a room whose hunters are a higher HR than me. Except maybe if it was someone from here, and even then, I'd feel a bit embarrassed.


I'm also going out of my way to do every available quest before tackling an urgent, no need to rush a game like this.


BTW, HR3, Caravan 5 now, currently farming a Zinogre to keep my defense decent.

I might be online tonight, so if you see me, feel free to pop in and maybe help a guy out.


(Eff Yian Garuga though, some of the most unfair attacks I've ever seen, don't even get me started on when it starts running than instantly stops, turns 90 degrees and whacks you)

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@Glen\-i these were hunters that were the same HR as me but they didn't bother upgrading to High Rank armour. They just relied in others dragging them up the HRs.


I'll probably be online at some point tonight and I'll jump on with you if I see you.

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Thanks to @kav82 for helping me farm a few monsters, getting myself a earth dragongem on the first attempt in the progress along with a 'splody sword and one with a whopping 300 water! (At HR3, that's a big deal)


I've gotten rusty with the ballista binder and hunting gong. A bit embarrassing there. Thanks for dealing with my oversights like a good sport!

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I finally managed to find another room of decent randoms. It was just 3 of us but we all set off from HR7, did a good few hunts from there and got each of our urgents. We proceeded to slay the beast for each of us and then got the urgent for G-Rank. Again we slaughtered the beast and all hit G-Rank.


It's great when a group works together, takes turns picking quests and doesn't screw each other over.


Now for G-Rank!



...unless anyone still fancies hunting at their level, I'm happy helping (I've still only got High Rank gear so I'd not likely be overpowered).

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Are the majority of people playing this on N3DS or any on a regular ol' 3DS? Wondering how those on an old are finding it with camera control? That's the only real difference between the two right? Just had a crack at the demo and L-centering was a bit jarring though doable, but wondering if that grinds on people over time?

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Are the majority of people playing this on N3DS or any on a regular ol' 3DS? Wondering how those on an old are finding it with camera control? That's the only real difference between the two right? Just had a crack at the demo and L-centering was a bit jarring though doable, but wondering if that grinds on people over time?


Whichever way you choose to play I would say that it's necessary to have either a New 3DS XL or a Circle Pad Pro attachment as it makes hunting infinitely better. :)


I really like the 'C-stick' on the New 3DS XL as it's both intuitive and responsive, no complaints from using it at all, only praise. : peace:


This reminds me, I must get back into playing this today, I've missed playing it the past couple of nights as I've just been too tired from work but I'm definitely back in the hunt now. :awesome:

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Are the majority of people playing this on N3DS or any on a regular ol' 3DS? Wondering how those on an old are finding it with camera control? That's the only real difference between the two right? Just had a crack at the demo and L-centering was a bit jarring though doable, but wondering if that grinds on people over time?


I have zero issues using the camera on the normal 3DS but then I put countless hours into the PSP games so I was used to it.


Reached HR100 yesterday, which changed my name to purple. Also finished my G3 urgent. It's such a long a gruelling fight but we we're learning during each of the fights we had with him.


160 hours played so far. :D

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Are the majority of people playing this on N3DS or any on a regular ol' 3DS? Wondering how those on an old are finding it with camera control? That's the only real difference between the two right? Just had a crack at the demo and L-centering was a bit jarring though doable, but wondering if that grinds on people over time?


Now I'm only going on my experience with 3 Ultimate (They have the same basic camera controls) But the touch screen D-Pad worked perfectly fine for me. You just have to take the time to edit the bottom screen, make the D-Pad bigger, move it where it's comfortable.


It's not just controls that are different, there's screenshots on Miiverse, improved textures and faster loading times.

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It's not just controls that are different, there's screenshots on Miiverse, improved textures and faster loading times.


I was aware of the miiverse and considered it'd probably have faster loading times - but how comes it has improved textures if the game's been developed for both systems? Does that apply to all games or is this a special case?

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I was aware of the miiverse and considered it'd probably have faster loading times - but how comes it has improved textures if the game's been developed for both systems? Does that apply to all games or is this a special case?


Just this game so far.


I'm sure if you google some comparisons, you'll find them.

But monsters and environments have more detailed texturing on N3DS.


Shadows are more realistic too, on both hunters and monsters.

It's extremely noticeable when you find two screenshots side by side.

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What I'm finding difficult, playing with randoms, is managing to find any hunters who are even slightly competent. Especially so now I've reached G-Rank.

I'm coming across G2 hunters with worse defence stats than me who has only just turned G1. Got myself a set of G-Rank Nerscylla armour... I look like a Gundam, albeit without the V on the forehead.


Anyhoo, I managed to scrape through hunts with distinctly average players, using so many lifepowders in the process. Urgh.

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What I'm finding difficult, playing with randoms, is managing to find any hunters who are even slightly competent. Especially so now I've reached G-Rank.

I'm coming across G2 hunters with worse defence stats than me who has only just turned G1. Got myself a set of G-Rank Nerscylla armour... I look like a Gundam, albeit without the V on the forehead.


Anyhoo, I managed to scrape through hunts with distinctly average players, using so many lifepowders in the process. Urgh.


Yup. G Rank is where it becomes an insane hunt to find players who actually know what the hell they are doing. To find players who have stuff like lifepowders and traps is as rare as finding a plate or a gem.

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Yup. G Rank is where it becomes an insane hunt to find players who actually know what the hell they are doing. To find players who have stuff like lifepowders and traps is as rare as finding a plate or a gem.


Oh god, I am not looking forward to more of the same.

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I wasn't happy with the sudden announcement of server fixing last night. Capcom could have given players a heads up. Luckily we had just finished a quest before getting disconnected.


Good night of hunting last night. Myself and Lostmario finished a bunch of the high rank quests, helped a guy with his urgent and then moved back over to G Rank once my nephew arrived. We were then butchering those quests, with some of them being taken down by just the 3 of us.


Had such a laugh again, with my nephew screaming at lostmario to use the stones ( "THE STONES!!!! UNLIMITED POWER!!!" ), me and lostmario reliving the 80s ( I played the Masters of the Universe movie theme tune down the headset, while he kept putting on 80s cartoon opening and I had to guess what they were ) but the highlight of the night was me losing it when I see my nephew put this up during a quest.




I'm not one for throwing insults at randoms but this just caught me off guard and I burst into tears of laughter. I guess he just got sick of random people coming into the town and bringing nothing to the table. Saying that, he did like Joey so I dunno why he put that message up. :D

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Currently fighting zamtrios and see his is weak against Thunder and fire.


I am using the charge blade at the moment and seen vids on YouTube with the charge blade having fire as a weapon.


How do I get that Upgrade?


Do I need to hunt another monster?

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Currently fighting zamtrios and see his is weak against Thunder and fire.


I am using the charge blade at the moment and seen vids on YouTube with the charge blade having fire as a weapon.


How do I get that Upgrade?


Do I need to hunt another monster?


You will probably just need to upgrade your weapon. If a monster is fire based then you will get materials to make fire weapons, same for water, lightning etc.


Here's a handy chart for you to take a look at.



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