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  Retro_Link said:
For a second I thought we were getting a new PunchOut, that would have been something at least, if not the most desirable franchise and a questionable decision... 'but that's Nintendo' I thought. Nope. SSB trailer.


Oh and then I thought other Nintendo characters in Mario Kart, when he said 'may not be what you're expecting'... and whilst the Koopalings are cool additions :D ... they're not Smash Kart!


The smash bros. logo started the trailer so no, but it made me desperately want a cel shaded, comic book styled punch out. Love the series!!! On the 3DS would be great!


And yeah, I thought Nintendo Kart too, after the smash trailer last month... And that stupid tease... Oh boy...

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Mario Kart 8 looks good. The anti-gravity addition seems to add more variety to the tracks as well, something that surely everyone can appreciate.

X and Bayonetta 2 looked awesome. These are the kind of games I bought the system for (and also Monster Hunter). But...no release date? Now, this wouldn't really matter if the Wii U schedule was filled with other games, but it's not...So, lots of waiting and gaming on other systems then, I guess...A few killer titles alone do not a system make. #sorrynintendo


GBA emulation is kool I guess, but why on the Wii U? Easier to capture footage though, so I'm not complaining...


Bottom line: the Wii U is and keeps on being a support console, i.e. something that you'd get in addition to your main gaming device. So maybe, just maybe a price cut should be in order at some point...


Yeah Mario Kart 8 looks fantastic. Other then that, its a shame they didn't show anything new to look forward to for the Wii U. Not even a teaser for anything new. but I guess this was all about games coming out in Spring.


I think the reason Nintendo are doing handheld games on wii u instead of 3DS is because they're future proofing the service. They said the next consoles will be based off the wii u OS; so if it's ready on the Wii U this gen, then they can port it over much more easily, when both consoles will be combined!


This is just a guess from by the way :)


Great stuff for 3DS, fuck all new for Wii U (outside of NES Remix Vol 2)


Sounds about normal then :blank:


Also what the hell happened to those N64 Wii U VC games!? Don't you go thinking that I forgot about them Nintendo!!! :mad:

  Helmsly said:
Yeah Mario Kart 8 looks fantastic. Other then that, its a shame they didn't show anything new to look forward to for the Wii U. Not even a teaser for anything new. but I guess this was all about games coming out in Spring.


This x1000, 'games coming out in Spring', that says it all. There's still another two Directs to come and then a little thing called E3. And yet we're back to 'fcuk you Nintendo' ?


Shame no Majora's Mask announcement though but ALBW is still fairly new so they may not want to step on its toes.

  Ronnie said:
This x1000, 'games coming out in Spring', that says it all. There's still another two Directs to come and then a little thing called E3. And yet we're back to 'fcuk you Nintendo' ?


Shame no Majora's Mask announcement though but ALBW is still fairly new so they may not want to step on its toes.


Two games for the whole of Spring is still not enough. And its not just about Spring, the first Direct of the year after acknowledging major poor performance (of the Wii U) is about telling the world why you should buy the console and why current owners should have faith in their investment.


Not to be a rainbow of negativity - but if Nintendo fans are feeling this, its no real wonder other console owners, those on the fence, and even the newer generation of gamers will scoff at the Wii U and move on.


Its just a bizzare way of running an entertainment business - by producing minimal entertainment value.

  King_V said:
Two games for the whole of Spring is still not enough.


It's more than enough, considering... Don't make the mistake of expecting the Wii U to ever have the potential to become your primary device, it will NEVER fill that role. As a secondary, 2 games per season is about what I'd expect, and that's exactly what Nintendo consoles have always been about, except for the NES/SNES days. Nintendo's home consoles have become a completely different product than their competitors'. Ever since the N64, Nintendo consoles have always been about having 3~5 great exclusive games per year (which accumulate and always end up as part of a terrific line up of quality titles that usually put the other consoles' exclusive lineups to shame).


You want my advice? Build yourself a PC and think of the Wii U as a special friend that you don't see as often, but which delivers in spades whenever you do. You'll be alot happier with it, then.

  Oxigen_Waste said:
It's more than enough, considering... Don't make the mistake of expecting the Wii U to ever have the potential to become your primary device, it will NEVER fill that role. As a secondary, 2 games per season is about what I'd expect, and that's exactly what Nintendo consoles have always been about, except for the NES/SNES days. Nintendo's home consoles have become a completely different product than their competitors'. Ever since the N64, Nintendo consoles have always been about having 3~5 great exclusive games per year (which accumulate and always end up as part of a terrific line up of quality titles that usually put the other consoles' exclusive lineups to shame).


You want my advice? Build yourself a PC and think of the Wii U as a special friend that you don't see as often, but which delivers in spades whenever you do. You'll be alot happier with it, then.



I'm glad you're posting in this board again. Totally agree with the above.

  Oxigen_Waste said:
It's more than enough, considering... Don't make the mistake of expecting the Wii U to ever have the potential to become your primary device, it will NEVER fill that role. As a secondary, 2 games per season is about what I'd expect, and that's exactly what Nintendo consoles have always been about, except for the NES/SNES days. Nintendo's home consoles have become a completely different product than their competitors'. Ever since the N64, Nintendo consoles have always been about having 3~5 great exclusive games per year (which accumulate and always end up as part of a terrific line up of quality titles that usually put the other consoles' exclusive lineups to shame).


