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Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate Official Thread: A Brotherhood Reunited


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@lostmario, try using another weapon, it changes the game so much that it feels fresh again... especially if you try the Bow!


How dare you...


I've tried other weapons, they are nothing compared to my long swords.


Had a couple more attempts at the final 10 star single player quest while I was at my parents on sunday.


Got my defence up to 840+ and still got owned after 2 hits, its crazy how hard it is. I must be missing something as I've done all the other quests on my first go apart from 10 star Rajang who took 3 attempts.

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I saw someone rocking a similar set to this and figured I'd create it and see what I can get from it...


Ukanlos Helm, Arms and Legs. Teostra Chest and Waist. Just look at this skill set for my Glaives...


Sharpness +1

Mind's Eye

Weakness Exploit

Evasion +2

Negate Stun

Tremor Resistance


Holy crap it's an awesome set!!!

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Finally starting to get rocking and rolling on this now!


Just under 90 hours played, I've 'completed' the single player, as in the story, not all the quests, and just unlocked the HR7 Dalmadur urgent quest. Seeing my MH chums Friday so should all get up to G Rank then.


Been rocking the Nersyclla high rank armour, levelled up with hard armour spheres, so about 350 defence, and using my trusty lance again this time as well. Bit disappointed in myself though as I've really wanted to start using the bow but, in the pursuit of getting things moving and getting through it, that's on the back burner abit!


Online is great fun, even with the right group of randoms, as you can decide in the lobby what your going to do (cap/kill etc) then it's just a well oiled machine after that! But nothing beats meeting up with your chums and playing together, I can see why the focus is on local multiplayer, the Japanese are on to something ;)

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But nothing beats meeting up with your chums and playing together, I can see why the focus is on local multiplayer, the Japanese are on to something ;)


This can be said for any game really but for me the Japanese way of playing has ruined my preferred method of playing and the online side on things in general. This version is especially gimped in terms of online stuff when compared to previous outings and the fact that Capcom just put this on a handheld and not on a console was another kick in the nuts.


For me, they should have either done two versions like 3 Ultimate or kept both the portable series and the console series separate.

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This can be said for any game really but for me the Japanese way of playing has ruined my preferred method of playing and the online side on things in general. This version is especially gimped in terms of online stuff when compared to previous outings and the fact that Capcom just put this on a handheld and not on a console was another kick in the nuts.


For me, they should have either done two versions like 3 Ultimate or kept both the portable series and the console series separate.


Aye, everyone has their own preference to how they play, in fact I was a much bigger fan of online with @kav82 especially, and yourself at a few points too.


But I don't know, I don't travel a lot for work anymore so having both options would feel a bit flabby to me, I like that it streamlined into one version, and that it encourages me to meet up with my friends to play. Plenty of times we could have just been online to play, but we make the effort and it's worth it!


If you said to me let's all meet up in person to play Mario Kart, I would umm and arrr over it. With this though, I'd travel up north no probs to get a few games in for a proper N-E meet up! (Though somewhere central would be preferable ;) )

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Didn't start as soon as I got it, but seem to be progressing nicely now, having just beat the 5 star Gore Magala quest on single player (will be saving all Gathering hall quests for when my bro gets into his copy).


Sword and shield man, but also using hammer now. Problem I had with last game was getting bored using SnS all the time. (Still got final mission or two in single, and loads of high star multiplayer to go. Going to go back after this game with extra skill from playing this.) Going to play with a slashing, blunt, and long range for this game. Those weapon quests got me enjoying the various wapons, y'see. I don't like the Kinsect, though. It just feels...rubbish. The other new one that looks like the sword/axe/shield of some Arthurian knight is sweet.


Much more story this time. The ability to do 10 well-done steaks at once...much welcomed. Item sets? Palico stuff is interesting. So many refinements that made choresome stuff from the last game so much better.

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I'm still having an absolute blast on this! I can't believe @Hero\-of\-Time @lostmario and @Blade are done with it already. Get back on you part time hunters! Haha


I've only been using the Charge Blade so far but I'm going to start mixing it up now I've got my armour sets sorted. Having used all the other weapons plentifully on Tri and 3U the Glaive is the next one I'll be maining but I'll definitely be mixing it up to keep the gameplay fresh.

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I'm still having an absolute blast on this! I can't believe @Hero\-of\-Time @lostmario and @Blade are done with it already. Get back on you part time hunters! Haha


I've only been using the Charge Blade so far but I'm going to start mixing it up now I've got my armour sets sorted. Having used all the other weapons plentifully on Tri and 3U the Glaive is the next one I'll be maining but I'll definitely be mixing it up to keep the gameplay fresh.


I've put nearly 300 hours into it, done all the online quests and have nearly finished the offline ones as well. I think i've done more than enough. :D


The handheld MH games never hold me as long as the console ones. Granted, the older ones weren't online but with the lack of players on here who played it on a regular basis, coupled with the shoddy online with randoms, it's very easy to just drop this version, unlike it's console brothers.

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I'm always on it, can't get enough! Haha


300hrs is only halfway through my time on each of the other versions (less than halfway on Tri), surely it's only small hours for you too? Haha


It is compared to the console version but in terms of the handheld ones, it's about right.

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man you guys are done with it?....


I keep meaning to go online, but think i like solo hunting.....only i've got to the stage where some monsters are strangely hard, i had some right trouble with a Zangore, he hardly moved, seemed a pussy and i got cocky attacking him and he has this three hit long reaching paw to paw swipe that i never saw coming, failed the quest 3 times! doesn't help the tetsubakabra armour is weak to thunder


might make some alternate sets, the Power Ranger Zord armour (seltas queen) looks freaking cool!

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I would be very keen for it too, make a day of it!


Who would actually be interested in an MH meet up? If we have decent numbers (even 4, to be fair) we could try sort something out! :)


How would Sheffield sound? With @Hero\-of\-Time, would you fancy it perhaps?

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For what it's worth, I bring my charger whenever I go to one of those Capcom London hunts.


Anyway, HR5 now, but I've hit a snag because Gore Magala flat out refuses to drop the damn item I'm looking for!


I starting to hate it's stupid powerful attacks when it's angry.

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Want this set...




I love making different sets in this, that's the draw for me, as well as making the weapons. The hunts themselves (of course) are so much fun, but what keeps me playing so much is the desire for the new equipment. I've 4 sets at the mo, specifically for different weapons and playstyles (I don't do the one set fits all) 1 for Charge Blade, 1 for Gunlance, 1 for weapons you can't block with (using it with Glaive), 1 for the Bow and now I want this for the Bowgun. I'm yet to make a start on my Great Sword and Dual Blade sets.


I've so much more to play on this game! :D


@Glen\-i, and anyone else still playing for that matter, if you fancy hunting together on this anytime give me an @ and if I can make it on I'll happily join you!

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