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Dude, take the blinkers off. Of course the game is unfinished, at least in terms of modes and maps. How many online shooters launch with just 5 maps and 2 modes? It's a stupidly low amount and if anything is ridiculos it's the defending of the game launching in this so what barren state.

I believe you'll actually be pleasantly surprised at the amount of content in the game by Friday. Sure, it has 5 maps and "2" modes, but there's a craptonne of content from what I have been given to understand.

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I played one game last night and was disappointed when the servers went down.


However, I really enjoyed the game I played! It feels totally different to other online shooters I've played.


There's the feeling that you can be useful even without being a killing machine. I died once and got two kills, and taking someone out is satisfying, but I actually found just painting and supporting others was satisfying too.


Most crucially - the game controls really well, it's 60 fps (as any shooter worth its salt should be these days) and is silky smooth. What's more, the motion controls are PERFECT. Broad sweeping movements are done with the sticks and careful precise aiming with slight readjustments of the pad. It feels great and allows for great accuracy.


I am really looking forward to it, and I found the controls, setting, colours and focus to be fresh and fun.


As you can pick this up for £25 or less already, it's a no brainer to give it a try, especially as there's so much more content coming over the first 3 months of release.

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I believe you'll actually be pleasantly surprised at the amount of content in the game by Friday. Sure, it has 5 maps and "2" modes, but there's a craptonne of content from what I have been given to understand.


Depends if I even keep my preorder. I'm still back and forth on it. The guys I usually play online with have zero interest in buying the game and I'm not sure whether the game will hold my attention just playing with randoms. I want the banter while I play.

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I believe you'll actually be pleasantly surprised at the amount of content in the game by Friday. Sure, it has 5 maps and "2" modes, but there's a craptonne of content from what I have been given to understand.


What's with the quotation marks around the number 2? It's either got two modes or it hasn't....

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I don't tink it's quite fair to compare this so directly to online shooters. Mario kart isn't judge directly next to grand tourismo. It's a completely new thing, never been done before. And it isn't even in first person.


Let's judge it for what it has, not "online shooters have more than 5 maps and 2 modes". Well Splatoon won't have team death at h or free for all or whatever. It'll hace different modes, probably barely seen before or at least a completely new twist on it. Give them just a little slack.


They've clearly not got it ready in time. But need to release it, and trickling the content. It's a budget price (something which keeps getting missed in the comparison to other shooters), they've been 100% transparent about what is happening and how. Accept it, or don't. Repeating the same complaints with no new opinion, insight is getting a bit much.

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I have to disagree. It is an online shooter and as such will, and should be, compared to what else is on the market. I call it online shooter because I'm well aware it's not a FPS.


Yeah, the budget price is all well and good but I would rather it was an extra fiver and have every mode ready for launch.

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"they've been 100% transparent about what is happening and how."


To be fair telling people 3 weeks before the game releases that all the content won't be available on day 1 is not 100% transparent. Likewise ignoring to tell people what the situation with voice chat was for long wasn't transparent either.

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But Splatoon has an actual single player mode.




Speaking of the single player mode, I was listening to NVC this morning and the guys were saying that the enemy AI is pretty poor. It sounds like they are essentially just fodder. Luckily it seems these type of stages aren't in abundance.

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Speaking of the single player mode, I was listening to NVC this morning and the guys were saying that the enemy AI is pretty poor. It sounds like they are essentially just fodder. Luckily it seems these type of stages aren't in abundance.


But other than that were incredibly positive about and said this wasn't a huge deal as it isn't the focus.


As for comparing, I guess we simply don't agree. I just don't see it as a problem and will get a kick every time they release a new map/mode. Spreading it out will work for me. Not justifying it, but saying given the situation we're in, I'll like it. Like I said before, wish smash did that!


Whol cares. Come Thursday we'll be playing and have some genuine opinions.

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But other than that were incredibly positive about and said this wasn't a huge deal as it isn't the focus.


Whol cares. Come Thursday we'll be playing and have some genuine opinions.


Well, apart from the voice chat debate coming up again.


As for who cares, I would argue quite a few on here do, hence why people are either on the fence or flat out aren't buying it.

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Not that there shouldn't be complaints about stuff, but it is a shame that more people can't just appreciate Splatoon for what it is. :blank:


I personally can't wait to get my hands on this game! Even though the single-player campaign is supposedly quite short, and the online multiplayer somewhat limited at launch, there's no denying the quality of everything else... The style is great, the visuals and music absurdly good, and it offers some really unique/multifaceted gameplay which is incredibly fun.