You want my advice? Build yourself a PC and think of the Wii U as a special friend that you don't see as often, but which delivers in spades whenever you do. You'll be alot happier with it, then.


Yeah I understand, but its just a damn shame that this has to be the case with Nintendo. I'm not just expecting Nintendo games but two decent third parties this spring would have soften the blow.


I think trading a Wii U for a 3DS XL and getting one of the other two consoles is a better move. The 3DS is like the Snes of today, gotta give that little thing credit.

  Oxigen_Waste said:
It's more than enough, considering... Don't make the mistake of expecting the Wii U to ever have the potential to become your primary device, it will NEVER fill that role. As a secondary, 2 games per season is about what I'd expect, and that's exactly what Nintendo consoles have always been about, except for the NES/SNES days. Nintendo's home consoles have become a completely different product than their competitors'. Ever since the N64, Nintendo consoles have always been about having 3~5 great exclusive games per year (which accumulate and always end up as part of a terrific line up of quality titles that usually put the other consoles' exclusive lineups to shame).


Yeah, it seems once again that a Nintendo console needs to be a companion piece, otherwise you're going to miss out on a lot of great titles/content from 3rd party developers.


  canand said:
This is there first HD Console they have to get used to it and All the good games get announced at E3 sometimes


Or they could have just looked at what was happening 8 years ago and prepared for HD development.


The main thing that i've taken from the ND is that 3DS has good a lineup for Spring but the Wii U looks dire. We have DK next week and then the next big retail title is 30th May!!! That's insane and without 3rd party support filling the gaps it's gonna be a long wait between games for those who only have a Wii U.


The GBA games will help with the situation but it depends on what games they offer. Stuff like Golden Sun and Advance Wars would be great at the start of the service as they can't be completed in a few hours.


Biggest disappointment for me was the showing of X. I can't remember the last time I seen such a boring demo. I would have just preferred another hype inducing trailer.

  Ronnie said:
They can't just magically create new bits of AAA software to show off every two months.


Or every 12 months it seems.


  canand said:
This is there first HD Console they have to get used to it and All the good games get announced at E3 sometimes


That's a pretty lame excuse. You do not release a product until you are 100% on it. You don't ask your consumer to wait and hope. You don't buy a car to be told you can't drive it or a PC to be told that there is no software for it.


Nintendo were crucified last year for not releasing enough games, having huge drought, after they promised there wouldn't be one this time. This in turn created awful sales; they didn't market it and promised they'd set it, we all though they'd blitz it in the second half of the year - marketing and games. They didn't. They canceled one of the biggest releases - donkey kong, for this year. Now we know why! Not only was last year bad, isn't this year EVEN WORSE?! This is what I don't understand... If they had a bad year last year on releases when they didn't thin they would; why isn't that software ready now?!


Fact is, the wii u is in an unbelievably AWFUL position, and this was their first shot at restoring confidence, to make people maybe pick one up for the already great games; they won't. Also for Wii U owners that they have software to actually play. Who's to say a flood of wii u owners won't sell up and buy a machine that is being supported.


They said it was about spring but they still gave us desperate videos of games with no release dates - one probably end of th year one probably next year. Would it have been THAT difficult to give is a sneaky peak at a new game at the end of the year? SOMETHING positive? Are they that fucking stupid they don't realise they need a positive bit of news? That after a disastrous year everyone would be fine with two games being released in the first 5 months?!


I fear we HAVE seen everything that's coming out this year - Smash, Hyrule Warriors and Bayonetta 2... Imagine!! Even worse than 2013...


Dreadful. GBA games on Wii U? Why? So we can experience them in crappo vision? 3DS or don't bother. As for the lineup... Good god, WTF Nintendo? Mario Kart and Smash... That's it? Great games (for those that have friends and a stable net connection). Even the 3DS games, what...? Yoshi/Kirby...are they even made at Nintendo outsourced? I have to onder (like many others) just what Nintendo's inhouse teams are doing (other than readying VC games nobody wants AGAIN at the speed of a tortoise, while ignoring the ones we want or ones that havn't been released before). Did half their staff get laid off secretly?It feels like they've given up.


I doubt Zelda will be out this year. I get Nintendo likes to keep things hidden, but these days they seem to keep quiet because they have nothing.


Yes, they'll probably announce a game or two at E3 for release later in the year, but what about until then?


We're about due another 3DS Mario, so NEW Mario Bros 3 (sigh) will be an announcement.


If Nintendo can't be bothered making anything, try releasing some Enix gems or something. I've more to say, but it's so annoying using the gamepad keyboard.

