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Trouble in the Depository Mafia


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FYI all claims right now are pretty useless as the trackers have already said who they targeted. That pretty much gives Mafia free reign to say whatever they want now. Good idea to get others to reveal first guys. That's how you snagged Jonnas before.


Anyhow...Smeagol's death means no more writeup information, which is a bit of a blow. @Mr\-Paul given we have a supposed tracker and reverse tracker, I'm interested in why you targeted Jonnas. He said he was successful so I'm ruling out roleblocker/Jailkeep. Seems odd to want to give him a boon given he was probably most suspicious last night.


Oh and I was successful last night, and did not target the deceased.

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Anyone who likes to specify that they didn't target the dead guy instantly raises a red flag. However my redirectionings displeases me, so you're lucky at this moment Sheikah.


Vote: Esequiel


that statement is causing me great confusion
Why would Esequiel redirect someone to himself though?



Unless someone else would like to come forward...

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Vote: Esequiel on the grounds that I've seen him check the thread before. Sounds like he's trying to come up with something to say. If he's mafia, the behaviour is fitting. If he were town, he would've given us an answer already.


So yeah, I think he's a mafioso, judging from his behaviour.


I didn't reach my target last night as I was redirected to "someone"...quite literally, I've no clue who


Who was your original target? That could help.

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This is the first time iv checked this days thread actually. Iv driven 1100 miles this week and haven't had much time for the game. I'm actually the guy who roleblocked Jonnas and I would have said so if it looked like he was going to get lynched. My target was Cube but I ended up failing. I didn't get a note saying I was redirected or anything so no idea what has happened. Anyway, home time now, 100 miles then sleep!

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My PM tells me you've targeted Eevilmurray, and Yvonne has confirmed that my result on him is correct.


Also, you claim to be a roleblocker, but Eevil says he was only redirected. And you said you tried to target Cube... the guy who confirmed that The Peeps did nothing on the first night? A potential info-gatherer?


I'm keeping the vote.


(Also, @EEVILMURRAY, forgot to ask: what info did you get?)

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I didn't reach my target last night as I was redirected to "someone"...quite literally, I've no clue who


Can you confirm something for me - who you targeted N1?


@Cube, I'm more interested in now whether you successfully did/got anything. If Yvonne claims to have been successful, and we've got a bunch of claimed trackers/info gatherers then I'm struggling to see what you'd have got back.


@EEVILMURRAY seems very likely that whoever sent you somewhere was Mafia trying to get you out the way. Makes esequiel even more dodgy as the Mafia would want to know who was targeting them, which they could find out by sending you to them. However I want to get what we can from the day before we do anything.


I can't stress enough again to town trackers, you don't have to spill first in the day. :p

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@Cube, I'm more interested in now whether you successfully did/got anything. If Yvonne claims to have been successful, and we've got a bunch of claimed trackers/info gatherers then I'm struggling to see what you'd have got back.


Yes, I was successful. Yvonne can hopefully work out what I do based on some careful wording of one of my posts, as he's certainly town due to his power.

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FYI all claims right now are pretty useless as the trackers have already said who they targeted. That pretty much gives Mafia free reign to say whatever they want now. Good idea to get others to reveal first guys. That's how you snagged Jonnas before.


Anyhow...Smeagol's death means no more writeup information, which is a bit of a blow. @Mr\-Paul given we have a supposed tracker and reverse tracker, I'm interested in why you targeted Jonnas. He said he was successful so I'm ruling out roleblocker/Jailkeep. Seems odd to want to give him a boon given he was probably most suspicious last night.


Oh and I was successful last night, and did not target the deceased.


Indeed, I didn't block Jonnas' activities at all. I don't really want to reveal the nature of my role, but it's fairly easy to work out if you look at who else targeted Jonnas today and the info available regarding that. Sorry for being coy, but what I've done is out in the open if you look hard enough. Just protecting myself.


So Esequiel claims to have targeted Cube but a tracker has said he actually targeted EEVIL. EEVIL then was redirected to Esequiel. The problem is we don't know if anyone else targeted EEVIL, but he claims to be successful and that he reverse-tracked Esequiel


If Esequiel was the redirector, why would he redirect someone to himself?


Cube, you were definitely successful last night?


Does anyone else want to counter Esequiel's roleblockling claims?

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Indeed, I didn't block Jonnas' activities at all. I don't really want to reveal the nature of my role, but it's fairly easy to work out if you look at who else targeted Jonnas today and the info available regarding that. Sorry for being coy, but what I've done is out in the open if you look hard enough. Just protecting myself.


Right, I got the impression that Smeagol was doing that from his role reveal...


We also have @ReZourceman who says he targeted Yvonne successfully (if Yvonne was protected then ReZ should have been unsuccessful if he had an interuptive ability - so this is another player that was likely to receive information rather than disrupt. ReZ, you da role cop?


I still think we should wait on a response from @Animal before doing anything hasty.

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Esequiel, that still doesn't clear why you didn't roleblock Eevil when you're saying you're a roleblocker.


Jonnas what was the flavour in which you were roleblocked? Tasering?


No. Just a vague "attacked", and also waking up confused*


*(Note: This was not the exact word in my PM. I'll be saving that one :heh:)

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Animal, would your target be informed of something happening to them? Are we able to confirm that you actually had a target other than the deceased?


Do you mean if my target would be able to get information on things happening? No, not as far as I know. I did have a target and they're still in the game. I've not targeted any of the deceased.


Can you confirm something for me - who you targeted N1?


No. What I will say is that it's none of the deceased, I was successful and it affected nothing or nobody.


Due to the narrowing down of potential suspects, I'm going to guess you're the roleblocker? Do you taser people?


I'm not confirming nor denying but I don't taser people. I targeted someone on N2, failed because somebody redirected me to someone else. My message didn't state who.

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Animal - redirected to ??? - semi confirmed (same happened to Jimbob on N1)

Cube - targeted Yvonne. Successful - unconfirmed.

EEVILMURRAY - redirected to Esequiel - unconfirmed.

Esequiel - targeted Cube. Unsuccessful - unconfirmed.

Jimbob - targeted Jonnas. Jonnas is town. - unconfirmed

Jonnas - targeted Yvonne & Esequiel. Yvonne targeted self. Esequiel targeted EEVIL - confirmed

Mr-Paul - targeted Jonnas. Successful - unconfirmed.

ReZourceman - targeted Yvonne. Successful - unconfirmed.

Sheikah targeted ??? Successful - unconfirmed.

The Peeps - targeted Sméagol, taser roleblocked - unconfirmed

Yvonne - targeted Yvonne - confirmed


Just collating some of the info we have.


Someone made Esequiel fail his action

Someone taser roleblocked The Peeps

Someone redirected EEVILMURRAY

Someone redirected Animal

Someone killed Sméagol


We have 8 unconfirmed actions. I'm saying I was roleblocked and Esequiel says he failed his action so that's two people out of suspicion if we're to be believed. Jimbob claims cop so he'll get the benefit of the doubt.

We're left with:







I trust mr-paul based on his almost role claim and I'm not sure I believe Esequiel simply failed in his action with no explanation. We're probably looking for three mafia scumnags and I personally think it's between ReZ, Cube, Sheikah, Esequiel and EEVIL.


I've just come off my shift at work so this might not all follow actual logic :p


Do you mean if my target would be able to get information on things happening? No, not as far as I know.


I was asking if your target would be aware that someone targeted them. Would your action show up in their Night 2 results PM from DuD?

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