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Moments in Gaming That Have Blown You Away


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Metroid Prime


"Urgh, another uninspired first person shooter" I remember thinking about it, never having played a Metroid game before and not bothering to learn anything about it. Even when it got a 9.8 on IGN I wasn't impressed.


But then a mate brought it round on the evening it was released. Guess which shop I went to the following day...


Blown. Away.

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I think i'd need a few new pairs of jeans if i could play a few games again for the first time ever.


Returning to the topic in hand. I'll name a few now, and when i can remember more i'll add to this list (playing so, so many games it's hard to remember all the moments)


Ocarina of Time


The first time stepping out into Hyrule Field, that glorious cutscene showing it in it's full glory. At the time, this was breathtaking. For Child Link, this is a moment where being a child ends and it's time to grow up. The moment where you realise that you ain't a real Kokari. I don't think words can really do that justice. But that was a stand-out moment for me.


Metroid Prime


Like many, i went into this game not expecting much. Thinking it was just "another shooter-style" game, i went in. I quite liked it as it was. But the moment that blew me away, well the image below shows it better than words can




Can't say it better than that.


Red Dead Redemption


The ending was one of them "wow" moments, but another moment which stood out as "wow". Entering Mexico for the first time (with that music at Sunset). That was something else. The scenery, the landscape. Everything about that moment was something well worth remembering.


Wind Waker


Tower of Gods, the storms as you sail across the ocean.

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Lets see -


The opening launch sequence in Starwing


"They're all too far apart to hear what the others are saying. All they can do... is shine their lights from afar." - To The Moon


Stepping out onto the planet for the first time in Metroid Prime and seeing the rain on your visor.


The Matrix level in Conkers BFD


Pushing the accelerator button for the first time in F-Zero GX.


Stepping onto the Omega promenade in Mass Effect 2.

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Maybe stretching the spirit of the term "mind blowing" here but I maintain it applies in it's application of "jaw dropping"-


Diving off the Gerudo Falls bridge in Ocarina of Time.


When the full & true identity of the mysterious Marth figure in Fire Emblem: Awakening is revealed.


The nuclear moment in CoD 4: Modern Warfare.


That time in Battlefield 2 I shot down an Apache helicopter flying at full speed with an unguided AT missile to it's broadside.


The the forty-odd minute tutorial to Eve Online.


Finally getting something into orbit in Kerbal Space Program.


"Would you kindly... Would you kindly... Would you kindly... Would you kindly step into Mr Ryan's Office and kill that son of a bitch." - Bioshock

Edited by gaggle64
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The part in the second Layton game where you have to blow into the microphone to solve the puzzle. Shit literally blew me away!


Actually, going off of that but in a similar vain, the puzzle in Another Code where you have a stamp and need to press it. Spent ages tapping away at the touch screen only to have nothing happen. No idea what to do and then eventually put closed the DS and opened it later only to notice that part of the stamp had been pressed! :o Genuinely one of the best things I've seen in a game. Such a simple idea but really blew me away back in the day.

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Oh damn. Top props on that pic @Jimbob. Prime was my proper first metroid really that I got on a whim to get the Zelda CE - and that very moment you've posted...wow. Yeah. I should really replay that game.


Ditto, it's on my list of games to replay. May even pick-up the Trilogy set on the Wii (if i can find it anywhere, and i know i have to pay top dollar for it these days)

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Actually, going off of that but in a similar vain, the puzzle in Another Code where you have a stamp and need to press it. Spent ages tapping away at the touch screen only to have nothing happen. No idea what to do and then eventually put closed the DS and opened it later only to notice that part of the stamp had been pressed! :o Genuinely one of the best things I've seen in a game. Such a simple idea but really blew me away back in the day.


Phantom Hourglass has an exactly the same kind of moment in it - I was similarly very impressed at the idea of it. It was just...well, you know how it was I guess :p

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Great Thread.


Mr Do! - Just my favorite game ever for a quick 10 minute blast.


Indy 500 Playing 4 players with paddles in the early 80's.


Sensible World of Soccer/Wii Sports Put these together because in both instances I bought an Amiga/Wii just to play these games.


Wave Race 64 - The water.


Resident Evil - Didn't even play this, was just watching a mate play it and when those hounds jumped through the window we all jumped. Amazing because at the time it seemed so realistic and when see the graphics now they look awful.


Star Wars Rogue Leader - Got this at launch with the gamecube. A bit like Resi it didn't play brilliantly but just looked so good, it really felt like you were playing the film.


And have to give a shout to Championship Manager and Mario Kart, no particular stand out moments as such, just two game series that have been part of my life for many years. They feel like family.

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Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem


I was playing this back in the day, and my Gamecube came up with a disc error on the screen. My sanity meter was low so naturally, I waited for "THIS....CAN'T...BE..HAAAAAAPENNNNIIIIIINNNGGGG!!!"...but nothing...no button presses would get me back to the game screen. Five minutes later, I had to switch off the console and reload.


Had this had happened on any other game, I would have been a bit miffed and just got on with it, but this one always made me wonder to this day...was that an insanity effect, or did my game really crash...?


I suppose that's testament to the wonderful way this game got under your skin, no other game has had me questioning my own sanity like that!

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