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Pokemon Wii U Rumour


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This argument is moot anyway, as the people who run the entire franchise have outright said on countless occasions that it is not happening. Even if Nintendo wanted it to, it's not their decision.


If the argument is moot in your eyes then can you please go away and leave us in peace to have a fun and light hearted speculative discussion instead?


Would you consider a NiNoKuni clone a main game or spin off? I'm thinking choose the best Anime series/movie and essentially create it into a game using the same style even battle system as NiNoKuni, hell have Level 5 partner up with gamefreak to create the greatest console RPG ever


but then i'd consider that a spin off by being story driven and not catch emall/gym/league based with a sort of story


I never finished NNK but I definitely thought of Pokemon fitting well into that sort of system on a home console. It'd be real nice if somehow it could take elements of Snap(which I've never played,though) into it too; the concept and things I read about that game sounded intriguing. I can't help but wonder what a mixup of the pokemon formula might do for a new, or an old and lost, audience.

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Bulbapedia :laughing:



just messing with you (really was hoping for a page of them and i could go Name 27)



Would you consider a NiNoKuni clone a main game or spin off? I'm thinking choose the best Anime series/movie and essentially create it into a game using the same style even battle system as NiNoKuni, hell have Level 5 partner up with gamefreak to create the greatest console RPG ever


but then i'd consider that a spin off by being story driven and not catch emall/gym/league based with a sort of story

I'd class it as a spin-off

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This argument is moot anyway, as the people who run the entire franchise have outright said on countless occasions that it is not happening. Even if Nintendo wanted it to, it's not their decision.


If its so moot, how do you explain Colisseum and XD? Those were clear attempts at a home console Pokemon adventure game, together with catching wild Pokemon (XD), leveling up and evolution. I'd say there is or was a desire, but the problem wasn't whether it 'works' or not, but their own flawed execution.


The Wii U pretty much has its 'handheld' now in the Gamepad, so you go lay on the couch and do your grinding on that if its too chumbersome to be done on the TV - its no different from the 3DS experience really.


Nintendo have the best console ever for an online Pokemon adventure, and desperately need a console seller... Its as clear as day for crying out loud.


If Nintendo fail to do something like this, and at a time like this - then I say they deserve to be peppered out of the industry. Lame.


Nintendo home consoles will lack the Grand Theft Autos and Street Fighters of this world, but when it lacks 1st party no brainers that the whole planet has been screaming for, you have to ask well whats the point?


Think we need to start some sort of campaign.

Edited by King_V
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Wii U may be "handheld "in that you can play it without the TV, but it is not handheld in the sense that you can take it out with you, which is the entire thing they're getting behind. Again, I quote


The series was built around the idea of trading Pokemon, trading these creatures, and everything we designed about the games was based on that concept. That trading aspect was also to promote communication between people, and really, you need the handheld to be able to go places in real life, meet people, easily trade and battle with them. I think that’s the reason we designed them on the handheld; it’s really important to Pokemon.


Also, again, Pokémon has very little to do with Nintendo. Nintendo don't make the decisions, they don't decide what game gets greenlit or for what console.


As for Colosseum/XD, I don't know as they never revealed why. However, if they found it a successful experiment, then they wouldn't have gone back to simple Battle Sim. It's also worth noting that Game Freak consider it a spin-off

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Also, again, Pokémon has very little to do with Nintendo. Nintendo don't make the decisions, they don't decide what game gets greenlit or for what console.


As for Colosseum/XD, I don't know as they never revealed why. However, if they found it a successful experiment, then they wouldn't have gone back to simple Battle Sim. It's also worth noting that Game Freak consider it a spin-off


Do you have any sources for that? I can't find anywhere that state that Game Freak own Pokémon, but there are many that state that Nintendo own Pokémon. Not to mention Game Freak seem to have little to do with the spin-offs (like Colosseum). The trademarks are also in Nintendo's name.


On top of that, Game Freak director Junichi Masuda has stated "Who knows what the future will hold, but definitely the best choice for Pokémon is the Nintendo 3DS." (interview), which heavily suggests that Game Freak don't have control over the franchise - they just develop the core games for Nintendo.

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Wii U may be "handheld "in that you can play it without the TV, but it is not handheld in the sense that you can take it out with you, which is the entire thing they're getting behind. Again, I quote




Also, again, Pokémon has very little to do with Nintendo. Nintendo don't make the decisions, they don't decide what game gets greenlit or for what console.


