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Gaming Podcasts: A Thread about Listening to Others

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Hmmmm Ok...I personally still think a nicer way to put it would have been to mention what you mean...taken on it's own that sentence does the situation a disservice. It's disingenuous to just make such a statement to my mind. It clearly took a huge toll on all of them, personally still enjoyed the Bombcast and now they have new staff it's certainly different but still a fun listen.


Dude, he was just some guy from halfway across the world that I didn't know personally. Forgive me for not being too emotionally moved by him dying. I think it's weird you're reading active disrespect into a slightly flippant comment, and also find it weird that you're defending some sort of right to have his death represented in a way that would be more fitting for a friend or someone you know personally. Did you go on forums and complain about people being irreverent when Michael Jackson or Nelson Mandella died?


The point of the post was that the Bombcast didn't have the same energy as it did before, so I stopped listening.


Also I don't understand how you can stand listening to The Geekbox, Higgins and Fitch are the most outrageously thick people I've ever listened to.

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It's the GiantBombCast or nothing for me. Pretty much the only podcast I refuse to miss.


Same here. Discovered the site about 2 years ago and haven't missed an episode since.


The new recruit Dan is a big Nintendo fan so it'll be good to see more coverage of their games on the site and podcast.

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I listened to the latest Nintendo World Report and ended up ordering an import copy of Ace Attorney Investigations 2 despite the fact I knew about the translation patch but had no desire to play it...


I used to listen to the Gonintendo podcast but the lack of any professionalism put me off and I eventually grew tired of it.

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Dude, he was just some guy from halfway across the world that I didn't know personally. Forgive me for not being too emotionally moved by him dying. I think it's weird you're reading active disrespect into a slightly flippant comment, and also find it weird that you're defending some sort of right to have his death represented in a way that would be more fitting for a friend or someone you know personally. Did you go on forums and complain about people being irreverent when Michael Jackson or Nelson Mandella died?


The point of the post was that the Bombcast didn't have the same energy as it did before, so I stopped listening.


Also I don't understand how you can stand listening to The Geekbox, Higgins and Fitch are the most outrageously thick people I've ever listened to.


Ok I'm not gonna carry on the fighting about Ryan Davis, I think perhaps as a member of that community I feel more affected. I feel however there is a difference between him and celebrities. He was part of a very community focused websites and as such people do feel more connected than many may feel celebrities (that's not to say there weren't people who are extremely emotionally invested in Michael Jackson)


Anyway as for the Geekbox I won't argue with that those two are outright buffoons! However that is part of what I love about the show, I initially went to it because to it as it was born out of the 1up lay offs and it had many of those old faces...Ryan Scott, Justin Haywald, Alice Lang and Karen Chu. Granted it's changed over time as they've come and gone....Now the reason I don't hate those two is they bring conflict to the show. Too many podcasts are all nicey nicey and everyone gets on well, some of my favourite podcasts are where this occurred often. 1up Yours was brilliant when the arguments occurred between Shane B (with his blatant Sony love) and Luke Smith now those two are out of the public sphere whilst I still listen to John and Garnett Lee on F!rst it's just not the same. Same with Weekend Confirmed and Jeff and Garnett it's not as good when they are both on DLC as they are too nicey nicey.

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I listened to the latest Nintendo World Report and ended up ordering an import copy of Ace Attorney Investigations 2 despite the fact I knew about the translation patch but had no desire to play it...


I used to listen to the Gonintendo podcast but the lack of any professionalism put me off and I eventually grew tired of it.


Yeah, I tried listening to GoNintendo a couple of times but gave up for the exact same reason as you did. I'm all for having a laugh but they rarely stayed on point.

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Yeah, I tried listening to GoNintendo a couple of times but gave up for the exact same reason as you did. I'm all for having a laugh but they rarely stayed on point.


Make that 3 of us. I don't have it subscribed on my phone anymore will occasionally listen to it using browser when I'm doing other stuff but I just don't fancy the investment often enough for their brand of podcast.

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The GoNintendo podcast does have a structure that they stick to every week but I do agree, its a tough listen and sounds extremely random. I've played it in browser a few times too but don't make a point of it. One thing you should do with it is load it up and fast forward to the last 15-20 mins. They do a name the game music quiz which is good fun!

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Just started listening to the latest IGN Nintendo Voice Chat episode on my way to work this morning.


They were discussing the pricing of games on Nintendo systems, both retail and downloadable, and how Nintendo really need to rethink their pricing model.


There was some sales banter, due to the numbers being released last week. I can't see them reaching the target they have set themselves for the 3DS. Their Titanfall/Mario Kart comparison was interesting. Both big games that should have pushed the platform, yet both couldn't stop/slow down the PS4 momentum.


They also discussed something I have brought up in a couple of threads on here and that's just how much footage and information is being put out their for a lot of their games. They seem to agree with me that there is far too much being shown from their games at the moment, with Mario Kart, Smash Bros and Hyrule Warriors being the main culprits. It was the same for Mario World 3D as well. That Direct they had where a bunch of secrets were shown was bang out of order.


It's been a really good episode so far and will listen to the rest on the way home.

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Just started listening to the latest IGN Nintendo Voice Chat episode on my way to work this morning.


They were discussing the pricing of games on Nintendo systems, both retail and downloadable, and how Nintendo really need to rethink their pricing model.


There was some sales banter, due to the numbers being released last week. I can't see them reaching the target they have set themselves for the 3DS. Their Titanfall/Mario Kart comparison was interesting. Both big games that should have pushed the platform, yet both couldn't stop/slow down the PS4 momentum.


