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Coming from a NintendoEnthusiast interview with Nintendo representative Julie Gagnon...


“The thing with Splatoon is that the game is so visual and we really feel that the people in the game do not need voice chat in order to communicate with each other because we have ‘oh, stay here’ or ‘come here’ icons. We have many ways to communicate in the game. Plus, with the gamepad and the view, you can easily see if one of the members of your team is in trouble, or if there is a part of the map that you need to cover. So, this is something that we made a decision on so that the game can appeal to the maximum number of players. So, ultimately, the developers need to decide, depending on the features and the game itself, whether voice chat is included.”






See now. It's stuff like this that I cannot and will not let pass. It's complete BS. Does anybody use those awful text blurbs on the d pad? You cannot tell very often at times if your teammate is in trouble by looking at the map. Countless times after respawning I've used a super jump to their location just as they die only to be blown apart on landing as well. Looking at the map while in the game is very distracting. It's awful PR, sorry but she's talking absolute b0110cks and Splatoon is probably the game that needs it more than any other Nintendo title.


Edit: And did I miss the 'oh, stay here’ icon? At least know what you're talking about lady.

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Splatoon has been hacked to make an Octoling a playable character.


Splatoon - Playable Octoling!





Splatoon update 1.3.0 coming on July 1st.


Splatoon version 1.3.0 releasing next week


A new update for Splatoon is releasing next week, Nintendo has announced. The game will be brought up to version 1.3.0.


Splatoon’s latest update makes improvements and changes to the Splatfest, weapons, and gear.


Splatfest Amendments


– If it takes too long to find another team, you can fight the same team again.

* Even if playing against the same team, Splatfest Points can still be earned.

* Only the opposing team’s results will be counted at the conclusion of a Splatfest battle.

– If you begin the software before the Splatfest start time, an adjustment will be made where you may be able to begin 5 minutes before the start time (from the start time, you can participate in all areas).

* The purpose of this is to reduce congestion that would occur immediately following the start.

– The number of Super Sea Snail increases when you acquire the “Charisma” and “Eternity” titles when the team that voted loses.


Special Weapon Adjustments


– Inkstrike: When used, the mark that shows the impact zone has been greatly changed.

– Kraken: If attacked in the middle of using this, they will be repelled stronger than before.


Gear Power Adjustments


– Ninja Squid: The speed of the squid dash has been made slower than before.

– Stealth Jump: The time taken to charge has been made longer.

– Ink Resistance: The negative effects of movement and damage that enemy ink has on you when walked on has been reduced.




– Various game content has been fixed to better customer experience.




Splatoon version 1.3.0 is coming to Japan on July 1. It’s probable that the patch will be releasing on the evening of June 30 in North America.


Note that in order to battle others online, you’ll need to have this latest version of Splatoon installed.






Discussion - Splatoon's Splatfest



Edited by Wii
Automerged Doublepost
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Playable Octolings are totally on my list, so hopefully we get them before long.


Other changes seem reasonable. Glad they're adjusting the balance and making sure Splatfest runs well for everyone.

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What is Splatfest :D?


I believe you choose a side of a two-option debate(so in EU case it's rock or pop) - then you play as normal, teamed with people with the same choice as yourself.

Then after the SplatFest period is up - they look at which faction had the most wins over the whole region - and it's declared the winner!

It's not something brand new, they've done similar in Sm4sh and it kinda reminds me of the Wii's everybody votes channel, but yeah...it's just a little something to spice things up a bit I guess. (also I may be wrong as I haven't read into it, I'm assuming that's the general gist of it all).


Splatoon update 1.3.0 coming on July 1st.


How interesting to see! I wondered if we'd start getting tweaks and rebalances - can't say I'm happy with all of them but can definitely see the point of some.


Two new weapons tomorrow



Given I've only got access to the two rollers with the same stats but diff supports, I'm happy to see another in the mix to try! Hopefully they'll do me a new Inkbrush soon though. We're just not getting as much variety as people seem to be with the guns!!

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Balance Patch on the 1st June


  • Increased the amount of knockback Kraken suffers when it is being shot at. It will now be similar to the knockback effect Bubbler has.
  • Inkstrike's landing area no longer affects the amount of ground it paints (more of a bug fix)
  • Ink Resistance Up: Reduced the effectiveness of Ink Resistance Up, with regard to both movement speed penalty and damage taken while in enemy ink (=results in slower movement and more damage taken in enemy ink).
  • Stealth Jump: Increased the time it takes to perform a Super Jump
  • Ninja Squid: Increased the swim speed penalty (=results in slower swim speed).

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After playing this game for a "few" days and after improving a bit, I have to say that I think that voice chat wouldn't be of any use in regular battles, or not any real use.


Just to make clear, I am not against it as people can chat, I can switch it off and it could maybe help in some situations, but these situations can be handled without it.


Now to explain my opinion. This game is to fast, to short and to dynamic to be able to make any tactics with your team. Everything you decide at certain point can make no sense in few seconds if someone uses ink strike and kills some of your team members and takes that territory, as you have to take it back. Because of the dynamics you have to make choices dependent on the situation, but because the games are short you can't discuss it, you just have to do follow your plan and trying to help your team during that period.


Also, people can have score points without having to fight anyone.


Teams can't make tactics in which they would have someone to protect certain territory as firstly he can be killed with the special weapon, but what is more important you loose one man/woman where you can't really compensate for it.