As for Colosseum/XD, I don't know as they never revealed why. However, if they found it a successful experiment, then they wouldn't have gone back to simple Battle Sim. It's also worth noting that Game Freak consider it a spin-off


My point with the GamePad is that a major part of your argument was the grinding, with you saying numerous times in the past that it will be tedious on a home console - well now we have the almost ill-fated Gamepad with a point to prove. Imagine some nice super training modes on the Gamepad.


Like Zechs said, I highly doubt anywhere outside of Japan today battles and trades are mostly performed 'on-the-go' when the internet makes things so much easier.


Maybe in 1995.

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Do you have any sources for that? I can't find anywhere that state that Game Freak own Pokémon, but there are many that state that Nintendo own Pokémon. Not to mention Game Freak seem to have little to do with the spin-offs (like Colosseum). The trademarks are also in Nintendo's name.


On top of that, Game Freak director Junichi Masuda has stated "Who knows what the future will hold, but definitely the best choice for Pokémon is the Nintendo 3DS." (interview), which heavily suggests that Game Freak don't have control over the franchise - they just develop the core games for Nintendo.

Are you actually being serious? I thought this was common knowledge.


The Pokémon franchise is co-owned by three companies. Game Freak, Creatures Inc. and Nintendo. Game Freak owns approx. 34%, while the other two own 33% each. (Technically, Creatures Inc. is owned by Nintendo, though)


The trademarks for the games, Pokémon, items etc. are registered by Game Freak, Creatures Inc. and Nintendo at the same time. In the west, however, localisation duties go to Nintendo of America which is why you may see them doing the trademark. However, in recent years, they typically just have The Pokémon Company deal with it. In regards to game releases, Nintendo is the publisher in all regions.


The Pokémon Company was set up by Game Freak, Creatures Inc., Nintendo and 4kids Entertainment (4Kids has since sold its stake to the other three) is responsible for dealing with licensing. The licensing is in regards to merchandise, but the head of The Pokémon Company is responsible for greenlighting all projects, including games. The recent Japanese television show, The Professionals, showcased this process. It showed Ishihara greenlighting Battle Trozei, and working with some developers of Genius Sonority on working out what to do with the top screen. It also showed the greenlighting and conceptual development of Great Detective Pikachu.


The Pokémon Company runs independantly of Nintendo, which is why it was able to put out things such as Pokédex for iOS

Nintendo of Japan strongly denied such chatter, citing that it doesn't outright own The Pokemon Company or the Pokemon franchise. Thus, The Pokemon Company was within its right to experiment like this.


Here's further details


Originally named "The Pokémon Center Company" and founded in 1998, The Pokémon Company was established through joint investment by the three businesses holding the copyright on Pokémon: Nintendo Co., Ltd., Creatures Inc., and GAME FREAK inc. The company name was changed to its present iteration in October 2000. Since that time, our business activities have grown and diversified into several distinct areas, maintaining a focus on our license management business.


My point with the GamePad is that a major part of your argument was the grinding, with you saying numerous times in the past that it will be tedious on a home console - well now we have the almost ill-fated Gamepad with a point to prove. Imagine some nice super training modes on the Gamepad.


Like Zechs said, I highly doubt anywhere outside of Japan today battles and trades are mostly performed 'on-the-go' when the internet makes things so much easier.


Maybe in 1995.

That wasn't part of my argument at all. My argument regarding handheld has always been the fact that Game Freak has said repeatedly that the idea of it is to take it with you.

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The Pokémon franchise is co-owned by three companies. Game Freak, Creatures Inc. and Nintendo. Game Freak owns approx. 34%, while the other two own 33% each. (Technically, Creatures Inc. is owned by Nintendo, though)


So if Nintendo own 33% (technically 66%), how do they have "little" to do with it?

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So if Nintendo own 33% (technically 66%), how do they have "little" to do with it?

They don't make the decisions. They don't make the calls. It is run by Game Freak with the spin-offs etc. dealt with and greenlit by The Pokémon Company. That's what I was saying.


Creautrs Inc. being owned by Nintendo isn't quite clear, anyway. We've had conflicting reports, it's not listed as a subsidiary so technically they don't own 66%

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I think the only thing standing in the way of actually seeing a full fledged Pokemon RPG on a home console will purely be down to the man power at Game Freak. They're struggling enough with 3DS development, there's no way they'd be able to keep up on a HD console front which Nintendo on the whole seems to be struggling with.


