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Pokken Tournament (Wii U Spring 2016)


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It's actually 3pm CET so it's 2pm here (someone just informed me).


Seems some American sites forgot about changing their clocks on Sunday ;)


I was just about to tell you that, I forgot that it was CET and not GMT :p


Well! Aren't you guys lucky? You get it an hour early now :D

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Hmm, online seems typically barebones:




We tested the online, though all it had before launch were simple “ranked” and “friendly” match types. No spectator mode, quarter match, or party options exist. The performance was good – only one match ended up as a slideshow – but given the importance of online play, a full review of that will be appended here once the game has been released. For now, the chief advantage to playing online is that your single-player character carries its experience in and will gain levels there as well, so both you and your new Pokémon can get better through online practice.


So, not awfully bad (Mario Tennis Ultra Smash) but not the levels of Mario Kart/Splatoon.

I like the idea that you can build your single player character through online play though.

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Hmm, online seems typically barebones:




So, not awfully bad (Mario Tennis Ultra Smash) but not the levels of Mario Kart/Splatoon.

I like the idea that you can build your single player character through online play though.


Reading various reviews/thoughts it seems the single player mode is a bit lacking, as well.


I'll soon find out what the deal is as I ordered my copy this morning. I don't put any stock in reviews any way.

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@Hero\-of\-Time You used to like Eurogamer, as a review site didn't you? Recommended there.


Disappointed a bit with the online. It feels like there is an undiscovered niche for fighting games online where they could make some kind of mini tournament mode, where you can watch or play. I used to love 4-8 Super Streetfighter 2 machines linked together in the arcades in tournament mode.

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@Hero\-of\-Time You used to like Eurogamer, as a review site didn't you? Recommended there.


I haven't been on their site for ages now.


Any was probably the wrong word to use. I should have said I don't put much stock in reviews these days. I find that more and more reviewers seem to have their own agenda or are just fanboys, unwilling to see that a game from a company or franchise they love has flaws.


I'd much rather read thoughts from people actively playing the game on a forum such as this. There are a handful of people on here who I have known for a stupid amount of years now and I respect their opinion on a game they are playing far more than I do those who get paid to do it professionally.

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I haven't been on their site for ages now.


Any was probably the wrong word to use. I should have said I don't put much stock in reviews these days. I find that more and more reviewers seem to have their own agenda or are just fanboys, unwilling to see that a game from a company or franchise they love has flaws.


I'd much rather read thoughts from people actively playing the game on a forum such as this. There are a handful of people on here who I have known for a stupid amount of years now and I respect their opinion on a game they are playing far more than I do those who get paid to do it professionally.


Hopefully that includes mine :)


BTW, if any of you have any specific questions (or if you want me to check anything for you) I'll gladly answer them/do so! : peace:

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Hmm, online seems typically barebones:






So, not awfully bad (Mario Tennis Ultra Smash) but not the levels of Mario Kart/Splatoon.

I like the idea that you can build your single player character through online play though.


To be fair, I'm not exactly sure how a party system would work for a game that's 1vs1 so it seems a bit illogical to complain about it missing

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I would guess a tournament mode or round robin mini league mode. Something more to do other than friend or random I guess.


I haven't been on their site for ages now.


Any was probably the wrong word to use. I should have said I don't put much stock in reviews these days. I find that more and more reviewers seem to have their own agenda or are just fanboys, unwilling to see that a game from a company or franchise they love has flaws.


I'd much rather read thoughts from people actively playing the game on a forum such as this. There are a handful of people on here who I have known for a stupid amount of years now and I respect their opinion on a game they are playing far more than I do those who get paid to do it professionally.


Fair enough. Unfortunately you can't easily read them (other than @Dcubed) before the games release though. For games like this where I am on the fence that is a real benefit.

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To be fair, I'm not exactly sure how a party system would work for a game that's 1vs1 so it seems a bit illogical to complain about it missing


It would work like in Street Fighter 4. You sit in a lobby together where you get to spectate matches and chat with other players while you watch. It's designed to try and simulate the experience of gathering around an arcade machine.


You do get into matches quicker this way the way that Pokken does it, but a lot of players like the communal experience that comes with lobbies; so it's a shame that there isn't an option for it here.


Before you lynch me here, I do think it's a good game and the online netcode performance is terrific (as expected from Namco at this point). But I do feel that the online feature set is rather anemic; it's functional and nothing more.


I am impressed with the LAN mode options available though. I wasn't expecting there to be multiple ways of hooking up two Wii Us in place and I will be looking forward to giving them a try when the game actually comes out :)


The fact that it unlocks everything automatically (just for that LAN session, not permanently mind you) is very nice as well. I know from personal experience that TOs are gonna really appreciate that (Smash 4 is a nightmare in that regard and I've seen how frustrated they get over the way they have to ensure that everything is unlocked on everyone's Wii Us being used).

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It would work like in Street Fighter 4. You sit in a lobby together where you get to spectate matches and chat with other players while you watch. It's designed to try and simulate the experience of gathering around an arcade machine.


You do get into matches quicker this way the way that Pokken does it, but a lot of players like the communal experience that comes with lobbies; so it's a shame that there isn't an option for it here.


Before you lynch me here, I do think it's a good game and the online netcode performance is terrific (as expected from Namco at this point). But I do feel that the online feature set is rather anemic; it's functional and nothing more.

Ah I didn't know that was the case. That's fair enough.

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BTW, I didn't bother to point this out in the review because most people probably won't care, but I'm pretty sure that the game is running in sub 720p resolution for the 3D elements.


The 3D visuals are noticeably softer looking than the 2D elements (which are probably full 720p) and while it usually looks fine, some of the Synergy Burst moves can look noticeably jaggy (Tekken Tag Tournament 2 on Wii U did the same thing, so it probably runs in the same resolution as that game did).


It's a fantastic looking game and it runs like a dream outside of Local Gamepad play (which runs at a solid 30FPS), but it is a very soft looking game as well. Personally it doesn't bother me, but I like the idea of beating Digital Foundry to the punch here, so I figured I'd mention it here :p

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BTW, I didn't bother to point this out in the review because most people probably won't care, but I'm pretty sure that the game is running in sub 720p resolution for the 3D elements.


The 3D visuals are noticeably softer looking than the 2D elements (which are probably full 720p) and while it usually looks fine, some of the Synergy Burst moves can look noticeably jaggy (Tekken Tag Tournament 2 on Wii U did the same thing, so it probably runs in the same resolution as that game did).


It's a fantastic looking game and it runs like a dream outside of Local Gamepad play (which runs at a solid 30FPS), but it is a very soft looking game as well. Personally it doesn't bother me, but I like the idea of beating Digital Foundry to the punch here :p

I imagine the inevitable NX version will look smooth as hell

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