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Nintendo Direct: The Legend of Buffering


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Every Zelda has always cried out for post-game content, but I don't think it will happen.


That said it would be perfect if getting all the items/heart pieces, completing the Bomber's Notebook and then beating the boss let you reach the next day. The game was basically built to have a dynamic overworld so changing it one more time wouldn't be that difficult.

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Why are people crying out for HD remakes :) Fuck them. Majoras Mask on the 3DS at a push (inevitable). But for the Wii U we already have Hyrule Warriors, not let's just have the new incre-Zelda for the Wii U and wish for loads of new games.


To be the worlds biggest hypocrite. I'd fucking love a HD F Zero GX with online :D (only if that's the only means by getting a new FZero)

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Why are people crying out for HD remakes :) Fuck them.

Because remakes are easy to develop (compared to writing, designing and building a game from scratch) and make money... which Nintendo needs on the Wii U. Same reason I think they should release a much bigger back catalogue of Snes, N64 and Gamecube games on the VC.

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Because remakes are easy to develop (compared to writing, designing and building a game from scratch) and make money... which Nintendo needs on the Wii U. Same reason I think they should release a much bigger back catalogue of Snes, N64 and Gamecube games on the VC.


True. But I guess I don't want franchise fatigue mario style with Zelda!


My hypocrisy continues as int he last page I predicted, and stroll think, we could see Luigis Mansion 2 HD remake today!

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Because remakes are easy to develop (compared to writing, designing and building a game from scratch) and make money... which Nintendo needs on the Wii U. Same reason I think they should release a much bigger back catalogue of Snes, N64 and Gamecube games on the VC.


Agreed. Plus I think it will only create more momentum for the new Wii U Zelda. In my opinion, OOT, MM & WW were more accessible than TP & SS, releasing the first free for newer gamers might improve appeal.

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Here's my predictions:


  • Kirby 3DS release date
  • New Yoshi's Island or whatever it's called footage
  • Luigi's Mansion HD ( could be either the original or the 3DS version, maybe both? )
  • New trailer for X
  • Indie montage
  • First showing of western version of Tomodachi Collection
  • Zelda Majora's Mask 3DS shown
  • Dragon Quest VII western release announced
  • Something regarding the VC. Hopefully GBA/N64 games
  • Something Kong related for Smash Bros.
  • Massive amount of details in regards to Mario Kart
  • FAST finally gets shown off ( would love if this turned out to be F-Zero )
  • Bayonetta 2 gets another showing with the original Bayonetta getting a release on the e-Shop before the sequel hits


I think that's a reasonable list.

Edited by Hero-of-Time
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It's a fairly lengthy one :) (at least the US one is)


I take it they won't be talking about 3rd party support at least on Wii U otherwise it would be < 1 minute long.


I'd like a new 2D Metroid, preferably for Wii U. Why not for both?


As much as I love Majora's Mask, I think a sequel would be better. I don't replay games. Once they're done, they're done. The exception being Super Metroid.


I don't want it dominated by DKCR:TF or junk like Wii Sports U.


I'd love a cool, flash new character reveal Smash Bros. of Captain Falcon that ends with a Falcon punch at the screen only to reveal the new F-Zero game in production. F-Zero GX HD'd plus 16 new courses, remixed music, 32 player online, voicechat, camera integration for in game face, use photos and gamepad to customise and create your own racers.


I'd like to see a new IP created. Maybe see what Miyamoto has been working on for so long.


Second gamepad integration. It's lame that only 1 person gets to use the new controller for the Wii U which is another reason that they should be embracing online more.


Once and for all get the VC sorted.


I await with 0% expectation.


I really do hope games aren't rushed to try and remedy the mess Wii U is in.

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Hang on a sec, haven't you been saying "What are Nintendo doing over there, the Wii U needs games now!!!!111" this whole time?


If games aren't ready to show, then they aren't ready to show. They can't just magically produce something.


They have to have something. What the hell are they doing over there? Sure even last Januarys Nintendo Direct showed Yarn Yoshi, all what 20 seconds of it. It's been vapourware since but at least it was something and we know it's coming. This year more than ever they have to come out fighting.


I often wonder what the hell does Reggie do all year? Very little by the looks of it. Sits in his office twiddling his thumbs eating plates of Mario garlic mushrooms then decides around May, "better shift this fat and get my body ready for E3". Then remembers we don't do an E3 conference anymore and continues eating.


Learn to read, they were right after each other. Your attempts at trolling is pathetic including your mention of June being Spring. I said they should to have something to SHOW that's why I mentioned Yarn Yoshi.