But I really don't buy any of this bullshit that Serebii is parroting, no offence to you Serebii. You're extremely close minded about the subject and you do have a bit of a history of full out attacking the out purely on the basis of "MUH TARGET MARKET", "MUH KEY FEATURES" or "MUH INTERVIEWS".


A Pokemon on a console can offer the same RPG experience as one on a handheld. So what it's not portable? Nintendo will have to think of a way to ditch those link cables and come up with some idea as to how to trade witho- oh wait, they got around to that in the fourth fucking generation! The two things a Pokemon on a home console can't do that a handheld version can? I can't take it with me every where and I can't take my console to a tournament. That's it.


And skipping onwards from the playability side of it, let's look at the market side of it.

Does the home console market have a direct competitor to Pokemon? No.

Does the home console market have any substitutes for Pokemon? No.

Does the home console market have any thing remotely Pokemon like? Kind of, but these franchises are one off titles.


The console market is completely wide open to the kind of RPG Pokemon offers. And it'll be completely exclusive to Nintendo. Pokemon is also one of those games that drives up adoption rates by an insane amount, and I really would be surprised if Nintendo themselves aren't extremely interested in making it happen, whether the idea is put into action by Game Freak, Genius Sonority or another developer.


Give Pokemon XD an over world with grass and remove the snag mechanic, and you're essentially half way to the point of a full fledged console Pokemon RPG. The only person who doesn't think this is viable or a good idea, hilariously, is Serebii.

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I think the only thing standing in the way of actually seeing a full fledged Pokemon RPG on a home console will purely be down to the man power at Game Freak. They're struggling enough with 3DS development, there's no way they'd be able to keep up on a HD console front which Nintendo on the whole seems to be struggling with.


But I really don't buy any of this bullshit that Serebii is parroting, no offence to you Serebii. You're extremely close minded about the subject and you do have a bit of a history of full out attacking the out purely on the basis of "MUH TARGET MARKET", "MUH KEY FEATURES" or "MUH INTERVIEWS".


A Pokemon on a console can offer the same RPG experience as one on a handheld. So what it's not portable? Nintendo will have to think of a way to ditch those link cables and come up with some idea as to how to trade witho- oh wait, they got around to that in the fourth fucking generation! The two things a Pokemon on a home console can't do that a handheld version can? I can't take it with me every where and I can't take my console to a tournament. That's it.


And skipping onwards from the playability side of it, let's look at the market side of it.

Does the home console market have a direct competitor to Pokemon? No.

Does the home console market have any substitutes for Pokemon? No.

Does the home console market have any thing remotely Pokemon like? Kind of, but these franchises are one off titles.


The console market is completely wide open to the kind of RPG Pokemon offers. And it'll be completely exclusive to Nintendo. Pokemon is also one of those games that drives up adoption rates by an insane amount, and I really would be surprised if Nintendo themselves aren't extremely interested in making it happen, whether the idea is put into action by Game Freak, Genius Sonority or another developer.


Give Pokemon XD an over world with grass and remove the snag mechanic, and you're essentially half way to the point of a full fledged console Pokemon RPG. The only person who doesn't think this is viable or a good idea, hilariously, is Serebii.

It's not "muh interviews", it's the directors of the bloody games saying it won't happen. Also, just because online exists doesn't mean that they are willing to scrap the real life social aspect that they are so for.


With a handheld, they can have both. With a home console, they can only have online. Why on earth would they go for the second option?

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With a handheld, they can have both. With a home console, they can only have online. Why on earth would they go for the second option?


Dude, are you purposely being an idiot? The only time this would ever be a problem is if they abandoned handheld for consoles, and not one fucking person is calling for it.


Retro_Link beat me to stating the obvious though, if you can't see the potential to make money here, you would be perfect for working for Nintendo.

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Dude, are you purposely being an idiot? The only time this would ever be a problem is if they abandoned handheld for consoles, and not one fucking person is calling for it.


Retro_Link beat me to stating the obvious though, if you can't see the potential to make money here, you would be perfect for working for Nintendo.

Any main Pokémon game NEEDS all social aspects. Lopping off one for a home console version with an increased budget would diminish the userbase and just be not worth it. I'm clearly not being an idiot for seeing the whole bloody picture here, rather than "Man, I want it. To hell with facts and logic"

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Any main Pokémon game NEEDS all social aspects.


