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Ugggh, I can't wait for this. I was interested after the trailer, but not too sure. After watching all of the (and there was a lot :P) footage on Nintendo Treehouse yesterday I'm sold. I really want it, like now. It's a shame we have to wait until 2015!


And yeah, I don't know what it is about the style but I REALLY like it, I saw some people at the event got pins of the squids? Man, I'm jealous. Of all the E3's I've ever wanted to attend, I really wish I was at this one!


Also, I'm out of thanks but pretty much every post on this page needs one :P Especially for SMTV :bowdown:

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Hands on say everyone was shouting at each other to organise attacks and it was great, so hopefully Nintendo realise this, it is very very worrying.


To be honest, I wasn't blown away by the event reveal, I'm surprised at how excited people are, but can easily see why; is the treehouse footage available? I've been looking on youtube but can't find it, be nice to see more of it!

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Hands on say everyone was shouting at each other to organise attacks and it was great, so hopefully Nintendo realise this, it is very very worrying.


To be honest, I wasn't blown away by the event reveal, I'm surprised at how excited people are, but can easily see why; is the treehouse footage available? I've been looking on youtube but can't find it, be nice to see more of it!

Here's the first round of Treehouse footage, I only watched the second one mainly...


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They were talking to this with Reggie and they kept talking about how communication is important and how you need to talk to your team.


Voice chat must be in, but I wish they would actually say so.

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I haven't found out a great deal about the game just watched videos, so what is it that stops people just running around trying to paint as much of the level as they can within the time and ignoring fighting one another?


Well, shooting an enemy stops them from painting over your ink for a short amount of time. They also explode into your colour ink and covers more of the ground.

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After watching a few matches, I'm a bit concerned it may need something a little more than that. I'm not sure for how long primarily running around painting floors will be fun without a really competitive aspect too. But we'll see.

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I think killing people is also how you get superweapons.


In the current stream, they've revealed that you can select your main weapon, superweapon and possibly customise the look of your character.

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Hope to get it out in the first half of 2015.


They are thinking about making a single player mode (didn't say whether it would be a story/campaign) and other modes.


I get the feeling it wont have voice chat. Or at least the devs aren't using it.

They say primarily they just want you to focus on what you are doing. But that they plan on introducing 'some sort of communication feature'.

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I watched them playing this ( again ) on the Treehouse segment yesterday and I still have mixed feelings.


I was happy to see you can knock the gyro controls off. I can't be bothered with that pants.


My main issue ( you know what's coming ) is whether or not I will be able to communicate with my team. I'm not talking the GamePad mic either, I want proper headset support.

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I watched them playing this ( again ) on the Treehouse segment yesterday and I still have mixed feelings.


I was happy to see you can knock the gyro controls off. I can't be bothered with that pants.


My main issue ( you know what's coming ) is whether or not I will be able to communicate with my team. I'm not talking the GamePad mic either, I want proper headset support.


This. This is my only issue. If it doesn't gave full voice-chat this game suddenly becomes a meh game to me!

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I was happy to see you can knock the gyro controls off. I can't be bothered with that pants.


My main issue ( you know what's coming ) is whether or not I will be able to communicate with my team. I'm not talking the GamePad mic either, I want proper headset support.

Can you? I thought I just heard them say you can't turn gyro aiming off?... maybe they said you wouldn't want to turn it off.


Also it sounds like it doesn't have voice chat, but just some sort of in game communication at this stage.

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Can you? I thought I just heard them say you can't turn gyro aiming off?... maybe they said you wouldn't want to turn it off.


Also it sounds like it doesn't have voice chat, but just some sort of in game communication at this stage.


Yeah, dude was playing it yesterday but the gyro controls weren't switched on so he asked the developer if he could turn them on mid game, which he then did.

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I think it's a brilliant concept, all I want from it are two things...


Pro Controller support - as in I want to be player 1 with the pro controller, only using the gamepad when necessary.

Headset support - because... it's basically a TPPS - Third Person Paint Shooter - so it requires communication.


Aside from this, I'm sold! : peace:

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Yeah, if it doesn't have voice chat then it's not going to be so much fun. Shame. It still has potential, they could flesh it out with several modes, single player etc, it could be great. I'm happy to be aware of it's existence but with low expectations, it'll make the wait easy and who knows, I may yet be pleasantly surprised.

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I was happy to see you can knock the gyro controls off. I can't be bothered with that pants.


It sounds similar to the one in Uncharted: Golden Abyss, where the gyro controls aid the regular controls. It actually works very well in that.

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My main issue ( you know what's coming ) is whether or not I will be able to communicate with my team. I'm not talking the GamePad mic either, I want proper headset support.


Don't headsets just work with the wii u through the gamepad though?

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Don't headsets just work with the wii u through the gamepad though?


Doesn't seem to work like that with Mario Kart. You put your headset in and you get the audio through it but it doesn't use the mic. It still uses the mic on the GamePad so you pick everything up and everyone sounds like are using Wii Speak again.

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Doesn't seem to work like that with Mario Kart. You put your headset in and you get the audio through it but it doesn't use the mic. It still uses the mic on the GamePad so you pick everything up and everyone sounds like are using Wii Speak again.


Wow. That sounds like it sucks major balls - is that with an official headset? I bought an official one time ago when Currys had them for a tenner or something, but I've yet to actually use the thing lol.

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Wow. That sounds like it sucks major balls - is that with an official headset? I bought an official one time ago when Currys had them for a tenner or something, but I've yet to actually use the thing lol.


Yeah. I got it for CoD and Monster Hunter and given how few other titles are online or don't support chat I imagine it will be gathering dust for some time.

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So this game does look good, but it needs so many more modes, unless it's a free to play game, or part of another collection.... It also needs voice chat, and this i something I never clamour for, but you need to talk to each other. What's TERRIFYING is that you can see the dpad has basic instructions like in Luigis Mansion, HELP, or come here or whatever... It isn't going to have it...


What I want to know, why do game sites and mags never question them? Why does someone not ask, why are you so scared of voice chat?! Games have it, it's not a problem, you can have options to turn it off... What are they so scared of?! They had friend codes for unbelievably stupid reasons that never EVER made sense, no one really quizzed them on it, now they don't have friend code and oh look, nothing's different...


This game looks amazing. I want its potential to be fulfilled!!

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So this game does look good, but it needs so many more modes, unless it's a free to play game, or part of another collection.... It also needs voice chat, and this i something I never clamour for, but you need to talk to each other. What's TERRIFYING is that you can see the dpad has basic instructions like in Luigis Mansion, HELP, or come here or whatever... It isn't going to have it...


What I want to know, why do game sites and mags never question them? Why does someone not ask, why are you so scared of voice chat?! Games have it, it's not a problem, you can have options to turn it off... What are they so scared of?! They had friend codes for unbelievably stupid reasons that never EVER made sense, no one really quizzed them on it, now they don't have friend code and oh look, nothing's different...


This game looks amazing. I want its potential to be fulfilled!!

IGN put it to them at 4:10 in the video above. They completely skirt around it, and basically say that yeah basically stop short of saying it will be d-pad communication.


He should follow the question up and say... 'why not?!'

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