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Batman: Arkham Knight


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Got back into this after a few weeks off. Boy, it's great once i've dug into the game. I've been advised to leave the Harley Quinn pack until later into the game, as it could spoil things.


When Joker popped up in the Laboratory, that made me jump. I'm currently running through some Most Wanted side missions, just unlocked the 2nd Island and need to get to Wayne Tower to continue the story. Quite liking the side stuff, and Joker's commentary is quite entertaining.


The Batmobile/Tank stuff is ok. I like driving around, i don't like the tank battling sections. Or the fact it is needed for 90% of the Riddler trophies. May not get all the trophies, but the Most Wanted sounds exciting to do.


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Got back into this after a few weeks off. Boy, it's great once i've dug into the game. I've been advised to leave the Harley Quinn pack until later into the game, as it could spoil things.


I dont know who has been telling you that but there is pretty much no spoiler in the Harley Quinn dlc. If anything its probably designed to be played before the main game. I think I said earlier in the thread that there might be a tiny spoiler but thinking more about it, there really isnt. Its all set before the main game starts.

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I played a lot of this today and had very little interaction with the Batmobile. It was pretty damn awesome actually! Just pure Batman.


Fuaaaaaark, that was amazing. That part where Batman loses it and the whole room is filled with Jokers. I got seriously confused because I'd just cleared the whole room after seemingly rescuing Stagg and I noticed that the soldiers began to rise. I spotted once and thought...this fucking game is glitching out on me. Then they all started to rise. It was seriously creepy as fuck.



That whole section was fantastic. Best part of the game so far, for me. I didn't want to stop playing at that point. Hope it continues to get better from here.

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I played a lot of this today and had very little interaction with the Batmobile. It was pretty damn awesome actually! Just pure Batman.


Fuaaaaaark, that was amazing. That part where Batman loses it and the whole room is filled with Jokers. I got seriously confused because I'd just cleared the whole room after seemingly rescuing Stagg and I noticed that the soldiers began to rise. I spotted once and thought...this fucking game is glitching out on me. Then they all started to rise. It was seriously creepy as fuck.



That whole section was fantastic. Best part of the game so far, for me. I didn't want to stop playing at that point. Hope it continues to get better from here.


Got past that part earlier. Same as yourself, i loved it. I've reached that point in-game, where i can't put the game down now. It's brilliant.


Completed the Airship and got the remote hacking tool. Boy, that level was brilliant. A room filled with Jokers, that was creepy. Same as Flinky, i thought my game had glitched out with the rising soldiers. I've also just got Batmobile access to Founders Island, so can continue with some of the Most Wanted missions. Completed the Perfect Crime one last night, got to get all the Firefighters next amongst other things. I've also begun clearing out the RV's patrolling around Gotham (done over 1/2 of them), and a few checkpoints have been taken down. And some of the Watch Towers are down.


I'm finding driving the Batmobile around quite fun, but some of the combat is a little off as it were. I got the tank hack ability, so that's useful in big situations.



Back on it Monday night.

Edited by Jimbob
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I've just been playing Tank! Tank! Tank!...sorry, I mean, Arkham Knight. Well, what can I say?


There are some utterly terrible bits of videogame design in this that ruin it. Dreadful. Unfair. Lazy. They ruin it and spoil what is otherwise a great game.


I've said it, others have said it, critics have said and I'll say it again: The Bat-tank should not be in this game. It is the most hilariously out of place thing I've seen in a videogame for a long time. Nobody wanted this or needed this and it does nothing but cause annoyance.


Apart from being a shit villain, this guy is annoying as fuck. I did the last but one Riddler challenge yesterday, a race. What a load of bullshit it was!


So, let's think about the controls for a second. A race. R trigger to accelerate, fine. Just like in any other racer. Except, in this game, you can't use the L trigger to brake. No, that's been assigned to, yes you've gussed it, the fucking BAT TANK. So, you have to use square. For breaking. When there's obstacles popping up left right and centre, you can't really do the turns like you want to because the controls don't allow for it.


Oh, you've failed a race somewhere in the middle of it. Shall we take you to the start line so you can retry it? NO. YOU MUST FINISH THE REST OF THE LAP. EVEN WHEN YOU KNOW YOU'VE ALREADY FAILED. Ok...why? What point does that serve other than to waste time?


Not to mention, the course design itself is shit. Just shit. Why are we doing this in the first place? It's so out of place and unintelligent.


I passed it and felt no satisfaction at all, because I knew it was bullshit.