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Yeah i don't want to get my hopes up to much for this, because they will come to this assuming most aren't aware of the shareholder meeting, so will discuss issues surrounding that.




They are under intense pressure so they need to deliver, and i think there will be a fair few anouncements of upcoming games generally followed by more at a later date/E3


semi hopefull predictions but wholey unrealistic

  • Majora's Mask 3D

  • Mario Galaxy 1 +2 double HD pack

  • Twilight Princess + Skyward Sword Double HD pack

  • Super Mario Sunshine HD + New ways to play (wiimote controls from Galaxy, pointer aiming for FLUDD)

  • Luigi's Mansion 3D (original remade for 3DS)

  • Expanded VC including N64, Gamecube, GBA, Mega Drive/CD/32x, Saturn, Dreamcast emulation (hell everyone is saying its a dreamcast 2 Nintendo capitalise on it), Arcade, Hudson, NeoGeo and as a stop gap....full gamepad support in Wii mode, updates at current upgrade cost to be released more frequently


Almost certain to be mentioned

  • New Zelda Teaser and name reveal (more at E3)

  • X trailer and Date

  • Bayonetta 2 Date

  • Smash Bros trailer and Date


Completely outlandish because they are almost Dead ip's

  • New 2D Metroid

  • New F-Zero


Completely unexpected and largely unwanted predictions

  • New Ice climbers

  • New Dr Mario Game

  • New New Super Mario Bros Game

Edited by Agent Gibbs
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Learn to read, they were right after each other. Your attempts at trolling is pathetic including your mention of June being Spring. I said they should to have something to SHOW that's why I mentioned Yarn Yoshi.


Trolling? I was talking about the previous year or so, not just this one instance. You're constantly moaning about games being delayed and how MK and Donkey Kong should have been released ASAP, demanding to see Yarn Yoshi on sale, stating "the Wii U needs games NOW" etc. I was simply pointing out the hypocrisy of you now saying "Gee I really hope Nintendo aren't rushing their games to combat the Wii U's problems"


I'd also love to know what you think June is. If you go by the actual seasonal calendar, Spring carries on until June 21st. Even 10 year olds know this. My point was that E3 is taking place at the end of Spring and where we're likely to hear about games releasing in Summer/Autumn.

Edited by Ronnie
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  • *Majora's Mask 3D
    *Mario Galaxy 1 +2 double HD pack
    *Twilight Princess + Skyward Sword Double HD pack
    *Super Mario Sunshine HD + New ways to play (wiimote controls from Galaxy, pointer aiming for FLUDD)
    *Luigi's Mansion 3D (original remade for 3DS)
    *Expanded VC including N64, Gamecube, GBA, Mega Drive/CD/32x, Saturn, Dreamcast emulation (hell everyone is saying its a dreamcast 2 Nintendo capitalise on it), Arcade, Hudson, NeoGeo and as a stop gap....full gamepad support in Wii mode, updates at current upgrade cost to be released more frequently


I think you're going to be very very disappointed if you're expecting any, let alone all, of that. Galaxy 1, Galaxy 2, TP, SS, Sunshine and Luigi's Mansion all remade? Keep dreaming! Actually, your expanded VC list is even more crazy. I really don't think Nintendo care so much about the VC, it's not going to shift consoles to anyone but a hardcore niche.

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I think you're going to be very very disappointed if you're expecting any, let alone all, of that. Galaxy 1, Galaxy 2, TP, SS, Sunshine and Luigi's Mansion all remade? Keep dreaming! Actually, your expanded VC list is even more crazy. I really don't think Nintendo care so much about the VC, it's not going to shift consoles to anyone but a hardcore niche.


I already am dispapointed, i can't go lower, i know not one of those will come true


the only one i expect to come true is new ice climbers, because nobody wants it and Nintendo are so out of touch they would think its what we want


I doubt any new games will be mentioned, at best we'll get dates for ones we know, and lots of grovelling appologies

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@Wii there's no need to respond to someone quite so aggressively. Calm it.


He's always at it and it's a lie. My response is hardly aggressive. I'm entitled to defend myself.


@Ronnie They let the Wii die in 2010 so yes I'd expect with all that time they'd have been further on with developing games for the Wii U. Just look at the launch, what did they have? NintendoLand and another NSMB. No wonder they're in trouble. Then there's other examples like Pikmin 3 coming out 6 months late.

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@Ronnie They let the Wii die in 2010 so yes I'd expect with all that time they'd have been further on with developing games for the Wii U. Just look at the launch, what did they have? NintendoLand and another NSMB. No wonder they're in trouble. Then there's other examples like Pikmin 3 coming out 6 months late.


Not sure what point of mine that's in reply to, but ok.

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