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Just got my arse handed to me by Logarius.



Didn't do a heap load of damage either. Think my strategy for this was wrong. Need to get moar vials before I go again.


Ahhhh, I did MUCH better on the second run through. Died after getting him down to around a third of his health left.


How much does the Nightmare of Mensis area suck?


Brb, getting frenzied seconds after walking from the lamp

Brb, have to deviate slightly from the area that you want to go to just to get to the lamp, meaning you have to back track and get frenzied along the way

Brb, getting hit by creatures and can't attack them because they deal a shit load of damage, are quick and you're being frenzied

Brb, you run past them, get into the building and there's spiders, including a big one that can attack you through a wall

Brb, killed all the spiders, now face a hunter.


Massive letdown of an area after I just did Cainhurst Castle, which was probably the best area.


Edited by Fierce_LiNk
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Just got my arse handed to me by Logarius.



Didn't do a heap load of damage either. Think my strategy for this was wrong. Need to get moar vials before I go again.


Ahhhh, I did MUCH better on the second run through. Died after getting him down to around a third of his health left.


I struggled to beat him too - took my around 6 attempts before I finally did it yday. Bolt paper worked like a charm for me, that and sticking close to him, parrying when he goes for you and he was down before I knew it.


Defeated Rom last night and now onto Yahur'gul. Hating the regenerating enemies, having to kill the bell ringing woman to stop the respawning. Think I'm pretty close to the next boss (The One Reborn) so hopefully will get past him today!


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I struggled to beat him too - took my around 6 attempts before I finally did it yday. Bolt paper worked like a charm for me, that and sticking close to him, parrying when he goes for you and he was down before I knew it.


Defeated Rom last night and now onto Yahur'gul. Hating the regenerating enemies, having to kill the bell ringing woman to stop the respawning. Think I'm pretty close to the next boss (The One Reborn) so hopefully will get past him today!


It took me around the same amount of attempts to get him, too. In the end, I found visceral attacks was the way forward, not sure I could have done it without that.


Can anyone tell me how close I am to the end of the game, just so I know?


Currently at

Nightmare of Mensis.


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I'm at Upper Cathedral Ward. Only have a few bosses left (I've got the official game guide book thingy - it's awesome).


Already invested 50 hours into this game. Definite contender for my GOTY so far.


Glad to be coming to an end though - allows me to focus on upcoming launch of Witcher 3 :)

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Had a fight with logarius or whatever his name is. Wait, scratch that, had 5 fights with that bastard. First two times I fell off the roof, third fight I got him to a third of his Hp and he went apeshit, catching me in a combo. Fourth and fifth, I was so full of rage, I can't even remember.

Gonna have to call in some help for this one methinks.

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Had a fight with logarius or whatever his name is. Wait, scratch that, had 5 fights with that bastard. First two times I fell off the roof, third fight I got him to a third of his Hp and he went apeshit, catching me in a combo. Fourth and fifth, I was so full of rage, I can't even remember.

Gonna have to call in some help for this one methinks.


Probably one of the hardest encounters for me. Took almost 10 tries (some with co op who died on me). Came back to the boss after a few days break, whacked on some Bolt Paper and he was down! Use that, stay close to him and try to get as many parrys/visceral attacks in as you can.


I wish you luck!

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I had two solid attempts at Logarius before saying "fuck it" and calling in the co-op cavalry :p


My second time through this game has been much faster and more fun. I found weapons I love (going skill/bloodtinge and wielding the epic A-Rank BTG weapons Evelyn and Chikage) and I found loads of areas I missed altogether the first time (Iosefka's Clinic, Cainhurst, and a secret area I won't even name because teh spoils).


Such a good game, really need to put more time into chalices now!

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Now that everyone's had a solid amount of time with this - is Bloodborne as good as Demon's/Dark Souls, and how does the difficulty level compare?


Bloodborne in my opinion is the best game. With regards to difficulty, it seems harder to co-op so in some ways is harder. Bosses at face value may be somewhat easier but that's because they seem to be well designed to the point that there's less "random" bullshit going on; you're meant to learn their patterns very well and dodge/parry them properly (no shield shenanigans). The co-op in Bloodborne is less frequent as you must use insight to call people to you rather than you just happening to notice summoning signs on the floor to call people. Only maybe 1 or 2 NPC summons throughout the game too. There's no HP reduction effect like in Demon's Souls (soul form) but 'bonfires' mostly only occur after dispatching a boss (more like Demon's Souls and less like Dark Souls / 2 where 'secret' bonfires before bosses were superfluous).


