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I'm confused by your actions, Jonnas. Why would you specifically mention not being boosted by Dedede in the first place when nobody asked you if you were and if you so badly didn't want to be lynched, why not just say "I was/wasn't successful and my target was not Dedede" like everybody else? If anything, you made yourself stand out more.


Well, at the time, no one else was saying "I didn't target Dedede", so I said what I thought was actually far more relevant: Dedede's power could openly confirm someone to be either mafia or town.


I thought that's where the conversation would be heading: trying to find out who Dedede targeted. That's why I jumped into "Wasn't me" at the beginning of the day. In retrospect, I could've done it more subtly, but hindsight is 20/20.


Like I said, if the mafia knew I was boosted, I'd be a prime target, not just because my alignment would be confirmed, but also because I was boosted for Night 2 (so, they could roleblock me, rendering the boost useless).


Either way, the cat's out of the bag. I was boosted for tomorrow, but I'm afraid it'll be useless. I can ask the reverse tracker to target me tomorrow at the very least, just in case I get roleblocked/killed by the mafia: at least we'll have a name to follow.

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NEW POST: One more thing, I suspect @EEVILMURRAY is the reverse tracker, but it's only an inkling of suspicion. If you are, please tell me who roleblocked me. If you aren't, how did you find out Dedede targeted me?


NEWER POST: Nailed it! So, who roleblocked me? Cube?

NEWER POST: Nailed it! So, who roleblocked me? Cube?


I targeted The Peeps, and I'm one of the people mentioned in the write-up.


The write-up also says that I was tracked, so that person can speak out if I'm lying (otherwise, there's no reason for him to reveal himself).


No, you're right, I forgot about that part of the write-up that clears up what you, The Peeps and one other person were doing.


So, who is it that roleblocked me?

Either you're suspish or you and EEVILMURRAY are in this shit together (which I doubt, by the way). Right now, something about this just doesn't sit right with me.

Only Cell and Buu have mad team up skillz.



Does chap number two nay wanna revealz?

Only Cell and Buu have mad team up skillz.


Nice! :awesome: (Wasn't I Baby, though?)


Anyway, Eevil, I ask that you target me again tonight. I have a feeling that I'll be targeted by the mafia one way or the other.


Thing is, we don't actually know if you are actually boosted for the next night - you may well actually be roleblocked for this night if you are mafia. All we have is your word. Had you been honest, you may have gained some favour/protection for the night so you can carry out your boosted action. Instead, you lied, which may have been for a good reason, but doesn't paint you in the best light.


I don't suspect you enough to place a vote yet, but you haven't acted completely honestly so far.

Leap of faith time, why are you so obsessed with me? /MeanGirls


Nah, seriously though, why?


Ah man, don't go flaking on me now. You're staying zipped then?



You're right, I did. I was hoping I would be able to use my boosted power on Night 2 without being roleblocked again, but now, the mafia will target me, no doubt (whether by roleblock or killing).


I was boosted. Reading Dedede's role, you can see that very much confirms that I'm town. After all, he roleblocks people on the following night, not on the current one (which is what I was).


So yeah, just withholding information (that clears me, at that) so I wouldn't be a mafia target early on, so that my power could be of some use.


A more cynical fellow might argue that if you don't do anything tonight that it won't be because the Mafia targeted you; rather, you're feeling Dedede roleblock after-effects. It creates an interesting focal point - people can find out whether you manage to do anything tonight, or find out whether the Mafia try to interfere with you to make it look like such.



I wasn't successful in reaching my original target @Mr\-Paul, but did reach a 2nd target instead.



Feels like this was overlooked. @Mr\-Paul are you in any way responsible for Jimbob not reaching you?


@EEVILMURRAY can you confirm whether Jonnas was 'boosted' or merely 'targeted' by Dedede? Because really, he shouldn't have been boosted last night either way (rather this night, if he's town).


I don't really expect to be protected, you're right. The best I can do is ask for someone to write down the culprit.


However, you did give me an idea: if someone protects me tonight (against roleblocks and such effects) but my power still fails anyway, that means I'm mafia (because it's Dedede's delayed effect).

If I'm not roleblocked, AND I have a way of proving that I successfully targeted two people on the same night (and I do, if I'm successful), my innocence is proved.


Anyway, I'm just throwing out suggestions. I think that if Eevil and/or the protector target me, we'll be able to get substantial info tomorrow, but I won't blame them if they decide to do something else. It would be quite a lost opportunity, though.


NEW POST: That was directed at mr-paul.


Sheikah, you bring up a good point. Which is why I asked Eevilmurray to reverse-track me tonight.

Mr-Paul wasn't my original target, ReZourceman was. I didn't reach him, but got someone else whom i have no idea whom they are


Didn't you find anything out about them?

So, why did you say mr-paul here? Confusion on your part?


He was asking if anyone was not successful in their night actions, i tagged him to let him know i wasn't successful. I should have used a comma or something, as it would seem from that statement that i targetted him, when in fact i didn't.


Didn't you find anything out about them?


I mentioned earlier that what i found out about whom i reached was that they were a Target Switcher.


I removed my vote because I missed that detail. Still, it seems to me Jonnas posts are mostly centred on damage control. I actually still suspect him of being roleblocked tomorrow. No townie roleblocker will have any interest in him, and I doubt a mafia roleblocker will risk being reverse tracked. Which leaves us to simply ask Jonnas for his target next day, and then check if that player has been boosted or not. Unless of course, people are inclined to find out now rather than next day, if he´s mafia or not, to which I´m not exactly opposed.


Guys, come on, right now, an idea that I "slipped" as a mafioso is what you're following. Do you really think I'd make something obvious like that, as a mafioso?


I'm the tracker. I get to track two people tomorrow. That's how I can prove that I targeted two people on the same night, I'll have the info.


So yeah, all you guys have to do to prove me a liar is have a townie tracker come up and say "No, that's me". Except nobody will.

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