They also discussed something I have brought up in a couple of threads on here and that's just how much footage and information is being put out their for a lot of their games. They seem to agree with me that there is far too much being shown from their games at the moment, with Mario Kart, Smash Bros and Hyrule Warriors being the main culprits. It was the same for Mario World 3D as well. That Direct they had where a bunch of secrets were shown was bang out of order.


It's been a really good episode so far and will listen to the rest on the way home.


Awesome, definitely giving that a listen!


I'm currently listening to the latest Radio Free Nintendo podcast (as I do every monday morning) and they are discussing how terrible the 3DS eShop is.

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@Goron_3 have you listened to this weeks RFN yet? It's a brilliant episode this week, with James losing the plot a lot. :D


I found the console wars section very interesting and it seems Nintendo hasn't really changed since the early days. They were getting beat by better marketing by Sega. Nintendo had the better titles but Sega had a better and more diverse selection of games. Sounds familiar. :D

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@Goron_3 have you listened to this weeks RFN yet? It's a brilliant episode this week, with James losing the plot a lot. :D


I found the console wars section very interesting and it seems Nintendo hasn't really changed since the early days. They were getting beat by better marketing by Sega. Nintendo had the better titles but Sega had a better and more diverse selection of games. Sounds familiar. :D


Yeah it was a great episode! Nintendo clearly have some deep rooted stubborn cultural issues lol. I can't wait to read Console Wars...It's on my Christmas list!


The entire Starfox discussion was spot on. Nintendo's 'We need to find a gimmick' for F-Zero and Starfox is utterly embarassing. Those are the TWO franchises would would benefit hugely from HD and Online play. Shame on them for claiming that's why we won't see a new F-Zero game when they still chug out bare bone sequels (NSMBU, Wii Sports, DK) etc.

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put some old rfn on to do the washing up in the kitchen, washing up still there and im just foruming on my gamepad instead. am definitely enjoying it for this(and potential actual washing up) - feel i need to get more podcast time in my life.


They also discussed something I have brought up in a couple of threads on here and that's just how much footage and information is being put out their for a lot of their games. They seem to agree with me that there is far too much being shown from their games at the moment, with Mario Kart, Smash Bros and Hyrule Warriors being the main culprits. It was the same for Mario World 3D as well. That Direct they had where a bunch of secrets were shown was bang out of order.


Havent seen the offending content in question, but mostly because i avoid some stuff these days. consider their pov though - how do you do it in this day and ages? broadband, streaming media, social media etc. when we were kids your best bet was screenshots and some persons impressions in a magazine maybe. i'd say its its hard to tease and leave things up to the imagination now wihout the sociak media jumping too all sorts of stupid speculation and worse, stupid criticisms for whatever they see. the more you give the more they want.


Haha, just come across a mention in rfn that a reviewer got death threats for giving mk8 a 7.5 in a review. Reckon @Ashley might apprceiate that notion, given the 3D world ridiculousness :indeed:


(also progress - sink is almost empty! ;) )

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  • 4 weeks later...
Drop what you're doing and listen to this weeks Radio Free Nintendo..Dan Adelman (former Nintendo employee) is this weeks guest and he goes into a lot of detail about his time there. A must listen :)


Just finished the episode this morning on the way to work.


It was very interesting hearing about all the rules and regulations that got setup. It was also weird that the WiiWare limit was hardcoded into the machine. Surely they should have seen how restrictive that may have become?


His final comment was hilarious about how you can follow him on Twitter and will get back to people now that he's free to talk again. :)

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Drop what you're doing and listen to this weeks Radio Free Nintendo..Dan Adelman (former Nintendo employee) is this weeks guest and he goes into a lot of detail about his time there. A must listen :)


Just saw you post in WiiU, still not caught up on all my recent episodes but I'm about to whack the latest on my phone and hope my earphones are still in my desk tray at work ;)

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Honestly don't know what to say about this but thinking of @Goron_3 in posting it, SmashUK(facebook) have started up a bi-weekly podcast 'Off the Battlefield', not listened yet myself but thought I'd link up/bring attention to the first episode. Features Tom Scott who runs the SmashUK group(please post in social thread guys), Lorenzo who I've met at Meltdown a few times, and another guy I don't even know but yeah. Smash Tings. If you want it.



Btw if you do listen and hear mention of Bumbleboo22 let me know when and where! Lorenzo did a PM tourney last Wednesday and I hear the guy took a top ten place. I've met him, his twin bro and his mates down at Meltdown last few weeks and they're cracking folks. Really wanna keep an eye on Bumbleboo cos he's got potential for waves. If it's all tempting for you guys...Smash or DI 3 on 8th Nov! Surbiton/Kingston area!

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  • 3 months later...

Has anyone listened to the latest Radio Free Nintendo?


They had a question come in at the end along the lines of 'Has a videogame ever got you through a tough personal time e.g. A Family Death'?


Some really thoughtful and honest answers. I love this podcast.

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Has anyone listened to the latest Radio Free Nintendo?


They had a question come in at the end along the lines of 'Has a videogame ever got you through a tough personal time e.g. A Family Death'?


Some really thoughtful and honest answers. I love this podcast.


Yeah. It was a really touching segment.


James' story touched me the most. Even though he didn't lose someone, the whole situation was very tragic. Being alone in the dark, with only his DS giving off any kind light, really told the story well. I felt genuinely sad for the guy.


It baffles me that people who are into Nintendo, or just gaming in general, don't listen to this podcast. It honestly makes going into work on a Monday morning so much easier.

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