I bet you a gazillion dollars that an announcement of a WiiU "main Pokémon game without all those social aspects that you say are mandatory" will fucking break down the internet and will jump start WiiU sales instantly.

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How does it 'diminish the userbase' when Game Freak would still be making handheld Pokemon games?


And to make it even easier, Level 5 could make the console games for example.

It would not be cost effective because it cuts out the portion of the audience that get Pokémon because of that. You guys don't see it because you're older, but that is still bit.


Game Freak have said it's the main ethos of Pokémon. As such, they would not do it. It's as simple as that.


Wii U will be relegated to Pokémon spin-offs only. You need to accept that else you're just going to get disappointment and this circular argument will go on forever.

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Any main Pokémon game NEEDS all social aspects. Lopping off one for a home console version with an increased budget would diminish the userbase and just be not worth it. I'm clearly not being an idiot for seeing the whole bloody picture here, rather than "Man, I want it. To hell with facts and logic"


What a bunch of horse shit, this "leading authority" thing has gone way too much to your head mate.


I really doubt that the hundreds of thousands of Pokemon fans that would be interested in a console Pokemon adventure are "ignoring" facts and logic. Logically, there is nothing stopping it from being made and enjoyed. And do you know why that is? Because the majority of us who want it also happen to buy Pokemon games and also happen to know what we like about Pokemon games. So surely, given the general consensus of taste here, we're going to want to see this happen.


But no skin off my nose if Nintendo don't want to see it happen. It'd be fucking retarded if the idea wasn't all ready on the cards, but I think every one (bar yourself) and their grand mothers can see this would be huge gold mine waiting to happen.


You are still stuck with the notion that it has to be a main series title and that it's going to displace the handheld games because whatever the fuck nonsense you believe in. If that it was really that obvious, no one would be asking.

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It would not be cost effective because it cuts out the portion of the audience that get Pokémon because of that. You guys don't see it because you're older, but that is still bit.
How do you not understand they don't have to be for the same audience????


Mario Galaxy sold about 1/3rd that of NSBM Wii... does that mean 3D Mario isn't cost effective?


Some people like 3D Mario, some people like 2D Mario, they still make both for both audiences.

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What a bunch of horse shit, this "leading authority" thing has gone way too much to your head mate.


I really doubt that the hundreds of thousands of Pokemon fans that would be interested in a console Pokemon adventure are "ignoring" facts and logic. Logically, there is nothing stopping it from being made and enjoyed. And do you know why that is? Because the majority of us who want it also happen to buy Pokemon games and also happen to know what we like about Pokemon games. So surely, given the general consensus of taste here, we're going to want to see this happen.


But no skin off my nose if Nintendo don't want to see it happen. It'd be fucking retarded if the idea wasn't all ready on the cards, but I think every one (bar yourself) and their grand mothers can see this would be huge gold mine waiting to happen.


You are still stuck with the notion that it has to be a main series title and that it's going to displace the handheld games because whatever the fuck nonsense you believe in. If that it was really that obvious, no one would be asking.

I'm not stuck with the notion, because that's what people want. They want a main Pokémon game on a home console. Sure, they could do an epic adventure with action battles etc, but that's a spin-off and spin-offs are ignored. I'm not saying a spin-off adventure game couldn't work and couldn't happen, I'm saying a main one with the main mechanics wouldn't for the reasons Masuda has stated on countless occasions in the past 10 years.


We're never going to agree so I'm going to depart.

Edited by Serebii
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I'm not stuck with the notion, because that's what people want. They want a main Pokémon game on a home console. Sure, they could do an epic adventure with action battles etc, but that's a spin-off and spin-offs are ignored. I'm not saying a spin-off adventure game couldn't work and couldn't happen, I'm saying a main one with the main mechanics wouldn't for the reasons Masuda has stated on countless occasions in the past 10 years.


We're never going to agree so I'm going to depart.


I think the problem is while you may be absolutely right, you seem to be steadfast in your determination to prove it at the detriment of letting others run away with ideas. Yeah, they may be baseless and without any plausibility, but you don't need to constantly tell everyone that. Every few posts in this thread is you saying "no" essentially. Again, your reasons for saying that may be truthful, but this is an area of discussion, let others indulge in ideas.

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