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The Long Night Mafia

The Peeps

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Tales has been murdered


6 Players remain:








The town cannot reach majority (nor can the mafia but I think we can all agree this game is over).


Mafia win





I think this game started off well but town interest waned fairly quickly. People didn't send targets and didn't post which was just harmful for the town. @Mr\-Paul






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I think the fact each night was only 24 hours long left too little time for enough question/answers, and too little time for people to consider who to target. The fact no roles were revealed on death either meant we learnt nothing of people who were dead, making it hard to find out lies.


What were everyone's roles? I was a reverse tracker who learnt nothing all game. Either my targets were protected or not targeted by anyone, or I didn't send a target, which is my own fault. The only time I voted all game was when Jimbob said he was a reverse tracker, so I thought he must be mafia with the same power as me. Obviously not.

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The lack of discussion really hurt this game. We can't defend ourselves, we can barely argue for a lynch, we can't change our vote (making pressure votes unlikely)... We can barely trade info, too. A lot of the dynamic was lost.


Plus, the phases went by so quickly, I could understand people just not bothering to check if they had already sent a target/voted/asked a question.


And seeing as how, in normal games, people can be reluctant to lynch even with people arguing for it, it was no wonder not many people on the fence jumped in.


The roles we had for mafiosos were interesting, but even that could only create interesting situations if there was more day communication to convey this, and leave townies wondering what was going on with their false results, or with the mafia killing only every other day.

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A roleblocker, then a roleblocker.


I'm just a roleblocky kinda guy.


*roleblocked two people all game and only as mafia :indeed:


One thing that you guys wouldn't have noticed is that the targets were all instant. When I saw a PM that is when the action took place. On the night of EEVIL's death, Cube and EEVIL both sent their targets at the exact same time. Cube was falsifying EEVIL's results and EEVIL was truth detecting a post. EEVIL died so it ultimately didn't matter but Cube won the coin toss :p


It also meant that getting your target in early really did matter as you could track someone, get your result and then have something affect you like a roleblock. Or your target may receive protection after you've already reached them. This didn't really happen much except with Rummy who often was the first in with his target so was never held up.

Edited by The Peeps
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I was a protector on odd phases, the only killer on even phases.


If you guys could lynch me, the mafia would not be able to have more kills.


Out of curiosity, Peeps, who stopped my kill on Night 2? The protector? And who was it, Rummy?

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