As I said, it is just to fast and tactics have to be made individually and have to be executed promptly, otherwise it becomes to late and you have to make another one.


When it comes to ranked battles it's different there, as the goal is different and chat would actually help a lot.


Btw. the only thing which make me a bit upset is how some people use ink strike.... Actually, you have to say they misuse it.

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I'd completely disagree @Kounan, the more I play it the more I see the need for voice chat. It's not too fast paced and that the games are short doesn't mean that you can't have tactics.


Even something as little as quick call-outs help. When I was playing with @Zechs Merquise the other day I spotted a roller drop down from a higher platform and go for Zechs, I just said "roller behind you Zechs" and he quiclly turned around and dispatched the roller.

Another time I'm pushing my way down a flank on one of the maps and got taken out by two of the opposition. I simply said two coming on the left flank and Zechs turned, whipped out his bubbler and killed them both, stopping their push forward.


Having gamed with Zechs all throughout the CoD days, we know how to work well together which helps us communicate but also, it's the forward planning prior to matches even starting that is most important, so that you can make little adjustments on the fly with simple call-outs like we do.

Edited by Kav
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These are little things that don't do much in regular battles. Who ever played with me tonight could see how many points I managed to get (only time I got a bit less was when I had connection problems and I had to look after my daughter all the times, as she was sleeping on the couch and there was danger of falling down, while I don't play that much - almost all of you are higher levels compared to me - and I am not that good actually as I am almost at the bottom when it comes to kills as I am not used to these kind of controls for shooters) because I've chosen another approach which brings more points to me and my team.


The things you have mentioned have nothing to with tactics.


It's nice to help someone that way, but this game in regular mode shouldn't be played with people grouping together, as the point is to color as much ground as possible. Kills don't count. So to win you should spread as much as possible and cover everything that is not covered and in these situations you can't see what's going on, unless you look at the pad and then if you have some good special weapon you can use it to help your teammates.


As I said I am not against VC at all, it can help a bit, but in my opinion it's not important at all to win the game (it doesn't matter how good you and your friend work together if I go on the other side of the map and am collecting points for my team, you just have to split up). Also, the VC would be fun if it's only switch on between friends.


Ranked battles are the ones were VC should be a must and I don't have to explain why.

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Again, I think you're wrong. If a team is colouring the map and coordinating together, these things do help.


When I died in my example I gave, if I hadn't told Zechs he might not have known immediately and then two people would have got behind our lines and started colouring in our territory.

Yet I told Zechs I died and where the threat was and he stopped their advance and made them respawn, which in turn allows us to gain even more territory because there are fewer of the opposition in the battlefield... it's as plain as day that it works.


Killing doesn't count towards points but if you kill the entire team then you have free reign whilst they respawn so you can advance even further down the map, pushing the enemy back and reducing their territory. Killing is very important still.


Come the august update when you can party up and search games as a team you'll see how tactics come into play if you game with us.

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My problem with voice chat in Splatoon is that I don't think people SHOULD be coordinating in that way. It's just too unfair to the people who don't or can't use voice chat, like me. :(


Of course, friends who really want to voice chat will find a way regardless, but having an in-game option would most likely make the game near unplayable for me.


(The Carbon Roller is one of the worst weapons in the game, by the way. :cry:)

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I think the lack of co-ordination helps keep the game fluid. There have been a couple of maps where I can see, with the right set up a team can lock down the opposing team. It already happens on occassions, but the fact that the teams can't communicate means that there is always a chance that a locked down team member will break through the line and their team mates be able to quick jump to the middle of the map and launch a counter attack. All the maps have a loose lock down possibility, but it requires a team to co-ordinate well to achieve it.

Lack of voice chat brings a sort of chaos in to the mix, keeping things unpredictable. And it also feels a lot cooler to me when even without face chat there almost seems to be an understanding with your team.. sometimes they are clueless/wrong team for you, others everything clicks and it is awesome!


Having said all that, I think it would really be neat if they have voice chat in the friends only zones. They could maybe have comms blackout powerups (maybe those satelite things could double up as jammers) and also the further from your base you are the "weaker" your comms signal becomes, so communication gets harder (to discourage pinning the opposing team into their base).


I do suspect that voice chat will more likely be in spla2n though. Maybe the lack of voice chat was just a ploy by the team to allow a green light for the next game from the higher ups: "yeah, voice chat is included this time, see, it's a brand new feature that pushes the game to the next level!"

Edited by Pestneb
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Balance Patch on the 1st June


  • Increased the amount of knockback Kraken suffers when it is being shot at. It will now be similar to the knockback effect Bubbler has.
  • Inkstrike's landing area no longer affects the amount of ground it paints (more of a bug fix)
  • Ink Resistance Up: Reduced the effectiveness of Ink Resistance Up, with regard to both movement speed penalty and damage taken while in enemy ink (=results in slower movement and more damage taken in enemy ink).
  • Stealth Jump: Increased the time it takes to perform a Super Jump
  • Ninja Squid: Increased the swim speed penalty (=results in slower swim speed).


Really don't think I could wait a whole 'nother year for such a patch ;)


(also Wii posted about it a bit earlier)


Whilst I don't like the Ninja Squid and Stealth Jump nerfs, I think the Ink Resistance is a fair tweak atm. I'd say the same for the Kraken, but I don't use that so I dunno if it's really fair or not.

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