Right, the next thing...


A bullshit excuse of a mission to just get players to use the bat-tank, again. There's no structure to this at all, except that you must destroy all of the vehicles/drones that you see. All of them. Just when you think you've done it, a dozen more or so spawn on the mini-map. You have no idea how much more you have to do, because even if you go by the mini-map, the chances are that more will spawn up anyway. I've paid attention to the map, so has Ine and it is clear as day that more just pop up when you're down to the last one or two. It's just lazy design, bordering on cheating.


It's pretty shit anyway and isn't really that fun at all. I'm playing this game to be Batman, this would feel more at home in Battlefield or Call of Duty. Not to mention, you get bombarded with missiles every few seconds, have no way to regenerate health, have no timer or indication that you're close to completion and are confined to a piss-poor tiny area that the computer is allowed to move in freely but you will not.



What a shame, because I did the bank side-missions yesterday and they were fantastic. Exactly what you're looking for in a Batman game. The right combination of stealth, combat, planning ahead and usage of gadgets that you'd expect from Batman. I don't even made the Batmobile chase sequences, because I can see how they make sense. Having to use the Batmobile for virtually every Riddler section or for these bullshit bits are terrible.


I was really enjoying the game until the last two hours of play.

Edited by Fierce_LiNk
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I've just been playing Tank! Tank! Tank!...sorry, I mean, Arkham Knight. Well, what can I say?


There are some utterly terrible bits of videogame design in this that ruin it. Dreadful. Unfair. Lazy. They ruin it and spoil what is otherwise a great game.


I've said it, others have said it, critics have said and I'll say it again: The Bat-tank should not be in this game. It is the most hilariously out of place thing I've seen in a videogame for a long time. Nobody wanted this or needed this and it does nothing but cause annoyance.


Apart from being a shit villain, this guy is annoying as fuck. I did the last but one Riddler challenge yesterday, a race. What a load of bullshit it was!


So, let's think about the controls for a second. A race. R trigger to accelerate, fine. Just like in any other racer. Except, in this game, you can't use the L trigger to brake. No, that's been assigned to, yes you've gussed it, the fucking BAT TANK. So, you have to use square. For breaking. When there's obstacles popping up left right and centre, you can't really do the turns like you want to because the controls don't allow for it.


Oh, you've failed a race somewhere in the middle of it. Shall we take you to the start line so you can retry it? NO. YOU MUST FINISH THE REST OF THE LAP. EVEN WHEN YOU KNOW YOU'VE ALREADY FAILED. Ok...why? What point does that serve other than to waste time?


Not to mention, the course design itself is shit. Just shit. Why are we doing this in the first place? It's so out of place and unintelligent.


I passed it and felt no satisfaction at all, because I knew it was bullshit.



Right, the next thing...


A bullshit excuse of a mission to just get players to use the bat-tank, again. There's no structure to this at all, except that you must destroy all of the vehicles/drones that you see. All of them. Just when you think you've done it, a dozen more or so spawn on the mini-map. You have no idea how much more you have to do, because even if you go by the mini-map, the chances are that more will spawn up anyway. I've paid attention to the map, so has Ine and it is clear as day that more just pop up when you're down to the last one or two. It's just lazy design, bordering on cheating.


It's pretty shit anyway and isn't really that fun at all. I'm playing this game to be Batman, this would feel more at home in Battlefield or Call of Duty. Not to mention, you get bombarded with missiles every few seconds, have no way to regenerate health, have no timer or indication that you're close to completion and are confined to a piss-poor tiny area that the computer is allowed to move in freely but you will not.



What a shame, because I did the bank side-missions yesterday and they were fantastic. Exactly what you're looking for in a Batman game. The right combination of stealth, combat, planning ahead and usage of gadgets that you'd expect from Batman. I don't even made the Batmobile chase sequences, because I can see how they make sense. Having to use the Batmobile for virtually every Riddler section or for these bullshit bits are terrible.


I was really enjoying the game until the last two hours of play.


Oh god, if anything the Riddler stuff makes me loath the Batmobile. If the racetrack DLC coming is anything in comparison to what the Riddler offers, no chance.


And that Campaign for Disarmament. Could be one side mission i won't finish.


You have limited scope for movement, in the case for disarming the bombs. It's easier to get rid of the tanks with a few upgrades to the Batmobile, i tend to hijack one of the bigger ones to help me. It does make it easier. Then once the tanks are gone, that damn revving is annoying. Too fast, start again. Too slow, start again.


