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The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D


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Hmm, thought I'd posted after your previous post but it seems not! I felt same about save statues but they end up being quite in abundance and you get the song of soaring in a diff place to before so it all kinda makes it not too shabby all round. Glad to see you enjoying it now despite the initial niggle, it really is a such a beautifully crafted game in terms of the world and time mechanic - similar to yourself I probably have most fun in it simply running around and side-questing/generally exploring the world.

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So I finally finished it! :D 100% completion of course (all collectables, Bomber's Notebook complete etc)


I'm a bit conflicted about this remake in some respects... While I don't mind the changes to the save system (as it was absolutely necessary for handheld play - and I think it was mostly handled well; though I don't see a good reason why going back in time doesn't save your game in addition to having the save statues) and I generally like the new additions (the touch screen inventory and gyro controls of course work very very well); there are some changes that I think are very questionable...


The biggest change really comes in the way that the game signposts everything much more clearly. While I can absolutely see where they were coming from, I reckon that they go a bit overboard in some respects. The addition of the Bombers relaying rumoured events, I reckon, is a little stroke of genius - it makes perfect sense in context of the game (they are supposed to be running an information network after all!) and it gives you a nudge in the right direction without necessarily giving things away; it also acts, in conjunction with the enhanced notebook, as a good way of keeping track of what you have done and what you have yet to do - something that could be difficult in the original N64 version...


... however, some bits just feel a bit insulting, like the way that they turned the Ice Arrows into a glorified key by having it only work on sparkly spots of the water; it makes them feel much less organic and less satisfying to use as a result. With all the signposting that they've added, it does take away from some of the sense of discovery that the original N64 game excelled at, but in turn it does make the game more accessible...


There's lots of little changes throughout the game and I feel that they're generally hit and miss for me... Some things, like the speeding up of Goron Link and Zora Link's melee attacks I find to be welcome, but the change to the Zora Link swimming? No... Not happy with it at all...


It would take an eternity to go over every little change, so I'm just gonna go over the boss battles because they've seen the biggest and most obvious overhauls and again, I'm kinda split on them.


Odolwa has been made more complex, with him generally being more proficient at defence and less susceptible to arrows unless you can hit him from a certain angle - and generally the game encourages you to make better use of Deku Link. On one hand, I like how it encourages you to make more use of your overall arsenal, but on the other; it takes away from some of the organic feeling that the original version had because it kinda funnels the player down a certain path of attack...


Goht generally I'd say has been improved though. While the pace of the battle has been slowed down somewhat, I like it for the way it gets you to make use of the Fire Arrows; something that really went underutlised in the original version (and something that really should be used here, since it's the item you obtain in that dungeon).


Likewise I'd consider the Gyorg fight to be an overall improvement. I LOVE the way that they moved the fight underwater! It was a really nice and unexpected twist that really made you make use of Zora Link in a different way and really added a nice new layer of variety to the fight! The only bad things I can really say about it are that the camera isn't really well tuned for this fight (it's too slow and doesn't seem to track Gyorg well enough) and that it makes it impossible for you to wail on him with Fierce Deity Link (since you can't use him underwater).


The Twinmold fight though? A huge downgrade overall. Not happy with the changes at all. Not only does it take away a huge chunk of the player agency that the original one had (it was great for how many different ways you could choose to tackle it before!) but it's also very very abstract and makes little sense. Why does the red Twinmold get it's health back when it goes under the sand? How is the player supposed to know this? And how is the player supposed to know that they can do extra damage from spinning the C-Pad when swinging him around? Considering how much they went out of their way to better signpost things in this new version, the new Twinmold fight completely spits in the face of this! It's abstract and actually takes a lot of control away from you. Overall, one of the weakest fights in the whole series for me (even though watching giant Link chokeholding a Twinmold is bloody hilarious; the novelty wears out quick once you realise that you're not really controlling it and you've spent like 20 mins wailing on it with it still not being dead!)


I feel that the boss fights are sort of representative of my thoughts on the little changes in general as well. Like with Deku Link, while it's nice to be able to have a marker for where you're gonna land, it does end up making the Deku Playground a bit of a joke.


Fishing is also a bit of an odd addition, but a solid one. It's pretty well fleshed out and straddles a line of complexity between OoT and TP's fishing; it's also pretty funny to play, considering that it completely goes against the idea of time pressure, leading to hilarious moments like this...


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I think it's a good remake overall. It's not there to replace the original, but rather it's an alternate take on it and I quite appreciate that! I never felt that the original was flawed really, but I can appreciate the thought process behind most of these changes and in many respects it succeeds at making the game more approachable. I don't agree with every change, but I can understand why they made the changes they did.


In the end, it's still Majora's Mask and it's still one of the finest games every made! : peace:

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've finally had the opportunity to put a few hours into Majora's Mask 3D this week and I'm absolutely loving the update so far. I think I've got to roughly where I was on the Wii VC version but still not as far as I had been on the GC release. Having said that, I feel like I'm into a little bit of unknown territory so everything should start feeling fresh relatively soon :grin:


The changes to the save system and the ability to close the 3DS is making this so much more convenient to play and it's one of the things I appreciate most. In fact, it makes me feel significantly happier about exploring everything in greater detail :smile:


I look forward to making more progress in the coming weeks :yay:

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  • 5 months later...

Wow, I thought the game looked good before, but this guy has really demonstrated just how brilliant the art style is and how detailed some of the locations are.


I loved the game on the N64 and the 3DS version has just continued my admiration of this Zelda title. The fact that they completed the original game in around 12 months is simply staggering. While the low number of dungeons is a disappointment, the number of sub quests goes a long way towards making up for it.

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