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Yesterday sleeping were kings, today a lot of weaker sleeping teams emerged from their slumber! I also came across several eating v eating matches, which encouraged me that we might have an edge in overall votes (A margin of 26 is quite handy!)


44 56 would have still been a win for eating as it turns out, so pretty happy with my team choices so far!


Another 24 sea snails and all my clothing will be 2 slot equipped and I will only need to worry about getting my final slots! But.. I am running out of things to achieve in this game :/ August update can't be too far away though :)

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Splatfest results are in:


Good thing so many of us went for eating, made it nearly impossible for team sleep to win.. they needed an extra 5% wins to tip the scales in their favour. I think the morning batch of sleepers is what helped team eat.. team sleep just wanted to go back to bed! :P

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Chances are it may just throw you into the non-Splatfest pool of players since they don't really overlap


Turns out it was as @Pestneb supposed; I had to vote or just couldn't play.


I feel a bit gutted that the votes can swing the game so much - doesn't inspire me to play so much next time(and I was definitely winning more games than losing). Next Splatfest I'll probably just vote and make it to Charismatic then leave it there. Tbh if there's a SplatFest next month I don't think I'll even be able to play in it anyway.

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I think it depends on how strong your teams are. The first night team eat were abysmal, it was a real slog even getting to "super".

In the morning it felt a lot more even, in fact once I found a good team I got a nice run of wins. That had a two fold effect...

1) I thought my team had a chance in hell of winning

2) Going up the rank was no where near as much work.


Overall looking at the results I think team sleep would have been more fun/easier to get to eternal rank.


I'd be interested to see the sea snails won by each team though, I know it doesn't really matter, but if sleepers all got eternal while eaters only got super...


If they add something more unique to sea snails buying roster that could be cool. Say 50 sea snails can buy a third arena in each rotation. Half the splatoon populace have free access to map A and B, the other half to C and A, while people who buy the third slot get access to A, B and C.

To clarify it would annoy me if they do that, but it's just an example my tired brain could come up with of something a bit more unique to actually make those sea snails worth that much more (not that I'm turning my nose up at essentially 720000p)

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Next Splatfest I'll probably just vote and make it to Charismatic then leave it there. Tbh if there's a SplatFest next month I don't think I'll even be able to play in it anyway.

That's what I've done both times so far and got 32 snails for my efforts.


How long does it actually take people to get eternal? I got frustrated getting to charismatic with some of the team mates I was given!


I don't really get why the vote split is used at all? Surely it should be on team performance? I can't complain how it worked out though :D

Do we know what they do with results from same team matches?

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Same team matches work towards your personal ranking but not towards the eventual result.


The current system is like a weighted vote... your vote counts more strongly depending on how competent those who voted the same way are.


So this time round it eaters were generally less competent, but so many agreed eating > sleeping that the competence of the sleepers wasn't enough to overturn the overwhelming eating vote.


that's how I see it.


I mean.. I love a good sleep, but as I see it, I only appreciate sleep by how I feel after it and if I was very tired, by the lack of tiredness.

With eating... I lose the feeling of hunger, I have the feeling of a sated appetite, so equal to sleeping so far... but I also get the enjoyment of eating tasty food.


So in summary, I think the right team won :P

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That's what I've done both times so far and got 32 snails for my efforts.


How long does it actually take people to get eternal? I got frustrated getting to charismatic with some of the team mates I was given!


I don't really get why the vote split is used at all? Surely it should be on team performance? I can't complain how it worked out though :D

Do we know what they do with results from same team matches?


For me, on a rough working;


Another issue for me is the final boundary - if you consider it took me 43 minutes to get...37 points(winning the majority of my matches, thankfully) then for that to be 99 at the same rate you're looking at like almost 2 hours just to get that final level/boundary.


That's winning the majority of my matches. Also assuming I always get at least 400p a match for the 2 points. It's just too big a boundary for a 24 hours festival on a weekend imo. All that time/work and all I got was...18 shells was it? I'm at 23(call it 28 if I had the time to put in on the first) for my two splatfests combined WITH one eternal ranking and you're on 32!

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Indeed :D


On another note, I completed the single player last night:

I think it was overall fairly enjoyable, but it was very samey. I had more trouble finding some levels than completing them.

The final boss was decent; nice use of something I won't say. Definitely more challenging.


Do the amiibo's allow you to do the complete single player with different weapons?

Maybe using more weapons would have made it less repetitive?

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Yeah, the vote is too powerful, I think it should be 3 x for the actual match results.


Even that wouldn't have made much difference on the actual match results in this sitch(144+63=207 vs 156+37=203) BUT if they left it as it is and halved the vote we'd have 96+31.5=127.5 vs 104+18.5=122.5 unless I'm mistaken - yes it's still in favour of Team Eat but it's a much much closer competition with the actual battle results carrying much more weight.


Though really I think that just voting should count for barely anything at all - you're already disadvantaged by having a smaller pool of people for your side!

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2 hours seems quicker than I took for charismatic???


I had some games though where I'd finish with 1200p then end up with like 20% of the map??

The rest of my team may have just been watching me???


I really had to grind for charismatic apart from one small spell :(

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Even that wouldn't have made much difference on the actual match results in this sitch(144+63=207 vs 156+37=203) BUT if they left it as it is and halved the vote we'd have 96+31.5=127.5 vs 104+18.5=122.5 unless I'm mistaken - yes it's still in favour of Team Eat but it's a much much closer competition with the actual battle results carrying much more weight.