Even just for the content that'll be available at launch, it seems like a steal at 25 quid! :o

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Not that there shouldn't be complaints about stuff, but it is a shame that more people can't just appreciate Splatoon for what it is. :blank:


Had this been the first online shooter ever released it would have been fine. As it stands, it's easy to compare and see how thin things are in terms of maps and modes compared to other games.


I think most people who aren't happy with it are people who have played, and do play, lots of other online shooters. They are used to plenty of game types and a good selection of maps that cycle. Things like this keep the user base interested, which is vital for an online game of this type.


Time will tell if things work out for the game. Even if I don't end up buying it, it's gonna be interesting just sitting on the sidelines and watching how it all plays out.

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Had this been the first online shooter ever released it would have been fine. As it stands, it's easy to compare and see how thin things are in terms of maps and modes compared to other games.


I think most people who aren't happy with it are people who have played, and do play, lots of other online shooters. They are used to plenty of game types and a good selection of maps that cycle. Things like this keep the user base interested, which is vital for an online game of this type.

Yeah, but at the same time, the fact this isn't your typical shooter has to be taken into consideration.

I mean there's just so much going on in a single game of Splatoon (perhaps too much :hehe:) and it can be tackled in very different ways (going for splats, concentrating on ink coverage, defending turf, reclaiming turf, ambushing enemy inklings, assisting teammates...), I reckon that alone will keep the game fresh and the user base interested for quite some time.

But as you say, time will tell.

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Yeah, but at the same time, the fact this isn't your typical shooter has to be taken into consideration.

I mean there's just so much going on in a single game of Splatoon (perhaps too much :hehe:) and it can be tackled in very different ways (going for splats, concentrating on ink coverage, defending turf, reclaiming turf, ambushing enemy inklings, assisting teammates...), I reckon that alone will keep the game fresh and the user base interested for quite some time.

But as you say, time will tell.


The same could be said for a game on something like Battlefield, with 32 players ( or is it 20 odd? Can't remember ) using different classes, some using vehicles, some defending, others providing covering fire, others going for kills etc.


On a more positive note, I got around to watching the extended trailer and quite enjoyed it. I didn't find it as

cringe worthy as the shorter one and took it as the opening as a Saturday morning cartoon. It's quite catchy.


EDIT: From Gaf...





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Well, apart from the voice chat debate coming up again.


As for who cares, I would argue quite a few on here do, hence why people are either on the fence or flat out aren't buying it.


I meant more who cares about the debate, there are two clear sides to this, just meant in a few days we'll have it and can have a proper opinion rather than positive/negative based on what is or isn't there etc

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I meant more who cares about the debate, there are two clear sides to this, just meant in a few days we'll have it and can have a proper opinion rather than positive/negative based on what is or isn't there etc


Ah, agreed.


No point going round in circles. Some are happy with what's on offer, some are skeptical and some don't care about the game at all.


I'm a sucker for unlockables in games and this seems to have a bunch. Hopefully they can be done on and offline.

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Ah, agreed.


No point going round in circles. Some are happy with what's on offer, some are skeptical and some don't care about the game at all.


I'm a sucker for unlockables in games and this seems to have a bunch. Hopefully they can be done on and offline.


I think they're completely separate. To the gear unlocks for multiplayer via multiplayer, and upgrades via the single player.


Personally, I'm literally counting down the days. What I'm most concerned about though is there being only 2 courses it rotates through every 4 hours... Anyone understand the logic?


Also worried about being unable to change weapons post group selection...


So thursday? Who's on? Skype?

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Yeah, the map thing is a very weird decision. You only have 5 maps to play on and then they limit you even further by only have 2 in rotation every few hours.


The weapon selection is another concern. If you pick the wrong weapon type you are completely stuck with it during the course of your match. Having to back out to change is another pain. Peer on NVC doesn't seem to be a fan of this at all and has mentioned it a few times on the podcast now.

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So thursday? Who's on? Skype?


You keep saying Thursday. Are you getting it early? I've everything crossed that it arrives on Friday, probably won't.

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You keep saying Thursday. Are you getting it early? I've everything crossed that it arrives on Friday, probably won't.


So we can join friends in a group? Just it's random whether you're on the same team or not? I know matchmaking is in the August update but what's the story in between? Might just google the answer.


Yeah, you can play with friends straight away.


It's probably worth saving for a future bitch fest, but worried when friend match-making does come in you have to have four... Seriously hoping you can have 3 and a random join you but just can't see it....


Oh, as for Thursday. Don't we always get games early?

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