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You can change the control settings so you can use L as a brake. As for the campaign for disarment missions, they're really easy if you use remote hack.


But yeah, the Bat tank sucks balls.


I'll take a lot at those controls. Cheers, braheem sterling.


Dis fucking game. I've just done a really, really awesome bit and now I love it again.


I've just done the whole section at the movie studios. Oh my fuck, that was brilliant. See, THIS is Batman.


Fucking Joker with the flashback about Jason Todd and how he killed and tortured him. Just brilliant.


The combat between Robin and Batman when you're taking down enemies. Those fecking machine gunners where you get up high and then do a dual takedown. Just...this is the Batman game I always wanted.


That part where you're Robin and the Joker is singing and you have to disarm the bombs. Wow.


That moment when you take down the boxer with Batman and Robin taking it in turns to hit him. Brilliant.


Dat plot-twist about Batman being Joker.


The Hush mission that came straight after.





Fuck saaaaake, dis game. It's so amazing in places and infuriating in others.

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Finished 2 more "Most Wanted" last night, they do feel quite rewarding.


The Firefighters one, one of the firemen you rescue has 11 unarmed guards, 2 armed guards and 2 Brutes in a small(ish) room. Best challenged with the Disarm and Dismantle, the Disarming gun and extended Smoke, i had most success this way. And rescuing the Fire Chief, 16 armed guards. But there are a few areas split them off. I also finished the APC's patrolling around, quite easy to complete i found.



Planning to finish another 2, maybe 3 this evening. Not sure which ones yet, but once they are done it's back to the main story.

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I think I'm close to the end of this.


I think it's a bit mixed, tbh. Definitely not a great game, but it's lived up to my expectations because I wasn't super hyped. Unless something superb happens, I think it's a 7.5/10.


There's far, far, faaaar too much emphasis on the Batmobile in this game.


There's a fucking tank battle every few minutes now. Cobra tanks? Really? That "boss" battle against The Arkham Knight was just strange, tbh. It didn't feel very Batman at all. I don't even mean the Cloudburst tank fight, but rather the subterranean fight with that...thing.


The whole Rescue-Gordon from the Arkham Knight section was almost entirely Batmobile related. Did they really need to ram this down our throats so much? I get it that it's quite cool to be able to drive through the streets and to be able to rescue people or capture criminals by putting them in the Batmobile, and I honestly wouldn't mind if they just kept it to that. However, it seems like every few minutes it's "have to use the Batmobile...can only solve this problem with Batmobile..."


I only just got the fucking electrical charge and the game is nearly over!



On a whole, there's too many of these side missions. Not too many as in "there should be no Nightwing bits" or "no investigating mysterious murder" bits, but rather that there's too many of them. There seems to be a million of these Occupy Gotham missions and tons of these disarmament things, it's a bit of a drag and pretty repetitive.


Also, if you're going to base a whole game around one mechanic (TANK TANK TANK)...why not use the fucking awesome cool dual-team action that takes place in certain part of the stories. Teaming up with Nightwing was awesome, fighting alongside Robin and Catwoman is fantastic...why didn't they base the whole game around that instead?


The city is beautiful looking and the combat is great when you actually get to fight.


For me, the best thing about the game has been the Joker. Hilarious. I've legit lolled every time he's said something in this game.


As I've mentioned before, the best part of this game for me was in the movie sets with Robin. Just so, so good. I think they captured the feeling of Batman perfectly there, as there was a nice amount of stealth, great combat and they had a pivotal moment in the story to leave you gasping.


Edited by Fierce_LiNk
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I loved the races. I don't actually remember failing any of them but surely you could've just hit pause > restart like you can on every other challenge?


It's not segregated like that really, you're free to walk away at any time or carry on. You just have to get to the start line again, by yourself.

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I'm roughly 85-86% through


Just cleared all the smog from Gotham, rescued Oracle (thought she died) and secured the Watchtower. Again, another pesky tank battle with the Arkham Knight (aka Jason) and his Cloudburst. I wasn't a fan of the Batmobile vs Drill in the tunnels, i had to do a couple of dry runs before firing the rockets. I have freed Catwoman from the Riddlers necklace, but need to get all the Riddles solved to get the final battle going.


I got the electrical charge gun early on in the game, once i realised you could actually smash the glass in the evidence lockers. I'm back on my hunt for all the military checkpoints before continuing the story, got about 4 left to find.