Posted (edited)
  Mr_Master_X2 said:
Dreadful. GBA games on Wii U? Why? So we can experience them in crappo vision? 3DS or don't bother. As for the lineup... Good god, WTF Nintendo? Mario Kart and Smash... That's it? Great games (for those that have friends and a stable net connection). Even the 3DS games, what...? Yoshi/Kirby...are they even made at Nintendo outsourced? I have to onder (like many others) just what Nintendo's inhouse teams are doing (other than readying VC games nobody wants AGAIN at the speed of a tortoise, while ignoring the ones we want or ones that havn't been released before). Did half their staff get laid off secretly?It feels like they've given up.


I doubt Zelda will be out this year. I get Nintendo likes to keep things hidden, but these days they seem to keep quiet because they have nothing.


Yes, they'll probably announce a game or two at E3 for release later in the year, but what about until then?


We're about due another 3DS Mario, so NEW Mario Bros 3 (sigh) will be an announcement.


If Nintendo can't be bothered making anything, try releasing some Enix gems or something. I've more to say, but it's so annoying using the gamepad keyboard.


I worry about E3. All I see is Nintendo being a little sideshow as PS4/XB1 go into overdrive.


Nintendo were crucified last year for not releasing enough games, having huge drought, after they promised there wouldn't be one this time. This in turn created awful sales; they didn't market it and promised they'd set it, we all though they'd blitz it in the second half of the year - marketing and games. They didn't. They canceled one of the biggest releases - donkey kong, for this year. Now we know why! Not only was last year bad, isn't this year EVEN WORSE?! This is what I don't understand... If they had a bad year last year on releases when they didn't thin they would; why isn't that software ready now?!


Yep DK was delayed simply because there was nothing else to release before MK8. Its a joke!!

Edited by liger05

Good points. I think Nintendo is doing what they can to provide as many games as they possibly can, even too many if you look at number of Mario games etc. They're at their limit already, which is resulting in severe franchise fatigue as Ashley put it in the other topic. The real problem is the lack of 3rd party games; without those, Nintendo's own, normal output simply isn't enough to offer a full console experience, just the occasional gems and way too much platforming. Like I said, it's a support / secondary console, so just deal with it and venture into other platforms to fill the gaps.

Posted (edited)
  Ville said:
Good points. I think Nintendo is doing what they can to provide as many games as they possibly can, even too many if you look at number of Mario games etc. They're at their limit already, which is resulting in severe franchise fatigue as Ashley put it in the other topic. The real problem is the lack of 3rd party games; without those, Nintendo's own, normal output simply isn't enough to offer a full console experience, just the occasional gems and way too much platforming. Like I said, it's a support / secondary console, so just deal with it and venture into other platforms to fill the gaps.


The idea that people should just accept it is crazy. So what your saying is people who invested in the Wii U should basically accept it as a secondry console and then re-invest into another platform simply because Nintendo do not do good enough job to support their own platform or cant convince third parties to support their platform?


Please do remind me when Nintendo ever came out and told the consumer that the product they are buying is nothing but a secondry console and expect gaming droughts and no third party support. Thats right they never did so to simply let them off the hook is insulting.


Nintendo deserve to be taken to town on how they have handles this platform from day 1. They have let us down bigtime!!!

Edited by liger05
  liger05 said:
The idea that people should just accept it is crazy. So what your saying is people who invested in the Wii U should basically accept it as a secondry console and then re-invest into another platform simply because Nintendo do not do good enough job to support their own platform or cant convince third parties to support their platform?


Please do remind me when Nintendo ever came out and told the consumer that the product they are buying is nothing but a secondry console and expect gaming droughts and no third party support. Thats right they never did so to simply let them off the hook is insulting.


Nintendo deserve to be taken to town on how they have handles this platform from day 1. They have let us down bigtime!!!


What else can you do? It's not as if boycotting the console will do any good as people are essentially doing that and Nintendo don't show like they will be changing their strategy any time soon.


It's up to the press and media to get answers from them but the questions they ask are never the right ones.


So, yeah, it's a question of grinning and bearing it. All you can really do is vote with your wallet when their next console is released.

  liger05 said:
The idea that people should just accept it is crazy. So what your saying is people who invested in the Wii U should basically accept it as a secondry console and then re-invest into another platform simply because Nintendo do not do good enough job to support their own platform or cant convince third parties to support their platform?


Please do remind me when Nintendo ever came out and told the consumer that the product they are buying is nothing but a secondary console and expect gaming droughts and no third party support. Thats right they never did so to simply let them off the hook is insulting.


Nintendo deserve to be taken to town on how they have handles this platform from day 1. They have let us down bigtime!!!


Yeah I agree. I will never understand people that think its perfectly acceptable for them to make a games console with yet again, No third party support.


@liger05 Yep, like HoT put it, what else can you do? Whine on the internet, repeat the same arguments over and over again? Been there, done that, nothing changed, and it seems little is gonna change in the future either. Nintendo simply don't have the capacity to crank out games all the time, just reference the older consoles.


And btw, I'm already voting with my wallet. I've only bought MH3U and AC3 so far, and a few 0,99€ VC games; that's all. In this poor economic situation, other consoles and especially steam are offering me much better deals with innovation yet also cheap prices. Also, you can get a 360 for a 100€ at a gamestop, and the library is bursting with AAA titles with 10-20€ prices. So I really don't see any other option than just accepting the reality and adapting to it...

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