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The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge


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I know that people are going to say "It's a fun way to raise for charity" and shit but it just feels pressured.


This is why I chose NE folks to nominate, as I felt like there was no real pressure there. As most of my family had done my challenge (including my 4-year-old nephew), I felt like I didn't have an option to not do it.

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There's loads of causes out there though, I don't know/see why this one should stand above the others(admittedly it doesn't have to, it's just ended up like that). From the little I've looked into it, it seems to be quite...western, too? I give a little bit to a specific charity every month and have done for longer than I even remember - I prefer doing that than something like this. Having said that I also tend to sponsor people I know when they're doing things or with causes I get on board with, I guess one way to look at this is one large/distributed sponsorship, but something still irks me a bit.

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The world had changed, the way we interact has changed and how we donate to charity has too. With how powerful social media has become, this is the perfect way to go about raising money and awareness for a disease that very few people know anything about. Do yourself a favour and read up on Pete Frates, the guy who started it all. Even if people do it without knowing why they're doing it, as long as they're donating, who exactly is it hurting?


It's stupid to deride this initiative because other things like heart disease kill more people, which whilst true is hardly the point. Nothing can be done for ALS at present, hopefully the money raised might go someway to helping solve that issue.


Lastly, I'll take pouring a bucket of ice water on myself anyday over people knocking at my door or barking at me in the town centre to donate to their charity.

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Lastly, I'll take pouring a bucket of ice water on myself anyday over people knocking at my door or barking at me in the town centre to donate to their charity.


I'm not alone then. I do give to charity myself, one is through my work pay role (British Heart Foundation) and the other i chose to do myself as it affects me personally (Cancer Research UK). I tend to ignore them in the street, i've usually got my headphones on so it's much easier.


Sent my donation on Tuesday morning, it's a good cause.

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I'm still consdidering doing the ice bucket challenge and donating, maybe I still will. I see this doing the rounds at the moment though and I feel like this is one of the things that irks me about it too, charity is charity and that's all good but a better distribution of it relative to the needs would be more ideal, for me at least, though I realise how ridiculous that is an ask in some ways.




Sourced via this IFLS article


Of course this doesn't really factor in quality of life on the surface of it, but with recent news of the general events in the east - comparing that to this I just feel like it's all so out of proportion. I'm sure it's also a slightly tailored/biased chart to purposefully put shade upon this initiative, but there's no denying an element of truth in it.

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