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Super Mario 64 HD (Fan Made

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Will be watching this eagerly. Begs the question if this guy can do it why the hell can't Nintendo?!

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That looks pretty cool, aside from Mario looking like he was dunked in oil. In fairness though, Mario 64 was already somewhat remade for the DS. They might want to remake more important stuff first (*cough* Majora).


Here's hoping he doesn't get a C&D letter like CT Resurrection. That was a sad day.

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I really don't think this looks great. Obviously it's not the final product so I'm not being entirely fair, but I think if it continued like this it would be aesthetically worse to me despite the improved textures, lighting etc because it just doesn't mix very well.


I'll keep my eye on it too, but I can't see this going any where.

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Someone give this guy a devteam, because I'd LOVE to see SM64 in HD.


In fact, have Nintendo remake SM64 and Sunshine, put it on a single disc and call it "3D Mario ultimate HD collection", and the Wii U is saved. Okay, maybe not, but I'd buy it.

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Frankly, that looks downright terrible. The model of Mario doesn't look right with the lighting and the textures are completely wrong - the "photographic" look of them doesn't suit the style of the game at all.


A HD version of Super Mario 64 would have a much more cartoony look than that video.

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Mario's response to this...


Broadcast Yourself



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Props to this guy for taking it on. He does say the GFX don't represent the final aims he has. Putting in place the movement/physics etc. is more important as a starting point anyway.


For any Mario project I'd like to see areas like Peaches Castle or Bob-omb Battlefield - that would give a real insight into how good it would appear. I do think simpler textures would look better, suiting the cartoony focus more but found that in Super Mario 3D World, they totally nailed the style. A remake using the 3D World engine/style would be perfect.


When I was playing disney Infinity one of the first things I did in the toy box mode was make Peaches Castle as I wanted to see it in HD. The textures in the ToyBox also suit the style of SM64 too.




Alternatively, a Diorama looking game would be nice! :love:



See more HERE

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Very impressive. Looks like he's done a good job of replicating the original version's physics and animations :)

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Frankly, that looks downright terrible. The model of Mario doesn't look right with the lighting and the textures are completely wrong - the "photographic" look of them doesn't suit the style of the game at all.


A HD version of Super Mario 64 would have a much more cartoony look than that video.


Didn't you listen at all to what he said during the video?


And regarding cartoony... that depends on what you mean. To me, a remake should look like the boxart and promo graphics from that era:





That's a FAIRLY realistic style that I'd love to see Nintendo replicate in some game.

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People are inevitably going to compare it to current HD Mario and its ultra bloom cartoony look, even though everything looked different in Mario 64 to that. :p

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Didn't you listen at all to what he said during the video?


I wasn't aware that there was any talking in the video. It's obvious it wasn't final, but the textures (and the model he chose) still, to me, indicates the direction he wants to take the game.

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I'm surprised there isn't already a texture hack for Mario 64 since there are plenty for Zelda Ocarina of Time.

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Good luck to the guy doing it, but it still looks terrible!


After the glorious 3D World, any fan attempt was always going to look pretty sub-par.

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I'm surprised there isn't already a texture hack for Mario 64 since there are plenty for Zelda Ocarina of Time.


There are a few, like this one.

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There are a few, like this one.


To be fair, that texture pack adds very little to the aesthetics of the game. In fact SM64 is one of the few games on the N64 that has aged gracefully.

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There are other ones, but they all look rather silly.


Super Mario 64 with upgraded graphics based on Super Mario Galaxy's look would be spectacular.

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To be fair, that texture pack adds very little to the aesthetics of the game. In fact SM64 is one of the few games on the N64 that has aged gracefully.


I agree that textures alone don't add much.

But IMHO, the N64 receives way too much flak for poor graphics.

There of course are tons of games tht look awful today, such as the original Smash Bros, Wave Race 64 and Lylat Wars among others.

Games like Banjo Kazooie, Goldeneye and Roadsters 64 however impress me to this day.



As I've said before: I'm looking forward to seeing how this project evolves. I'm looking forward to Nintendo making an all-new, no-gimmicks, free-roaming 3D Mario game.

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I really liked 4J Studio's ports of Rare games. Banjo-Kazooie (and Tooie) and Perfect Dark looked great on the XBLA while still looking like an N64 game.


It's a shame they've been stuck porting Minecraft for so long.

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I don't understand the extent of the slating of "dem grafix", it doesn't look that bad. Sure the overworld textures are pretty basic but I think Mario looks alright.

They might want to remake more important stuff first (*cough* Majora).

Word is they're remaking Donkey Kong Country Returns for the Wii U next.

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Super Mario 64 HD Remake! - In Unity





Play it here! Requires the Unity webplayer plugin installed. Supports gamepads too!




The above page also contains the source code, as well as download a desktop version for PC, Mac, or Linux.


This is a project built in Unity 3D, a recreation of Mario 64's first level, Bob-Omb Battlefield. I originally built this to demonstrate the Super Character Controller, a custom character controller written for Unity, but I got a little carried away. The project is open source and can be downloaded by anybody and used for anything, outside of selling it. Mario, of course, belongs fully to Nintendo, and if you haven't had the chance to play Mario 64 I'd put it somewhere on your to do list. The game is available on the Nintendo 64, as well as the Wii's Virtual Console.

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