However, the Chalice dungeons in Bloodborne are really rather hard. Genuinely the toughest gameplay the series has seen, and an awful lot of fun.

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Taking away random invasions and the markers on the floor for co-op is probably my least favourite aspect of the game compared to the Souls titles. Also whilst I love the level design, I don't think it's as varied as the Souls games (those had a lot more "weird" locations, huge dark caverns, muddy trenches, ghostly areas, flooded towns, Blighttown and similar surreal places, etc. etc.). The weapons also took a huge hit in variation in favour of making them much more specialised. That's not really a negative though, there's fewer options but they're more fun, more combos, and the trick secondary modes are just so cool. Covenants/guilds and items play a smaller part too.


Other than a few minor things I preferred before, I think it's a hugely refined title, maybe the best of the series so far. Even if I probably preferred the original Dark Souls just because it was all so new and unforgiving at the time, I can appreciate that this is the most accomplished title and the most enjoyable to play.

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Now that everyone's had a solid amount of time with this - is Bloodborne as good as Demon's/Dark Souls, and how does the difficulty level compare?


Next level shit. Way superior to Dark Souls, although I fount it quite a bit easier. The combat is substantially more reactive; you hatch a plan and are able to enact it immediately instead of waiting a half minute for your roll animation to finish, and are able to close distance between you and enemies a lot more quickly. Also enemy moves are telegraphed in pretty much the same way but take less time to wind up/ seem more natural in the span between initiation and landing, and in that way are easier to avoid, whereas with Dark Souls you it was more difficult to get a real estimation of when an enemy attack was going to land unless you'd seen it a few times before.


Also it's a lot more streamlined - you don't find yourself halfway through the game with an inventory full of useless sword hilts and five sets of baldur armour which helps give the sense that any loadout is a viable path to success in the game. There's much less needless and annoying obscurantism and cock eyed trollery and more just sublime world building/ mechanical perfection.

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I was enjoying Bloodborne until I got Dark Souls 2. Been playing the crap out of it and totally loving it, must be getting near the end now but still have the 3 DLC packs to get through.


If you like Bloodborne and haven't played Dark Souls 2 yet then get it too, its ridiculously good value for money.

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I preferred demon souls to dark souls. The lore resonated with me and I feel that the level design was superior.

But bloodborne blows them out of the water. It's a perfect example of streamlining to create a more consistent and well paced gaming experience.

And the lore is chilling. This game doesn't frighten, but more leaves a player with a very uncomfortable and unsettled feeling. I never feel safe.

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I'm not dissing Bloodborne (far from it) I'm just saying if you liked Bloodborne and haven't played Dark Souls 2 then I'd say it's well worth getting that too.


May give it a go later down the line - think I'll need a slightly easier/lighter game to enjoy after completing Bloodborne (which should be sometime this week) : peace:

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Think I'm at the end of the game.


I've defeated both Micolash and Mergo's Wet Nurse. Found Micolash to be a paaaain in the arse, particularly just finding him. The boss was easy. Found Mergo easy on the second go but died horrifically first time.





I used the beckoning bell for the final boss as I didn't use it all game. Felt great having someone else there to go through those final moments with.


Defeated Gehrman and then defeated the Moon Presence. The ending is a real what the fuck. :D



Overall, I'm glad I stuck with it. I put roughly 50 hours into it and haven't done the Chalice Dungeons and I swear that I missed loads of stuff.

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Congrats @Fierce_LiNk. Yourself and I have been roughly on the same pace since release :) I finished it yesterday and really loved the journey. Unfortunately I didn't realise you have to:

use the 3 Cords before going into the final fight to get the 3rd ending

but I'm not bothered. The level design is fantastic and I love how every little decision you make can cause countless different results down the line.


In the end I finished after about 57 hours at level 95. I'll probably do a NG+ run down the line, but right now I'm definitely a bit relieved to have the game over and done with!

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Congrats @Fierce_LiNk. Yourself and I have been roughly on the same pace since release :) I finished it yesterday and really loved the journey. Unfortunately I didn't realise you have to:
use the 3 Cords before going into the final fight to get the 3rd ending

but I'm not bothered. The level design is fantastic and I love how every little decision you make can cause countless different results down the line.


In the end I finished after about 57 hours at level 95. I'll probably do a NG+ run down the line, but right now I'm definitely a bit relieved to have the game over and done with!


Congratulations to you, too. We made it, brah!


I think I'll play something else for a while and may come back to this later on. I'm relieved to have got through it to the end, the same as you really.

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