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Super Mario Maker


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Am I the only one that's really disappointed they've included custom recordable sound effects? I can easily imagine the types of obnoxious, off-putting stuff we'll get in the community. I'm also frankly amazed Nintendo, being Nintendo, included it. It just seems like the last thing they'd put in a game, let alone a Mario game.

When uploaded the custom sounds don't go with it

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I expected that'd be the case given Nintendo are Nintendo as you say - it's a shame it can't be shared between friends with the sounds at least as tbh that's probably the better application for it(local will be amusing, I guess, but I feel we're increasingly moving away from local gameplay). I think the silly giant bomb usage is a great example of it though - simple yet amusing, not particularly offensive and no major deal really.

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Speak for yourself...

It absolutely shoots dead some of my more wacky ideas...

And all because people can't be sensible...


I just think it would ruin the community. Silly sound effects would be shoehorned into every other level just because people can. I'm not saying people like yourself and others wouldn't use it sensibly, but I do think it would open a huge can of worms.

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I'm still convinced that there are other styles hidden in there somewhere. Though maybe not easily obtainable else we'd know about it from those who don't understand embargoes




There's a very conspicuous gap there. They could have separated theme evenly, but they instead decided to have that gap. I tested and they can fit two more styles into that




So, if they ever do, my money is on the Super Mario All Stars look and the Super Mario Land 2 Look



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I'd still say there are only four styles. It would look a little strange if they were spaced out to fill the sidebar. You could also ask yourself why the eraser or robot are grouped at the top and not spaced out on the right hand side.


Having said that, if the game is very popular they could always introduce DLC with a couple of new styles. Super Mario Bros 2 would be incredible and something people would pay for I think, given the amount of new material it would involve.

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I just think it would ruin the community. Silly sound effects would be shoehorned into every other level just because people can. I'm not saying people like yourself and others wouldn't use it sensibly, but I do think it would open a huge can of worms.


Then at least let us share them directly with friends and take it away for random uploads. Nintendo treat us like idiots.


I genuinely wish they never added the feature, never expected it, it was a beautiful surprise. Then they smash it to pieces.

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I'm still convinced that there are other styles hidden in there somewhere. Though maybe not easily obtainable else we'd know about it from those who don't understand embargoes




There's a very conspicuous gap there. They could have separated theme evenly, but they instead decided to have that gap. I tested and they can fit two more styles into that




It reminds me of the spacing in Mario Kart 8 where there was pretty obviously space left for downloadable cups! I suspect something similar here :hehe:


While something like a Super Mario Land or Super Mario 2 theme would be cool, it wouldn't surprise me if they created some sort of Zelda theme or even Metroid. If they do stick with Mario games, though, would a Yoshi's Island theme be out of the question..? ::shrug:

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Wow, that's really impressive!!! :bowdown::bowdown:


Thanks! You'd never guess I was a primary school teacher, would you? ;)


It was fun coming up with the various punishments for getting a question wrong, not that you can really see much of it in the video.

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Is anyone reviewing this for N-Europe? I'm keen to hear some more thoughts/levels to keep my hype going for the next 2 weeks! :bouncy:


EDIT: Kotaku posted an article about some semi/automatic levels coming out of the game(one looks familiar) but rather I'd like to give a shout to another vid they posted too - an automatic SMW rom hack done with some rhythm aspects to it too. I'm still super excited for SMM, but this is a testament to the idea that's been around for a long time;

Edited by Rummy
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