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Nintendo Explains Why You Can't Upload Mario Maker Creation Videos Directly To YouTube




Mario Kart 8's ability to upload replay videos directly to YouTube seemed like such a success that Nintendo would be sure to include the tool in all of its games. It was revealed earlier this week that Super Smash Bros. will receive YouTube uploading for its replays soon, and after watching and immensely enjoying the Super Mario Maker finals during the Nintendo World Championships, it seemed like a no-brainer to include the function for the upcoming creation-focused game.


Speaking with Super Mario Maker producer Takashi Tezuka and director Yosuke Oshino at E3, it was among my first questions. When asked about the ability to upload Super Mario Maker creation videos and replays to YouTube, Tezuka confirmed its absence and offered an explanation as to why.


We thought about having YouTube uploading, but it’s not in our game. The reason for that is other than just watching movies of courses, we’d rather players play them and experience them in that way.


Super Mario Maker will allow created level sharing among friends, an aspect of the game that was confirmed shortly after its unveil.


Super Mario Maker releases September 11 for Wii U.




I just don't believe anything they say anymore, biten too many times. Maybe they're pressed for time to incorporate the feature for launch. I wouldn't be surprised to see it patched in at a later date. I'm sure if the same was asked of Smash Bros. way back when they'd have had an excuse handy as well.


Super Mario Maker - Just Keep Running & Cap'n Big Dry Bones Gameplay (Direct Feed - E3 2015)



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Uploading to YouTube wouldn't stop anyone who was going to buy the game from buying it, however people who probably won't buy the game (like myself) might see some of these creations and think it looks like fun and want to try it out.


Really there's no reason not to allow videos to be uploaded.

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Yeah, what possible reason would there be to upload directly to youtube. It doesn't make sense for this game


Simple. Exposure.


You could argue that it would spoil the level for the viewer but that's up to the person to decided on whether to watch it or not. It's no different from using a FAQs or watching a walkthrough of a game.


YouTube is very powerful promoting tool, especially for the younger generation.

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Another stupid head in their shell decision! Why possibly allow gamers to upload videos of their creations and share them? After all, it would only generate further free publicity for the game, get people talking about the game and generate enthusiasm!


How on earth they make these decisions is beyond me!


And saying why would people buy the game if they can watch it being played on Youtube is nonsense. Not once have I watched a game being played through and never played it. As if, who are they kidding?

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I agree, but it doesn't fit the game.


Why doesn't it? People eon't watch hundreds and hundreds of videos, but watching a few could tempt so many people into the game, in the same way the NWC event sold the game to a lot of people. Surely you see this? Youtube uploads fits absolutely perfectly into this game!! It's mental!


People can still upload to YouTube, and the dedicated Let's Players most certainly will.


Not the same as me making a level, putting it on my youtube channel and telling my family and friends about the level!!

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Gorgeous box art



Not the same as me making a level, putting it on my youtube channel and telling my family and friends about the level!!


Nintendo don't want you to tell your friends and family about it, they want you to show them in person and have them play it for themselves. Not saying I agree with that principle.

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Gorgeous box art




Nintendo don't want you to tell your friends and family about it, they want you to show them in person and have them play it for themselves. Not saying I agree with that principle.


Well they're idiots if they expect that and need to realise it's 2015 not 1985.


I love how they're all about friends friends friends and not randoms online and such... yet on Splatoon they won't let us play half of the current game does with friends and packman for example you can't compare scores with friends on mission mode but only the whole world... They're so weird!

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Nintendo don't want word of mouth advertising?


Imagine if no one in a classroom owned a Wii U (actually a high probability :p), but then this kid comes in and says 'dudes, check out what I saw on youtube last night', whips his phone out, and the kids spend their entire lunchtime watching crazy Mario Maker levels... just as we did during the world championship.


Yes they might not pick up a Wii U from it, but it gets the Nintendo name out there to new audiences and generations. Quite frankly Nintendo need all the good publicity they can get right now going into their next console.

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Nintendo don't want word of mouth advertising?


Imagine if no one in a classroom owned a Wii U (actually a high probability :p), but then this kid comes in and says 'dudes, check out what I saw on youtube last night', whips his phone out, and the kids spend their entire lunchtime watching crazy Mario Maker levels... just as we did during the world championship.


Yes they might not pick up a Wii U from it, but it gets the Nintendo name out there to new audiences and generations. Quite frankly Nintendo need all the good publicity they can get right now going into their next console.


Nail and head for me right here. I can see their arguments against, but the reasons for just seems to outweight them. I can also see them being worried about content being watched/spoiled instead of experienced - but imagine getting a popular level(beyond the scope of the game ie on youtube too) - that buzz is gonna get through to others no? Who's going to make the next awesome level?


Ofc, there is also risk of saturation(bastard hard mario level hacks aren't new at all, and previously I've losted interest fairly quickly) so I can see it both ways. I just think the risk of this for some is much smaller than the potential of a wider audience.

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Ok so there are 51 Smash Bros. amiibo

55 counting DLC

56. Chibi Robo

57. Toad

58-60. Inklings

61-68 Animal Crossing


So that's scary.


Though some are unlocked in game apparently. This could mean that every amiibo has some use in it.

Edited by Serebii
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When you consider each skin also has sound effects and a level finish tune, that's awesome


It's a shame I'll only have 5 (I think) unlocked. At least you can play them in other people's levels.

It's going to be soul destroying, seeing the thing with gaps. Why'd they have to number them?


I'll wait for the cards that have the same functionality haha

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It's going to be soul destroying, seeing the thing with gaps. Why'd they have to number them?


I'll wait for the cards that have the same functionality haha


I can imagine that the Pokémon ones don't do anything, either.

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When you consider each skin also has sound effects and a level finish tune, that's awesome


It's a shame I'll only have 5 (I think) unlocked. At least you can play them in other people's levels.


Yeah this again is a nice amiibo touch and that's even better - you can 'benefit' from other people having them by playing their levels - if anything it's not really for yourself in this situation!


My only problem...my only two Amiibo are gonna be Tink and...wait for it...Mario -.-

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