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Ooooooh. The latest update added a photo mode! :awesome:

Some of my pics:



Some of the textures in this game are just ridiculously good. :o Photo mode is great to be able to appreciate the quality of the visuals even more.


This update also seems to have made the game run much quieter, which is awesome. :)

: peace:

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Well, i'm on the last story mission. Completed all the Most Wanted (minus the odd few Riddler trophies left), they were certainly refreshing. Survived the GCPD assault, which Flinky won't like as it featured (you guessed it) Tanks!!!!. So, gotta head to the Movie studios for the final showdown with Scarecrow.

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So, just completed Arkham Knight


Not a bad final mission, i thought the entire ending felt a little off. Even fighting Jason Todd (aka Arkham Knight) felt better. I did like Batman beating the countless Jokers, thus turning him into Joker. Reminded me of that scene in Matrix Reloaded of Neo vs Agent Smiths. What i liked a lot, was Batman ending how it begun. At the Asylum, in the main hall. Had a scene, then i ended up in 1st person Joker attending his own funeral, then shooting countless Batman statues until Batman appeared. I was expecting a epic battle between Batman and Scarecrow, but got mainly a small punch-out with Joker and a cut-scene of Scarecrow being drugged by his own drugs. Nothing special, i felt disappointed.


The endings of Asylum and City were better i thought, and that's saying something. Rocksteady made this game to be epic, it felt that in places. But a few things let it down.


I did get lazy and watch the ultimate ending, nothing special. Reminds me of the Dark Knight Returns ending of Bruce Wayne dying and coming back as Batman again. What was it, 3 endings. More like there is only 1. Nothing extra as such.


Overall though, the game was great. I loved being Batman and i loved driving around in the Batmobile. Wasn't a fan of the tank battles, nor 1/2 the stuff that the Batmobile was required for. The Most Wanted side missions, some were great (Two Face, Penguin, Azail, Firefly, Pig Face and the Firefighters). Others felt added at the last minute (Jack Ryder, Mines, Checkpoints, Watch Towers. So they felt repetitive and dull quite quick, and in the case of Jack Ryder over in 1 mission). The story was great, i figured the Arkham Knight was Jason when Joker was torturing him in the flashbacks



Just got the DLC stuff to do, and that's about it really. Overall, a very good game. Just let down by a few things.


Edit: I can't bring myself to play the Red Hood DLC, it's crap.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I finished the main story yesterday. I really enjoyed that final stretch after:


After you unmask the Arkham Knight and then have to save Oracle.

From there onwards, I really enjoyed it.


That whole sequence where Batman goes to turn himself over was...just so, so awesome. My favourite section of the entire game. A proper mindfuck.



Didn't even mind the tank battles towards the end. Once you accept that they're in there, they're not too bad really. I question whether they should be in there at all, but they're decent or good for what they are.


The only thing that annoyed me about getting to the end of the game:


You have to get ALL of the Riddler trophies before getting the full ending of the game. Fuck that. I youtubed it straight away. Can't be arsed getting all of those trophies. Every other side mission is either completed or up to 70 or so percent. I've only got about 38 Riddler Trophies and...there's just too many of them.


I would have much preferred if the trophies were separate. So, do the Riddler missions that you do to save Catwoman and have a boss battle at the end of that. Then, maybe another battle later once you complete all of the Riddler Trophies or something, but not to make it tied into the ending. The only meh thing about the ending for me.



Aside from that, I enjoyed the game, despite its faults. I really, reeeeeeally wish more was made of the dual-fighting system. I wanted to fight as Nightwing moar. :(

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Finally finished it. It did grow on me, a lot, there are many bits which snapped me back to being annoyed with it, but in general it's still good. It's one of the buggiest games I've played in a long long long time, and considering it asked me to update the game every few days it was still really sloppy.


When it was good it's still amazing, but too buggy, too bat-tanky, not enough indoor stuff. 7.5/10. If it was batman 1 I'd have loved it, but after the other 2 and it being one of my most anticipated games it's a disappointment.

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Yeah, I can't fault the game on a technical level. It looked and sounded great and I don't remember coming across any bugs, glitches or crashes. Seemed really well made, for consoles anyway.


Aside from the tank bits, the game is excellent. Even towards the end, I wouldn't say I accepted to the tank bits but I found them less irritating. I wasn't keen on The Riddler, but I didn't think much of those bits in Arkham City anyway, so there's nowt new there.


Story was excellent though. Looking back, I think I preferred this story to Arkham City. Definitely will play it through again at some point.

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