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A new map already? Outstanding! :D


I think it's not that Nintendo haven't finished a load of stuff, but because they have an insane release plan for it. There are two more finished multiplayer maps in the single-player (even the Miiverse stuff works in them).


They seem to be treating casual players as idiots, giving them time to get used to different aspects of the game. The two maps per rotation and delaying ranked battles seem to be a cause of this plan, as well as holding back finished maps before adding them into rotation later.


I'm curious if this will even need an update. It seems like something they can easily do server-side.

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when you are in the lobby, the stages area seems to have space for a third stage, I guess while they have so few stages they just decided to do all they can so that they seem to "stay fresh" a bit longer. Stops people learning just one stage and living on it and becoming pro at just that one stage.

I know personally I would have a strong preference towards a couple of stages, so this forces me out of my comfort zone occasionally, and I find myself playing with different strategies

Edited by Pestneb
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Do we need one so soon :) I'd almost prefer them to release something new each week. Every friday to kick off the weekend. This weekend Splat Zones, next weekend a level, weekend after a level, weekend after a mode etc etc


Saying that I aint complaining :) Level looks great, and I can't wait to play splat zones!!!

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Splatoon is the fifth fastest-selling Wii U game in the UK, console’s biggest IP launch


Splatoon has become the fifth fastest-selling Wii U game in the UK, according to a report from Chart-Track.


The sales tracker also reported today that Nintendo’s new game is the biggest launch of a new IP on the console. Previously, ZombiU held the record.


Splatoon was the second best-selling game in the UK overall for the week ending May 30.





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haha, I find myself not looking at the map as often as I would like, I tend to only look at the map when I find myself in a sea of my own ink or I've just been splatted.


I think the best thing about this game is that there are a few bits which allow it to remain fluid. It's not perfect, by a long shot, but it's very very good.


So far I've found 1:30 was the quickest my team where able to pin the opponents down to the opposing team into their spawn point, and even from there, they were able to get one squid out into the open sea, from which point it was uphill again!


I can't wait till they've released all of the maps and modes.. although in equal measure I fear it... the game is too addictive as it is. "Just another 3 minute match". My measure for when to stop has been my fuzzy head when I drag myself away for unavoidable breaks, which is a very bad sign. For my own good I may need to trade this game in :D

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People really need to start looking at the map. The amount of times a stray guy has made it to my teams base is insane. I'm hammering on the To Me call and get nothing. Fools! Fools I tells ya!


If only there was some way to voice your frustrations.

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If only there was some way to voice your frustrations.


To be honest, I think this is the point of not having voice chat. Those clueless individuals are being protected from getting confusing instructions shouted at them, frustrations vented at them etc. I don't think those individuals would perform much better with voice chat, they'd just play less /not at all.


While it is annoying when you have a weaker player letting the side down, it works both ways, they give you those occasional games where you wipe the opposition. It also pushes you a lot harder when your team are failing, rather than communicating directly, you have to look to see if you can help them, or in the worse cases go lone wolf.


Having said that, I do hope that in friend matches they work out voice chat. Possibly create a new level above 20 where you can lose xp as well as gain it, you have to reach level 30 to unlock voice chat :D

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There's a point in the Plaza where you can clip through a wall (near the giant amiibo box) managed to pull it off earlier and went for a wander behind the scenes:

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Dat attention to detail. :awesome:


I believe that's what they call Nintendo Magic.

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Can't wait to get back on this tomorrow after a hectic weekend, the thought of a few hours with it tomorrow as kept me going!!


I'll stick with my roller til I got level 10 I reckon then start branching out. Need to sort out my gear too as so far I've just gone for what looked good, rather than what they actually did...:p

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Looks like Port Mackerel, The Zapper and Ranked Battle are open now!

Had a quick blast with the Zapper before work - looks good but I don't like the special of showing where everyone else is.


Yeah, I fired it up this morning before work as well. :D


I just went around the shops, buying all my equipment for the day and equipped everything so I'm ready when I get back in from work. I was tempted to try the new map out but figured I would like to keep my job. :)

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