Though really I think that just voting should count for barely anything at all - you're already disadvantaged by having a smaller pool of people for your side!


Erm... my way was 4 points, yours was 5 :)


I don't mind the popular vote winning occasionally, but it shouldn't have to be a mission for the least popular to win!

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Even that wouldn't have made much difference on the actual match results in this sitch(144+63=207 vs 156+37=193) BUT if they left it as it is and halved the vote we'd have 96+31.5=127.5 vs 104+18.5=122.5 unless I'm mistaken - yes it's still in favour of Team Eat but it's a much much closer competition with the actual battle results carrying much more weight.


Though really I think that just voting should count for barely anything at all - you're already disadvantaged by having a smaller pool of people for your side!


multiple wins by 3:

Eat: 207


Still requires 3% swing to change the result


half vote:

31+96 = 127

18+104 = 122

Still requires a 2% swing to change the result.


the rules are the rules... you can wriggle to try and get your team to win, but next splatfest those rules are likely to make your then team lose.


if the votes are a lot closer then competence comes into play, so things can still be swayed.

In the US roller coasters only got 46% of the vote, with 53% wins roller coaster stole the win:152 against 148.

56% win rate is a big ask and is yet to be accomplished (although 55% has been), but if team sleep had managed that (and it did look like they could at the start of the splatfest) they would have won.


but overall, next time I would suggest you just stick with the popular kids :heh:

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2 hours seems quicker than I took for charismatic???


I had some games though where I'd finish with 1200p then end up with like 20% of the map??

The rest of my team may have just been watching me???


I really had to grind for charismatic apart from one small spell :(


I was on constant, no breaks, and also getting a majority of wins. Win+400p=5 points vs 2 points for a loss with 400p. Given the time nature of things, that 5/3 point difference can really matter. The matchmaking is long in splatfests so far, so call a 'match' 4 minutes long at best - call that 15 matches an hour and you're looking at a minimum of 30 vs a maximum of 75.


Erm... my way was 4 points, yours was 5 :)


I don't mind the popular vote winning occasionally, but it shouldn't have to be a mission for the least popular to win!


Aaaaand....this is why you should always check your sources. Your way was actually 207 vs 193, I added an extra 10 to the second when I posted somehow.

Edited by Rummy
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Erm... my way was 4 points, yours was 5 :)


I don't mind the popular vote winning occasionally, but it shouldn't have to be a mission for the least popular to win!


with corrected maths your way is 14, his 15 ;) but the % swing isn't that different either way, so long as the results stay within 10/20% of 50% your method won't have a huge effect, it will only pay dividends when numbers approach 90/10% splits


And the way votes tend to work, the most popular vote should tend to be the winning one ;)

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How long does it actually take people to get eternal? I got frustrated getting to charismatic with some of the team mates I was given!


It took me 2 hours and 19 minutes to get 135 points. I think it took just over an hour before that. I won the vast majority of matches and got +30.5 on the "On Fire" thing.


I think I must have ended up getting all the bad Team Sleep players.

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@Rummy have you given the new brush a run-out? If so, what did you think of it?


I gave it a blast over the weekend and quite liked it. It's not quite as good for coverage but it's probably more deadly on the splat. I did find I'd need two items of clothing with the main perk as Ink Saver Main though.

Edited by Kav
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OK, I really feel like I have to step in. I know I don't like the game that much, but this really needs to be said...


Even that wouldn't have made much difference on the actual match results in this sitch(144+63=207 vs 156+37=203) BUT if they left it as it is and halved the vote we'd have 96+31.5=127.5 vs 104+18.5=122.5 unless I'm mistaken - yes it's still in favour of Team Eat but it's a much much closer competition with the actual battle results carrying much more weight.


if the votes are a lot closer then competence comes into play, so things can still be swayed.

In the US roller coasters only got 46% of the vote, with 53% wins roller coaster stole the win:152 against 148.

56% win rate is a big ask and is yet to be accomplished (although 55% has been), but if team sleep had managed that (and it did look like they could at the start of the splatfest) they would have won.


with corrected maths your way is 14, his 15 ;) but the % swing isn't that different either way, so long as the results stay within 10/20% of 50% your method won't have a huge effect, it will only pay dividends when numbers approach 90/10% splits


It took me 2 hours and 19 minutes to get 135 points. I think it took just over an hour before that. I won the vast majority of matches and got +30.5 on the "On Fire" thing.




Have you actually looked back on the last bunch of posts?

You are talking about a family-friendly team-based shooter. I feel like I walked into an accountant's meeting and it's absolutely hilarious!

Now I know how people feel when I try to explain how Effort Values in Pokemon work.

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with corrected maths your way is 14, his 15 ;) but the % swing isn't that different either way, so long as the results stay within 10/20% of 50% your method won't have a huge effect, it will only pay dividends when numbers approach 90/10% splits


And the way votes tend to work, the most popular vote should tend to be the winning one ;)


I gave @Rummy too much credit and presumed his maths would've been correct :)

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@Rummy have you given the new brush a run-out? If so, what did you think of it?


I gave it a blast over the weekend and quite liked it. It's not quite as good for coverage but it's probably more deadly on the splat. I did find I'd need two items of clothing with the main perk as Ink Saver Main though.


Ever so briefly in the morning - due to the Splatfest I didn't wanna play too much and haven't really had time to do so since; I did feel it was a bit too ink heavy though. I might try and take it for a bit of a spin next time I'm on(got splatted good by some brushers yesterday) but I'm super busy this week - will let you know what I think after I've tried it more!

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